Racing Angels -chp 6

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Chapter 6
McGuire house Tuesday 1430
Everything had gone just as Beth told me it would happen. I walked into homeroom this morning only to have Ms. Reed send me down to the Guidance office. I walked in and was told Miss. Benchley would see me in a few minutes. Five minutes later Miss. Benchley called me back to her new office. She greeted me with a smile. The office we were using was Carson’s old office. Miss. Benchley informed me that she was the new Head Guidance Counselor. It was with a mile-wide smile that she handed me my new schedule.

I had to ask her how she was able to shuffle the schedules around for more than eighty students. She was honest with her answer. “I just sent out a student wide email asking for volunteers to change classes with your pit crews. We actually had to turn away students we had so many volunteers. Between myself, Coach Hall, Mrs. Croswell, and Mr. Bowey we were able to make the needed changes in time for this morning.”

Miss Benchley printed out my new schedule and handed it to me. As I looked it over she explained what had been changed and what I was now required to take. “Now, here is your new schedule. As you can see we changed your homeroom, and first period is now History with Miss. Fechner, followed by Social Studies with Mr. Johnson, and your last class U.S. Government with Mr. Harper.”

I thanked her and headed out for my new homeroom and first class of the day. I went through the three periods of the day with a smile. I just went to each class showed the teacher my new schedule and took a seat. I noticed that most of my classes were made up of the members from my pit crews. Only one teacher commented on this, Mr. Harper. I wasn’t surprised by his reaction. He was known for hating sudden changes mid-semester. I think it has something to do with his P.T.S.D. Mr. Harper is a highly decorated Marine Corp vet. He served in Desert Storm, was part of the NATO Peacekeepers in Somalia, and Bosnia. He has seen some real heavy-duty shit during his time. I really respect the man.

At the end of third period I went back to my locker and got the books that I wouldn’t need any longer. I spent the next two hours going around to the different classes and teachers turning in those unneeded books. I also told them how much I would miss being in their classes. Only one asked why the sudden withdrawal. I explained that I was now enrolled in the work study program and they congratulated me on the success. I thanked her then I walked out the front door of the school with a smile.

I drove around town for a while to unwind before heading home. As I entered the house it was to the sounds of three voices being raised in surprise and frustration. I recognized two of the three voices right away as belonging to mom and Beth. The third voice also belonged to that of a woman. A woman that I didn’t know. I followed the sounds of their voices down the hallway to mom’s home office. I passed Joey along the way.

“Word of advice, Robbie. Run. And don’t look back. Run as fast as you and your Judge can go. Red line the engine sis.”

“It can’t be that bad?” I said.

“They’ve been in there since ten o’clock, Robbie. They have only calmed down once in all that time.” The look Joey gave me let me know he was serious.

“Just who is in there with mom and Beth?” I need to know who I was going to be dealing with or running from.

“Your fashion and style consultant, Madame Isabella La Fayette. The crazy bitch came in this morning while we were at school and has been waiting for you to get home.” Joey pulled me into a tight hug. “RUN. My dear sibling. Save yourself before it is too late.”

I pushed the lug head away with a smile and a chuckle. I had to have little fun with the situation and my brother. So, with a straight face and in a solemn tone I said as I pushed him. “Go on and get out of here, Joey. I’ll cover your retreat in case the crazy lady gets ideas towards you. Remember my sacrifice dear brother. It shall not be in vain.”

Joey chuckled. “I see that your smartass bone is warmed up and running full tilt pushing the red line. Just remember that I warned you.” With that Joey headed for the front of the house. “Tell mom she can find me over at Mike’s.”

“Sure thing, Joey. Don’t worry I’ve got you covered. You staying over for dinner?” I called out to him. Only to have him wave his arm at my question. I squared my shoulders and walked into mom’s office. With my smartass bone still running I called out cheerfully as I entered the room. “Oh, mother dear! I’m home!”

“FINALY!” The woman that had been raising so much commotion with mom and Beth spun around to face me. She stood around six-foot and plus a little more thanks to her high-heels. The damn things had to be at least six-inches. She had silver hair, not gay, silver, purple eyes, and is skinny as a toothpick. I am not joking here. The woman had absolutely no fat anywhere. She looked like one of those Twiggy Models from the 70’s. She was wearing what could only be a designer original business dress suit in dark gray. “Where have you been? I do not have time to waste with unprofessional children. Turn around. Well come on. I don’t have all day now.”

I looked up at the crazy bitch and snarled. I had already balled my hands into fists. I was in a good mood, but this bitch just hit my fuck off and die button. “Back off bitch before you end up missing more than a few teeth and a nice fat dentist bill.”

