The Voyage of the Visund -11-

Ursula is pronounced fit, but some of the crew is not, so there will be an enforced delay before the Visund can sail again. Ursula has an unexpected encounter with an unlikely beast before joining a conference about clothing that confuses her even more.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

11 - The Tailor of Joth

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2018 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

"There you are!"

Two women pushed their way through the crowded room towards Maralin, Ursula and Renita. Maralin recognized them as the healers from yesterday, who had promised to come again and check Ursula over.

He bowed towards them. "Mistress Senia, welcome. I'm sorry, I forgot you were coming this morning and the Duke is overwhelmed with people wanting instructions or advice or something. If we may go somewhere quieter."

"Tenant Maralin, good morning." Senia eyed the throng. "Aye, this would not be the best place to conduct an intimate examination."

"As you say! We've just been talking in a small meeting room across the corridor. It might still be empty. Would that be good enough?"

"I would think so."

"If you would follow me, then."

Maralin led them back out of the dining room and back across the corridor, discovering an obstacle as he did so.

"Renita, if I may ask you to accompany Ursula, since I doubt that Mistress Senia would want me inside while she examines her. I will stand guard out here until you have finished."

Renita smiled at him. "Of course, Maralin."

The four women went inside and closed the door. Senia motioned Ursula over to the window, to obtain more light, and looked at her face.

"Is this what Tenant Maralin meant last night?" she asked. "You seem different somehow, is that because your memory has returned?"

Ursula nodded. "It has, Mistress. I don't remember exactly when, but it was very early this morning. I think I woke with a particularly bad headache, and the next thing I knew it was daylight and I knew who I was."

"Ah, that is a relief! You will forgive me, I am concerned when I do not know why someone is not well and I cannot decide the proper treatment for them. Have you had any headaches since?"

"None at all, Mistress. In fact my head seems unusually clear since this morning."

"Good, good." The healer smiled, "Well, that is the larger part of my task done today, at least so far as you are concerned. Do you have any other problem I should be told about? Aches, pains, minor wounds, for example?"

Ursula returned a wry smile. "I have some bruises from the other day, when our ship was attacked by that big fish. Nothing that need concern you or your friend. If I may ask, you are a healer?"

"Why, of course, that is my job, Mistress, to be available should any have an injury through accident or fight, or if they should catch a disease." Senia tilted her head. "Is it not the same where you come from, Mistress? By your accent I know you are not from the Great Valley."

She thought carefully. Is this another attempt at gathering information? But she says she is a healer, a medic, and she might not know what my interest might be. Best to be sparing with my answers until I know more.

"Where I come from, many of the healers, as you call them here, would be men. Our women medical staff mostly care for those in our hospitals."

"Hospitals? I do not know that word, but I believe you must mean the Houses of the Sick."

Ursula nodded. "I think so. I don't know the local word but you are probably right. It looks like matters are arranged a different way here, which was why I was asking."

"As you say, Mistress. There are few healers in the Great Valley who are men, other than those involved in military matters, and those few are mostly trained to deal with battle wounds, obviously."

Battle wounds? If this place is somehow real, then logically those wounds would be knife, sword and spear, I suppose. They wouldn't have gunshot wounds around here, would they?

"I see. Thank you for your trouble. Can I call on you if anything happens to me? I have been told that I shouldn't have any more problems, but that is only what I've been told."

Senia gave her a smile. "Of course, Mistress. Since neither you nor I know anything about your ailment, except what little we have been told, it is a wise precaution. You are in the Duke's mansion now, so a simple request to the Duchess should bring me here within half a bell, should it be necessary."

"Thank you again. What happens now?"

"Why, Mistress, I do not know what the Duke has arranged for his guests, you had best enquire of him or the Duchess. For myself, I must needs make a report to him concerning the injuries that happened on the ship."

"I would like to listen to that, if I may. Both Maralin and I were on the ship with Her Highness and her crew."

In the corridor Senia explained to Maralin what she had to do and he added himself to their party. He was not in uniform, and most of the Duke's household had not seen him for some time, but nevertheless he managed to shepherd the women into the dining room again and over towards the mob surrounding the Duke. They were spotted by Fanis and intercepted.

"Your Grace," Maralin explained, "Healer Senia must needs report to His Grace on the state of the crew of our ship before she leaves."

"Ah? Then wait you here and I will see if I can get Wallesan to spare a few moments. As you can see, it has been mayhem in here since everyone discovered that he had returned." She rolled her eyes with a smile. "You would think that the city could not run without him, yet here we have been quietly doing just that ever since you both departed, Maralin!"

"I could not possibly comment, Your Grace!"

"Indeed, Maralin. Now, Ursula, I assume you have just been examined by Senia?"

"I have, Your Grace, and she finds nothing else wrong."

"That is good news, I deem. Now, let me have a word with Wallesan."

After a few moments the Duke beckoned them over.

"Senia, what news?"

"Your Grace, your guest Mistress Ursula seems to be in good health. By your leave, I have asked that she call for me if there is anything that concerns her."

Wallesan smiled at Ursula. "That is good news. Of course, if there is need, someone will call. What can you tell me of those on the Visund?"

"As to those on the ship of Her Highness, I can report the following. One man has a broken arm, it has been set reasonably well so I have made him a plaster cast until the join heals. Four men have twisted or sprained ankles, including the pilot. All of those have been securely strapped and they have been told not to walk on them for a week. Four others have rib damage, we are not certain if some are cracked or broken so we have treated them all the same, they have also been strapped and told to rest for two weeks. For the rest, one or two cuts, almost all have bruises of varying severity and I have given their leader Tor salve for the most painful. I was impressed by the knowledge the men had of such injuries and how to remedy them."

