A Spirited Emergence - Episode 15

Girl in eye
A Spirited Emergence
Episode 15: Hostility rising

by D.L.

Copyright  © 2010 D.L.
All Rights Reserved.

I am starting to get uneasy about being in school, and worry about being disturbed at the shop.


It appears I now have two sets of people keeping a close eye on me. Tracy, Mary and Susan are keeping look out to make sure I’m not attacked. Stephanie and her friends are now watching me closely, not letting me out of their sight. Several times as I walk down the corridors near the girls’ bathrooms, one or more girls deliberately go and stand guard in front of the door and stare at me, making sure I don’t attempt to enter.

I have a scare during second lesson. I hear a loud banging, and my remote vision automatically kicks in to show me a police officer rattling the door on the shop where my body is located. I spend the rest of the lesson dividing my attention between the classroom and the store. Luckily, the teacher doesn’t notice I am distracted. Given recent events and my normally high marks, I think the teachers are giving me extra leeway.

It seems the owner of the butchers next door has heard me, and is concerned about noises coming from an empty unit.

I decide I need to relocate to under the stage. As soon as the lesson is over, I wander down to the door. I am thinking of quickly unlocking it, so that it will be ready for when I arrive. It will be easier to get in if I don’t have to project inside to unlock the door, leaving an unconscious body in the corridor as I do so. As I’m currently projecting, I can simply reach through the door and open it. When I arrive, the door is already open and I can hear voices inside. I peek in with my remote vision to see the drama teacher and one of the janitors discussing moving some of the scenery out of storage.

That rules the stage out as a hiding place. I look around to see if it is safe to disappear, but there are two girls watching me from down the corridor. I head to the disabled loo near the front office.

Alone at last I end my projection and return to my body in the shop. I quickly phone my father at work with my cell phone, using his personal number.

I explain the problem with the police officer. He tells me not to panic, but to try not to make any noise, he will come and meet me at lunchtime and we will work on the problem. He has an idea, but it will involve telling his secretary about my skills. As I am running out of options, I agree.

I end the call and go to the loo, but deliberately don’t pull the chain. I then head back to my seat and project myself back into the toilet at school. I flush and wash my hands, then step out once more as David. The same two girls are still watching me from a distance. I go and join my friends in the common room. They recognise who has been following me and confirm my suspicion that they are associates of Stephanie.

I am starting to get uneasy about being in school, and worry about being disturbed at the shop. Suddenly disappearing in the middle of a lesson will cause problems.

I am slightly nervous during third period, between break and lunch, and keep an eye out remotely for anybody trying to enter the shop. I also keep viewing what is going on behind my back, as I sit down the front of the class and can’t see what people are doing.

When I return to my locker at the start of lunch, it is covered in graffiti. Somebody has written ‘sissy faggot’ across it in permanent marker. A teacher, Mrs Hargreaves, is already stood in front of it, looking unhappy. I identify myself as the owner of the locker. I’m asked who I think might do this.

“There are a number of people who are openly hostile towards me, although none have done anything that could be described as harassment,” I reply, “This wasn’t here when I last passed by a few minutes before the bell rang at the end of break.”

I open my locker to find a note has been pushed inside through the gap in the doorframe. Mrs Hargreaves takes the note and holds it by her nails. Letting it fall open, it reads, “We’re watching you, pervert. Any false moves and you are out of here.” It’s printed out from a computer. Mrs Hargreaves proceeds to take the note to the office. I empty the locker and head towards the front office, still being watched. I consider going into the disabled loo and simply vanishing, however I need to take my belongings with me this time. I decide to leave school as normal and see if anybody follows.

Heading towards the bike sheds, I meet Susan on the way and tell her not to come with me today, and not to be surprised if I don’t turn up this afternoon. We are still being watched and followed so I speak in code in case we are overheard. I tell her that problems have come up with location A and location B is now not an option. I also say I am meeting with my father to work on plan C.

