The Nigerian Scam - Ch06

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Oh God, seconds after that first roar, it was everywhere. From all sides, there were screeches and growls. Some of them sounded like barking and modulated growls. The sounds somehow hit the exact frequencies to get all hair on your body to stand on end. If I hadn't been warned I think I had to clean out the bottom part of this suit.

Tom was looking around wide eyed. I pointed to a tree and dragged him by the arm towards the tree. The bandits didn't see us hide. They were trying to see in too many directions at the same time, waving their guns around.

From behind a tree on the left of the bandits, a loud animal scream sounded. As they all swung their guns towards the sound From the other side an honest to God velociraptor right out the movies ran by and clawed at them. It managed to damage Jamal’s guns. Bob’s gun went of hitting a tree, but the beast was long gone.

Bob was now hit by another pair of velociraptors and he dropped his gun while in front of Jamal three animals let out another chilling howl. To make things complete, now the area was hit by small arrows embedding themselves in the protective suits.

Human figures became visible between the trees. They were dressed like tribal people. They didn't look good. What these men and women used for clothes was torn. Their skin was this mottled gray color and unhealthy hair. Some had sores, red angry wounds, scars, pus and some even has scales.

They all shuffled forward, clutching spears, blowpipes, and bows while moaning and shouting strange words like they were trying to cast spells. Then colored puffs of smoke appeared around the bandits while darts and arrows were still were coming down around them.

That was the last straw. The shouting over the radio became screaming now. Our kidnappers turned around and ran away. They tore of their masks to throw at the zombies while they shuffled after them moaning.

A half dozen zombies was left behind and we were eying them carefully still hidden behind the tree. They stopped shuffling and stood up straight. Their color now started to change to normal. The scars and sores started to look like tattoos and then those were disappearing too. Then these people started to laugh.

"God, did you see them! So scared!!"

"That screaming they did!! They were too afraid to aim their weapons."

"With those suits! That color!! We could see them from miles away!"

"Lemme catch my breath for a moment! I gotta find those kids."

Carefully I poked out my head from behind the tree. One of the guys started to wave me over. My internal sense was telling him it was his voice I heard. I stood up straight and slowly started to walk over.

"Hey Andy, you can take off the suit now. There is no plague or virus here. And they are ripped anyway. I don’t think they were made for jungle walks."

Then one of those velociraptors came out of the trees. It seemed to be sniggering in an animal fashion with little barks. I was preparing to turn when one of the other 'zombies' high fived the animal.

"George, good show! Awesome teamwork! Hey, watch those claws. Did you time it?"

_grunt_ _bark_

"From first howl until they started screaming, those are the rules."

_chitter_ _bark_

"Under 180 seconds? Those were weak. Are there any military scheduled anytime soon for an invasion? I need a challenge man."


"Too bad. Alright lads, the score was 173 seconds! Anybody got the pool?! Mandy here had 175. Anybody got closer? Mandy wins the pool!"

While I was trying to take that all in while Tom was coming up behind me. I took of the mask and started to peel of the suit, Tom following suit

The 'zombie' guy came over.

"Here Andy, let me help you. You can call me James. Let me answer a few questions already. No, James is not my real name but it's a good use name and you probably can't pronounce my birth name. Yes, we speak English now. We figured that was easier for you and because we think it's fun to play with the idioms and culture. Yes, that was our seagull. There, without the suits it’s much better. You can give the suits here. We'll recycle them later. The rest of the crew will pick up any other garbage left."

Tom and I handed the suits over to James. It looked like he was our only hope now.

"Come you two. We prepared a room for you. It's not that far from here."

"Elsie, can you take this stuff? I'll take care of the kids here."

James handed the damaged suits to the velociraptor who stuffed it in a basket that was now strapped to his side. The ‘raptor gave us a thumb up and a bright little chirp.

It was too much. Totally shell shocked, we meekly followed James who was walking deeper in the green and blue tinted jungle.

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Too short!

These chapters are just too short! ;)

Tame Velociraptors?

joannebarbarella's picture

And fake zombies? Neat! What next?

Bit of an eccentric story

But I absolutely love it :). Everything from magic peas to zombies. Keep the chapters coming!