Wallesan gave her a knowing look. "Considering the life that most of those men have been accustomed to, I am not surprised. And Her Highness? Have you also examined her and her female companions?"

"I have, Your Grace, and they carry the same bruises as her crew. I could not find any injury more serious than that."

Wallesan stroked his chin. "So, we have one with a broken arm, four with sprained ankles and four with possible broken ribs. You will tell me that they should not be sailing again for some time."

Senia shook her head. "If they had sustained battle wounds, then of course I must needs do what I can for them and send them on their way, Your Grace, but we are no longer at war and there is no urgency. Her Highness and her companions accompanied us back here from the ship and she asked me much the same question. I told her that she could leave her men here, in our care, or she could wait for them to be whole again."

"How long?"

"For the broken arm, I would recommend that the man remained here until the bone has healed altogether, Your Grace. That may be a month, more likely to be two, possibly three if there are any complications. For the ankles, they should be fit for work in four weeks or so. The ribs, two to three weeks, and then to do light work only - which may not be possible on a ship, of course."

Wallesan pursed his lips. "A significant delay! How did Her Highness take it?"

"I do not think she was concerned, Your Grace. She told us that she followed no timetable, that she went where and when she willed, so remaining here but gives her an opportunity to explore Joth more than she would otherwise have done."

The Duke nodded. "That sounds like Eriana. Senia, I thank you for your time on this matter, I had better let you return to your patients now."

"Your Grace." Senia curtseyed and then she and her companion turned and made their way out of the crowded room.

Wallesan turned to Maralin. "Have you explained our world to Ursula, then?"

"I have Your Grace, but unfortunately she does not believe what I told her." He looked at her briefly before adding, "I believe that she thinks that this is some kind of setup, an elaborate play-acting arrangement that is somewhere still on Earth, arranged for us to obtain information from her, but what she thinks we want to know I cannot imagine."

"On Earth! I am told that conditions on Earth are somewhat different than those here, and that it is easy to tell the difference. Mistress Ursula?"

Ursula said, "What would you do in my place, Your Grace? I have just woken up and been told a story that sounds so unbelievable that it is more likely that I am dreaming, or maybe under the influence of drugs." She waved her hand around at the crowded room. "All of this, all of it, could be inside my head. How can I prove what is real and what is not?"

"I have no answer for you, Mistress. Maralin?"

"I have told her that both Garia and I face the same problem, and that all we can really do is to treat what we see before us as real, since we cannot affect whatever else might be happening while we are here."

"As you say. What about the Beings? Do you accept they are real?"

Maralin's response was guarded. "Your Grace, we should not speak of such matters here. If anyone overhears us, it could cause trouble."

Wallesan looked frustrated. "You are right, Maralin. This is a conversation better left for a more private time. Fanis, if you would take our friends to a corner and wait while I dispose of a few last problems. Then, I deem, we must needs clear the room for the dining table to set up. Over lunch we can decide what to do next with our unexpected guest."

Since there were already a number of women in the dining room, Fanis decided that Renita could return to the kitchens. She bade them farewell and hurried off to help prepare the impending lunch. Wallesan listened to two men, gave them answers that seemed to satisfy them, and then called for his chamberlain.

"Bellot, I have talked enough this morning. Have the mansion cleared, tell those that must come back to appear here tomorrow morning after breakfast."

"As you command, Your Grace."

It took some time for the room to be cleared, with several attendees insisting that the Duke had to give them answers to petitions that they judged to be important. Wallesan decided matters by leaving, probably to go and refresh himself after the morning's onslaught. Fanis and the others found chairs and settled down to wait until lunch appeared.

They were forced to move once the tables had been erected and chose to stand around waiting for the other diners to appear. Eriana, Bennet and Semma arrived together. They had changed from their earlier uniforms, and their hair seemed to be damp, so Maralin decided that they must have had a bath after returning from the dockside. The trio joined the group.

"Your Grace," Eriana greeted Fanis formally. "Has any yet told you of my crew?"

"Eriana, they have. Healer Senia was here and reported to Wallesan that some of your men are injured, and that you have decided to remain in Joth until they are well enough to travel. Of course, you are welcome to remain in the mansion, along with Semma and Bennet. I'm sure that Wallesan will find lodgings for your men within the city, their renown is such that they are sure to be well received by all."

"You are gracious, Fanis, and I thank you for your generosity." She held up a hand. "No, I can accept that I should be a guest in your house, but I insist that the Treasury of Palarand provides the coin for feeding and housing my men... and, of course, paying for all the ale they are certain to drink!"

Fanis grinned back. "Done, Eriana!"

Maralin noticed that Eriana was now wearing a gown that had probably come from the Palace Wardrobe, while Bennet and Semma both wore the thin summer dresses they had obtained in the riverside markets. This reminded him of his other project, one that had been driven out of mind by the unexpected appearance of Ursula. He thought a moment or two and then smiled before turning to the Duchess.

"Your Grace, I have been thinking about the meeting this afternoon with the seamstresses."

"Oh, Maralin? Have you changed your mind?"

"Just the reverse, as it happens. I am reminded of another matter that will involve your seamstresses, something that happened after we left Dekarran to sail here. You see, the crew of the Visund - and that includes Her Highness, Bennet and Semma in this case - are not used to our summer heat and their clothes are too thick."

"But these dresses seem suitable to me," Fanis noted.

"That's because we took the time to find suitable wear in the wayside markets and buy them," Maralin explained. "Eriana is too tall for what was available so she was forced to wait until we arrived here. I'm sure that your seamstresses can provide whatever she needs?"

"As you say, Maralin, it should be no problem for them, even if she is so tall. But you mentioned the men."

