The Value of Writing

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I was digging through my stories just now and am amazed that several of them have gotten over 100 kudos! Thank you.

One of them, "Balmoral" was published in June last year. :)

I had started to write several other chapters to "Hala's Snow Day", but with RL wearing me down, had sort of abandoned the effort. I hope that the files are still lying where I left them, assuming that Microsoft has not done anything untoward with them. I still dislike the way that win10 manages files, but I have not one single gene of computer nerd in me.

Please, no lectures about my inabilities with a Computer. I'd much prefer a spanking.



I'm just about ready to give

I'm just about ready to give up writing thanks to a lack of kudos. Be glad that people cared enough about your works to leave them, I haven't had a story that was over 100 that didn't involve someone else's world in a long time. Hell, I can't buy kudos anymore for my home-grown stories.

And to be blunt with you: your computer issues are negligible. The ones who complain about it either are so arrogant about their own abilities or ignore that two of the most popular authors on this site ignore even basic spellchecks and grammar checks. I may not like your stories, but you are doing a heck of a good job on your own. IF you have a lack of computer knowledge and abilities it's well-hidden.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Testosterone Driven Male Fantasies

This site's readership is world wide, and yes some of the authors are males that are just kidding when they say they were made into females. Frankly, some of them I just can't take seriously.

I've watched some authors start out writing very badly but with hard work they improved.

I'm sorry that you do not like what I write.


I would not say that.

I am no judge of anyone's talent. I have enjoyed some of your stories.

We come here spilling our hearts out and some readers just piss on them.


I've enjoyed your stories

WillowD's picture

I've read several of the Winnisimmet novels. They are well written, have good and interesting plots and the characters and their interactions with each other are quite believable. Thank you for your stories.


You haven't found your niche yet? I like to try lots of different things. some work, some work really well and others fall flat on their faces.
I think it took me a couple of years to get to 100 kudos points. I'd like to think that over time my writing has improved and that I am getting to know what works an d what does not.
That is called knowing your market.

Keep on going and try new things. Please don't just rely on Kudos and/or comments. Instead, rely on your heart. If you know something is good then to hell with the rest of us and just be proud of that work. Not every piece you write can be a success. Shrug your shoulders and "look on the bright side of life" and carry on. There were many, many times in the early days when I nearly gave up. This was especially true when I remembered some of the comments my English Teachers used to write on my essays back in school. Even though that was a long time ago (50 years now) they still wrankled.
Now I just give those memories the finger knowing that if someone who was diagnosed with Dsylexia in 1968 can actually enjoy writing then pretty well anyone can.


Somewhere Else Entirely

Today, my attention was drawn to this tale, which started in 2010, and is, in my opinion, some of the best fiction that I have read anywhere. I am not sure why the author has not published it in "Young Adult".

When I write, it seems clear to me that the TG element should not dominate the story.

hmm... Computers.

I'm a life-long Mac user, so when I got this PC at the beginning of the month, I was lost as to file placement as well. I just did the 'dummy' method. I made a folder on the desktop, labeled it "writing", and saved everything to it.

As for the thing with the "popular authors", I have noticed on other sites that writers from certain Asian countries often have grammatical issues with things like using the wrong tense, describing currently occurring actions in past tense, and vice versa. If one of the authors that Effin referred to is who I think it is... a certain prolific writer here, that is probably the case in their instance.

Welll... It was snowing today...

...around here... But it is a bit too late to write about "Snow days" if you live somewhere South of the North Polar Circle. (And yes, even hereabouts, most of the morning snow was gone by the mid day...)

While Kudos are awesome...

and as a relatively new writer here... though not a new member or reader... I love seeing them on my stories. The thing that gets me more excited are comments, and there are a few people here that if they were to comment on my humble little story, I would go insane over getting a comment from them. It's like "Senpai noticed me!"