I've talked here about how my stories have a life of their own, and in the case of one story I'm working on, it may be a Frankenstein's monster.
See, it started with me tossing around some ideas for my anniversary, and one was to do a little series of tributes to my favorite (non-Big Closet) authors, starting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and his best know creation, Sherlock Holmes.
So I started what I planned to be a quick little nod to the great detective, but then the story's protagonist, Dr. John Watson, decided he wasnt having it, and demanded I create something worthy of his dear friend, something of extraordinary quality and much longer than I had originally intended.
I also have noticed that since I started going to the writing group, I've become much more nervous about the quality of my work, so that may be playing a role as well.
So, I'm doing my best, but man-oh-man, does this feel like I'm trying to stretch myself beyond what might be possible for me ...
Stories are like police call boxes
Sometimes when you step into them they reveal themselves
to be much bigger than they appeared from outside.
And then they take you to Victorian England.
~hugs, and have a good trip! Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Go for it!
Exploring and stretching you boundries in writing is how you learn new thing!
- Leona
A Sign
"... the story's protagonist, Dr. John Watson, decided he wasnt having it, and demanded I create something ... of extraordinary quality and much longer than I had originally intended."
When your characters begin demanding things of you, that's when you know you're really writing something. Go for it!
-- Daphne Xu