Nightstalkers - Chapter 1

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As if she had sensed Danny’s eyes, the tall raven haired beauty in the centre of the trio locked eyes with him and smiled.
Danny didn’t quite know how to respond, Just as he found the courage in him to smile back, his view of the trio was blocked by Mike returning with a handful of beer bottles.
“Here man.” He yelled over the thud of the music handing Danny a bottle.
“Mike you see those three behind you? Near the floor?” Danny yelled back, gesturing in the direction of the trio.
Mike swivelled around to look, before flashing a grin at Danny and disappearing towards the trio.

A little voice inside Danny told him that this night was going to be interesting.

Chapter 1 - An old war, a new savior
by Alyssa Plant

The heavy bass was thumping; Danny found it hard to follow the conversation at their table in the club just off campus. It might have helped if his mind had been in it. As he slowly sipped his beer, he couldn’t quite focus on his friends and their discussion of some trivial team or sport. All he could focus on was what his parents would do when they found out he had failed the year at college.

Most were out celebrating this evening, but an unfortunate few had failed to meet the grade, and Danny was drowning his sorrows till he had the courage to confront his mother and father with the news.

It wasn’t as if he hadn’t tried… the break-up with Mary… the constant tiredness… an empty feeling inside that he couldn’t quite place. College was the last thing he needed right now…

“Another beer man?”

Danny snapped out of his lamentation to see Mike starting questioningly at him across the table, half out of his seat.

“Uh, sure.” Danny shrugged dismissively. As Mike made his way through the crowd towards the bar, Danny’s eyes were drawn to three girls by the edge of the dance floor.

They seemed so totally out of place here, in this student dive. The three were goddesses…. Dark, gothic, goddesses…

As if she had sensed Danny’s eyes, the tall raven haired beauty in the centre of the trio locked eyes with him and smiled.

Danny didn’t quite know how to respond, Just as he found the courage in him to smile back, his view of the trio was blocked by Mike returning with a handful of beer bottles.

“Here man.” He yelled over the thud of the music handing Danny a bottle.

“Mike you see those three behind you? Near the floor?” Danny yelled back, gesturing in the direction of the trio.

Mike swivelled around to look, before flashing a grin at Danny and disappearing towards the trio.

A little voice inside Danny told him that this night was going to be interesting.

“Hi, I’m Vanessa.” smiled the Raven goddess with the slightest hint of a Parisian accent. Somehow, Mike had convinced the three to join them, and The Dark beauty that Danny had locked eyes with, now repeated the act 20m closer.

Danny noticed her two friends getting acquainted with his friends and slid up on the sofa to make room for Vanessa to sit.

“You got to college here then?” he yelled over the beat.

Vanessa shook her head, her rod straight black hair shimmering as it moved. “I’m sort of new in town.” She shouted back. “Well, all three of us are.”

“We can show you girls the best sights.” Yelled Tony grabbing his crotch.

“Ignore him.” Danny yelled at Vanessa kicking Tony under the table. “He left his manners back in the dorm tonight.”

Vanessa simply smiled at Danny and ran her fingers along his forearm gently.

Danny began to wonder what he was in store for that evening...

“Hey, you girls want to come back to ours for a nightcap?” asked Mike as he wrapped his arm around the waist of a dreadlocked blonde.

“Sounds good to me…. If you want to…” Vanessa smiled looking at Danny.

The group left the club, and Danny was transfixed by Vanessa’s beauty.

Her dark straight hair cascaded over her shoulders liked liquid silk. Her pale complexion highlighted her fine delicate features. The girl was a goddess… She couldn’t have been more than 22, but she carried herself like no other girl Danny knew… she had a worldly wisdom and grace that surpassed her nubile form.

Perhaps there was a god after all….

As the group walked slowly back through the campus grounds, Danny and Vanessa chatted about themselves now they could be heard bellow a shout. She had grown up in a small town south of Paris, and her parents had moved to the states for work.