“Ah, such fire! Bertha was right. This one shall be a real challenge for me. First, we get rid of the tomboy clothes. From now, only dresses, skirts, and heels. Second, two days of the week, I will personally work with her on her walk.” The crazed bitch must not have seen the death glare in my eyes but mom sure as hell did. I was now ready to just punch the bitch out and to say to the hell with it all, then score some beer off the guys in the garage.

“Isabella, dear. I think that we need to give Roberta a few seconds to grasp who you are dear.” Mom warned the woman. Only to have Isabella look at her with questioning eyes. “Robbie, is not your normal young lady, Isabella. She was not threating you with bodily harm. She was promising you with bodily harm. Robbie doesn’t play well with others. This is your only warning.”

Isabella, looked me over slowly. “I see what you mean Jewels. If I did not know better, I would swear that your daughter is ready to kill me.”

“She is ready to kill, Isabella. Roberta, does not play. Nor does she responded well to orders from strangers. I suggest that you introduce yourself and start over.” I wanted to pound mom as she was basically ordering me to give the crazy bat a second chance. Wither I wanted to or not.

“Allow me to introduce myself young lady, Isabella La Fayette. Stylist and image consultant for Mercedes-Benz and you my dear.” As Isabella talked I picked up her slight Orléanais French accent.

I smiled and took the hand she held out. “Nice to meet you ma’am.”

“I highly doubt that you feel that way Roberta. I can tell that you do not take kindly to people telling you how to live your life. Especially those that would try to mold you into what they consider is a proper lady.” Isabella snarkly answered back.

“I don’t know about being a proper lady, but I do know how to drive. That should be all that matters.” I said as I kept my eyes on her like a hawk.

“My dear, I quite agree with you. All that should matter is your talent. Yet to the world you appear to be a ravishing beauty just waiting to take her first steps down the runway. That is what they see child, not what you wish for them to see. Which is your talent behind the wheel of a Formula one racer. Not even I with all my knowledge of fashion and design can change that, my dear.”

As much as I wanted to tell the woman to piss off she was only telling the truth. Hell, Sharron spent the last two years driving that point home for me. The thought about Doc Sharron gave me an idea. One that could very well work for a compromise of sorts.

“What would you say to a tomboy look that was less boy and more girl, Mrs. La Fayette?”

The fashion plate known as Isabella La Fayette gave me a curious glance. “What do you have in mind young lady?”

“I know that you have this idea of putting me in skirt, dresses, and high-heels. Well, that ain’t going to work. Not all the time. I will wear them when appropriate. But for day to day what would you say to skinny jeans, blouses, and riding boots?” I knew that I had to make some concessions to how I looked. But I wasn’t going to go all girly-girl. Not if I could help it. I figured that if I could come up with a style similar to what I saw Sharron on those days when she just came from the farm I would be good to go. I just had to convince this crazy bitch.

Isabella scratched her refined chin with the forefinger of her left hand. “A very interesting concept young lady. Do you think you can show me a few ideas of what you’re talking about?”

Damn. I hadn’t figured on her pulling something like this. “I guess I could. Let me go get my tablet.”

“I know what you’re talking about Robbie. I’ve spent enough time around Doc Sharron and you. You’re talking about going with that whole Equestrian look of hers. Aren’t you?” Beth said with a smile. She already had her tablet out and was taping away. When she was done she turned her tablet to show Isabella. “This is what my dear sister is getting at, Madam Isabella.”

Beth had pulled up four pictures of women dressed much the way that I had seen Sharron on more than one occasion. Even I liked the look that Beth had come up with. It was feminine yet not too feminine. Just the right balance between the tomboy look and how I pictured a refined lady of culture. Much like Doc Sharron.

robbie1.jpg robbie2.jpg robbie3.jpg robbie4.jpg

“Yes, that could work.” Isabella looked at Beth’s tablet with an interest that bordered on obsessed. “With her natural beauty she could very well set a fashion trend among the upper-class teens.”

Then she looked over at me. “That is if you can pull the look off. You would need to be extremely brave and defiant for this look.”

I looked Isabella in the eyes and chuckled. “I drive a Formula One racer to the edge. I got plenty of guts and as for defiance. Let’s just say that I have never been one to follow the sheep people. If I can face down and survive cancer, wearing something like that all the time is nothing.”

“Such fire! Such passion for life! I shall truly enjoy working with and your sister Roberta. Fire and Ice! Two such dynamic personalities within the same family.” Isabella turned to mom. “Jewels when the girls are not racing I due hope that you will let me sign them to a modeling contract?”

“Sorry Issy. This is one time that your models are truly spoken for a head of time.” Mom just chuckled as I gave her a sideways glance. “Yes dear. Isabella and I are old friends. Don’t let that fake accent of hers throw you. She grew up in Pelion, South Carolina before going to USC.”

