I went off on a Facebook rant that accused everyone that supported Trump of being complicit in his bigotry and were just as much as a bigot as he was.
My dad saw that and went off on me and asked if I considered him a racist too. I wasn’t able to reconcile him saying he loves me with the fact he said he supports trump. So I had a breakdown. He has systematically targeted the transgender community and is trying to legally erase us. I had a breakdown and seriously considered suicide even counted out the pilll. My aunt managed to talk me down, she made me promise to talk to him but I’m not sure how to start the conversation. Does anyone have any suggestions?
It seems this was missed in a comment.
I talked to my dad and he clarified his remarks when he said he supported trump he meant he support the office of the president of the United States not trump so that makes me feel better.
I’m not sure if this has anything to with me being on a new antidepressant again
Talk to a professional
A good counselor can help you understand the very complex issues you raise, and suggest a course of action. It sounds like more to work out than just talking to your father. Ask your family doctor for a referral . Remember, Trump won’t be around forever.
Call the suicide hotline NOW
If you got that far, we are not going to be able to help. You need professional advice - don't put it off.
I, too, am sick of the bad behavior or our so-called leaders, but you can't fight them if you die. Don't let them win.
Don't blame this on Trump
Don't blame this on Trump ,racist and bigot are harsh words. You have problems that need help, blaming a person for your feelings will only bring up other persons to fixate on, such as your father. Sit back, relax, forget politics for a while. If it helps, the Democrats took over control of the House. Think how of that may change things. In Massachusetts, we passed a ballot question passed protecting LGBTQ rights, now we need to pass a Federal law of protection. Here's something you can put your energies into.
I talked to my dad and he clarified his remarks he supports the president of the United States not trump so that makes me feel better.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I know what you mean. On facebook I ranted at my mother because she supported shit like the duggars and duck dynasty. Conservative family is the hardest. Trump is an oligarch fascist monster, his supporters just don't seem to understand just how dangerous he is. Or they don't care. As long as he "puts a bible back in every school" they could care less what happens.
But it's not over yet, we got some fighting to do, there is some hope. It's not a lot but we DO have hte house, and that is something. Maybe if we're lucky we can impeach that racist bigot. And his goddamn vice president can have a heart attack or something or get impeached too. Or at the very least use the house to stifle anymore hate to come out of them.
Also if you are feeling suicidal:
The Hotline:
US: 877-565-8860
Canada: 877-330-6366
I wish you the best of luck. A therapist helps me with my suicidal ideations. Also a strong support network.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
You have to wonder. How can
You have to wonder. How can the bible be put 'back' in school, when it rarely ever was in a school? When people were learning, they were in one room schoolhouses (and similar). My mother grew up in a tiny town in West Virginia. Some schooling was done in church, but most of it was done by a teacher. The only time the Bible was used was in helping to teach people how to read, because it was often the only book readily available to most families.
It seems like the further people get from the founding of the United States, the less they care to remember that those founding fathers were 1) VERY religious, 2) from backgrounds persecuted FOR those religions, and 3) very careful to keep a specific religion from being the law of the land - because they remembered #2.
As for suicide? I always remember Hamlet's famous soliloquy. We don't know what happens after, so it's better to put it off as long as we can.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
First, you need to face the fact........
That like many Trump supporters, especially white men of a certain age, he may never listen to reason. Trump is telling them exactly what they want to hear, feeding their fears - no matter how paranoid and unrealistic the may be, and they truly want to believe that he is right; that he is telling the truth, even when he has been proven to be lying with practically every sentence he utters.
Once you have faced that fact, then you need to marshal your arguments, building a foundation on scientific fact. There are numerous medical studies, legal precedents, and proven facts with which to do this. Build a strong foundation, and then construct your final arguments out of love. Confront him - how can he say the things he does, believe the things he believes, agree with the mysogenistic ass Donald Trump, and then claim to love you when you are living proof that Trump and his ilk are full of shit?
And if he refuses to hear you, then you need to be prepared to walk away from him.
