Just wanted to share something funny that happened to me early this morning, now I will admit at the time I was not amused in the least, but afterwards... It’s pretty funny.
My exciting adventure that happened this morning... At 3 flipping AM... Taz, the cat, decided that he desperately wanted to get up on the counter in the bathroom... We leave the toilet lid up and the seat down...
At 3 FREAKING AM I wake up to a loud bang, a screaming cat, and splashing and banging around. In panic I rush to see what the hell is making all that noise to find the cat in the toilet, lid closed, him splashing around and pushing the lid up and it popping back down keeping him trapped in the toilet...
After flipping him into the tub and chasing him down with the shower head to rinse the toilet water off of him, I was able to dry him kinda. He was pissed, not quite as much as I was...
On a side note those the toilet no longer needs to be cleaned, as I went back to bed I ensured the lid was back in the up position... You never know when you might have a late night emergency... That and besides the little fur ball will hopefully learn...
Hope you all got a good chuckle...
Becca C.
Another funny cat story.
In the house I grew up in the screen door was actually a solid wood door that held one of two inserts in the upper portion. One insert was a glass window. The other insert was a screen. During the summer our cat would jump up and cling to the screen and howl to be let in. Eventually, he worked some of the screen out and would jump through the hole.
That fall, after my father replaced the screen with the glass, I just happened to be standing in front of the door when the cat tried to jump through the missing hole. I never seen such a surprised cat in my life.
Cats are funny
We once rearranged the downstairs furniture. Where a couch had been next to the staircase, a desk now sat. Phudge, my little tortoiseshell came down the stairs shortly after the rearrangement. she had been accustomed to going through the banister onto the back of the couch.
With me standing there saying, "Hey, Phudge, the couch isn't there anymore," she looked up, meowed and stepped off into space and fell behind the desk. I peered back there to see if she was okay and she scooted out from under the desk and delivering several heartfelt meows, headed back up the stairs.
A few moments later, she came back down, stuck her head through the banister and looked at me, meowing a blue streak, while feeling around with one paw for the couch that was no longer there. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
How dare you!
Did you move it back after being rebuked soundly when she returned?
No, eventually she figured out that I would most often be sitting at the desk and she could sit in the gap in the banister and look me right in the eye, purring like a furry appliance. Or she could go up a step and come out on top of the monitor or go down a step and come out on the desk. Either way, she could be a nuisance, get petted, put on the floor and go back upstairs to start over again. It made her happy. :)
She lived to be 20 and was a very good kitty, opinionated, brave and a great hunter of crickets and flies the whole time.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Night Terrors
I feel terrible for laughing.
In 1984 when Richard Ramirez was night-stalking around LA murdering people in their homes
I declared "That asshole isn't going to make me lock my place up on a hot summer night!"
and went to sleep with the window open. Around 3 a.m. my kitten Ratso Rizzo somehow
managed to bring the bamboo blinds crashing down, and as I startled awake I heard
myself saying "Be cool! Be cool!" like that was somehow gonna impress
a serial killer to be cool.
I barely got to know my sweet kitten before the coyotes got her.
It wouldn't be until 1998 that I took another orphaned kitty in.
Gojira was my constant companion for over a decade
and absolutely the best friend I ever had.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I remember that time in LA
I remember that time in LA
in my case I had three things going for me that kept me from worrying about him or anyone.
1 bad neighborhood...that if they did not know you??? Well that was your fault for getting hurt by coming here...lol
2 cops in my area had an insane 90 second or 2 min response time...good cops small town feel ---Pasadena
3 lastly 90lb Doberman that was VERY possessive...we had a deal back then...he hears, barks, then chews on you...I shoot...call cops to clean mess. rather simple
cats are cool...but you want an insane creature to protect the house...geese! Dad had those and boy nothing got by them! They woke the 2 great Danes he had and it was down hill for the intruder from there.
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Cat? Learn?
LOL You're funny! *giggle*
As long as the kitty was not hurt then it's allowed to be hilarious. If there was injury then it down grades to mildly funny. ;-P
- Leona
Also a big ego booster
So I'm dressed to the nines one day and kitty comes strolling around the corner after his nap. He sees me and the tail suddenly looks like it got hit with 100,000 volts. He is also hissing and spitting up a storm. I look at him and say, "gee thanks," turn and slink away to put something different on.
Yep, had that happen...TWICE!
Yep, had that happen...TWICE!
She didn't learn her lesson after the first time, but did the second time. Now she dumps something on the side to prop open the lid whenever she tries to drink from the toilet. Thankfully she didn't need to be cleaned, but she did get angry at me for laughing as I tried to towel her off...she ensure that I spent a sleepless night thanks to her coming and going from my room at full speed onto my arms, legs, feet, and head.
Her predecessor used to do a bit where he'd run full speed, jump across the couch as I lay down watching TV, then drop his paws just low enough to catch my glasses sending them flying across the room. He'd do that two or three times before he wore himself out, going back to me for affection and falling asleep on my chest. His successor did that a couple of times but hit my head hard. She didn't have the leaping ability so jumped up, bounced off of my head or chest, then landed on the other end of the couch before jumping down and running onward. It lost its luster when I'd turn away so she couldn't hit me, instead landing on the couch and losing traction, falling onto the floor in shame.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
the siamese cat would enter to bottom of the storm drain and exit on the roof. For years this was just a thing we laugh about it until the cat gained a small bit of weight and got stuck. Mom of course made dad take the drain off and dad figured how to get the cat out with crisco. No kidding! Shadrack the siamese cat never used the storm express again!