“WAIT! WHAT?! You mean to tell me that Madam Isabella isn’t really from France?” Beth screamed out.

“Beth, I love you, but you should have picked up on it faster than your brother did. After all you took six years of French and spent a year as a foreign exchange student in the country.” Mom was doing her best to not giggle at the look on Beth’s face.

“But that was in Lyon. She’s been using a Orléanais accent.” Beth complained just before she started to pout. “She cheated.”

“Honey child, like the old sayin’ goes. If ya’ ain’t cheaten’ ya’ ain’t tryin’.” Isabella cracked in her real accent. One so thick it could only be the real South Carolinian accent. No one can fake something like that no matter how hard they try. I couldn’t help myself and busted out laughing. “Now there’s a real smile. Goods to sees ya’ h’ves one child.”

“Mom, please make her stop already. I’m going to pee my pants.” I was laughing so hard at this cultured and refined woman who came from the backwoods of South Carolina. That I was close to losing control of my bladder.

“Far enough Bobbie Lee. I’ll leave the wiseass routine for another time. As it is, we have much to do today.” Isabella had dropped her accents completely now. “If you would like we can get started with your new wardrobe. I understand that you have little to no female clothing to choose from. Is this correct?”

I just nodded my head sadly. “It’s not like I want to look like a girl. If I had my way you would be working with someone built like my younger brother ma’am.”

“Look I understand the situation you’re in here Bobbie Lee. I have worked with a few trans models in my time.” I stood there with my mouth hanging open like a big mouth bass. I was so surprised at hearing there were transgender models. “Yup, you heard right. There are a number of transgender models in the industry. Some of them even work the big fashion weeks in Milan, Paris, New York and L.A. I have had the pleasure of working with those fine women on more than one occasion.”

“May I know what gave me away other than the way I was dressed? Most people just look at me and see a teenage girl still in her tomboy phase. That’s without trying.” I really wanted to know what tipped her off to the fact that I was a boy.

Isabella gave me a sad smile. “I have know your mother for longer than you or your sister have been alive Roberta. I remember every time she got pregnant and what she had. I know for a fact that she only had one daughter and two boys. I also know that her oldest son almost died from cancer. That was you. You see it was nothing that you did that tipped me off. I had an unfair advantage with insider info. Besides your mother was the one to contact me not the Mercedes-Benz people to be your fashion consultant.”

“How did you and mom meet Isabella?” Beth asked.

“Jewellianna, and I.” mom screamed to the top of her lungs when Isabella used her full name. I almost died laughing.

“ISABELLA! Don’t you even go there! They don’t need to know the sordid story of our meeting damn you. And don’t ever use that name around my children again. Not if you want to live that is.”

“Okay, relax Jewels. I won’t tell them that we met because of a fight over a boy in the campus student union.” Isabella just giggled at the look of pure death mom was giving her. “Oh please, Jewels, it’s not like they don’t know the man. He is their father after all. I would say that you got the better deal.”

“True. I did marry Robert while you went on to marry Patrick La Fayette from Orleans France. Speaking of which how is Patrick?” mom asked of her. Only to get a dark look in return.

“On his third, no fourth wife now. I swear the man hasn’t a loyal bone in his body. Not that it matters I got the name and the property in our divorce settlement. Like the old saying goes. I got the gold, he got the shaft.” I couldn’t believe the cold rage this woman held towards her ex-husband. Then again, they say that there is nothing like a woman scorned and that goes double for a southern bell whose been cheated on.

Isabella turned back to me with a much softer look in her eyes. “I think we need to start with the basics for today. First off, I want you two girls to just call me Issy. Ma’am, Madam, Miss, Mrs. and Isabella are all too formal. We will be working too close together for such formality. Understood kiddos?”

Beth and I just nodded our heads yes. “Good, now then. Where to start? Better yet who to start with? Suggestions?”

Beth pounced on the question like a hungry puma. “We should start with Bobbie. She needs the most help.”

“That is true, Beth.” Mom said as she looked at me. “Well Bobbie? You made the choice for your new look. Ready to take the plunge?”

As much as I want to fight it I knew that it was hopeless. I was outnumbered, outgunned, and outmaneuvered by these three very determined females. I thought about what Joey had said when I ran into him in the hall. I was wondering if I should have taken his advice. I could have been on the other side of Florence just making the merge onto SC-544 heading for Myrtle Beach by now.

“If we’re going to get to ‘Equine Now’ before they close we need to get a move on. According to their website their store hours are from ten to six Monday through Thursday, ten to eight Friday and Saturday, closed on Sundays.” I wanted to pound Beth for being so helpful just then. I could have sworn she was more excited at the thought of me becoming her sister. Than getting a new wardrobe.

“Before we go I need to give Bobbie something to help hide her uniqueness below the waist.” Isabella told everyone quickly. “Bobbie, I hope you are not bashful?”

