Not completely sure about this. I lifted it off a spanish page. It appears that Facebook is closing, and it is dated 2019.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Not completely sure about this. I lifted it off a spanish page. It appears that Facebook is closing, and it is dated 2019.
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Not likely.
Facebook is not going anywhere. For one thing, facebook owns almost all social media. They own instagram and I'm pretty sure they own snapchat as well. They've been buying all the social media companies for years now. They may have to rebrand and get rid of Mark Zuckberg as ceo but facebook will still be around..
Jessica Marie
We can only be so lucky!
...beat me to it!
Not a chance
Nor are they going to charge for it if you don't forward some meme.
They're making too much money to mess it up by changing things.
Yes please...
Make it so.
The world would be a better place if it went into Chapter 7 tomorrow
Yesterday would be even better
Sadly social media has become the forum for idiots and trolls and for folks who can’t discriminate fake news. Apparently old folks are the most vulnerable people to that.
We need to get rid of it to save ourselves.
I've never signed up for FaeceBook, Twitter or any of the other (Anti)Social Media sites. Never felt the need to expose myself like that.
Facebook and the rest are all blocked at my firewall so any visitors can't use my network to get their fix.
Yes, I'm a social media refusenik...
Old folks are more likely to repost false news?
That's false news! ;-)
Seriously, though, we have to put up with a lot of tomfoolery as a cost of freedom of speech.
In the past, people could write on parchment and nail it to the church door or whatever. Unless they were rich enough to own a newspaper. Then, they said whatever they wanted in the newspaper, and maybe printed letters to the editor (after suitable editing) to make it look like they were giving dissenting viewpoints equal time.
More recently, it was radio, then television, then cable television. Still, those who owned the media got to say what they want. The rest of us could stand on our soapboxes or pay $$$ for mass mailings.
In countries where the freedom of speech is not guaranteed, the government is the gatekeeper for the information that we receive. In free countries, the owners of the media are the gatekeepers.
Now, we can spew our florid prose in Facebook or Twitter or Big Closet.
Seriously. Would Tor Books or Baen Books or Analog Magazine ever print the beloved works of Bek D Corbin, The Professor, E.E. Nalley, Angharad, or Morpheus? I know that Analog rejected the one story that I sent to them. At least they were polite.
The price we pay for the democratization of communication is all of the drivel that the Internet contains
But I think it's worth it.
Fake News.
It was false. :(
I'd be
I'd be skeptical of any news source claiming that facebook was closing. If Myspace has somehow managed to stick around, I doubt facebook, which sees much more traffic, will go the way of the dinosaur.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Intelligent use
Like it or not, Facebook is going to be with us for the foreseeable future. We need to have the discipline to use it intelligently, and not let it use us.
Hint: You won't learn this on Facebook.