I know it’s hard. I did it to much of my own family. When I came out, I refused to visit or even speak with my father. He would have thought Trump was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
When my father died a few years ago, I had not spoken to him in years. I attended his funeral, and I was even given the flag from his casket, as well as his signet ring with our family’s coat of arms. LOL, even in death he mocked me with that as it always goes to the oldest son.
Whatever you choose to do, whatever the outcome, always remember that YOU are the better person. Do not let them win by taking the easy way out. I don’t say that lightly - I have been there myself. I have sat alone counting pills with the intent to end my suffering; I have sat by myself staring at a loaded .45 automatic, trying to find a reason not to eat a round; and every time I have found a reason to go on. Suicide is the cowards way out. Don’t give in.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Passion; a blessing and a curse
You are, no doubt, passionate in you opinions.
Passion can be a blessing or a curse. Applying passion to affecting change, can be a blessing in that it drives us to not give up to spite strong opposition. But that same passion can be a curse when we can't allow others to have extreme feelings in opposition. It drives us to extreme words and sometimes actions. It paints us in corners that we can't seem see a way out of. Sometimes is causes us to break relationships it's taken a lifetime to build.
Sometimes we just need to step back and consider things from the other side of the coin. The thing we want most is for others to show tolerance for us. Tolerance is the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. That's what we want from others. Isn't it a bit hypocritical of us not to show that same tolerance for others?
My son-in-law is on the opposite end of the political spectrum from me, and his daughter, my beloved granddaughter, follows right along behind him, as does his wife, my daughter. I love them all dearly. I'd be devastated if we couldn't simply agree to disagree.
Others have advised you to seek help. First from the hot line and then from a referral from your doctor. I second that idea on both counts. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. As others have pointed out, Trump, like other presidents, has a term limit. The worst case scenario is six years. I'm sure your life expectancy is more than six years. As my grandmother often pointed out, "This to will pass."
I'll also point out that I'm 73 years old and I lived through times when being trans didn't even have a politically correct label. There are thousands like me. To spite what our chief executive is trying to do, we will still have more freedoms than we did when I first started to deal with my femininity. An executive order, or a law, can't sway public opinion. And over the last 10 to 20 years public opinion has started to swing in our direction. In some parts of the country the pendulum is pretty well into our side. It'll take more that six years of Trump to get it to swing back the other direction.
As for your dad, send him an email, or a snail mail in which you, with carefully chosen words, not a knee jerk reaction, explain that he's your father and you love him, but that you can't agree with him, or his politics. That his politics and opinions don't detract from your love for him. Telling him that you can tolerate him and his feelings and politics and ask him to do the same for you. Agree to disagree.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I've got depressed over things Ive seen in the news lately too
REALLY depressed; can't write, lethargic, despairing for the human race
and FEARING the human race; imagining scenarios out of Sinclair Lewis's
cautionary novel It Can't Happen Here. And there's a family member I can't talk to;
or only about the most superficial things. That's as specific as I'm gonna get,
I'd hate to see the comments on a blog about suicidal feeling turn
into a political argument, depressing us both further...
But just remember. The political zeitgeist of a nation operates like a pendulum.
It might take a decade, but it WILL swing the other way, Always has.
And that's a source of hope for me. Something worth sticking around
for + possibly doing my part to give it a nudge where + when I can...
~hugs, Veronica
A little Bowie to lighten the mood:
(ok that was a bit sardonic, but for me taking refuge in sardonicism helps sometimes too...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
For all those making comments
For all those making comments, it's time to tune down the rhetoric, calling people "monsters", or evil only makes things worse. just because someone's opinion is different is no reason for hate on any side of an issue.
I wish I could up vote this
I wish I could up vote this one. I may detest someone, or even a raft of someones, due to their wanting or doing something I don't like - but that doesn't make them monsters, or evil. It means that _I_ think that what they're aiming for isn't right.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Suicide safe place
You can go to the nearest ED (ER). We see depressed and suicidal people all the time. We will keep you safe, assess your severity, get mental health professionals to you. Be prepared for the process to take time.
And Yes a change in meds can trip an increase in depressive symptoms.
Remind your Dad we Vietnam era citizens learned not to respect the office when the holder is corrupt.
BAK 0.25tspgirl