Isabella took me by the hand. “Show me to your room dear. I have something that will help you present a far more feminine appearance in tight pants and skirts.”

“Issy, do I need to be in there?” Mom asked.

“I trust her mom. If something feels even the least bit off don’t worry. Issy will be the one in need of medical attention.” I let all three know then and there I would use violence if pushed. Not that, that option had ever been off the table. The look Isabella gave me was one that spoke values. I had to trust this woman. She was placing her reputation in my hands. “Let’s go Issy.”

Once in my bedroom Issy turned to me with the bag she had brought with her. I watched as she pulled out a cellophane package with a flesh colored garment sealed inside. She handed me the package. “This is known in the industry as a gaff, Bobbie. It’s like a tight pair of thong panties. It will hold your testicles up inside of you and your penis down between your legs. Now, there is a few things that you need to do first. So, go ahead and strip from the waist down. Then I will show you what you need to know.”

To say the next fifteen minutes were the most embarrassing of my young life would be an understatement. Isabella must have worked with a lot of t-girls in the modeling industry. Because she had me tucked up and gaffed in five minutes. Then she reversed things and had me do them. At first the feeling of pushing my one testicle up inside of me felt strange. After making me go through the process five times Isabella felt that I no longer needed her help. The truth was I could do with easy by the time I got dressed again. Only this time she handed me a pair of Beth’s jeggings.

For the first time I started to realize that this was my future. I felt the fear of discovery start to grip me as I peered into the mirror on my door. Staring back at me from the mirror was not a boy in his sister’s clothes. No, what I saw in the mirror was a teenage girl. Who without any makeup was dropped dead gorgeous. Isabella stepped up behind me and started to first brush out my hair and then plat it into a tight French braid.

Once she was done I wrapped a belt around my waist over the shirt that I was wearing. With the hem hanging out and the jeggings I looked like a teenage version of Arlene “Tuny” Page already. The moment I started to actually dress along the lines I wanted. I really would look like a teenage version of Tuny Page.

“I see it too, Bobbie.” Isabella said from behind me. I looked up at her in the mirror. “I was one of the consultants for the US Dressage Team in twenty-sixteen. Come on we need to be going.”

She handed me a purse that would replace my wallet, keys, and other needed items. “Why don’t you drive dear? It would be good for your nerves and help you regain some control.”

Isabella must be a mind reader. Because I truly did feel as if I was on a runaway freight train. Beth smiled as we entered the living room. Mom just stopped dead in her tracks. “Damn, baby sis! I knew you would look good. But I would have never thought you would look this good.”

“Just wait until I have her dressed in her new style and a short stop to get her hair done. Then we shall truly see the butterfly that has been hiding under the guise of a tomboy.” The pride in Isabella’s voice at my impending transformation was scary.

“Come on. Let’s get this show on the road.” I grumbled and headed for the door. “I’m driving.”

Mom and Beth scrambled to catchup with us as I slid behind the wheel of my Judge. Even as they were struggling to get in the backseat and passenger seats I already had the big engine turning over. I needed to feel some control over my life. The only way I was going to get that right now was driving. I knew where we were going as I had seen ‘Equine Now’ on the other side of town during more than one rat race. It sat at the corner of Grant and Akine.

Even as I pulled out onto the street I could feel my nerves settling. I reached over and hit the play button on my stereo. The first song on the play list fit my mood perfectly. Mom must have been reading my mind. “Keep it down Roberta! No need to split the pavement just because you’re upset.”

I kept my foot out of the gas despite the sounds of Glenn Fry’s Smuggler Blues drifting from the speakers. I knew that I could have reached the store in fifteen minutes. Yet it took us almost forty-five minutes because mom won’t let me open up the Judge to run wild. I wish that I had made Beth bring the two adults in her car. That way I could have burned off my nerves with a little high-speed therapy on the streets of Darlington.

As it was we made it to ‘Equine Now’ with plenty of time to spare. Even then we were in the store for the better part of two hours. I tried on everything from jodphurs, breeches, tights, to casual polo blouses with short or long sleeves. Show shirts and jackets. I lost track of everything that I tried on to double check the fit. When it came to shoes and boots that was an experience in and of itself. I had no idea what my shoe size was in women’s, so the sales clerk measured my feet to double check. I was shocked to learn that I wore a woman’s size seven. After that it was tall field boots to tall dress boots to paddock boots. I don’t know what all Isabella and mom picked out from the clothing, but I picked out the boots that would be bought. I got three pairs of tall field boots, a pair each in, black, brown, and burgundy. I also picked out two pairs of paddock boots one in black and one dark brown. I know that it doesn’t sound like much but for me to pick out those five pairs of boots was a big step for me.