I pack my things onto my bike and ride to the front gates. Speaking to the teacher on patrol, I explain that I’m worried about being followed. I ask if anybody else coming out of school can be delayed until I’m out of sight. He reluctantly agrees after I relate the locker incident. I cycle off in the opposite direction to the shop, circling round the block to make sure there is no tail, before doubling back towards Hamilton Road, deliberately dismounting from my bike and taking a short cut down a back alley. I have already looked down it with my remote vision so I know there are no surprises at the other end. Once out of sight I change my projection from David to Jennifer.

I figure if I’m seen entering the shop that I will then be leaving with the same appearance. I spot my father’s empty car in the parking lot and pull up beside it. He emerges from out of the butchers next to the empty shop unit. He asks quietly if I need anything from inside. The butcher is watching us so I nod and scratch my nose with my finger. As I do so, I make my finger slightly transparent. My face is hidden from view of the shop so only my father sees this.

We load my bike into his car then walk round to the back of the shop. He unlocks the door and we enter. He explains that the neighbours have heard noises from inside, and have seen several youths hanging round the back entrances to the shops. They have called the police thinking that the empty unit might have been broken into or vandalised.

I end my projection and get up. I quickly go to the loo again, flushing this time. My father picks up my cool box and puts it in inside of a black plastic sack. We also pack up the sun lounger in another bag and leave the shop. Pretending that we are removing some rubbish, we exit the building, locking it on the way out.

As soon as we are in the car, I explain that I can’t hide at school this time and that I’m worried about being followed. I also tell him about the damage to my locker, and the threatening note inside.

“You’re not at physical risk in school, as you have already proven you can’t be harmed while projecting. You need to project from a different location, one in which you will be safe from discovery. As you said earlier, there is the risk of you suddenly disappearing from class if you get interrupted.”

“I still have the range problem,” I reply, “I can’t project to the school from home. I still need to find somewhere to project from that’s closer.”

“How far can you manage,” he asks.

“Projection needs to be as close as possible, no more than a quarter of a mile if I want to keep it up for a long time,” I reply.

“When was the last time you tested your range?” my father asks, “You stayed with Becky for over half an hour until help arrived, you then slowly walked all the way back leading everyone to safety. I checked out the point where she fell on Google Earth. It was nearly half a mile from our house. According to your measurements that distance should have been out of range.”

“I was on a sugar high, and you helped me by feeding me honey,” I reply, “However, I take your point. I have been getting better at using my powers, and it’s less tiring now than when I first started. I guess I’m getting used to controlling my abilities.”

After a short drive, we arrive at a house two blocks away from school. We are met at the front door by his secretary, Gloria. I have met her on many occasions, but didn’t know where she lived. My father greets her with a kiss, and we head inside.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jennifer,” Gloria says, “John has explained your unique problem. You’re welcome to use my home as a base for getting into school. Nobody will disturb you here. I have made up the guest bedroom for you so that you can lay in comfort while you do your thing.”

I am shown round the house and told where things are if I need them. I’m then taken upstairs to the second bedroom. The room is set up as a sewing room and has a desk covered in bits of material. In one corner is an adjustable dressmaker’s mannequin. Gloria often alters her own clothes, and when younger had even made several outfits.

There is a bed along one wall, and it has been made up with a sheet, duvet and pillows for my use. I thank Gloria and sit down on the bed. I take my shoes off then lay down to test for comfort. I am presented with a spare key to take with me, and shown where there is another hanging up on a hook in the kitchen if I need it. After having some lunch, I project David into the room and we head outside, locking the door on the way out. The plan is to project into school from here, where I won’t be disturbed.

In future, I can cycle here and then onto school, coming and going as needed. I think this is a much better arrangement than the shop unit I have been using. Gloria seems a nice woman, and my father obviously thinks affectionately of her.

