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Figured I would clue everyone into where I've been, at least with my writing and lack of posting.

I had a heart attack two weeks ago, or at least that what the doctor tells me. I think the ER wanted to keep me at least over night, but they decided to let me go after experiencing my unique scene of humor :)

While that could have been bad, it actually wasn't. The truly bad was finding out I am now blessed with diabetes as my A1C came back 245. Then they also found unusual liver enzymes.

So I've been in and out of doctor's offices lately with several more scheduled over the next few weeks.

On the good side, I'm still alive and kicking.



Daphne Xu's picture

Yikes! The goal of controlling diabetes appears to be lowering A1C below 7, and I'm having a hard time with that, myself.

Good luck with it.

-- Daphne Xu


Better to be alive and dealing with diabetes than dead and buried. I am now envisioning Kat and Kelly and Coyote storming the ER and wrecking havoc (along with loosing the dogs of war) in their efforts to get their favorite author released! Take care of yourself and get healthier!

I think the staff

in the hospital had enough troubles with someone with my sense of humor and stubbornness :)

Although I have to say they brought some of it on themselves with the stupid questions they kept asking. I mean seriously asking me if I'm currently having suicidal or homicidal thoughts while i'm laying in a hospital bed with chest pains? Luckily the girl friend was with me to stop me from spouting off with the answer that was forming in my mind :)

When the doctor came by asking if there was anything that I thought would make me feel better, the girl friend wasn't fast enough and I told them Beer always makes me feel better and could they bring me some :)

I think if Kat and crew had shown up, the hospital staff may have ran screaming :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.


Take care of yourself.
Do what the docs order, and recover.

Red MacDonald


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I think you mean that your glucose came back at 245... that would put your A1c at about 11.1, still dangerously high. Mine spiked at 6.7 and my doctor put the fear of God in me and I'm watching my diet closely and now I'm running an average of about 6.3.

A high A1c is a recipe for kidney failure. Do what ever it takes to keep it low.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


A glucose of 245 is high, but you can’t draw a conclusion on A1C levels based on a single glucose test, you need an actual A1C test.

Thanks for the correction. I

Daphne Xu's picture

Thanks for the correction. I should have realized that that would have been the blood-sugar level, not the A1C. That level might not be so dangerous, if it's just after eating. (But it's a very dangerous fasting level.)

-- Daphne Xu

Your right

I confused A1C with blood sugar level, the A1C was 8.1

My girl friend is diabetic and she has had a habit of periodically testing my blood sugar and for years it would always test out between 60 and 80. Seeing it at 245 in the hospital, then the same several days later has me concerned.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Not that I know much ...

They said I was, so I cut out all added sugar and um stuff that makes your A1c go nuts. Not Diabetic now. Hmmm


You're still diabetic

you just have it under control. The trick is keeping it there - I hate the daily injections but its that or a slow, painful death. Not much choice there.

Don't overwork yourself. I

Don't overwork yourself. I know you had some issues with lazy coworkers and tough schedules but you can't overwork yourself now. Exercise is all well and good but not the exercise you get at work!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Maybe it's not so bad

Heart strokes almost always result in elevated glucose levels. Your stroke might have been the occasion they found a diabetes in you (good that you had it!), but it might also have been the cause for this result. Wait about a month after the stroke and then test your glucose level again.