So many

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Blog About: 

I'm proud to bursting because there are so many damn good writers on BC. After a month or so of near burnout and a huge blow-up with a friend, I needed some diversion and began going back through the writings of some of the best BC has to offer.

So many good stories. Romance, adventure, humor, pathos... in a word, literature.

In another month, I will have been the main keeper of BigCloset for twenty years. In that time, with contributions from hundreds, we have amassed a treasury of more than 40,000 chapters and stories. Congratulations to all. I'm actually weeping about this.

Hugs and tears,


Many Different Tastes.

It seems that there are Authors to suit lots of different tastes too. I won't try to name them all. I was only just looking at Aardvark's "Warrior of Batuk" last night. I'm more of a Sci Fi reader that likes the TG content to be in context, to me, with my own reality.

This site has been a life saving relief from crushing depression brought on by unspeakable and unexpected loss. Many of us have experienced the same or worse. It was helpful to have something to help us pull through.

Thank you.


I've said it before

BC saved my life, made it possible for me to even consider a transition much less complete one. this place rocks!


sisters are where you find them

laika's picture

If it was just great authors + stories that would be pretty wonderful in itself.
But BCTS has given me something I never got anywhere else,
and certainly not from my "real-life" genetic family.
It feels like HOME to me.
That's why i say...
~love, Ronni

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Andrea Lena's picture


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Thank you!

Andrea Lena's picture

This place has been my home away from home for ten years. With lots of opportunities to grow as a writer but more so as a person! With friends AND family.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

My goto for reading...

Robyn B's picture

I think I joined up around 2002 when the hit counter might have been around 50,000. It was exciting to see it reach 100K and then 200K etc. as the years progressed.

Like the other commentators before me, I too, have found this site to be a surcease in my periods of loneliness and also in my periods of great joy.

TS is a daily place to go and I have seen my name on the online list for so long. Sometimes when I reboot my computer I forget to login to BC and only notice when I don't see my name in the online list.

This service has been a great boon to so many and has certainly provided me with many, many hours of exciting and fun reading across several genres for so many years.

Keep up the good work.

Robyn B

There have been many story posting sites.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

There have been many story posting sites. Many of them have come and gone; some great, some not so great. But BCTS offers something that I've not found anywhere else. A community that allows, readers, authors and site administrators to interact with each other. We can get to know each other as friends and in some cases we can actually meet in person.

BCTS is a place, albeit virtual, where we can be ourselves, let it all hang out and find like minded people to commune with. It's far more than a story site as many have said, it's family. For some of us that's far more important than the collection of stories (be they as great as they are).

We all know that this is a labor of love for you (and your minions). None of you are getting rich off this endeavor on the contrary it comes with great personal sacrifice.

We salute you and your staff. You have exceeded our expectations when we first stumbled upon BCTS. What's more, you just keep making it better and better.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


Elsbeth's picture

Well it is a great place to sit down, get a cup of whatever you like and snuggle down and read.

On that note, I added another one to our ever growing collection.


Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.

Broken Irish is better than clever English.

Thats great!

Perhaps in tribute to this, we can list our favourite stories and authors here?
So that even those writers that no longer write much, if at all will see their classic works still reaching credibility status of honor

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

What you have done

is provide a place where all of us gender mixed folks to call home on the internet. Yes, you intended it originally to help replace FM when it went down, but in the process of keeping it going, you poured your time, your money and most importantly, your heart and love into it and made it more than a repository for stories. It became something else entirely and became a HELPING place, a HEALING place.

With the able help from dedicated helpers/volunteers, an internet wizard or two and huge helpings of love, that little story repository grew and grew and grew, changing all the time into something wonderful, something that mirrored the love in YOU for us. You are OUR Charles Shultz.

To ALL the wonderful, glorious, volunteers, helpers, and all the authors who graciously allow us to share their dreams and lives, I say THANK YOU!!!

TO Erin, whose lovechild this place is, I say, I love you Mom. WE love you Mom. I hereby, by the power no one gave me, name you CHIEF CAT HERDER AND WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING.

ehhh, Dat's all Doc! hehehehehe. Ain't I a stinkah?


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

so much here

Amethyst's picture

there are a lot of great writers and stories here and it's a wonderful and supportive place, not just for tg fiction and writers but also for those transitioning and for just everyday frustrations too. It's not just the stories that have made this such a wonderful place though, it's all the time and effort you and the staff have put out to keep It going and the donations from those who can help.

You have built a community, a family, here and it's something that I'm proud to be a member of.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3