Dementia here I come

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Anybody else have a word go missing from their vocabulary? I'm talking a simple, everyday word, one you've read and said hundreds of times just drop out and leave you half angry and half terrified?

Its happened to me. In fact, recently, I was trying to relate a story about a time when this happened, and the SAME WORD hat had given me such distress the first time disappeared as I was trying to talk about it.

Sighs. Dementia here I come ...


The mentals

Podracer's picture

Along with the white hairs and wrinkles.. The memory and the words are there, but the memory access times have increased. Anything from a second or two up to "that was what I wanted yesterday". Some names and places refuse to stick until I can find an image to attach.

"Reach for the sun."

Not Sure

Daphne Xu's picture

"... but the memory access times have increased." It could be something else. Often, it's being blocked while trying one's darnedest to remember. It comes back when one's no longer trying.

-- Daphne Xu


Daphne Xu's picture

Oh, crap-crap-crap. This is frightening, when one has witnessed a parent's mind going bad the last couple of years of his life.

It happens to me all too often, the word slips my mind right when I try to think of it. The only saving grace for me is that it has always happened, and I don't really see it getting worse now. Related -- and this has happened ever since I've tried to write anything, no matter how far back -- I know perfectly well what I want to say, in my mind. But as soon as I try to say it or write it down, my mind goes blank.

That could be the cause of a major stammering problem, or spontaneously switching my words: I instinctively want to get my words out before they slip my mind -- or before I'm interrupted and instinctively clam up.

Hugs. I hope it's not too bad.

-- Daphne Xu

The pathway ...

Sara Selvig's picture

from aphasia to dementia is not so short! For most of us it comes with age, gradually, one word at a time. If you were to lose words in bunches due, for instance, to stroke, look for prompt treatment.

I have a "favorite" word to lose. Once regained and practiced, after time it disappears again! :( That seems odd because it identifies my grandchild's malady.

A few other words occasionally escape my grasp. To find them, I either relax and think about something else, or I take a circuitous route to their recall.

All in all, I consider these incidents as an acknowledgement to my longevity. :)



Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.

Been there. Done that.

Been there. Done that. Happens a lot when I'm speaking and causes me to freeze as I try to fight for the words. I don't know if it's an after effect of brain damage due to severe blood loss when I was 5 or if it's a mental issue but it's a constant with me that I can't say what I am trying to say and literally clam up and close off.

Be glad you haven't had that happen to you in front of a crowd of kids or several times in front of classmates, if I wasn't the go-to person in my classes for a second set of eyes or an honest answer I'd have been run out of my high school a dozen times over :(

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I'm told...

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

When you get old, the memory it the first thing to go... I don't remember what the second thing is. ;o)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Senor citizens

And how many times have I started go get something, walked into the room where whatever it was I was getting supposedly was, forgot what I was going for, walked out and retraced my steps, and... And then gone to get something but instead walked to the 'fridge and gotten something I didn't need... And been trying to write something and forgotten the thread to which I was referring...


Maddy Bell's picture

To all of us, I reckon it's due to a head so full of stuff some of it gets put away and then hidden by other stuff so we can't easily locate it.

If it's dementia i'm in real trouble, i'll forget a word or name or location or what I was looking for just about every single day. Words in particular seem to hide from me when i'm writing, words I know perfectly well but just elude me when I want to use them.

I guess after a lifetime of putting stuff into the box it must be pretty full so not being able to put your finger directly onto stuff is to be expected.

I wouldn't put too much score by it yet Maureen, i don't think it means you have pneumonia.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

I lose words a lot.

At least when speaking out loud. You ask me to write it down or type it and I'll do fine, or draw the thing or describe it, but sometimes I just. Can't. Speak.

It's worse when I'm having bad nerve days. Sometimes when they're really bad I'll develop a stutter, lose myself mid-sentence a lot, and have difficulty vocalizing even simple words and phrases. But, usually, I just get the momentary "your speech centers cannot access this byte of information at this time."

The same issue happens when listening to others speak sometimes too. I'll hear what they're saying, I'll know it's English, but my brain just won't parse the information and I'll have to ask someone to repeat something two, even three more times before my brain catches up and figures out the words.


Melanie E.

Hey Dottie,

I've got pseudo dementia. I'm told it comes from having depression too much for too long. I think I wrote in and said I was getting Alzheimer's about 5 years ago. This dementia is different; there is supposedly no cell death, no plaque, but there must be some loss of synapses.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

A False Alarm?

Daphne Xu's picture

So the Alzheimer's prognosis was a false alarm? If so, that's great news.

-- Daphne Xu


WillowD's picture

I've noticed it happening more often over the last decade.

On the lighter side

Podracer's picture

Now what was that song....

Oh yeah, have a look for "Senior Moments" by Golf Brooks.

"Reach for the sun."