The Voyage of the Visund -7-

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The high-ranking members of the party have accepted an invitation to overnight at a nearby mansion - but there is great danger! Duke Jarwin will do anything to get his hands on the female members of the party. The men know of his reputation but struggle to inform the women. It is left to Lars to take decisive action.

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The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

7 - Lair of the Beast

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2018 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Wallesan nodded at the other man. "Jarwin," he responded, but Eriana noted that he did not offer his hand or his arm, as was usual when men of such rank greeted each other. The Duke continued, "You should know that I saw your brother but three days ago, since Eriana and myself attended that meeting you name. Indeed, he joined all the other rulers on the quayside at Dekarran to watch Her Highness's ship depart, with myself as passenger."

Jarwin's eyes widened briefly. He must have had some knowledge what was happening downstream, with his brother taking part, but there was a diplomatic pretense to maintain.

"Of course," he agreed with a smile, "I had overlooked that of course you would have joined the gathering. Tell me -"

Wallesan broke in with a raised hand. "By your leave, Jarwin, we have barely arrived and have had no time to eat, drink, bathe or change our attire since landing. Perhaps such discussions are better left until later, when we are all clean, fed and relaxed?"

"As you say, Wallesan! I am forgetting myself. Horvik, are chambers ready for your guests? You must attend your own household, I shall not interfere." Jarwin gave a slight bow to Wallesan, then a larger one to Eriana. "I will leave you to settle in, then, and we will meet again at table. I trust you will enjoy your stay in Horvik's delightful mansion."

The small group watched as Jarwin turned and walked away along the corridor, leaning on his stick. Horvik bowed, drawing their attention.

"Your Highness, Your Grace, although my mansion is often accounted large as such places may be, with His Grace already in residence it has been necessary for me to make some small adjustments to accommodate both of you." He turned and smiled at the others in their group. "Since His Grace's retinue is also small this time, there should be no problem with chambers for your attendants, though. If you would all follow me."

Several house servants appeared from a nearby chamber to join them. Since they were standing in what was evidently an entrance lobby, Horvik turned to the left and led the way along an intersecting corridor which went across the width of the building. There were doors either side of the corridor and a large window at the end, letting in plenty of evening light.

At the third door he addressed Eriana. "Highness, I have had this chamber prepared for you. It is the one usually occupied by Her Grace Duchess Dianel and I believe that you will find it comfortable. There is an attached chamber which is where Her Grace's maids usually stay, I trust that it will suffice for your companions tonight. A door links the two chambers so that you may summon their assistance without returning to this corridor."

He opened the door and allowed Eriana to enter first. The chamber was light and airy, and very similar to her suite at the palace, with a separate sleeping chamber, dressing room, toilet and bathing chamber. The tones were pastel and the furnishings obviously suited to a feminine occupant.

Eriana turned to Horvik. "My second, Lars. Have you a nearby chamber for him? He takes his duties seriously."

Horvik spread his hands. "I regret not, Highness. I believed that he had a more... administrative nature from the description I was given. I did not expect..." He turned to Lars with a bow. "I ask your pardon, Master Lars. I did not realize that your duties might be of a more physical nature. I have assigned a chamber for you, it is true, but it is further away, at the end of the corridor."

Lars regarded Horvik impassively. "My Lord, I will look at chamber and tell if it is good enough."

"Of course. Now, if I open this door, we can go through into the maids' chamber."

There was a smaller dressing room and a separate toilet, but of course the maids would bathe with their mistress. The room would normally have had two beds but these had been moved round and a third, different bed squeezed in. There was a separate entrance from the corridor and another door in the facing wall.

Horvik noticed Eriana's gaze. "Ah, Highness, that door connects with the suite usually occupied by His Grace the Grand Duke Mariswin when he and his wife visit. That door usually remains locked unless Their Graces are in residence and for your own privacy will be locked tonight. You need have no fear that you or your companions will be disturbed."

Eriana merely nodded and returned to her own chamber. "My Lord, you are too kind," she responded. "This is a delightful suite, I am sure that we will all have a good night's sleep. Is that not so, girls?"

The others murmured agreement, but behind Horvik's back Wallesan had a thoughtful expression. He smoothed it away as their host introduced one of his servants.

"If I may name Ratha, she is one of my senior house servants. If you or your companions have any desires of a kind particular to women, she will satisfy you. Pull the yellow rope, there by the fireplace, should you have need to summon her."

