Babs' New Year's Resolution 17

Heroine picture.jpg

Severe heroine addiction. She's thirteen years old.

Bab’s New Year’s Resolution 17

List of Characters.

Barbara. Chief Protagonist AKA Bab’s.

Lola. (Seventeen) Transgendered girl rescued by Bab’s from an attempted murder.

Olivia. (Fifteen) Barbara’s second adopted daughter: Black lesbian girl fostered out of care then adopted. (With Olivia’s consent!)

Joyce Banks. Bristol Social worker.

Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to -

Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.

They are a married couple who own a narrow-boat on the canal. Friends of Lola

Mickey Talbot (Twelve) Aaron and Shirley’s oldest child.

Jessica Talbot (Eleven) Aaron & Shirley’s middle child.

Bianca Talbot (Nine) Aaron & Shirley’s Youngest child.

Billy Medical colleague of Aaron’s – he also owns a narrow boat in Bristol.

Sandra Her parents also own another Narrowboat in Gloucester.

Jackie Sandra’s friend (a bit headstrong and ‘adventurous’)

Julie Third member of the threesome, (more level-headed and sensible than Jackie).

Jason. (Black) London Gang member deals in drugs at the children’s homes

Tyrone (Black) Also a gang member, friend of Jason. Also a dealer.

Tyson (White) Also a gang member into drugs and trafficking young girls.

Angela (Angie), Olivia’s trafficked, drug-addicted friend (Rape-gang Victim and important witness)

Sergeant Davis, (Bridie) female police bodyguard for Angela.

Detective Sergeant Davies. (Brian) Bridie’s twin brother.

Inspector John, Heading up the anti-rape-gang operation in Birmingham.

Erica. Another girl victim thought to have been killed by the gang.

Chapter 17.

When the three girls arrived at the Cheltenham Police HQ with Police-woman Sutcliff, they were hustled into a secure interview suite and offered cups of tea. This action alone drove home to the store manager and security guard that something extraordinary was afoot. By now it was just past four o’clock and they knew they did not have long to wait. As it happened, Inspector John and the Birmingham superintendent actually arrived slightly before Bridie and the video evidence was already prepared for police viewing by the time Bridie arrived.

After two viewings, the superintendent stood up and shook his head with some disgust.

“Well from what I’ve seen, the girls are completely innocent. Were there any other cameras?”

The security guard wagged his head with embarrassment.

“Uuhm, no.”

“Well do you agree there’s no case to answer?”

The store manager looked up red-faced and nodded affirmation.

“Good. Now I think these ladies are owed an apology, don’t you?”

Both the guard and the manager apologised somewhat reluctantly.

“Good!” The superintendent responded. “Might I suggest gentlemen that you keep your prejudices on a tighter leash in future.”

With the affair cleared up from the bureaucratic aspect and an apology literally wrung out of the store staff, Olivia and Angela were sufficiently mollified to return back to the Canal cottage with Bridie. Inspector John and the Birmingham Police superintendent shared a meal with the girls and Sergeant Bridie before she and the three girls returned to the cottage while the two senior officers returned to Birmingham. As they drove back up the M5 to Birmingham the superintendent spoke about the girls.

“They don’t seem like bad kids. Considering the two black kids have been in care in London you’d think they’d have been a lot more sassy!”

Inspector John nodded and smiled.

“I think you can put that down to my Sergeant Bridie and the old lady Bab’s, who’s housing them for Bristol Social services. She’s in her seventies but she’s a sprightly old lady and Lola and Olivia absolutely adore her. I’m pretty sure the new girl Angela will grow to like her as well. You saw how the three kids gel.”

“Yes. It’s a good job the kids got to see and experience justice being done. That makes me feel good.”

“Amen to that.” Inspector John agreed as they sped north.” It makes the kids feel good as well. Makes them feel that they matter and that somebody cares. I’m glad my sergeant reacted so quickly and positively.”

“Promotion material I’m thinking.” The superintendent finished.

Back at the cottage, the three girls were full of themselves as they related the day’s events to Bab’s and Sergeant Brian, Bridie’s brother.