"Ah, well, the problem there is in two parts."

He went on to explain his thoughts and Fanis's eyebrows rose as he did so.

"I did not know that you were able to do such things, Maralin! As well as being an able cook, it seems I must now consider you an expert tailor."

"Oh, no, Your Grace! I could repair clothes easily enough and I could just about make myself some light summer wear if I had to. No, I'll leave the experts to their business if I may. What I can do is to use my knowledge of..." he remembered that the others around Fanis might not know his origins, "...fashions from my homelands to suggest designs which can be easily made and would be suitable for the summer season. Eriana is already looking forward to what I can do."

Fanis seemed amused. "Then I too will look forward to this afternoon's session, Maralin."

"If I may ask, where do your seamstresses reside? I did not think that your mansion would be big enough to hold everybody."

She smiled. "Oh, of course, you have never resided in this mansion, have you? You came to us while we were guests of Sherin at Thorn. And you have visited that ridiculous palace of Robanar's! Palarand is big enough, and rich enough, that he can employ a whole army of servants in that monstrous maze of his. Joth is much smaller, but we are inside our city, and thus the city provides for us as we require. The seamstresses serve all, just as our healers, joiners and other craftsmen do. Only our personal men-at-arms, our stable staff, our cleaners and our kitchen staff remain with us at all times."

"Ah, I see, Your Grace. You have visited the palace, then?"

"Aye, and I thought that I would never find my way out again! I must needs admit that the whole place was run very efficiently. His people know what they are doing."

"As you say, Your Grace."

* * *

"Mistress Ursula."

Ursula lowered her fork. "Your Grace?"

"Is the meal to your taste? I know that some from far away lands have dietary requirements that we would consider unusual."

"Your Grace, though this is not the kind of food that I was accustomed to, I have discovered that it is tasty and pleasant to eat. I have to say that I can recognize nothing on my plate, and some of the meat is... unusual, let me say, but it is delicious. I have not yet found anything that tastes, to me, unpleasant. Of course, I have already visited your kitchen and I have no doubt that the food which is served to Your Grace will be of the highest quality."

Wallesan nodded. "As you say. As always, the quality of food served throughout my lands will vary according to the status of the household and the coin available to them, but I do not think you will be disappointed, wherever you might go. Now I have been considering what may be done with you."

Ursula gave Wallesan her full attention. "Your Grace?"

He waved a hand. "It is too soon for a significant decision, I deem. Your mind, your personality has only become fully aware of your situation since this morning, would you agree?"

"Yes, Your Grace, that is so."

"You also have some difficulty understanding where you are and if it is real or not, or within your own imagination."

She nodded. "As I explained before. Coming from where I did, most of what I see around me makes no sense at all."

"Then you will understand that it would be folly of me to allow you to go unknowing into Anmar, to face dangers the like of which you may have great difficulty understanding. Thus, I must ask you to remain here in the mansion as my guest, until a time when we both consider that you have learned enough about the world for it to be safe for you to choose your own path in life."

Ursula considered, then nodded. "I have to agree, Your Grace, but this could be a polite way of telling me I am a prisoner here."

The Duke grimaced. "Let me make it plain to you, Mistress. You are not to be held here as a prisoner, or hostage, or what you will. I must needs consider you as a ward, as perhaps I would a child who has yet to learn that the wider world has unknown dangers to be discovered and overcome. While I will grant you leave to reside here, you will be at liberty to explore the mansion and the city as you desire, saving only that you have a suitable guide with you at all times."

"A guide?"

"Aye. Remember that in this place and time you are a woman and women," he smiled and glanced at Eriana, "unless they are fit and well-trained and carry a big sword, are vulnerable to certain elements that exist in any society. Maralin will tell you that it was no different on Earth, is this true?"

Ursula considered what she had been running from and reluctantly nodded. "Unfortunately it is, Your Grace."

"I must also remind you that, as far as we are concerned, you were brought here for a particular reason, or because you may have talents which could be of use to us in the future. That being so, I deem that we should have another discussion about your future once you have learned sufficiently about your situation to speak knowledgeably about it."

"Agreed, Your Grace."

"Thank you, Mistress. Now, let us finish our meal in peace and good company. Eriana, if I may ask you about your own plans. Your men have been -"

* * *

Ursula woke with a start. It was dim in the bedroom, but the light leaking around the shutters and the drapes was strong enough to make everything clear to her vision. Her back ached where the laces of the dress had pressed against her spine.

If everyone does this every day, and in this heat I see no reason why they should not, then I think I am going to have to undress in order to take a nap. This dress is uncomfortable after a time lying down, and of course it is going to be creased as well.

It didn't matter when we were traveling, since we wore the kind of clothes that everyone accepted would get wrinkled and creased. Now I am in here, though... I will need to look a little tidier.

She listened, but there was no sound from the small room opposite where Bennet rested. There were sounds coming from outside, through the window, but she had more urgent needs to satisfy first. She carefully sat up and then stood, her feet finding the soft slippers she wore in the bedroom.

In the toilet closet, there was a problem. Squatting was now second nature to her, but the skirt of her dress seemed to have a mind of its own, and she struggled to gather it, to keep it out of the way.

I was extremely embarrassed at first when they helped me go to the toilet, but now I see that it is a natural consequence of wearing clothing like this. Nobody appears to be that bothered by the process since all women seem to do it.

There is a clever way of using the sash to tie it all up out of the way but really it needs two people to do it properly. I wonder what a woman on her own does? Oh, wait - perhaps that is why women have to be accompanied? Not necessarily to protect them against men, but to help each other during those female moments? More mysteries!

