As my life begins to Jell

The Road To Haifa has made me really introspective.

I'm not finding Eli's reaction to Sarah strange at all. Since the devastation and smoke in my own life has begun to clear, remarks from my siblings, past aquaintances, and an old boss all point to one thing. It was always there right before their eyes; clear to them; unseen by me.

I recently talked to a boss from 5 years ago. What I'd done did not surprise him. A work mate said that he'd always wondered at my vigorous denial that I was gay. I was so afraid; at stake was everything I loved and valued. It is strange how we believe we are hiding something but to others it is clearly visible. As it turned out, as I began to understand, I was not gay at all, but a woman. They saw it; I was terrified; the memory of my true self deeply submerged by interminable brutal conditioning. Yet, the natural grace, and winsome qualities concealed behind a facade of angry, false masculinity; only to peek out during times when my guard was down.

I loved to watch the family at Super Bowl time after the children were all grown. They'd be sitting in the living room shouting and cheering over the senseless brutality the teams unleashed against each other. It all made no sense to me, but I loved to watch them reveling in their happiness. It was during those times; when I was across the bar, in the kitchen, slicing pizza and pouring drinks. I loved to watch them; somehow living vicariously the happiness in their lives in my own. It was during those times, less than a dozen years ago, that she began to determinedly peel at the crysalis surrounding me.

Now most of the pain of the losses is dulled to a barely tolerable level; best to try to think of other things; to make believe it didn't happen. Once in a while the pain returns for a visit; full force; just as paralizing as it was. Finally it is fought back down below the surface. I breathe again; 5 times deeply; knowing that to go down that path again will simply lead to a place that is so dangerous.

At times I want to batter my way into their lives; grab them by the shoulders; despirately shake them; thinking that somehow if I can just face them they will see the love in my eyes; see what was always there and that I am infinitely more suitable to love and encourage them. Yet, deep in my soul, I know that my best efforts are futile unless they are willing and they never will be.

Thank God, that many of you have been smarter than I; still conceal your true selves; trading personal happiness for the care of our loved ones. I curse the darkness that sent me down this path to so much pain for both of us. No one's fault really; perhaps it was inevidable. Too many questions that I can not answer; maybe never will; maybe the answers don't matter.

I'm tired. I just flunked an important test for the second time. I try to blame others for my weakness. Deep inside, I wonder if my brain is growing weak; wonder at the wisdom of choosing this path. I wish I had the time to just sit in a warm tub and bawl for a while. I will take one sleeping pill, rather than the hand full my drama queen would like.
I'm not setting the alarm clock. Maybe the rest will make things seem brighter in the morning.

Thank God for those who truly care for me; please help me to pass it on?

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