She was curiously vague about her age and work, just that she was not a student. Danny felt too lucky to press further at this time.

As the group reached their dorm, the couples made their way towards the elevator. As they squeezed into the metal box, Danny felt Vanessa pressed against him, her face upturned and her dark lips smiling at him. Reaching down he pressed his lips against hers in a kiss that almost stopped his heart.
As they broke the kiss, Vanessa snaked her arms around Danny’s waist and purred. “How about we forget that drink?” she whispered sultrily.

Danny couldn’t agree fast enough.

Somehow, Danny managed to make it from the elevator to his room, and let them in with his lips locked to Vanessa’s.

Collapsing onto his bed, the two necked and made out for what seemed like an eternity. Danny was in the process of working out Vanessa’s bra catch when a scream echoed down the corridor.

“What the fuck was that?” he asked with a worried expression.

“Nothing baby, probably just some drunk students.” Vanessa purred before slipping down Danny’s body towards his pants.

Any thoughts he had of pursuing the source of the scream was quickly forgotten as Vanessa sent him to cloud 9.

As Vanessa slid back up, she nibbled her way up his torso to his neck.

“You’re amazing… AAAAHHHHH,” Danny gasped as a searing pain ripped through his shoulder and neck.
The last thing Danny remembered was a warm wet feeling and Vanessa’s bloody lips mashed against his.

Wait bloody?


The world swam back into focus slowly; Danny had a raging hangover. Rolling over in bed Danny tried to cover his head with a pillow.

For some reason, it was different to usual.

Pushing himself up in bed Danny looked down to see what he had been lying on that hurt his chest… what he found made him recoil in shock. Scrambling backwards he fell off the end of the bed and wound up flat on his back staring up at the ceiling.

Gingerly, he lifted an arm to touch the swellings on his chest. They looked like breasts… They felt like breasts… why the fuck did he have breasts?

Danny let his head flop back to the floor and let out a sigh, a very high pitched feminine sounding sigh. This had to be some funky dream… Last night with that girl Vanessa had been interesting… we must still be asleep he thought hopefully.

“You’re not asleep little one.” Purred Vanessa from the opposite corner of the room where she sat on her haunches with her head cocked to one side and a curious grin on her lips.

“What?” Danny asked dumbly, suddenly shocked at how high his voice was.

“This was certainly interesting.” Smiled Vanessa. “I never expected this.”

“What have you done to me?” croaked Danny quietly.

“Well…” began Vanessa, “Drink this, then we will talk baby.” She purred getting to her feet with catlike grace before handing a mug to Danny.

Carefully he took the mug before sniffing sceptically. “What is it?” he asked eyeing the dark liquid suspiciously.

“Just a special hangover cure I use, trust me, it will make you feel better.” Smiled Vanessa stroking Danny’s bare knee.

Shrugging, Danny tipped the mug back and gulped some of the liquid down.

As the first drops hit his tongue, he knew what it was. The liquid had a coppery taste that was all too familiar, yet at the same time, he couldn’t quite stop himself drinking it down.

Danny emptied the mug in one go before setting it down beside him.

“Why the hell did you make me drink blood?” he asked Vanessa with uncertainty not at her motives, but at his own desire to down the liquid.

“Because I knew it would make you feel better… you need it now.” The goddess smiled knowingly.

“You make it sound like I’m some sort of vampire?” Danny laughed. The smirk on Vanessa’s dark lips stopped him dead.

“You have got to be kidding….” He began, “And why the hell am I like this?” he squeaked gesturing at his body. “I look like a girl.” He whispered mournfully.

“Oh I’m quite serious.” Vanessa answered sternly as if talking to a petulant child. “But the being female part sort of confused me too.”

“Look, when I turned you, my DNA blended with yours, adding my vampirism gene to your DNA and rebuilding you from scratch. Normally, it rebuilds a person to their peak… to the full potential of their DNA… I mean… you never see fat or ugly vampires do you?” she smirked.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Danny smirked, “I don’t see any at all! You have got to be fucking kidding!”

