I know its been six months since my last chapter ( To whoever was following my story, I deeply apologize for that), but I finally was able to start writing again this morning. The last six months had been so overwhelming, my writing and even just my laptop had to be put on the backburner. This morning marked only the third time I even booted my laptop up since my last update in January... I didn't realize it had been that long I had been so busy.
Quick updates though... My middle daughter finished her Senior year in high school as her softballs team captain. She graduated with honors back in May. On top of that since her older sister was unable to attend her senior prom last year due to money and court battles, my middle asked her sister to be her plus one so she could at least get to go to prom. It totally melted my heart and even as proud as I was already of them both... It was an amazing experience... Even dress shopping for two teenagers when I didn't buy anything for myself (drats) was a blast.
Since graduation in May my time has been filled with work, car shopping for two teen girls... and also working on buying a house this fall so I can get out of renting...
While my time is still fairly taxed, I'm hoping for life to start slowing down some... I know I'm still under 50 (barely) but I'm way to old to be running like this lol.
Hope you all are doing well,
Rebecca Cross.
Been missing you.
Thank you for the update.
Congrats to your girls! And good luck to you on the car(s) and house!
- Leona
wow, it's amazing how kids can fill your life
it sounds like you've raised a wonderful bunch of kids.
I admire that very much.
Glad to see your recovering
I hope the rest of 2019 allows you to accomplish what you need. I look forward to your being able to resume writing. Thank you for your great story thus far....