When we finally stopped shopping and when up to the register to pay and check out I was brought up short. The piles of clothing were huge. There were ten pairs of breeches, ten pairs jodphurs, twenty some casual blouses, four dress shirts, two dress jackets, three casual jackets, five pairs of boots, twenty pairs of socks, not to mention the fourteen pairs of sport bras and breeches liners that I hadn’t tried on. I was floored when the total reached the better part of three grand and was growing. Thankfully the manager came out when the staff noticed we were making such a massive purchase. The man gave mom a thirty percent discount on everything but the underwear and socks.

I took one pair of liners, breeches, socks, a casual blouse, and the black field boots out of the pile. I handed over the tags for them to be rang up and returned to the changing rooms. For some reason I wanted to wear my own clothes out of the store. When I returned Isabella was handing over a credit card. When I went to look at the total I was told that it was none of my business.

“Issy, it is my business. I have to pay for this stuff sooner or later. I need to know how deep I’m in debt.” I argued.

“This is a onetime expenditure on the part of Mercedes-Benz through your fashion consultant. I have been fully authorized to cover all costs of getting you and your sister presentable for the next week. See, no cost to you or your family.” Isabella smiled and signed the receipt. “Come on give us a hand getting all of this out to the car. We still have one more stop to make tonight before we’re done.”

I just sighed and did as I was told. I had hoped that Isabella would have said something about me changing. I guess to her it was just something I should have done. Picking up four of the bags I headed outside to my car. I found mom and Beth out there already with the trunk open. I placed the bags I was carrying inside next to the others. Mom handed me my purse and keys before hugging me.

“You look beautiful dear. I cannot wait to see the finished product. Isabella said you would turn out beautiful but even I had my doubts. That was until I saw you come out the changing room. You look like one of those runway models now.”

“I don’t know mom. I mean I just wanted to wear something that was mine. Not a hand-me-down from Beth.” I whispered.

“I understand love. We have to trust Issy. I know that she can be a flirt and a little flighty, but she really does know what she is doing. I take it that you were expecting some kind of reaction out of her when you came out?”

“Hay, I kind of was, but she just looked at me an acted like it was business as usual. I thought that she would have at least said good job. It just nothing.” I bitched.

“That is because we are not yet done, my little demon of speed.” Isabella said with that damned French accent of hers. That was something else that had been bugging the hell out of me.

“Just how many damned accents do you have Issy? I swear I have heard you use no less than four in as many hours.” I said as I round on her. I was getting tired and hungry. Never a good combination when comes to me. Especially if I’m the one whose driving. I have a bad habit of saying fuck it and grabbing gears at the red line.

“Charm School dear.” Was all she said with a proper Boston accent this time. Which really pissed me off. Mom spotted the warning signs and placed a hand on Issy’s shoulder.

“Isabella, I think that you really need to quit tweaking Roberta’s nose right now. She is very close to losing her temper with all of us, dear. That and I am pretty sure she is hungry.”

“You got that right mom. Now give me some answers lady or walk.” I snarled out. Then slammed the trunk closed. “Get in you can talk on the way to Micky D’s.”

Needless to say, my vote overruled any thoughts of going elsewhere just then. As we were driving Isabella answered my questions about her background. I want to know more about her experience as a fashion consultant and where she got her start.

“For starters, Bobbie, I was born, raised, and went to school right here in South Carolina. I attended USC and majored in business. That is where I met your mother, father, and ex-husband. As for how many accents I have that is something I keep under closely guarded access.” The look I tossed over at her let her I was done playing. “I have five dear. All thanks to one of the finest Charm Schools in the South. The first of which is the one I grew up with good old South Carolina redneck. I learned French and Charlestonian next. After that I studied how to sound like a right proper Yorkshire Lady, and finally a Bostonian Yankee.”

“I got to ask why?”

“Each one helps in my line of business Bobbie. There are people out there that will judge you just by the way that you sound over a telephone. Learn and cultivate more than one accent girls. I know that is it sounds crazy, but sadly it is the truth. Just ask your dear mother back there. I know for a fact that she is sitting on three more accents than I have.”

“Thanks a lot, Issy. I didn’t want the girls to know that about me. Before you ask girls, I can use the following accents starting with Berlin, Paris, Moscow, New York, Cincinnati, Boston, Rome, and of course Charleston ya know.” Mom was switching from accent to accent as she named them. Which got both me and Beth giggling.

“Damn mom I never knew you could do something like. Why have you been hiding it from us?” Beth asked.

“Because I had hoped you girls would never really need to learn the skill. Unfortunately, I believe that you may have too in the long run. The good ‘old boy’ system is still holding on in the corporate world. Even among the International companies.” Mom sighed then looked at me. “Tell me what brought on the sudden pissing contest Robbie.”

