when I first arrived at this site I was a little shy about giving comments. (Its true!) But I always treasured it whenever someone left a comment on any of my stories, so one day I realized that if I felt that way, other authors might too, and so set out to try send out as much encouragement I could. I just hope I havent become annoying ...
Comments annoying?
Thanks for commenting.
as long as a comment is supportive or constructive, I don't mind
I love comments when they are appreciative, or when they help point out something I may have overlooked, or they give encouragement. If a comment is vague or seems just kind of doesn't have detail in the person's thoughts or anything, I guess I don't see the point.
I think comments are important.
Even if it's a short comment like "Thanks for posting" it indicates that the reader wanted to put more effort into thanking the author than just clicking on the kudo button.
I am
right behind you and trying to catch up!
When you say it like that...
It almost sounds like you are treating it more like a contest, rather than commenting on the post itself.