Eriana gave him a nod. "You are a gracious host, My Lord. I thank you for your kind attentions. If you would now excuse us, I believe that we all have certain urgent needs. How shall we know when the evening meal is ready?"

"A servant will come and knock at your sitting room door, Highness. Since your arrival was unexpected, our meal this evening was already being prepared and will be ready in about three quarters of a bell, or perhaps a little later. Do you think that you might require more time to prepare yourselves?"

"That should be ample, My Lord." She smiled. "Unless you intend a ball tonight, our preparations should not take very long, indeed."

Everybody made their excuses and returned to the corridor, leaving Eriana and the other women to clean themselves up. Horvik gestured to Kalmenar.

"My Lord, your chamber lies opposite."

He opened a door and showed them into a smaller suite, apparently designed for a single man but possibly one of noble status. It still had a toilet, bathing chamber and dressing room, but the latter would not have been sufficient for any woman, even one with only traveling attire. Kalmenar walked to the window to discover the front gardens and the wall, the inside adorned with flowering plants as well.

"My Lord," he replied, "I am impressed by the accommodation you provide for us. I will sleep easy tonight, I deem."

Horvik bowed. "Thank you, My Lord." He pointed to ropes near the fireplace. "If you require anything, perhaps help with shaving in the morning, the yellow rope will summon a manservant."

Kalmenar nodded. "Thank you, My Lord. I see my chest has been delivered, if you would excuse me, I also have an urgent matter to attend to."

He headed for the toilet and Horvik smiled at the others. "Ah, of course, you must all be in similar need. I will make my further remarks brief, then. Master Lars, if I may show you to your room."

Right at the end of the corridor was a small single chamber obviously intended for a junior aide or a manservant. Lars took a quick look inside, noting that his duffel had already been delivered.

"Is good, My Lord. Bed is soft, I will sleep well tonight."

Horvik breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Master Lars." He frowned. "I am not happy that I cannot place your rank, Sir. Forgive me if I have caused offense."

"Is good, My Lord," Lars repeated. "When we return to Palarand, King promises me proper title."

"Ah, I see." Horvik turned to Wallesan. "For you, Your Grace, I have made ready a suite on the other side of the main corridor. If you would follow me."

He set off with Wallesan, Hambran and Maralin in tow. Lars looked at the disappearing group, then at his room, coming to a decision. He closed his door and made his way quietly after them, catching them just as they crossed the main corridor.

The suite which Horvik showed them was very similar to Eriana's, but with a less obviously feminine touch. The facilities were exactly the same and when their host opened the connecting door the servants' room was also the same, but without the additional bed.

Horvik turned to Hambran and Maralin apologetically. "Captain, Tenant, I thought it best to place you here near your liege. There are other, smaller suites but they are further away, as Master Lars was to her Highness. I trust these will suffice?"

Hambran replied, "My Lord, these will suit us very well. We are military men, we are used to sleeping in strange and unusual places. Indeed, two nights ago we were forced to camp on an island in the river, so these beds are more than adequate by comparison."

Wallesan asked, "Maralin? What think you?"

"As Captain Hambran said, Your Grace. I have no complaints."

They returned to the suite's sitting room and Horvik said, "I know that men have less needs than a woman does, but if you have any desires, pull the yellow rope and someone will answer immediately."

He bowed. "I assume that, like the women in your party, you have urgent needs, so I will leave you to prepare yourselves now. Someone will knock on this door when the evening meal is about to be served."

He backed out of the door and closed it, leaving the four men in the sitting room. Wallesan immediately held up a hand, then placed a finger to his lips. He walked to the door and listened, then went around the room examining the walls. Once he had made a complete circuit he went through and did the same in the bedroom and the servants' room, paying particular attention to the other connecting door, which appeared to be locked. Finally, he gestured to the others to gather close and put their heads together.

He spoke quietly. "Maralin, if you would translate for Lars, should it be required."

The reply was just as quiet. "Aye, Your Grace. What is happening?"

"I doubt much will happen to us, but the ladies may be in considerable danger tonight. How much do you know about Duke Jarwin?"

"Very little, Your Grace. I know he is the brother of Mariswin and that is about all. Oh, I remember there was a rumor of a scandal in the palace, but the name meant nothing to me then. Was that about him? We were too busy building federations to worry about rumors like that."

"Indeed, but in this case you must needs know all. Jarwin is a womanizer of the worst sort. Being the brother of a Grand Duke, he has used his rank to seduce and ruin women the length of the Great Valley and he does not care who knows of his activities. It was Garia who finally stopped his evil attentions, so I was told."

