SRS Shell Game

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I was talking to another post op MtF woman the other day, and her experience was the same as mine. They did the surgery, let me convalesce for several days and then wanted another $3000 to finish the job. I had no more money, so came home with no Labial lips. The woman I talked to did the same thing. I don't want to reveal the name of the surgeon here, but I will if you PM me.

Oddly, there are Hospitals here in America that are doing the surgery. OHSU is one, and they'll do it with Medicare. From my observations, the price has come way down. Some Doctors were getting as much $50K. Now it can be had for around $12K.

Others are getting the penis and gonads removed and the front made to resemble a Vagina, but no inner Vagina. It will be interesting to see how that works out.


Special Place in Hell

I'm so sorry you were mistreated.

There are people who make money by seeking out the most frustrated and "solving" their pain. The solutions they offer are designed to wring the maximum amount of money out of you.

What you describe sounds like a classic case of malpractice. Did you speak to an attorney?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


I hope that doctor pays for what they did. That's NOT acceptable. Withholding surgery like that? Ugh hope they got shot.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D


If the doctor clearly said labiaplasty was an optional procedure then s/he is in the clear.

I had my GRS in 2001 and typically for that time, labiaplasty was a separate step, paid separately, done months after the original operation.

Labia Plasty

It's a dead horse now. Mine was done in Bangkok, and the lack of a complete procedure was NEVER discussed, and no one ever said anything about there being months between. What happened was obviously a shell job by a crafty man.

I really do dislike the tone of your comment. I'm going to leave off it now.

Well then that is his fault then, no question

I’m sorry but you are being hypersensitive about my comment and that is kinda understandable. I was not trying to dismiss your anger/pain etc just trying to understand what the situation was.

Back then, US doctors were preeminent, no Thai option really but that is why I opted for a 22000 USD in the states surgery instead of risking say Canada or Belgium. And even then I was able to do it because both of my parents had died the previous year and left me a legacy.

Anyway, the best you can do is spread a warning about doctors who are less than ethical especially if it is not being done in your home country.

The successes and failures of SRS are endless

BarbieLee's picture

How far back do we wish to go into the fleecing of girls who are most venerable and normally facing a crisis in their lives? Start with the burnings, the psycho wards, the lobotomy, electric shock, or drug implementations to drive the EVIL out of them? Let's progress forward where they had to get permission from a doctor and a psychiatrist and live full time as a female for a year while trying to pay the medical and hold onto a job and being labeled mentally ill. Which nation would we point to as the one with the best or worst doctors? The girl paid her money up front and found out the surgeon never entered the operating room. An assistant handled the surgery.

A couple years back there was a yahoo group who discussed and named names of ethical and unethical doctors around the world. As one might surmise Thailand was top of the list on both counts. Mainly because their six thousand dollar surgery cost forty to sixty thousand in the U.S. If the girl didn't research her doctor it was a crap shoot if she picked a good one..., or bad.
India has also started advertising SRS along with several other nations. We know Britain and a few like them do it on socialized medicine if the girl can make it through the dog and pony show and of course the waiting time to be put on the list provided they passed.
I pray the girls who are thinking of going for SRS are putting as much effort into researching their doctor as they have been in staying alive. The sad truth, many are desperate and any hope is like a candle to a moth. They are drawn toward usually forward without nothing more than hope they will be what their mind tells them they are.
May God grant them their wish along with peace and serenity for they usually already had their place in Hell trying to survive.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


It’s worth the money to personally interview prospective doctors. I would not subject myself to a one-shot surgery that has such far reaching consequences without doing my due diligence.

Yes, not everyone has the money or is patient. I did not have my surgery for a decade after transitioning because of money.