Stories That Profoundly Affect Us.

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I just finished, for the second time, "Amadeus Irena", by Shauna and found it absolutely engaging. Parts of the tale approach 500 Kudos, a count that may be the highest ever on BCTS, and I agree with those who voted.

Sitting here, reflecting on what other works have impacted me in a positive way, I've made a short list:

Of course there is "Bike". It was lovely, realistic, and encouraging. The Author has moved on and I hope for the best for her.

"Deception of Choice" is one that actually helped me stay off the rail of the bridge in a time when life was far too shattering for me.

A very engaging epic that ended far too soon for my liking was, "Somewhere Else Entirely". The author depicted a culture, not of this Earth in a believable and entertaining way.

I loved, "Nightmare Rider", and wish the author more inspiration as time goes on.

It is likely that I have missed other, very good stories. My only excuse is to plead that I am not infallible.

There is one more that I have been reluctant to mention because it resides on a site that some/many of us would not go to because of its kinky content. Then I had to admit that I am kinky at heart and have a time controlling it, and lots of people here know it.

The story is: "Willing Slave, Unwilling Master", by LifeonVil. It is on Literotica. The story is profoundly impacting to me because 'Rose' in the story might well be me, or at least embody what my inner being is like. She was bred to be a slave and to crave a Master. I read it twice before it felt like I'd fully absorbed it. At times I was not sure that I could survive the reading. It is a sure thing that some of you who had thought me to be a Nun will now be sadly disabused of that notion, and while I am sorry, I remain unrepentant.


See, I knew I was not infallible.

Another story that has been quite helpful and healing is "The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl". It reveals a Two Spirit model that is more acceptable to me. For that I am quite thankful. :) I've done quite a lot of outside research on Native Americans, particularly the Navajo Dine' and have found the story to line up quite well with reality.

The Green Fog

Now, I think I'll be finding and reading the most excellently written, "The Green Fog".

Mentioning these stories is the product of an aged mind that is gradually slipping into dementia. I am fond of them.

You can’t forget

Dollar Runaways by Tiffany Shar or Mississippi Bee Queen by Paula Dillon(I think, correct me if I have author wrong)