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Things in the world of Maddy Bell have more ups and downs than a roller coaster on a rough sea at the moment.

On a positive note, I did the GP bit with the GS yesterday - the little bugger plays me like a harp, stole my camera then my phone and held me captive, pinned to the carpet - he's only 16 months old! So that was an up.

The flip side is that I need to find some form of different accommodation fairly soon - living out of a case was never going to be a long term answer but its been made pretty clear that my 'welcome', whilst never exactly enthusiastic, is a decidedly thin veneer. Its not a comfortable place to be but I feel pretty helpless to do anything about it, even if my interim solution comes off (which i'm not that confident of) i'm still gonna be pushing the envelope of welcome pretty hard.

To add to the misery, I really do want to get some writing done, I need to do some to generate some income to finance accommodation etc but with my head in such turmoil - well its a viscous circle for which there is no quick solution. Aargh! I know I've made some bad life judgements over the years but equally I've been on the receiving end of negative input more than my fair share of the time. I'm sure there is a way out, I just haven't seen the signs yet, I may be on the wrong route or heading in completely the wrong direction, perhaps my life road atlas has some pages missing?

Well, having already established that my life is fast going down the toilet I thought i'd best lift everyone's spirits with some new to BC Gaby so go and see Gaby Make Out here.

I haven't forgotten the holiday snaps, I've just not had the opportunity to sort them for you.

That'll be all for now,

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I thought about you on Friday

As I stopped at Meadowhall for a break (and to buy some tools) on my drive south.
I hope things get resolved soon in a positive way.