She finished and wiped, settling her clothing comfortably about her body.

Bennet's on her period, which she calls 'Kalikan'. I don't know what that means, but it seems important. It was interesting to help her when we bathed this morning. She was happy to accept my help and it didn't bother her that I was there.

Hmm. This body is that of a woman, so logically I should have periods as well. Wonder when that will happen? It might be interesting, but then again it might be unpleasant.

Back in the bedroom, the slight noise attracted her to the window. She pulled the drape away and then opened one of the shutters, squinting in the bright light outside. Her room overlooked the front courtyard where they had arrived the previous day. Facing her was a three-story building which had a covered balcony at the higher level, which ran all the way round the courtyard to her right. At the left-hand end of the building was a stone tower which had an arched opening to the street, but it did not appear to be a fortification. There were no windows, just some narrow slits halfway up, and the top just had a pitched roof, no walkways for soldiers or anything that looked defensive.

The noise came from a group of men in the courtyard, who were unloading crates from a four-wheeled wagon. Some of the crates were large and apparently needed careful handling, which meant that their contents might be fragile. There were ropes, and planks down which the larger crates were slid.

The beast pulling the wagon shocked Ursula. It appeared to be a hippopotamus, standing placidly in harness and waiting for the men to finish. The men seemed to ignore it, which implied that what she saw was routine, that this happened every day.

Then she had another shock, because the beast moved. It attempted to turn its head to see her, and that was difficult, so it bleated and then moved the wagon forward until the planks dropped with a clatter on the cobbles. The men jumped out of the way as the beast then pulled the wagon forward before twisting itself in the harness to reverse it back - at an angle, so that it could raise its head and look Ursula full in the face.

The men came round to the front of the beast and then saw where it was looking, so that she had six faces staring up at her window. The beast let out what sounded like a complex bleat before lowering its head and then ignoring her.

Did that creature just speak to me? How is this possible? This dream is getting wilder and wilder by the minute!

One of the men called up. "Good afternoon, Mistress. If we disturbed you from your nap, then I must needs apologize. We are nearly finished, as you may see."

"Thank you, no," she replied. "There was not much noise. I think that I was already awake."

"By your leave," he said with a nod, and then turned to get the men back to whatever they were doing.

Puzzled, she watched them for a short while and then turned, to find that Bennet had woken and was standing behind her.

"Did the noise waken you, Mistress?"

"I'm not certain, Bennet. I am not used to sleeping during the day, so it is not surprising that I woke a little early." She hesitated, then asked, "Can you tell me what that creature is called? The one in the courtyard, I mean."

Bennet leaned out briefly and then turned. "Why, it is a dranakh, Mistress. They are used to pull wagons and, occasionally, carriages. Have you not noticed them as we traveled on the river?"

Ursula frowned. "You're right, I probably did, but that was before my memory came back, and everything looked strange so I didn't think anything of it. Aren't they dangerous?"

"Oh, aye, Mistress, they can be very dangerous, but only to those who have not given them their trust. To their owners, they are steadfast and will defend them against every danger, even grakh and ptuvils."

Ursula was afraid to ask what grakh and ptuvils might be, so let the matter drop. Instead, she picked up a previous thought and asked, "Do you need assistance in the toilet?"

Bennet nodded. "It would be wise, I deem. There is little flow now, but easier to deal with when a friend is near. Thank you."

Once duty had been done, and clothing tidied and arranged, Bennet led Ursula downstairs to the dining room. She saw that the dining tables had been left erected and a bolt of cloth lay at one end, the bolt Maralin had bought at a market along the river.

Did that really happen? Or have I just been hypnotized into believing that it did? Have I actually traveled anywhere at all?

On one of the serving sideboards servants were handing out mugs of pel to the people already there, who mainly consisted of older women. They looked with interest at the pair as they accepted their drinks.

One of them asked, "You are from the barbarian ship?"

Another tutted, "Melisent! Be polite!" To Bennet she said, "Greetings both, I am Jorda. From your colors I believe that you did come on that strange ship, but I deem you are no barbarians."

Bennet smiled. "As you say, although you may be partly correct. I am Bennet and this is Mistress Ursula. We were passengers aboard the Visund, but the owner and crew come from lands that many would consider barbarous. I would warn you now, though, that all have sworn oaths to Robanar of Palarand, as I have, and the owner is a Princess of Palarand."

That produced an excited buzz among the dozen or so women waiting, but Bennet refused to answer any more questions, saying that it was not her place. Fanis appeared next, causing everyone in the room to curtsey. Even Ursula dipped toward the Duchess, although she only realized that she had done so after the event. The women all streamed toward their host, expecting to discover why they had been summoned.

Fanis held up a hand with a smile as they surrounded her. "Welcome, all! Have you all had pel? Good." She glanced around the room. "Now, it is true that I summoned you all here this afternoon, but the request was that of someone else, someone who has need of the best seamstresses of Joth. We must needs wait until they arrive, doubtless they have napped a little longer than we."

She had barely finished speaking when Eriana, Semma and Maralin entered the room, Eriana greeting Fanis with a smile and a nod, Semma curtseying and Maralin bowing. They each carried a cloth bag, which were placed on the table near the bolt of cloth. In addition Maralin had a document case, from which he extracted a sheaf of paper, also placed on the table.

"If I may introduce Princess Eriana of Palarand," Fanis said. "She is the owner and captain of the unusual ship which arrived late yesterday evening. The ship, its captain and crew originally came from Einnland, a distant land which most of you have probably never heard of. Briefly, it is a remote coastal country beyond the great mountains to the east and requires many days of sailing to even reach the shores of Plif. Eriana, so I am told, had a disagreement with her father -" here Fanis tilted her head with a knowing smile, "- over an unsuitable husband, so she fled, seeking a more civilized land to reside in.