"Garia!" Maralin remembered to keep his voice down. "Your Grace, did he attempt to seduce Garia? I doubt he would have gotten very far with her."

"Humph. It seems that was made very clear to him by Robanar at the time, and he was told to leave her alone. Unfortunately, he then switched his attentions to Lady Merizel, who had only been in the palace a matter of days and did not know of his reputation."

"Oh My God! Yes, of course. What happened?"

Wallesan's smile was bleak. "It seems that Her Highness, who did not even have a title at that point, found some stratagem that foiled Jarwin's plot. Unfortunately, her plan annoyed almost everybody and the following morning there was an ugly scene at breakfast. By some means she managed to challenge Jarwin to single combat in the ring of honor, without weapons."

Maralin was amazed. "That was the rumor I had heard, Your Grace, but I thought it was total fiction. Are you telling me it was not?"

"You can ask her for the tale yourself, next time you two meet. She met Jarwin in that big exercise hall of theirs and essentially kicked him apart. He limps because she damaged his knee joint, and she also gave him some broken ribs."

"Excuse, Your Grace," Lars said. "Tenant, explain."

Maralin recounted what he had just been told and the danger was apparent to all four men.

"Do any of them know?" he asked.

Wallesan shrugged. "I doubt it, Maralin. Eriana probably would not, I deem, and of course neither would Ursula, both having arrived recently. What Bennet and Semma may know depends on what they were doing before they became guardswomen and where their stations were in the palace."

Maralin nodded. "As you say, Your Grace. Trouble is, even if they heard about it, what they may have heard could be garbled or exaggerated - or played down. You know what servants' tales are like, and it must be far worse in a big place like the palace."

"Just so. The point is, we must needs find some way to protect our women and that could be difficult. Did you notice how our chambers are separated from those of the women? Aye, Lars has a room over there but it is distant. He will not know if trouble should develop."

The three looked at the big Einnlander. "Will think," he said. "Always find way to beat man like him."

Maralin grimaced. "I don't know. If I remember those stories right, that's more or less what Garia did in the palace. It worked, sort of, but it caused a big argument - several different arguments, actually."

Wallesan added, "The other factor is that we are not in Robanar's palace this time, where he could make the rules. Neither are we in my own mansion, where I would tell Jarwin to his face to behave or be thrown out. We are guests under the roof of a trusted friend of his, I deem. It is no accident, I believe, that we have been separated this way."

Maralin said, "Did you notice the look on Lady Siendra's face? Horvik might go along with whatever Jarwin intends, but I do not think his wife does."

Wallesan grunted. "Unfortunately, I doubt that Lady Siendra has any influence in what Duke Jarwin says or does. If he is accustomed to frequent visits to this place, then she will know she cannot do very much to prevent his activities."

"How do we warn Her Highness, Your Grace?"

That brought a smile to the Duke's face. "If he tries anything with Eriana, I doubt he will get very far, smooth words or not. Um, unless she so desires it, of course, but I do not think she has the kind of personality that would be swayed by such as him. The problem will be with the other women, and especially Ursula. She will be very vulnerable, I deem, not knowing what is customary and what is not."

Lars said, "Easy to warn Princess. Only she, I and Maralin speak Einnland tongue."

Maralin agreed. "Yes, that's right! We can hold a whole conversation right under his nose and nobody would have a clue what we were saying." He frowned. "But even she cannot warn the others in front of him."

"But she could shield them somehow," Wallesan suggested.

"Excuse me, Your Grace," Hambran said then. "I have a pressing need..."

"Aye, of course, Hambran. As have we all. Do we all know enough to be prepared for tonight's meal, and what may happen afterward? Aye? Then let us make ourselves ready for the battle ahead."

* * *

In the almost deserted dining chamber three servants were putting the final touches to the place settings, casually watched by two noblemen. Jarwin bent his head towards that of his host.

"Are you sure that this will work, Horvik?"

"It has done before, Your Grace. I wonder, though... His Grace Duke Wallesan surely knows of your reputation, he will have told the others. I am certain that Kalmenar knows as well, he said something to Her Highness just before you joined us earlier."

Jarwin smiled. "But they have had no opportunity to speak to the women, I deem."

