Wednesday weak

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Well it's the end of an emotional day for me, a day spent removing my chattels from my home of some thirty years. A day in which i've had to make some hard choices, do I take this, leave that, can I live without something or add iit to the go pile.

How did I end up with so many shoes, piles of clothes, libraries of books? I got to a point of total breakdown at the last, the thought of abandoning hundreds of books, the tipper. Well I get the chance to rescue the rest of the library on Friday but for much else it's adios. Taking the bed apart and taking out my posh new mattress really was heart breaking.

If anyone is interested there's a bunch of clothing, shoes and a bit of furniture including a fridge and freezer, several book cases, computer unit and a nice coffee table up for grabs, the window of availability being Thursday morning or Friday morning. You will need your own transport, PM if you are interested - btw it's free to any home. If no one wants it the landlord will just bin the lot.

Such a roller coaster day, it's had me thinking of happier times but to be brutally honest, i've not had a lot of those there. No epic parties, no days that are truly memorable, it feels like it's been 30 years of waiting for work to be done, of living with no heat, no hot water, noisy drugged up neighbours. So it's never been that positive a place.

On the other hand it gave me privacy, independence, a chance to be me. For now that chance has been snatched away, my possessions filling a garage several miles away from my temporary abode and any thoughts of privacy consigned to the wish list of life.

So what now? Your guess is as good as mine - I do know that I need to get my own space again, and soon - heck i'd settle for a tent.

Well I won't take up any more of tou good people's time




I know what you'r going throw. I had to move not too long ago after losing my outher of 33years.much was left/lost when I had to give up and leave. hugs aplenty.


jacquimac's picture

You definitely don't want to try living in a damned tent, I did that when I first got made homeless in the summer of 2010 and ended up with 3 foot of water in it and that was in the July, Eventually I ended up in a Caravan managing a campsite in sunny Greenfield on Saddleworth.
Unfortunately the Caravan is now dead and the New owners rented the Campsite out to a bunch of idiots who have managed to run it into the ground then asked me to leave, now I am living in my car. No you don't want to live in a tent in the UK and I'm ex Army.


Maddy Bell's picture

Only ever been flooded in a tent once in over 50 years of camping - and even then I didn't get wet until I got out - overnight the Swiss river had risen 3m! Yeah a tent isn't ideal but as a short term fix it might be a solution.

I hope you can find a solution to your lack of a home.


Madeline Anafrid Bell


I know when me and my ex moved after 10 years we filled a large skip.

the stuff

Maddy Bell's picture

I've rescued fills a one car garage about 2/3rds volume, the stuff I abandoned - mostly furniture, magazines and clothing, would have filled the remaining space. There is stuff like the 3 bikes and bits of 3 more that really goes against the grain, but old magazines - well its just so much paper at the end of the day. I'm pretty sure, well I know, that some of the rescued stuff will get binned in the coming months but there just wasn't time or access to more thoroughly go through stuff.

I did rescue some original, hand written manuscripts pre dating Gaby and I think, everything else that means something to me. The rescue is over, I sha'n't step foot in that place ever again, my time there, water under the bridge. Will my library find a home on new shelves? the stereo play the huge vinyl collection again? the clothes hang in a wardrobe ever again?

I don't know the answer to that, i'd like to think so but in reality i'm poor, without regular income and living outside of most peoples normal. For now my chattels are reasonably secure, I have a temporary place to sleep, i'm not starving and on the streets.



Madeline Anafrid Bell