"She and her crew of large, hairy warriors landed in Palarand just at the moment when we and they were plunged into the recent war. She and her men offered to help, and made a perilous winter crossing of the mountains to the north to attack Boldan's Rock, with results you all know. As reward Robanar has made them all freemen of Palarand, and granted Eriana the right to retain her title and rank by virtue of the fact that she is the daughter of a King. Here she is in Joth again, along with most of those who went with her, this time to travel the Sirrel in peace and discover what wonders the countries of the Great Valley may have to offer."

Almost everybody curtseyed low to Eriana, though this time Ursula was uncertain what to do, so did not.

The Duchess continued speaking. "Attending Her Highness, as you may see, are two companions Bennet and Semma, who are women in His Majesty's Palace Guard. Yes, they can both wield a sword, as can Her Highness. They serve Eriana as both companions and sword-maidens during her journey."

All eyes inspected both Bennet and Semma, identifiable by their sashes. Once they had been appraised, they focused on Maralin, the only man in the room, who was standing beside the table.

"Some of you will know Tenant Maralin, since he has provided you with designs for uniforms while Joth was in the hands of the enemy. It is he who has asked you here today, although you should not assume that his interest here is purely of a military nature."

That was a surprise to some of them, those who had not met him previously. He held up a hand in welcome.

"Thank you for coming here today, ladies. There are several reasons why I have asked for seamstresses, and I know that many of you have been busy in past months making uniforms for some of the armies who have recently passed through Joth. Well, not all the needs are mine, and not all of the needs involve uniforms.

"If I may first speak of Her Highness Princess Eriana. As you have just been told, she is the captain of a ship and she is taking the Visund, along with most of its crew, for a voyage of exploration along the Sirrel. As the ship is crowded, and is a working vessel, she has not brought many of the fine clothes which she has on rails in the King's palace in Palarand. Unfortunately, those clothes she has brought are working clothes, suitable for a voyage on the open ocean in cooler waters. Ladies, she is not used to the summer heat of the Great Valley and her attire is unsuitable for use on the Sirrel. As you can see by her size, it was not possible to find her lighter dresses along the way, although we did manage to find something more suitable for Bennet and Semma."

The heads went between Bennet, Semma and Eriana, inspecting the build and attire of each and weighing up the differences.

"Now I must tell you a little of my own origins," Maralin continued, using the same tale he had used before. "Some of you will know that I have been trained as a cook, but I come from a family of tailors, and I have some knowledge of that trade as well." He smiled. "Those of you who have made Joth's new uniforms know that I have some idea what I am talking about."

Some of the heads nodded, and they looked at Maralin with new respect.

"So the first task will be to provide suitable attire for Her Highness, and by that I mean both clothes that would be worn in the city, or in the presence of Her Grace, and clothes that will be suitable for journey aboard a ship on the river. You will all doubtless have ideas of the first, and after we have finished here I am sure that Her Grace will ask some to return to contract for suitable gowns. However, I have some ideas for shipboard wear, and it is those I would ask you to consider this afternoon."

Jorda, who seemed to be the senior seamstress present, raised an objection. "Master Maralin, I do not understand why you should be needed here. Surely, the measuring, designing, cutting and sewing of gowns is a simple matter for us, and I am certain that once we have measured Her Highness, there will be no difficulty providing her with both gowns for the mansion and dresses suitable for the river."

Maralin nodded. "Mistress, normally I would agree, but the Visund is not the kind of ship that you may be familiar with, and its crew very different than those who ride the barges we have passed along the way. I have traveled with them from Dekarran to Joth, and I have been able to observe how even the dresses which Bennet and Semma wear today would not be suitable for any female crew to wear."

There were mutterings, but then nods, as Maralin made the distinction clear.

He continued, "Now, one reason I am here this afternoon is that in the lands of my birth, what men and women wear is different than what is customary in the Great Valley. If I went into any detail we would be here all night, but I would just say that an adaptation of an existing design from there may be more suitable for wear on board, while still keeping within the Valley customs."

"If you would explain, Master Maralin."

Maralin walked over to the pile of paper and extracted a sheet, bringing it over to the women.

"Here it is. Oh, and I don't think that you should address me as Master. Technically I am a Tenant in His Grace's forces, attached to his household. My plain name will do when I am not in uniform."

Jorda studied the drawings before handing them to the others to look at.

"Do the women of your birth lands really wear such simple attire?"

Maralin smiled. "You do not know the half of it, Mistress. This is an adaptation of a design that is even shorter and has no sleeves at all."

"Indeed?" Jorda's eyebrows went up. "Are people not offended?"

"Once upon a time, maybe they were, but now? No. In time, fashions change, as you all know, and since the climate there is warm enough clothes have begun to shrink. There will always be those who push the boundaries of taste but in general, we accept what most people wear. Here, I have lengthened the hem to the knee, which is about as low as it can get and still be practical. I have also provided short sleeves to keep with Valley tastes."

One asked, "Maralin, I do not see any way to get into this dress. There are no laces."

"None are needed, Mistress. The garment is simply pulled on over the head, as a tunic would be. The intent is that it hangs loose, so that fresh air may help to cool the wearer, but is not so loose that the wind will lift it up."

Someone said, "But, surely, something must become visible when the wind blows!"

Eriana stepped forward with a smile. "Indeed, and that is just what happens. Now, on our journey, Maralin had a bright idea and purchased some thin cloth in the first market we visited. From that, we have made what he calls undershorts, designed also to allow the air to flow but to prevent any indiscretion. Behold!"