"As you say, Your Grace, but I would be very wary of Her Highness. I recognized her name and have heard of her deeds. You should know that by chance I was visiting a merchant in Treen when Her Highness came through last year, accompanied by His Grace and a lot of very big, hairy warriors, who were presumably from that far away land of hers. I may not know the weapons of war in great detail but to me they all seemed fearsomely well armed and trained. Her Highness herself carried a big broadsword slung across her back. I heard that it was her party that attacked and recaptured Boldan's Rock during the war, Your Grace, though I do not know the details. Do not annoy her, Your Grace, I do not desire to see my family's mansion burned to the ground."

"A broadsword?" Jarwin fingered his chin. "She is of a size to wield one, I will grant you, but she is still a woman... If she is fit enough, then so much the better! I will heed your words, Horvik, but let us see how the evening progresses." He shrugged. "If she will not play, then there are three others to choose from. That one with the odd name, for example. She seemed different, somehow."

"As you say, Your -"

The door opened and a servant ushered in the men of the party, with the exception of Kalmenar. Jarwin again held out his hand and this time Wallesan took it, though reluctantly. He looked around the chamber with interest.

"An interesting room, My Lord. Indeed, an unusual arrangement for a mansion."

Horvik answered the unasked questions. "Your Grace, though both His Grace and his brother visit us several times a year there are few other nobles nearby that give us need for banquets and receptions. When we must needs host a large event, we will often eat outside in the gardens.

"This mansion? My great great grandfather suffered a riding accident over a hundred years ago which meant that he lost the use of his legs. The mansion was rebuilt so that almost all the chambers were on the same level. We kept the original kitchen and bathing block at the rear, though only the servants need use it now. The chambers above those are used for storing food and valuables when the river rises. There is a separate block for carriages and frayen at the back, also original."

Wallesan nodded. "As I said, an interesting arrangement."

Maralin asked, "My Lord, you spoke of the river rising. How do you escape the floods? You are not very far from the banks."

Horvik smiled. "A chance siting... Tenant..?"

"Tenant Maralin, My Lord."

"Ah, yes. Tenant, by chance this mansion was built on a slight rise in the land. You saw our fence? It was once a true palisade, as this was the fortified house for the town. It is well enough built to keep out the waters for a time. The mansion is also built on stilts, although this may not have been obvious from the front gardens. Perhaps once every ten years the river reaches the level of these floors and then we must needs retreat."

Maralin bowed. "Thank you, My Lord. I am still unfamiliar with the ways and methods used in the Great Valley and it is always interesting to learn how these problems are tackled."

Jarwin's eyebrows rose. "You are from somewhere else entirely, then? Yet you speak as a Jothan born."

"Your Grace, I come from Shicargo, which I am told lies in the deep south. There is some confusion, let us say, over just how I found myself in Joth. Since then it seems I have discovered a talent for picking up languages and accents."

The door opened and another servant showed Kalmenar in. He approached the group and bowed.

"My apologies for the delay, My Lord, Your Grace, Your Grace..." He smiled. "Just recently at His Majesty's court I could have spent a quarter of an hour giving everyone their titles!"

"An hour? What is that?"

Wallesan intervened. "A new method of describing time, Your Grace. To speak more of it before we eat would only confuse you. If I may just say that a quarter of an hour is slightly shorter than a quarter of a bell."

Another arrival, this time Lady Siendra with two female attendants. She had barely time to greet those present before Eriana appeared with the other women in tow. As before, Bennet and Semma curtseyed before their hosts while Ursula merely looked on with interest. All the Visund women were wearing travelers' dresses, but this time of better quality and color than those they had worn on board. Nobody except Siendra wore a long gown, as custom dictated, but allowances would be made for those traveling.

Horvik gestured at the single table. "If I may ask you all to be seated. As I explained earlier, the cooks began preparing our meal before we discovered that we had illustrious guests to provide for."

The guests were placed on the same side of the table, facing their hosts, and alternating male and female. Wallesan sat facing Horvik, while Eriana, to his left, faced Jarwin. On the other side of the table the two men who had come to fetch the travelers from the hostel, plus Siendra's two companions, made up the numbers.

The visitors, of course, all had brought forks with them. There had been some discussion as to whether it was polite to do so but felt that the utility of the implements outweighed the possible problems and it would also demonstrate them to anyone who had never seen them before. Of their hosts, only Jarwin and Horvik had forks, both of gold and obviously locally made, since the maker had apparently been given instructions by word of mouth only and not with the aid of an example or a drawing. The rest made do with the customary spoon and two knives, but they did not appear to resent the fact that their visitors all had forks.