“And you should have seen the police-woman’s face when GCHQ answered the phone. Priceless!” Angela squealed.

“She was only doing her job Angie. It’s never easy for a police-woman when she’s going into any situation cold.” Bridie cautioned. “Would you like to face an angry man, possibly a violent man when your alone on the streets?”

Angela’s mirth evaporated instantly as she recalled the abuse she had experience but a couple of months earlier.

“Well – no. See what you mean.”

“And I’m sure she certainly wasn’t as abusive as that security guard, was she?”

“Well, no actually -.”

“And when she showed up at the store, were you pleased to see her or frightened?”

Angela fell silent for in truth she’d actually felt relief when officer Sutcliff had appeared in the store. It felt good to be ‘legal’ after a lifetime of being at odds with the law if not actually outside it. She found it difficult to admit to her feelings but her thoughtful silence persuaded Bridie to let it rest there and not embarrass the girl further. Instead she turned to Bab’s to relate the day’s events in full and more importantly consider any security issues that might somehow spin off from the situation.

More importantly, the three girls sat attentively around the table and became active in the discussion. They were further intrigued to see Brian making notes of the points discussed and raised. Bridie was pleased to note the girls’ responses and concluded they were beginning to take things seriously. The afternoon had been something of a wake-up call even though there had been no seemingly dangerous consequences emerging.


The following weekend found them back at Birmingham hospital to meet with the rescued girl Erica for the first time since they met her briefly on arrival back in the UK. To the girls there seemed to be little improvement in Erica’s mental condition though her physical appearance had improved slightly and the three girls were thankful for that. Sadly, Erica was not yet fit enough to go on any trips or shopping excursions and the girls were therefore compelled to simply sit with her and chat sympathetically.

This was the first time Olivia and Lola had seen a fully-fledged addiction, for when they had met Angela, she had been several months along the road to recovery. Erica’s circumstances were entirely different and her mental deterioration left Olivia and Lola quite distressed. Even Angela (who had actually been there,) was disturbed by Erica’s lack of any coherent communication.

The long silences as the three girls struggled desperately to inject conversation into the meeting, was proving to be emotionally exhausting and eventually the ward sister felt compelled call a halt.

Tactfully she ascribed the impasse to Erica’s depression but in truth she could see that Olivia was becoming severely distressed for she had no yardstick to compare Erica’s catatonia. She gently curtailed the meeting by introducing tea and cake and giving the girls some diversion to circumvent their embarrassment. Finally, she used the excuse that Erica was scheduled for her next dose of methadone to be followed by rest and sleep. The girls were loath to admit that they were secretly relieved to curtail the visit.

Fortunately for the girls, Erica was so ‘out-of-it’ that she made no signs of distress or unhappiness when the nurse wheeled her away. It was as though she didn’t even know the girls had visited.

Lola, being older and less personally affected by the addiction issues, approached the sister in her private side office while Olivia and Angela were eating the cake.

“Is Erica in a worse state than Angela was?”

The sister nodded sombrely. “Yes. What tests we have managed to conduct, show that her blood condition is much more severely affected and we think she might have aids. At least her immune system would seem to indicate aids. We are waiting for the return of the test results, probably Monday but I’m not hopeful.”

Lola felt a cold lump settle in her breast and she felt she never should have asked. What was worse was that she dare not tell Olivia or Angie for there was no knowing how they would take it, if it was true. There was also the patient confidentiality angle. Technically the first affected person to learn of the illness should normally be the patient but Erica was a minor who currently had no official next of kin. Her previous carer had been the London borough social services but that was suspended because she was in the care of the police and the crown as a vital witness. Until a new court care order was awarded to some authority, or individual adult carer, Eric’s life was in a legal limbo. Lola sighed wearily for it seemed poor Erica faced a desperately destructive existence.

The hardest part was returning to Olivia and Angela whilst keeping up appearances. Fortunately she found a diversionary tactic even as she entered their room.

“Bloody hell! Have eaten all that cake already?”

The pair looked up guiltily.