Without warning she lifted the skirt of her dress to show the shorts beneath. Most of the women gasped and some actually stepped back. Many cast glances at Maralin, before understanding what they were seeing and relaxing.

"Oh, how clever! Dinna, that looks much more comfortable to wear in the heat of summer!"

"I can tell you that even under my thicker dress I am more comfortable," Eriana confirmed. "These little garments took us perhaps half a bell each to cut and sew, and we girls have all worn them since that day. So, we do not care if the wind should blow."

Jorda said, "Maralin, if you would accept my apology. I would never have considered such things as these to be possible. Is there a name to your dress design?"

"We called it a shift, Mistress." He walked over to the bolt of cloth and patted it. "I found this in one of the markets along the way and it seemed to have just the right weight and texture for what I had in mind. I had intended, if time permitted, to cut and sew a sample on our journey, but that proved impossible. If this idea proves successful, then I assume that similar material may be found within the markets of Joth."

Jorda came and examined the cloth. "This is undyed karin, which is just the right cloth for the heat of summer, I deem, yet sturdy enough for the intended use. Maralin, you have chosen well. Aye, we can obtain the like cloth locally, if your design proves popular."

There followed an intense discussion of the simple design, resulting in several people deciding to make variants to see what would work and what might not - and what might look good, or what might offend onlookers. The group then turned to Maralin again.

"If I may next introduce Mistress Ursula," he began with a gesture. "Now, the story surrounding her presence here is... strange and complicated, and I do not doubt that you will all want to hear it, but, ladies, not today, we have little enough time as it is. Her immediate problem is that because of an accident during her journey she has almost no wardrobe at all, save a few items we obtained along the way. So, as for Her Highness, Mistress Ursula will need clothing suitable for someone who will, at least for now, reside in the Duke's household."

Jorda was skeptical. "Lost all her attire?"

Maralin spread his hands with an apologetic smile. "As I said, the situation is complicated, Mistress Jorda. While she may not remember what was bought, I'm sure that Bennet and Semma do, so they can perhaps tell you what she already has. If it please Her Grace, perhaps she could advise what a guest in the mansion might require."

Fanis replied, "Of course, Maralin. Though you might have knowledge of the tailor's art, you could not possibly know what Mistress Ursula will require while she resides with us. Bennet, Semma, if you would tell us what she already has." She smiled. "I am sure that Maralin will not be bored while we provide for Ursula."

Although the women were still unsettled by Maralin's presence, discussions were made and a basic wardrobe decided for Ursula, with her agreement. She would be measured after the meeting, in the small meeting room across the corridor, to preserve privacy. The only problem came when the discussion turned to the standard undergarment of the region, bodices. Maralin suggested an alternative.

"As it happens," he told them, "there is a more comfortable undergarment which is now worn commonly around Palarand city. It will support... a woman's breasts better."

Several of the women stared at Maralin. Surely he could not be about to discuss the most intimate of female body parts? They began to fidget until Fanis raised her hands.

"Ladies! Maralin was involved in printing the patterns and knows how they work. I doubt that he has ever made any of these garments himself, or fitted them to customers."

"As you say, Your Grace. This is a garment introduced by Princess Garia, and is widely worn in the lands of her birth, which are not so far from my own. That is the only reason that I am familiar with them. They are known by the name of bra and should be simple to make from small pieces of cloth. The only complication is the sizing, and I was fully instructed at the palace before we departed."

Jorda objected, "You were instructed, Maralin? Why not..." She tailed off as she realized that the only women on the ship were Eriana, who of course was a Princess, and two swordswomen, none of whom could be expected to have that level of interest in the subject.

He had an embarrassed smile. "As you have realized, there were no alternative choices, and as I have some previous knowledge, it was thought best to instruct me, so that I can in turn instruct you. So, ladies, our next topic has to be the bra patterns. Have you brought them with you?"

The patterns had been sent in a heavy folder made from thick, crude cardboard. Jorda beckoned to the woman who had carried it in and she gave the folder to Maralin. He carefully opened it and pulled out the sheets, which were printed on thick paper, onto the table. The women crowded round.

Jorda said, "We could not understand what these were for, Maralin. Some thought that it might be for some fancy design of hat. Since there are so many parts, it was not easy to determine what shape the finished garment would be, or how it would be worn, since we have not yet seen one whole."

Eriana laughed. "Mistress, I can remedy that in a moment. With your permission, Your Grace?"

It dawned on Fanis what Eriana wanted to do and she stopped and thought, but only briefly. She nodded. "You have it, but I suggest that either Bennet or Semma attends the door while the other helps you. I deem that Maralin is safe enough, but should anyone else chance to enter -"

"As you say! Semma, attend the door, if you would, while Bennet sees to my laces."

Melisent gasped, "But there is a man in the room!"

Fanis soothed her by saying, "I am sure that Maralin will do nothing improper, Mistress, while he is here, and surrounded by the rest of us. Now, Eriana is wearing her undershorts, is she not? And are not these bras designed to cover the breasts? Her Highness would never have suggested what she did if it would expose any part of her that she did not desire to be seen by him. Bennet, you may continue."

The seamstresses watched open-mouthed as Bennet loosened the laces and then helped Eriana pull her gown over her head. There were gasps as her bra was exposed. Some of them cast glances at Maralin, but he seemed unconcerned by the display.

"Oh! I see! That looks interesting, Your Grace."

Fanis was as interested as the others, as she had not encountered a bra before either. "It is certainly a different way of supporting your breasts, is it not? Eriana, how comfortable is it? How does it compare with our normal bodice?"