The meal began with mainly small talk over the first two courses. The weather, the state of the harvest and the river were the main topics, though the unusual mansion layout also proved of interest to the visitors. It was during the main course, sliced middle haunch of vikhan in a rich sauce with vegetables, that Jarwin made his first probe.

"Highness, Horvik here tells me that he saw you last last year in Treen, in company with His Grace here."

"Indeed, Your Grace. We were returning to Palarand after our assault on the fortress of Boldan's Rock and on the wharves below. It was a great victory that broke the morale of the Yodan invaders, but the cost was high."

"Indeed? As you must know, such tales grow in the telling as you move further away from the battlefield. I would be interested in hearing the truth from yourself, Highness."

Siendra said, "Your Grace, I have also heard of the recapture of Boldan's Rock. There are other ladies present. Would this be is a suitable subject to discuss at table?"

Jarwin's eyes flashed but he smiled. "You are right, my dear, I sometimes forget myself. Perhaps later, then." He thought. "Tell me then, Highness, of your homeland. I have barely heard of Einnland, and it and its people are a mystery to me."

"I will tell you of Einnland, Your Grace, but you should know that I am no longer an Einnlander. My father the King wished an unsuitable marriage for me and I -"

Eriana recounted the tale of her escape and thus Jarwin learned why a strange ship full of heavily armed barbarians had ended up sailing the Sirrel. She glossed over her subterfuge on arriving at the palace before describing how Garia had suggested the attack on Boldan's Rock.

She also noticed that Jarwin's face darkened whenever Garia's name was mentioned of but thought nothing of it.

"The rest I will leave until later, Your Grace, so as not to upset Lady Siendra and her companions."

"As you say. But you do not mention your own companions! Do you tell me that they are also familiar with the arts of war? Surely not!"

"Indeed, Your Grace, at least two of them are. Bennet and Semma are members of Palarand's Palace Guard, though they have not yet been tested in battle. They join our crew as necessary female companions."

Horvik spluttered into his wine. "Robanar admits women to his guard? Amazing! Do they serve as the men do, or are they of a more ornamental nature?"

Bennet bristled. "My Lord, if I may speak. We undergo the same training as the men but naturally we have weapons and armor appropriate to our size and strength. Presently we do not serve at night but only during the day. You should know that a guardswoman may go, with Her Majesty, where a guardsman cannot."

Maralin added, "My Lord, I have watched them train. They may not be as big as most of the men but they can certainly be quicker and more agile."

"Indeed! An interesting idea, Your Grace, do you not agree?"

From the look on Jarwin's face he did not agree, since he knew who must have done the training. He busied himself with his wine for a moment before replying.

"Horvik, customs change in the Valley all the time. I would prefer to see this experiment continue a while before recommending anything similar to my brother." He turned to Ursula. "My dear, your own presence is not explained. Are you then a companion of Her Highness, since you have not been named a guardswoman?"

"My Lord, no, Your Grace? Is that right? I'm sorry, I do not know how to address anyone and you all have strange titles. I have been told that I have lost my memory. I do not know who or what I am. I am traveling to Joth with His Grace because he has... doctors there who might be able to help me."

"Doctors? What are doctors?"

Maralin answered smoothly, "We are not certain, Your Grace. The word my liege used was healer, when he described Joth to her, perhaps this is a translation from her own language."

"Her own language? Yet she speaks our tongue, though with a strong accent."

Eriana said, "Your Grace, I speak the local tongue with a strong accent! Many who now reside in Palarand do, it is not that unusual."

"As you say, Highness... but this means that she is not of your party originally."

Wallesan said, "If I may, Your Grace. This would be better discussed after we have finished."

Jarwin simmered but there was little he could do. Grumpily he concentrated on his meal, which meant that for a time the whole table ate in silence.

"Your Grace, I must apologize," Eriana said to break the uncomfortable pause. "It is true that when we sailed from Dekarran, I thought this journey was to be much like the many I have made before I came to the Great Valley. Since we came originally to Plif I have discovered that, to my surprise, almost nothing has been what I expected. Much of what has happened has been strange, at least to my eyes, and some of what we saw and did cannot be told, not yet. Much is of a personal nature or, perhaps, too violent to speak of at table. I am sure that Wallesan intended no offense."

Jarwin looked at Eriana with understanding. He nodded. "Highness, perhaps it is I who must apologize. I merely thought of light conversation to be had at table and did not think further. But you mention Plif. I am certain that you must have met my sister Luann when you arrived there?"