Having unloaded my bike from the car, I part company with my father and Gloria, then cycle back towards the school. I time my arrival so that I arrive in my homeroom as the bell rings. There is no time for anybody to hassle me before lessons start again for the afternoon. With my real body in a safer location, I can relax and concentrate on my classes. At the end of the day, I am escorted out of the school by Susan and Mary. Tracy would have come as well, but her brother was due to collect her by car, something she wasn’t happy about.

After cycling around the streets for half an hour, making sure we are not followed. I lead Susan to Gloria’s house. Mary has already peeled off and headed home.

On Tuesday morning, Susan and I cycle to Gloria’s house. Gloria has already left for work so I let us in using the key provided. Having made myself comfortable, I project myself as David and we continue on our way to school. The day progresses well, and I am a lot more relaxed in the knowledge that my body is not going to be disturbed.

At lunchtime, both Susan and I cycle back to Gloria’s where we have lunch, before returning for afternoon lessons. The bed I’m laying on is cosier than the sun lounger was, and the room’s a better temperature. This increased comfort means I am not as tired come the end of the day.

On Wednesday morning at roll call, there is a note in the register for me to go see Coach Sanders in her office. Mr Francis excuses me and I head through the school to my appointment. Everybody else is still in homeroom for the next ten minutes.

When I arrive at the office, it’s empty. Not sure what to do, I stand and wait. Having walked through the locked door once before, I don’t think it a good idea to push my luck a second time.

Three girls come along the corridor. They look familiar, but I can’t place their names. As they pass, they suddenly turn and grab me. One gets me in a bear hug from the side, while another wraps a cloth bag over my head so I can’t see or scream. I start to struggle when the third hits me in the stomach, instructing me to follow instructions or pay the price.

I decide to play along for the moment. I can end this easily by simply ceasing my projection. However, vanishing while being held would take a lot of explaining. The smoke bomb trick I used on the boys before I could claim as a simple magic trick. I can argue I legged it while they were distracted.

I’m dragged into the girls’ changing room, where they try to pull my pants down. I make sure that they aren’t successful by making the projection of my clothes impossible to remove. The zipper holding my pants on is well and truly jammed and there is no way they can expose me, not that my projection has any male genitalia anyway. I continue to struggle and resist them undressing me, much to their annoyance.

“What’s the matter Daisy? Too shy to get undressed in front of girls, aren’t you supposed to be one?” one of them taunts.

“Well in that case we will have to persuade you otherwise. Put him in the shower girls, we can leave the clothes here for her to get into by herself,” instructs a second girl, whom I assume to be the ringleader.

I am dragged into the showers and tied to one of the showerheads. They leave the room, turning the water on as they depart.

They seem to want to embarrass me by forcing me to wear girls’ clothing. I suppose they think it’s humiliating, not that I find it particularly so. Perhaps they also think I will get into trouble for being in the girls’ changing room. I know I am not allowed to be in here, but I can hardly be blamed for being dragged in against my will. Maybe they were going to dress me as a girl and tie me up assuming, after my demonstration with the handcuffs, that I could free myself quickly, relying on me being caught before I could escape.

I consider simply vanishing and reappearing elsewhere, but I decide to play the victim and see what happens next. I don’t have long to wait. The bell rings and shortly afterwards I hear a stampede of girls enter the room. I know exactly who is here without looking, as my class are due to have gym first thing this morning.

They immediately come to a halt, and I can hear their laughter. It’s followed by an angry sounding Coach Sanders calling for silence.

“Will somebody please turn off the water,” I call out. The water stops a couple of seconds later.

“David! What happened?” asks Coach Sanders, lifting the bag off my head.

“There was a note in the register asking me to come to see you in your office. You weren’t about so I waited in the corridor. Three girls came along and as they passed me, they grabbed me, put the bag over my head, and dragged me in here. They then tried to strip my clothes off, but failed to get my pants down. Instead, they shoved me in here to force me to change clothes.”

“I assume that cheerleaders outfit over there is what they wanted me to put on,” I say. My schoolbag has been placed on one of the benches, and hanging from a hook above the bag is the outfit.

