i had a really angry-sad moment today.
See, we're in a provincial election, and the guy everybody expects to win is very anti-LGBT. This was made abundantly clear today when he announced he would scrap the law that protects LGBT kids from being outed by their teachers.
I spent a long time in prayer asking for help to find grace for this man, so my anger wouldnt kill me ...
Keep in mind
The answer is sitting right in front of you.
Keep in mind that the proposed change would also out a Muslim student who joined a Christian study group at school.
Given the nature of honor killings, that could be a death sentence for a student. You only have to read about the two young teenagers killed by their father in Texas, Dallas I think, who were killed I think because they dared to date boys who weren't Muslim.
Now, about the outing. There is one legitimate aspect to this proposal as far as the parents are concerned in which they could be correctly concerned and I think you would agree with. Parents do have a responsibility to insure their children aren't being bullied at school. I would think that joining a LGBT group might be a signal that they are being bullied and a parent does have a right to know that.
There is one legitimate aspect... ?
Or maybe joining the LGBT group at school is a way of finding some acceptance that they don't get at home? And reporting that to the parents only makes the home situation wore?
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I said there was only one
Yes, some parents can be abusive. But, in your reply you paint all parent's as being abusive. And that is unfair and dangerous.
I would hate to find my child had joined any group for assistance and not have no one inform me that he or she was being bullied at school.
Teens sometimes like to think they can solve all their problems without mom and dad's help. They put up a brave front while their world is falling apart. And that happens far more than the few parents who can't handle their LGBT child. I know. I have LGBT people in my extended family. One died of AIDs. They are no less loved than any other family members and are just as accepted. You might even be surprised to learn that much of that side of the family are Trump supporters too.
The danger is that some kids take drastic measures that can't be undone when they become isolated, even in a group of people they feel safe in. I remember when I was living near San Fran a little ten year old boy hanging himself at Ft. Ord because his parents couldn't afford to live there because of it being so expensive and they were living on military pay. He thought by killing himself he would ease his parent's financial problems.
Suicide is a real problem whether it is because of LGBT issues or not. It is arrogance to assume that only LGBT issues cause suicides. And not to be understanding of why keeping parents in the loop when their child is being bullied or depressed is dangerous.
I was very grateful recently when the school admin and nurse called me about my son's bullying problem at school. He was being bullied and we were able to take effective measures to stop it. It is a big contrast to when I was a child and a teen.
I was bullied in my first high school ( well, I was through most of my school years ). I was picked on for being different. I was even punched and kicked. And, yes, I was called names that included being called a "faggot" or "fairy" because I had some feminine traits. My first name didn't help either. And my middle name was just as bad.
My mother never knew. But, somehow, instinctively, she knew something was wrong and moved me to another high school shortly after I was punched and kicked. I believe that saved my life. At the new school, I was just a quiet kid who never got into trouble. They didn't know my past.
So, yes, there can be one legitimate reason to report a teen joining an LGBT group. And that is if the teen is being bullied. A parent should be notified if their child doesn't feel safe at school and the school administrator finds that the parent is able to understand why their child joined an LGBT group.
It may save a life.
If the candidate is "very anti-LGBT"
Then I seriously doubt if his motive for this change in the law is concern over gay or trans kids being bullied. Bullying and denying rights to godless deviants is hailed as "free speech" and "religious liberty" in some quarters. It's tempting to minimize someone's hateful intentions when you're on the same page as them on other issues like how to manage the economy; but then to appease their more fringe-y constituents they'll turn around and do something like... oh I don't know, let's say ban transgender people from military service; to give a hypothetical example.
Without even knowing the guy's name or the office he's running for I could be wrong, and i'd LIKE to be wrong; but I strongly suspect this clown knows his base and he's playing to it.
~Soapbox Suzie
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I think we agree that schools
I think we agree that schools should notify patents if a child is being bullied or seems depressed. Joining an LGBTQ group, in the absence of those indicators, shouldn't be a cause for reporting, in my opinion.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Perhaps with discretion?
I was this tiny, skinny, goofy little kid. Eventually the bullies mostly ignored me. No one had any idea what was happening at home. In those days, it was before all this LGBT stuff. I have no doubt that I'd had been killed at home if it had come out that I was effeminate. Perhaps, nowadays those who can 'out' a child will use some common sense?
Sorry to say,...
... but prayer in relation to these type of 'human pieces of dog shit' is just such a fucking waste of time and energy. They need to be ended through using knowledge, the scientific method, information that is relevant to the REAL reality of what people face every fucking day. Especially those who are marginalized and seen as the perverted dregs of society because a fucking religion says so.
This slutfucker and his ilk prove more and more that religion, and especially Christianity is not a force for any good in this world. Especially if vulnerable children's lives can so easily put at risk by legislative actions enacted by said slutfucker(I use this term here, and not the motherf...... version, because only slut could marry this piece of human dog shit)
And just as an after thought 'prayer is as effective as trying to solve an algebra problem by chewing bubble gum...
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Well that was offensive
Sluts is good people, they like to party and generally aren't running around
telling other folks how to live, and slutfuckers give them what they need.
Some of my best friends are sluts and slutfuckers-
Oh wait! That's right, I don't have any friends.
But if I did they'd be sluts and slutfuckers
and maybe even a few Christians.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Can he though?
If he wins, does he have the power to unilaterally make that change?
I don't know
Dorothy is talking about a candidate in Alberta, CA, I believe.
I don't know where Canada stands on things. I hear about their Human Rights documents, but I have never read them. At least here in the States, for the moment, we have the freedom of association which is part of the first amendment guarantees.
The freedom to associate with a group of like minded individuals is a rare thing in history. And free speech is a precious thing too.
That is where American values clash with the Canadians, it seems. The Christians I know where I live would defend the freedom of assembly which also allows them to freely assemble on Sundays as well. I know of no Christian organization, with the possible exception of Westboro Baptist, that even protests LGBTQ clubs being in the schools so long as they are being given equal access too to their groups.
He's Wasting His Time in Canada
A clear-thinking pol like you describe could be elected VP in the U.S. of A.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)