I sighed. Then in a voice barely above a whisper. “It was the way that one sales clerk was looking at me.”

It took mom, Beth, and Isabella a few second to realize what I was getting at. When they did none of them laughed like I expected. Mom gave me an apologetic look. “Was that the first time a boy ever looked at you in that way?”

“Yes ma’am.” I whispered.

“Darling, I hate to tell you this, but you are a very beautiful young lady. Even now with no makeup, your hair done in such a simple style, and the right clothes for your body you will turn heads. This is the curse that all beautiful women face. A curse that you were never prepared for, and now must face.” Mom explained as I turned into the parking lot of Mickey D’s. “Let me get our order, you all find a table.”

After I parked we headed inside. I quickly found a table and sat down. Mom showed up with my normal number one a few minutes later. We eat in peaceful quiet. No one really gave me a second look. It wasn’t until we got to leave that things went pear shaped. Jake Tidwell the star Power Forward for B.S. High School spotted us. I should say he spotted me.

“There’s that god damned little fag now.” He yelled. “McGuire you’re a dead man, you little she male slut.”

That was it I had had enough. Then something happened I wasn’t expecting. “Young man if you are referring to my protégée I suggest to curb that tongue of yours.”

All eyes turn on Isabella as she slowly walked up and stood glaring down at Jake. “I believe that you owe this establishment an apology boy. You can start with me.”

Jake just stared at Isabella then chuckled. “Look Frenchy, why don’t you take your sorry worn out ass back to faggot Paris. This is between me and the little cocksucker.”

Jake started to crack his knuckles as his team mates stood up to join him. “Thanks to your sorry ass we all got put on probation until we bring our grades. It’s bad enough that whore you call a mother got our coach fired. Sticking us with that pansy Cutter until the end of the season. We had it made fairy. The teachers did as they were told, and we ran the school. Now thanks to you we got to actually study. That doesn’t even take in the fact we’re no longer eligible for State shit packer.”

Oh yeah. Jake and the basketball team were worked up. The more that Jacky boy ran his mouth the madder they were getting. “Mom, Beth, Issy, head for the car. I’ll be there in a minute.”

I placed myself between them and the basketball players. “Okay, Jake for starters I had nothing to do with what happen to your coach. Neither did my mother. Speaking of which if you ever call her a whore again. I’ll let your old man know how you feel about women. I’m pretty sure he’ll tan your hide just for shits and grins. Next thing you need to know is I had nothing to do with you and the team getting nailed for poor grades. Why don’t you fuck heads grow up for once? I will give you all a piece of advice before I leave. The days of boosters and team owners covering for player is over. Now days what you do off the court is ten times more important that what you do on the court.”

With that I turned and walked out the door. I knew that my blunt attack had bought me and my family a few minutes. By the time the meatheads realized that I had just slammed the fuck out of them we should be on the streets. Out where their numbers mean nothing. Where I am the one with all the advantages. Where I rule.

I got my car started backed up and over to the main street exit just as the basketball team came poring out of Mickey D’s. I smiled and pulled down my five-point harness. Mom who was sitting in the front seat next to me saw this and quickly did the same. All while saying. “Oh shit! Issy strap in tight. It’s all over now but the challenge. Take them out beyond the quarry Roberta.”

“Not happening mom. Once they get on my ass I’m taking them out to Benjamin Harris Road.” The fact that I was already planning on how I was going to handle the situation had mom chuckling. Benjamin Harris Road ran right in front of our garage. Even Beth in the back seat knew what I was up to. I waited for them to get to their cars before pulling out onto the street. Soon they were pulling in all-round me and I was smiling. Their asses were mine. They just didn’t know it yet.

Mom turned her attention to the lights as I started to rev my engine. I kept my left foot light on the clutch while the right foot paddled the throttle. With my left hand on the wheel and my right hand on the shift lever I couldn’t hit my playlist. Not that it would matter. I wouldn’t need the music to keep the beat for the race. That’s when mom does something totally unexpected. She punched the play button grinning. “No prisoners baby girl.”

“Yes ma’am. Beth call the shop. They’re about to get a shit load of business in about fifteen minutes.”

“No Roberta. Change of plans. Take them out to the quarry. Beth have the crews meet us there. They want to force a fight in a public place. Let’s not give them one. On the green.”

I looked over at mom quickly and saw all I need to. She was pissed. In her mind this was no longer a matter for the police. We would handle this as a family matter. Beth for her part just started dealing the shop. When the light turned green I flipped off Jake in the car next to me and popped the clutch. As the sounds of Deepthchager44’s ‘Burn it to the ground’ filled the air. I knew that mom was going to reem my ass over that song but didn’t care. It was just what I needed to hear.