Vanessa shook her head slowly. “No honey, I’m not. Welcome to the real world.”

A cold sweat enveloped Danny. “So why am I... wait, I’m a girl?”

Vanessa looked Danny up and down. “Yeah, If I had to put money on it, id say so.”

“I’ve got to be dreaming.” Danny sighed hugging his knees to his chest.

“The only way I can think this might happen, is if you had female dna? shrugged Vanessa.

“HOW? screamed Danny. “I’m… I was a man!”

“Look honey. We need to get you up and dressed, you cant sit around here nude all day.”

Nodding silently, Danny accepted the offered hand and pulled himself, or herself? to his feet.

Walking over to his mirror, Danny stood before the glass staring at his reflection. But try as he might, he could think of himself as a he anymore. There was no trace of male in what he saw.

The first thing Danny saw, was his breasts…. Or her breasts? They appeared firm and prominent. The curve of his waist, the swell of his hips, and obvious lack of penis and balls between his legs made him feel momentarily sad.

Everything was different… from the long shapely legs ending in delicate feet to his thin long small fingers and delicate features. Danny’s hair was Blonde as before, but now hung down past his shoulders in a gentle wave.

“I’m a girl” Danny croaked.

As she touched her face, she withdrew her fingers as if burned. It was all too much for Danny. This was no dream. If it had been a dream, he would be fucking this body, not being in it.

Slumping down onto the end of her bed, she began to cry.

Vanessa who had remained silent during the whole process of realisation silently wrapped a blanket around Danny’s shoulders and hugged her while she cried.

Unlike all the men she had turned, Danny was different. His reaction to the turning was most curious. Something she would have to run by Geistler… Perhaps the prophecy was true? Perhaps he was the one?

All she knew now, was she had a frightened girl to look after and tutor.

If learning the world wasn’t as it seemed wasn’t bad enough, Danny would have to learn how to be herself too…

In truth, she was sorry she had needed to turn him. She wouldn’t wish what was to come on anyone…

To Be Continued...

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I liked this. I am looking forward to reading more.

Jessica Marie

Very intersting setting.

I will look forward for the next installment of this story.

I got to say Alyssa that you have a great talent in producing a reliable believable settings even when it does go into the realm of fantasy .

The only bad thing about this story is that I now need to decide which of your work I look forward to most : Haifa, Homework or Nightstalkers.

Anyway Thanks for the great story.

So far so

laika's picture

I'm not a big fan of the vampire genre, in that I don't go out
looking for tales of the undead, but I do enjoy a good one.
And this here seems very promising. Love your work.
(Und you haff a lovely neck. Buh-bleaaah!)
~~~hugs, Laika

"The federal government will only recognize 2 genders,
as assigned at birth-" (The man in his own words:)

2nd the Very Interesting Wonderful Story

Alyssa; Ok, This interesting now where can I find a girl like this to go drinking with especially since I don't drink?? Richard


Children of the Night

I liked the pseudo science explanation for the Vampires and how being turned could result in a rather extreme changes. Your hints at the beginning that all wasn't going well for Danny was great. Just the very slightest scent that he might be TG. Very well done and thought out!



A Very Interesting Story :-)

It follow a premise that I set up in my story " Silver Blood". Will be interesting to see where you take your story.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Keep it coming please!

Pretty please even? I've got a lot of questions right now, of which most should be answered in following chapters, so please take mercy on us poor mortals and don't let us wait too long? ;)


Vampires and mirrors.

A small point, but I thought that vampires were unable to be seen in mirrors, so Danny shouldn't have been able to see what his new body looked like.

Nice Beginning

terrynaut's picture

Vampires fascinate me so how could you go wrong. :)

I appreciate the little bit of science you mixed in and I hope you include more. I also like the threat of something big coming. I look forward to reading more. Actually, part 2 is out so I'll go read it right now.

Thanks and please keep up the good work. To part 3 and beyond!

- Terry