OK, it is PRIDE month.
Are T folk not part of that? Do the gay have it worse than us?
I commented to some gay and lesbian folk that I treat everyone the same, and some people need to give it a rest.
My, my what a tempest I caused!
What, am I not understanding?
"May need a spanking"
Gwen the title caught my eye! You are correct, It seems that the G & L make all the noise, but the transgendered are the group that gets the attacks. No laws were passed preventing a gay man or lesbian from a bathroom. But It's all about them, when a bill is passed against TGs they say it's against them too.
Makes you scratch your head don't it?
Did you run afoul of the
Did you run afoul of the TERFs?
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
What do you call a trans-excluding feminist from outer space?
Okay I'll be quiet now and let the adults talk...
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Treat the same apparently is very wrong
I thought I was right the same and those who fight for equal rights are like me. I was wrong. No matter what they are fighting for (sexuality, race, gender or anything else) they are fighting for privileges that are at the expense of the rest of people i.e. you and me.
racial heretics
At various levels, any group that thinks itself morally higher than others have both a preachy and victim based agenda - everything is about them.
As a race, for survival, we have developed into a typically heterosexual, omnivorous genus with a great ability to adapt to our surroundings.
However some groups who don't tick all the 'average human' boxes feel that only they live the 'correct' way and everyone else should be 'converted' to their way. Anything that could vaguely be construed as against that mantra is instantly adopted as something that is against 'them'.
For example, vegetarianism & veganism have been options and followed in some cultures for millenia - part of our ability to adapt. But 'converts', and it's always converts, take on an agenda that involves converting everyone else to their way. If person a doesn't want to eat something but I will make my choice. I've known vegetarians go as far as only feeding their dogs a vegetarian diet - dogs are carnivores for heavens sake!
It's the same with LGB, historically society has actually been very accepting of non breeders (it's only fairly recently that they were demonised for reasons that no doubt made some limited sense at the time). Likewise there have always been TG people in society however we have been very much less visible, primarily because we really are breeders and have hidden ourselves away for the most part. WE don't want to stand out from the crowd, we want to be part of the crowd. Being lumped in with the LGB mob was never going to help the majority of us. The LGB world despise T's, we aren't like them, hell a large number of us are 'straight' (define that as you will!) Because we don't want to stand out and are lumped with a group that largely hate us we get trodden on and under represented, everything has to be about the sub set of 'them'.
I don't think you are missing anything, the LGB collective believe everything is about them, they don't care about the T's at all.
Rant over
Madeline Anafrid Bell
That's a pretty broad brush you are using to paint people with. Not all members of the LGB group are TERFs, they are just the vocal minority. I prefer to take people as they come rather than slap a label on a whole group and hate them all.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Suggesting they are all the same - I know veggies and LG's who don't try to indoctrinate everyone they meet, don't thrust their lives down your throat, just get on with their lives.
OTOH the ones that do make all the noise, seem determined to make life ever more difficult with their 'equality' in no way represent me on any level. I didn't ask them to, they don't want to and only someone wanting to pigeon hole anything they don't understand would think it's a good idea. When did anyone ask your opinion on LGB issues - of course never but they get to 'represent' us.
I don't hate them but they hate me, don't speak for me and there's nothing I can do to change that. The addition of the T to LGB was nothing to do with giving us a voice but rather taking it away making us one less group for politicians to have to deal with.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
And worse yet...
And worse yet...
"I've known vegetarians go as far as only feeding their dogs a vegetarian diet - dogs are carnivores for heavens sake!"
Some even try to make their cats vegans. Cats are obligate carnivores. They must eat meat to get essential amino acids. On a vegan diet, they die.
A lot of the L&G folk reject the B. They tell them to chose sides! They say a B is an L or G in denial. Go figure...
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
And even worse...
The best cat food contains up to 20% meat while cheap everyday brands up to 4%. The rest - yest, weat etc. Btw the only aminoacid not present in vegan diet is taurine ant it's added both to branded and cheap food.
This is getting way off topic
This is getting way off topic, but...
There are high-quality cat foods that contain mostly (or nearly all) meat or fish. I really don't know where you got your percentages. You are correct about taurine being a supplement in most cat foods.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
It's time we realized
Transgender is not about sex or sexual preference.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I'll take all the help I can get
Having worked as a volunteer for the Dallas Resource center( a LBGT, A lot of of the better people there "get it", some are pretty clueless. A lot of the gay experience is very similar to ours though. I hated being born trans. I suspect that their is one of our common grounds. Self acceptance can be very hard.