okay for someone who doesnt actually watch that much TV anymore, other than sports and Dr. Who. (and Agents of Shield), my subconscious seems to have been infected by TV shows.
Twice in the last week or so I have had dreams of being an actress on TV shows. The first time I played a young woman who had been a pioneer in getting an education in the early 1900's, and returned home to her small town in Eastern Canada, faced people who dismissed her because of her youth and gender, and helped solve a mystery.
The second one was last night, where I played a police woman dealing with a guy who had skipped out on several pregnant woman, but despite her dislike of him was asked to protect him when he became a witness for a criminal case.
Dont ask me what this means, folks. I have no idea ...
Dorothy: Return to Green Gables
I think I saw that one on PBS...
~hugs, Veronica
(Last night I dreamed I was in downtown Los Angeles,
somewhere around Olvera St., and kept seeing:
everywhere- on billboards, t-shirts, bumper stickers;
but nobody wanted to tell me what it meant + they seemed nervous that I'd even brought it up.
I sensed it was something ominous, mind control from hidden alien overlords or something...
Freaky, huh?)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
That's definitely something
That's definitely something that the BBC would put out(PBS dramas come from the BBC). It reminds me of a cross between Anne of Green Gables and Midsomer Murders
As for the that dream you had? Maybe percentage of fracks given? Or your level of fame?
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Dr Who eh?
Well, we have a new series starting here in the UK on Sunday. The first for the new female Doctor.
Just as I predicted in my story, 'The New Doctor' {smug grin on face}
last night
I had a dream where all foaming soaps were... aggressively foamy
like would not stop expanding
people in dream were acknowledging it (compared to the usual ignorance of dream weirdness) and saying things like "how are you doing this?"
and I am panicking because I know the dream making bit of my brain can't handle physics and it really is my fault that the world is being consumed by soap foam