"It is very comfortable, Fanis, and much cooler in this weather. I find it easy to move around on board in it and it protects my breasts to a certain extent, preventing them moving about. I understand that they can be made in almost any material, and of course those with larger breasts will require more sturdy support. Before I left there was a project to make some in silk for the hot weather, but of course those would be more difficult to sew. As for bodices, I have never worn one so I cannot answer you."

Fanis was surprised. "You have never worn a bodice?"

"Why no, Fanis, we did not wear them in Einnland, but what I think must be a similar garment called a 'maidens' vest', usually made out of thick woolen cloth. When I reached Palarand, and the palace, I was immediately fitted out with my own bras."

"And this is the result." The Duchess walked all around Eriana, inspecting the novel garment. "Ah, I think I see why such a mass of pattern pieces is required for making them now." She turned to Maralin. "Am I right? The patterns are intended to provide for all sizes, Maralin?"

He nodded. "Yes, Your Grace, and this is another of Princess Garia's ideas. You see, what the palace seamstresses did was to measure all the women who worked in the palace and discovered that a small number of pattern sizes would fit most of them, with a similar number of sizes fitting most of the rest. That saves making bespoke garments for everybody. But I am certain that all this is explained on the instruction sheet which should have been enclosed."

Fanis turned to Jorda. "Is this so, Jorda? Did you find an instruction sheet?"

Jorda looked reluctant to admit it but replied, "We did, Your Grace. We thought we understood some of it but other parts made no sense at all. The fact that we did not know what a bra was or how it was supposed to be worn did not help. The sheet has some funny symbols on it. What are they?"

Fanis turned to Maralin who answered, "Okay. First, somebody has to carefully cut all these shapes out of the cardboard, that's what we call this stuff. Cut just along the outside of the black lines and that will give you pieces of the right size that you can draw round onto the cloth. You'll notice that every piece has a letter and a number inside -"

"Those are numbers? They are nothing like our numbers!"

Maralin and Fanis looked at each other. She said, "Those are known as the Garian Numbers. The system is named after her since she introduced them to us but they are much older, and come from the same place that she did. When Prince Keren passed through here last fall he left a sheet explaining the Garian numbers and they have proved so useful that we have been converting the Treasury accounts to use them just as fast as we have been able. I am surprised that you have not yet come across them."

One of the other women volunteered, "My husband has use of them, Jorda, and I can tell you that they are so much easier to use. As you know his business has connections to Palarand and the other lands to the east, and the Garian numbers are being used everywhere, it seems."

Fanis waved a hand to end the discussion. "Ladies, it seems that some of you will need tuition in the Garian numbers, then, before you may make use of the patterns. However, Maralin was describing how to use them and perhaps he should continue."

"As you desire, Your Grace. As I was saying, to decide which pattern pieces you will need, you measure around the chest just under the breasts and again at the fullest extent, perhaps while wearing a bodice to make it easier. There is an adjustment table for helping if the... customer... is wearing a bodice." He held up the sheet. "Then, you simply look up the chest number down the side, here, and the full measurement along the top, here, and the square where the sizes meet tells you the letters and numbers of the pattern pieces you'll need. There is a standard seam allowance, oh, and a separate table to tell you how long to make the shoulder straps."

"Thank you, Maralin, thank you, Eriana. If some could help Her Highness dress again?"

Jorda helped Bennet assist Eriana back into her gown and everybody relaxed somewhat. Eriana went to the bag she had brought and fished out a spare bra of her own, which was passed round.

"These buckles, Your Grace. So fine, and they will take time to make. I can see that the sewing will not take long, on so small a garment, but we must needs wait for a smith to make these metal parts."

Eriana smiled. "There is no need to wait, ladies. As you say, making these buckles would be long and tedious, as I understand the art of the smith, but Palarand has invented a new method of making them. Maralin?"

He took a small packet that had been tucked into the pattern folder and unwrapped it to show a pile of brass buckles. The women crowded round, passing the buckles out and inspecting them.

"How are these made, Maralin?" Fanis asked. "So many!"

He smiled. "So many are needed, Your Grace, that producing them by hand would never have worked. Fortunately the Palace Jeweler has an inquiring mind and invented a machine that can produce them in quantity. You simply feed a ribbon of brass in one end and a stream of these comes out the other."

Jorda turned. "But, still, Maralin, there are so many. Why, there must be a thousand in here!"

"Aye, Mistress, and the numbers soon add up, if you think about it. Four of those to a bra, and how many bras will a woman need? I would suggest at least three in order to have one clean, one on and one in the wash. Then perhaps two more of a larger size for when Kalikan comes, that's five, so that's twenty buckles altogether. This packet, therefore, contains enough buckles to make bras for about fifty women." He grinned. "How many women live in the city, then?"

There were open mouths all round as everyone did the math. Jorda asked, "What happens when we use all these up, Maralin? Must we needs ask Palarand for another supply?"

"There is such a huge demand for these in Palarand that a separate factory - a kind of workshop - has been set up to just make buckles for bras and for other purposes. Some of these will be supplied to Joth at regular intervals, probably once a month or so. This first packet is a gift to accompany the patterns, there will probably be a small charge for any more that you ask for."

Fanis said, "Still, the numbers required for those of Joth will be astonishing, if what you say is true. If we should decide to produce our own, Maralin?"

"I don't think there would be a problem, Your Grace. Those who would produce them would need training, of course, and you'll need a place to set up the simple machinery, but I'm sure something can be worked out. Bras are so essential to women, especially working women, that King Robanar expects that every country in the Great Valley to be producing them - and the buckles - eventually."

Ursula watched this discussion with some puzzlement. What she saw in front of her was a genuine attempt to teach apparently knowledgeable people how to make bras, of all things, by hand, and that included the metalwork.

