Bicycle Skirt Sheild

I wear skirts most of the time, usually well below the knee, though I do have some rather trashy minis. I feel as if I am gradually finding my moral compass and am perhaps realizing that I should be getting away from such shameless displays of my "astonishingly hot legs!". Attached to them are this body that is very questionably "hot" or NOT HOT, as you wish. And since I have recently divulged my preference for a certain middle eastern religion, perhaps such brief clothing is a bit hypocritical. YA THINK ?

So, I have been searching for a Bicycle Skirt Shield, because I just finished trashing the hem of one of my fave skirts because Mr Back Brakie decided to eat it. Grrrrr. I began searching for such a thing on Google, and lo and behold I found a way to restrain my skirts on the first cast; they had used what appears to be a dozen or so "spokes" from the fender to the area of the axle, and it looks like it should be quite effective. But who should be holding said bike, but a totally, frontally exposed Danish woman. In the caption, it said that nudity is quite common in European coastal towns. How cheeky of these women. I shall never do that, ever! Now, if I had the bod......

So, before I set off to re-invent something, does anyone here know where I am likely to find a shield to protect my skirts?

Many Blessings


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