I headed for the old quarry outside of town, slip sliding my way through the evening traffic as fast as it would allow. I knew that I was taking a major risk, but those shitheads had push things to this point. The shitty part was the local pigs would cover for them. This was something that mom knew all too well. It was time for the McGuire Clan to put an end to the bullshit in her mind.

Me, I was all to happy to give mom what she wanted. I would play rabbit to their wolf pack. The only problem was this rabbit had teeth and claws. When you looked at my Pontiac GTO J model you would see a restored to factory specs car. Trust me my Judge was anything but factory specs. I had more than fourteen-grand in modifications under that body. Mods that would allow me to pull shit straight out of Fast and Furious. Any of them. This was one Judge that could drift with the best of them and still win. When the next song come up I realized that mom hit the play button for a downloaded mix of anime fan remixes.

One of the modifications I did on the inside was to place finger controls on the steering wheel for the stereo. I cracked up the volume as Lithium Flower for Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG, was blaring from my speakers. The louder the music got the faster I drove. The faster I drove the more stress I released. I was working the shifter and gears of my car in ways they were never meant to be worked. I knew that I would have to replace the rear tires and half the gears in my transmission after this run. Sadly, I didn’t care one fucking bit. I was having fun.

“Jesus Christ, Robbie! I knew you were good, but this is fucking crazy! Slow down already. You proved your point!” Beth screamed from the back seat as I drifted through the hairpin turn on Old Foxx Run Road. I just smiled wider and grabbed another gear as I upshifted coming out of the turn.

Gone was the detached teenage girl with the bad attitude. In her place was a demon of speed looking for his next meal. Sadly, the basketball for my high school had decided that they would be that meal. When Jake Tidwell slipped in front of me I dropped my speed and grabbed a lower gear. Just so I could get right on his bumper. I was going to put him in the ditch at eighty plus. If his car didn’t rollover, then all the better. If it did then mission accomplished. I wasn’t out to kill the fuck head. Just teach him a lesson in manners at high speeds.

“NOW!” Mom yelled from her seat next to me. I pushed Jake into a one-eighty slide that put him into the ditch. We passed him doing ninety-five and climbing. Mom must have reached the same point as me because she started calling out turns and warnings for the other cars. With her help I was able to push the Judge to its limits. I don’t know where the cops were and didn’t care. These shitheads were my meat and I was hungry. We blew passed the garage for the gearheads at top speed. I knew that I would catch hell come tomorrow morning from that crowd for doing what I had just bitched them out for the other day. But then again, I was running for my life with my family in the car.

We cleared the outer edge of town and were finally on quarry road. I owned the assholes now. I just had to reach the old quarry ahead of them. Which wouldn’t be a problem. I let the monster I had under the hood howl and grabbed my top end gear. Nothing left to do but drag these assholes into the quarry behind me. The opening sounds for Kenny Loggin’s epic speed song Danger Zone rocked out of the speakers. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect if I had tried.

“GO! SPEEDY! GO! DROP THE HAMMER GIRL!” Isabella screamed out.

“DO IT BABY GIRL! DO IT!” Came from Beth.

“NOW! BOBBIE! NOW!” Mom shouted at me.

I heard none of them. I only heard the music and felt the beat. I had long ago lost myself to the race and the thundering beat of the music. This was where I lived now. This is where the cancer cannot touch me. I do this not to escape from Death. No, I do this to face the bastard down on my terms. This is where I fight back for the ones like little Lee, Lisa, and Christen who can’t fight. I know that I take it the razor’s edge of insanity sometimes when I get behind the wheel. I have to, just so that I know I’m alive at times. That is why I race the way I do.

I know that if Sharron ever found out about the way I drive when I race she would lock my ass up and throw away the key. I can still see that fucker’s boney face in my dreams coming for me. I can feel the cold grip of his fleshless fingers on my heart in my nightmares. Only when I am pushing myself to the edge do I realize that I beat the fucker, like now. Only now do I truly feel alive.

I must have been laughing as I pulled the last drift into the quarry. The basketball team was so far behind me that it was pathetic. I could have shown mercy and let them keep my tail lights in sight. Yet for some strange reason I just didn’t have it in me to care. I had been pushing my car to its limits for the past eighteen minutes and never once lost control. I look up ahead and see dad with the rest of the men from our shop. Time to shut it down. I slide into a one-eighty drift and bleed off a good amount of my speed before coming to a stop.

“Holy shit! I was wrong. This girl is beyond crazy.” Isabella staggered out of the back seat. “When you said she could drive I had no idea that you meant like a mad woman. Jewels your daughter is going to break hearts and records when she finally hits the circuit. Screw getting her more clothes and a makeover. Get her a fucking chastity belt.”