“We were hungry.” Angela confessed.

“You greedy bitches! Not even a single slice!”

Lola held up the empty plate and returned to the sister’s office where she had seen a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits.

“Hi sister. It’s me again. That pair have guzzled all the cake!”

The sister wagged her head and smiled for she knew what young appetites were like. She motioned her head towards her own packet and offered, “Take some of mine, then when you come next time bring a packet.”

“Thanks. I’ll get my own back on that pair but not just yet.”

Just then Lola’s phone rang and the ward sister tensed slightly.

“Good news I hope?”

Lola held up a nervous hand as she answered.

“Hi Bridie, what’s up?”

“Is your phone on silent?”

“It is now.

“Good. How are your boat handling skills girl?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing girl. Just a bit of good news for you.”

“Oh. Go on.”

“The ‘you-know-what’ is ready and she needs a skipper.”

“Aah! I’m up for it. When?”


“What. Tonight or tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow’s best but you can join her tonight.”

“If I have to, what about the deadly duo?”

“Most certainly. Olivia’s skills will be welcome and it’ll be a good bit of training for Angie.”

“Will you be with us?” Lola asked.

“Of course. No reflection on your abilities but you are aware of the circumstances.”

“So, what are the arrangements.”

“I’ll text you at noon.”

Lola closed her phone and made her excuses to the ward sister.

“Places to go, things to do. Thanks for the biccies.”

“Take care young lady. You and Olivia have been an inspiration to this unit.”

Lola returned to the lounge and motioned to the girls with her thumb.

“Come on, Bridie wants us.”

“What for?” Olivia asked.

“Can’t say, come on. Into the interview room. We’ve got stuff to do.”

In the interview room, they donned their burkahs and hijabs then made their way to where Bridie usually collected them with the disguised van.

“I wonder what we’ll be this time.” Olivia giggled. Plumbers, cleaners, florists, pharmaceutical delivery girls. What do you reckon Angie?”

Angela shrugged absently; she was pre-occupied with her thoughts about Erica. They only waited a few minutes before Bridie turned up in the florists van and the girls quickly sequestered themselves in the back. Two hours later they were in Gloucester docks. When they pulled up beside the boat Bridie explained.

“Well girls, there she is; all stored and ready to go. All you need to do is take her down to the little berth behind the cottage. And tie her up. Bab’s and Brian will be waiting for you.”

“Aren’t you coming with us?”

“Yes, but I’m leaving it to you to do all the navigation and steering. I’ll help with the cooking if you want.”

“We’ll need work clothes, you know, Jean’s trainers and waterproof jackets.”

“We’ll be doing that after we’ve got the stores on-board. They’re in those boxes in the van. Come on, all hands.”

To Olivia and Lola, storing ship had become mundane but Angie was quite excited. She had never sailed in a narrow-boat before. Firstly, Bridie showed Angela the arrangements then the completed loading the stores. Finally, as night was falling, they went to a ‘late-night’ superstore and sorted out the work clothes. By eleven the four of them were cosily ensconced in the warm comfortable cabin and by midnight they were all abed. The following morning, Lola guided the narrow boat out of Gloucester docks and down the ship canal. Each girl familiarised herself with the boat’s handling characteristics by taking turns on the tiller while Bridie prepared lunch.

“The refuge room is like a fortress!” Olivia declared as she returned to the steering platform after inspecting the thick steel internal plating.”

Lola nodded and grinned.

“They’d need a shell to brake those steel plates down. Makes the boat sit a bit lower than usual though.”

“Not so’s you’d notice, except to take more care on some of the narrower, shallower canals. The ship canal is plenty deep enough though. Where’s Angie.

“Helping Bridie make lunch.”

“Huh! Helping Bridie eat it more like. She eats like a horse.”

“Well I don’t know where she puts it then, cos’ she’s as skinny as a lathe.” Lola finished.

“We’ll moor up by that tree to eat lunch and we’ll be down by the cottage at about threeish.”

With the change of engine tone, Angie emerged nibbling a sandwich ready to jump ashore and hammer in the mooring spikes.

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