“Do you know who did this to you?” the coach asks.

I look round the room, none of the girls who attacked me are present.

“I don’t know who they were, but I did get a look at them before they jumped me. I have a photographic memory, so won’t have a problem identifying them,” I reply.

The coach examines the knots holding me in place then says, “It looks like they tied you up well.” She pulls a penknife out of her tracksuit pocket and cuts the bindings holding my wrists, being careful not to brush against me as I’m soaking wet.

I emerge from the showers into the main changing area, followed by the coach.

The girls are sat around the room on the benches, in what I assume are their normal positions. I note that only three of the girls are actually changing. Mary and Tracy are stripped to their panties and have their backs to me as they change to sports bras. Susan has gone even further and is standing naked, facing me, while she removes her gym kit from her sports bag, completely ignoring both me, and the stares she is getting from the other girls and the coach.

“Susan, what are you doing?” Coach Sanders asks in surprise.

“Getting changed for class, Miss. Did you not just instruct us to change into our indoor kits while we were lined up in the corridor?” Susan replies. Turning to me she continues, “I have checked the size of the cheerleaders’ outfit. It’s going to be a bit tight as it’s a size too small, but its Spandex, so should stretch to fit you.”

“The pervert probably set this up himself so that he has an excuse for wearing it all day,” Stephanie calls from the other end of the room.

“There is no way Mr Palmer could have tied those knots himself,” Coach Sanders replies, “Any more comments and you will find yourself in detention.”

Mary and Tracy sit back down, having finished getting changed. Susan is still stood naked, having stopped what she was doing.

Susan reaches into her sports bag and pulls out a plastic carrier bag containing her towel. She keeps it in the bag so that none of the other items become damp when the towel is wet.

“Here, you can use my towel. Put your wet clothes in the bag,” Susan instructs.

Without waiting for the teacher to respond, I walk across to Susan and take the offered items. I pick up the cheerleading outfit and my bag, being careful not to get them wet, and walk into a nearby toilet cubical, shutting the door behind me.

“If the rest of you want to get changed, I promise not to come out until given the all clear,” I shout from inside.

“You would be better off getting changed in my office,” Coach Sanders states.

“And risk being seen as the boys go into the sports hall? No thanks,” I reply, “It’s humiliating enough being seen by this lot, without the boys having a laugh as well.”

“OK, but if you open that door before I say so you will be in deep trouble, the rest of you, get changed, we are wasting time,” the coach instructs.

I pretend to take my clothes off and dry myself with the towel. As my clothes are part of my projection, they vanish once I remove them, unfortunately, as they are soaking wet, the water remains, forming a puddle on the floor. I dry myself off with the towel. Placing the cheerleading outfit into the carrier bag, I hide it inside my school bag. I then project an identical outfit onto my body.

The cheerleading outfit consists of two parts. The first is a red and yellow leotard, and the second is a yellow pleated miniskirt. The skirt doesn’t hide much as it’s too short. I know everyone is going to expect a bulge at my crotch, but they’re going to get a surprise. I may be projecting as David, but my projection is without male genitalia. I also have no hair on my exposed legs, arms, and armpits. My chest is slightly larger than it was before my change, so as the material is tight it appears I have two small breasts.

“David, do you need a pair of shoes? I have a spare pair that should fit you,” Mary calls out.

“Yes please, I don’t fancy walking round bare-footed,” I reply. Pink sandals are pushed under the door and I slip them onto my feet.

As I have been forced into appearing female, I decide that I don’t want to look an idiot, although that may be tricky. I therefore make my appearance as girly as possible. Considering that I’m projecting and can appear however I want, this isn’t difficult. Nevertheless, I need to make sure any changes are realistic.