I wasn’t paying her any attention. I was waiting for the asshats of the basketball team to show. I didn’t have to wait long as the seven remaining cars of the team pulled to stop in the quarry. Dad and the rest of the men from the garage surrounded them before they had a chance to turn around or get out of their cars. The men were pulling the teenagers from their cars faster than they knew what was going on. I wasn’t going to get in their way. Mom on the other hand had death in her eyes. She wanted one Jake Tidwell’s balls in her purse. And she wasn’t going to be thwarted.

I watched in horror as mom grabbed the boy by the crotch. She pulled him up on his toes. The snarl was just short of animalistic. “Keys, and registration little boy.”

Tidwell and the others quickly got the hint. When mom let Tidwell go the boy pissed himself in fear. Because dad grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. “The next time you fuck with my family boy, you deal with me. I won’t be taking your fucking car either. I be taking your god damn worthless life. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind and bury your sorry asses out here.”

I watched as the basketball team all took off at a dead run. I knew that this wasn’t over. I knew that they would run home to mommy and daddy. Then we would have to deal with the sheriff. That was until they got stopped by mine and Beth’s pit crews. The ass beatings started hard and fast. I wanted to run over and join in on the fun, but dad stopped me.

“Let your pit crews handle this baby girl. It’s what they’re supposed to do in the first place.”

“What does that mean daddy?” I throw the daddy crack in there because of the baby girl comment.

“Pit crews take care of and protect their drivers first and foremost Bobbie. This is just them getting an early start is all.” Jim Hailee told me before pointing at the five wreckers waiting off to one-side. “We’ll pick up your new trophies. Where do you want them to go?”

“The VFW is holding a charity auction next week for Saint Jude’s. Give them the cars. They should be able to get a grand for each one. Especially if those fuck nuts want to buy their cars back.” I suggested which brought about a round of chuckles. Not only were the basketball team going to pay to get their cars back but help out a worthy charity in the process. Not that I cared, but that hospital does good work and they need the help. As far as I was concern the basketball team could fucking walk. It would do them some good. I turned when I heard mother cough. “Yes ma’am?”

I knew I was in trouble because mom had her arms crossed. The problem was I didn’t know what for. “I believe we need to have a little talk about the music you’ve been down loading Robert.”

I only had two words to say to that. “Oh shit.” There went my Internet privileges for at least a month. If not more.

“I want a copy for my own use.” Mom said.


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Pictures used with consent of

wolfjess7's picture

the pictures used in this chapter are used with the consent of the Garret County Equestrian Society and the Western Maryland Dressage Society. All copy rights are reserved.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Robbie really needed to say

Robbie really needed to say "Oh Fudge" -- it's ever so more refined than Oh S#@&! Give Momma the playlist PDQ! Loving this!

You rocked this one Jess!

I've loved all the installments of this series of yours, Jess. However you really rocked this episode. You made my evening.


**ll's bells, what a closing line!

Loving the story! Love the names you have allocated to the personnel of the three-pointed star. Just keep it's high-speed rolling, pleeeese!

“I want a copy for my own use.”

WillowD's picture

And there is my Saturday morning chuckle that I've grown to look forward to in recent weeks. I am really loving how this story is going. It's awesome. Thank you WolfJess.


GrandiaKnight's picture

Yorkshire? Interesting choice!

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"

Uk accents

Surveys on UK accents tend to place Yorkshire in the Top 10 (usually below RP, Essex / Estuary, Welsh valleys, Scottish and Southern Irish), whereas Brummie, Cockney and Geordie tend to linger at the bottom of the lists.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Getting better with

Getting better with every chapter!

“I want a copy for my own use.”

giggles. I worry about the fact the asshats have the local police on their side, never a good thing ...


Way cool indeed. NEVER just

Way cool indeed. NEVER just look at a car, also look at what it is exactly that you are seeing. Bobbie is teaching the boys a true lesson in racing against other cars.

Passing blame

Jamie Lee's picture

Who decided to slack off on their school work, or decide the work wasn't necessary? Who decided how they would treat others who didn't measure up to their unrealistic standards?

When did Bobbie ever tell those morons how to behave in school? When did she say they didn't have to do their school work?

They made all of those decisions, as did their coach. They got themselves into trouble and put on probation until their grades improved.

They did make a mistake going after Bobbie's family, especially what Jack call Jewel. Issy should have laid him out stiff as a board because of what he was saying. And because a woman slapped a rude and crude boy across the face, all in front of witnesses, only the boys would have complained.

Those morons got an important lesson and it may have gone right over their heads. Even though they think they're tough, there is always someone tougher, as dad pointed out.

But what about tomorrow? Tomorrow at school? Might the basketball players want payback? Might they try cornering Bobbie somewhere out of sight and exact payment? Or might it be expected and the right people ready to step in and this time kick all the offenders out of school?

Others have feelings too.