I cannot believe that this is all a side show put on for my benefit! Some of those women genuinely didn't know what normal numbers looked like! What have I stumbled into?

She watched, an interested outsider, as the women discussed this 'new' garment among themselves for a while before Fanis held up her hand to end the conference.

"Ladies! We have other things to speak of today, if you would. Maralin, I believe that you have more projects for our seamstresses."

"Aye, Your Grace. Um, there is obviously more to talk about concerning bras, but that can be handled some other day. I know that many of you will be coming back here again.

"So, the other item of interest is clothing for the men of Her Highness's crew. Presently they are wearing thick canvas trousers and loose seafarer's tunics, also made of canvas. Though the clothing that men wear can be thicker and rougher than that which women usually wear, in the summer heat I don't think those particular garments will work much longer. Therefore, I have drawn some ideas for practical wear for the men while they are sailing."

He handed out several sheets of drawings to the women.

"If you would explain, Maralin," Jorda said, looking at her sheet. "This appears to be... shorts, did you call them? as Her Highness has shown us. Can this be true? Are we to make the same garment for men as for women?"

He smiled. "Well... yes and no, Mistress Jorda. The men will need undergarments of thin cloth, like those of Her Highness, but obviously cut to a different shape to suit their figures. I can tell you that looser garments like those are more comfortable than what we wear now. Over those, however, they'll need an outer garment, which will also be shorts, but of slightly thicker material, probably the same as the bolt on the table. They will be longer in the leg and ending about here."

He put the edge of his hand just above his knee.

"Now, these outer shorts will have pockets here and here."

Jorda frowned. "Pockets?"

Maralin sighed. How this civilization has gotten this far without pockets I will never know. "Aye, Mistress. Um, if we may leave that detail until tomorrow, then, when I should be able to show you a sample. Now the upper garment is going to be a sort of simple loose tunic that reaches down to about hip level, to allow free movement of the air and also the body. The sleeves will come straight out of the shoulders, like in the drawing, for free arm movement."

"Oh, I see. Aye, these will be very similar to Her Highness's shift, then, but obviously cut differently. Easy enough to make, I deem."

"...And then, for the really hot weather, I thought of these. They are a kind of singlet with no sleeves and a big neck opening, to allow the air to flow freely."

Jorda's eyebrows shot up. "Would these really be practical, Maralin?"

"From my own experience, Mistress, yes. They are a common sight for certain occupations and I think they would work well for Her Highness's crew."

What I'm not saying is that the occupation is basketball! They don't need to know that!

"If you say so, Maralin. We must needs make samples of all these, I deem, to get the size and fit right. Who may we use as model? Yourself?"

"I think that I would like to have some of the shorts, and maybe the..." Tee shirts? Let's not confuse them any more. They might come across real tee shirts in the future. "...Summer tunics, but the best bet would be to make a set for Master Lars, who is her second-in-command and I believe will be attending Her Highness regularly here at the mansion."

Jorda nodded. "Done, Maralin, and done, Your Grace. We have many questions, but apart from understanding the instructions for the bras we have plenty of other work to consider. Maralin, you want that bolt to be used for Her Highness's shifts and for the men's summer tunics?"

"To begin with, yes please. I anticipated that I could get a couple of samples of each garment from it, that's all. Um, I think Her Highness will pay for any further cloth required, or at least the cost will be charged to Palarand somehow."

Eriana agreed, "As you say, Maralin. This is to be clothing for my crew, after all -" Her eyes narrowed. "These items, do you describe a uniform for me and my men?"

Maralin grinned. "Yes and no, Highness. Your men don't really need a formal uniform to sail the river, not yet, anyway. However, if they all look the same, who knows what an onlooker, or a difficult official, may assume? At the moment I just want them, and you, to be comfortable. There is one thing, though."


"Mistress Jorda and her friends all know about epaulets, since I introduced them to the Jothan military. I would recommend that your own uniform, as captain of the ship, have epaulets as rank insignia. That would make a start on the traditions of uniforms for the new Federation Navy."

"Epaulets?" Eriana was interested. "Explain. What are they and how will they name me a captain?"

"They go on the shoulders, Highness. You've seen them on my own formal uniform, but I'll let Mistress Jorda explain."

Jorda described the shoulder flap, over which a removable fabric tube bearing rank marks was slid. Since this was now a standard item among the Jothan military, it would be no trouble to add to the shift design.

"Ah, I see. Aye, I did notice them and thought them but a decoration. What rank should I bear, do you think?"

Maralin shrugged. "For now, I would say that of Captain, which is what you will be on the Visund. Let me see... One bar for an Ensign, oh, that's what they call a Standard here and a Junior Quadrant in Palarand. Two bars for a Lieutenant, three for a Commander, four for a Captain. Four narrow bars of black ribbon, if you please, Mistress Jorda, to stand out against the color of the cloth."

"As you command, Maralin."

The group entered into a general discussion about ranks and insignia and Ursula stood back, watching.

This is unreal! Maralin, who claimed to have once been a female cook, is actually teaching these people how to make uniforms! Not to mention basic underwear... What is going on here? Can any of this possibly be real? Or am I, as I first thought, really dreaming all this?

And if I am still dreaming, where am I in reality, and what will I face when I eventually wake up?

Another stray thought came. I'm not sure I want to wake up! This place is crazy and I don't understand what is going on... but I have to admit that I am curious enough to want to see how far it goes. It could be interesting to live here. ...not to mention safe from those who seek me. Do I get some kind of choice?

Of course I could be completely insane, of course. That means I might never 'wake up', but then I'll be stuck here and being here might be better than the alternative.

I have to find some way of testing all these possibilities, but how?

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