I don’t have a mirror, but as I can see myself with my remote vision, one isn’t necessary. I adjust my hair into a high ponytail and comb it forward into bangs on my forehead. Gold earrings appear in my ears. I add a touch of makeup, just some mascara and lipstick. My toenails and fingernails become red to match the leotard. I pick my feet up one after the other while I change their colour in case anybody is watching me. My feet are visible below the stall door as there is an eight-inch gap underneath.

With my hairless body, painted nails, hair and makeup, I am now looking particularly girlish. Anybody who doesn’t know me would now assume I’m a girl. Unfortunately, approximately thirty girls on the other side of the cubicle door believe otherwise.

“OK David, everybody is now changed, you can come out when you are ready,” Coach Sanders states, “You can wait until we are in the gym if you don’t want to be seen.”

The coach is offering me a get out clause to prevent further humiliation. However, I decide not to take it. Putting my rucksack on my back, I open the toilet door, and step out into the room. I don’t want to give the perpetrators the satisfaction of humiliating me. Instead, I’m going to use their act as an excuse to do something I would not normally be able to do: dress as a girl at school.

“Actually, I go by Daphne when en-femme,” I state. Daphne is the first female name that I can think of that starts with a ‘D’ and which isn’t Daisy. I need a third identity, as I don’t want to add confusion over two entirely different appearances of Jennifer, especially if I later find a way to attend in person.

All eyes turn in my direction and there are a number of astonished gasps at my feminine appearance. When I used to dress, I was never able to be as presentable as I have now achieved. I wasn’t this passable in the video.

“What’s the matter?” I ask everybody while handing Susan her towel back. “I don’t look stupid dressed like this do I? I know quite a few of you have already seen me in a skirt before thanks to Stephanie’s video, although I don’t think her filming did me justice.”

“You look more beautiful than half our actual cheerleading squad,” Kate answers, much to the annoyance of Stephanie, who is one of our cheerleaders. I blush.

After getting over the shock of my appearance, Coach Sanders instructs the girls into the gym. Mr Barker, a trainee teacher who is assisting in gym classes, takes over running the girls’ lesson while Coach Sanders escorts me to the school office.

I am sent to the library to write up a statement and to look at the school yearbooks to identify my attackers. Having written up what happened, I browse the photos. Having looked through the whole collection, I can’t locate the people who attacked me.

The librarian disappears into the back of the library office to make some phone calls. While she isn’t looking, I end my projection and return to my body in Gloria’s house. I have brought my netbook with me to her home, although I didn’t take it into school. Finding a plain magnolia coloured wall, I project as each attacker in turn, photographing myself using the built-in webcam.

I find software on the internet that can take a photograph and make it look like a police identikit picture. By the time I have finished it looks like I have matched up pictures of facial components to make faces. I email the edited images through to my school email address. Returning to the library I call the photos up on one of the computers and start a second trawl through the images in the yearbooks.

The Principal, Mr Edwards, comes to see me in the library. He looks at the pictures on the screen and I explain that this is what they looked like, but I can’t locate them in the books.

“Is it possible that these girls were wearing wigs?” he asks me.

I think for a minute before suddenly twigging why I hadn’t recognised them earlier. “Yes, I think they were. I thought they looked familiar but couldn’t place names to the faces. Their hair is wrong, that’s why I can’t recognise them.”

After a few minutes’ discussion we have three names to match the faces. Britney Madison, Cherry Conroy, and Alison Little are associates of Stephanie. The ringleader, Alison, is known for her racist and bigoted attitude. I tell the principal an edited version of my run in with Stephanie at the weekend, and my suspicion that she was behind my outing. I inform him I don’t expect the school to do anything, as it’s my word against hers. Mr Edwards agrees it won’t be helpful to go after Stephanie. However, he will be expelling the other three. Before coming to see me he had already compiled a list of students who were not present in homeroom, and he just needed me to confirm their identities.

When asked if I want to press charges for assault and get the police involved, I decline. I am happy for the school to handle it internally. I think the threat of assault charges will be enough and that the chances of a prosecution are remote. At most, they will be let off with a caution.

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