"The Duchess? Why, of course, Your Grace!" She smiled. "We were there for some time, I feel that she would like you to know how she fares, is that not so?" She turned to Siendra. "My Lady, we discuss the Duchess of Plif, who is His Grace's sister. I trust this subject is acceptable?"

Siendra smiled. "Of course, Highness. Her Grace is known to all in Virgulend and any news will be well received."

"Well, as I mentioned earlier, our first landing was made at a small fishing village. Eventually, His Grace discovered our presence and I was invited to travel to Simbek with a few retainers. When we arrived -"

The conversation started up again and flowed naturally. Wallesan noted that despite the topic, Jarwin said more to the four women in their party than he did to any of the men. It was difficult for him to see how the other men reacted but he suspected that they reflected his own concerns.

Finally the meal was over. Instead of the usual custom, where the diners would stand around while the tables were dismantled, Horvik invited them to leave the chamber for one on the opposite side of the corridor. Here there were a number of easy chairs and comfortable settees, all with low tables on which drinks and snacks could be placed. The retainers who had been seated on Horvik's side departed with a bow to their master while most of those left found seats and sat immediately. Only Bennet and Semma remaining hesitantly standing until Eriana gave them a nod.

"Now, Your Highness," Jarwin said, leaning forward in his chair. "We are no longer at table, tell us your story. I'm sure that Siendra will let us know if anything becomes too upsetting for her or her ladies."

Eriana nodded acceptance of the circumstances. "What did you wish to know, Your Grace?"

"If you would describe your visit to Boldan's Rock. The fortress was said to be impregnable but it was obviously not so. I am interested in the stratagem your men employed, where so many others have failed."

Eriana bristled. "I must correct you, Your Grace. I led the expedition and it was my directions that my men followed. The original plan, I must tell you, was thought of some time previously by Her Highness Princess Garia, though she was but a Baroness then."

Jarwin's eyes flashed, but he nodded and gestured for Eriana to continue.

"First, then, we had to find a way to reach the fortress without being seen."

Considering Jarwin's reaction to Garia's name, she decided to avoid using it again except when absolutely necessary. There was no point disturbing what was beginning to seem a pleasant evening in friendly company.

"Someone had had the clever idea of hooded cloaks of white cloth, but daubed with gray and black, so as to conceal us among the snow covered winter rocks. Then, we had to cross -"

The conversation flowed and, once the battle had been covered, moved on to many other subjects. Most in the room drank wine or beer. In Eriana's case it was beer. The evening seemed to be settling down into a relaxed discussion between hosts and guests.

Maralin was completely absorbed by the intelligent remarks offered by Jarwin, Horvik and Siendra. A small part of his attention tried to analyze what was happening but he began to wonder if the warnings had been overstated.

I don't see anything here that would alarm me. He's made a few complimentary remarks about the women but nothing that would get him in trouble on Earth. So far, this evening has been one of the better ones.

But the Duke is giving me strange looks! I've been around a while but maybe there's some kind of signal I haven't noticed? Some local custom, maybe?

Whatever. I don't see any apparent danger here.

Eriana, on the other hand, was becoming puzzled. Flattery was no problem to her, she had received enough of that at her father's court, most of it insincere. Jarwin and Horvik would naturally seek to pay the proper respects to visiting women and she understood that. What caused her concern was that while Bennet, Semma, Ursula and Maralin seemed happy to join in the conversation, Wallesan, Kalmenar and Lars were tense, even though they pretended not to be.

I know Wallesan enough to know that something is wrong, but I do not know what. Kalmenar said earlier that there was danger here, but I see nothing that I would call danger in this place. Lars is his usual reserved self, partly because he still has trouble with the tongue, but even he seems worried!

In a lull in the conversation, when the servants were refilling drinks, she decided to ask him.

«Lars, is something wrong?»

«Highness, there is danger here, but you must not show that I told you. I have been told that... the visiting Duke... has habits like those of Holgar, Beren's son.»

Holgar son of Beren was a noted lecher in Einnland, forcing himself on the lower orders and making passes at those he could not force. It was rumored that he even had tastes for much younger girls.

Eriana managed to conceal her surprise. «Thank you, Lars. Your warning has been noted.»

"I ask your pardon," Horvik said to her. "Is there something wrong, Highness?"

"Oh," she smiled at him. "I must apologize to you, it seems, for not paying attention to the conversation. Since our adventure with the river monster, part of my mind has been considering the possible damage to my ship. I know that Lars may have noted things which I did not."

"Your ship? Why, of course! If you would tell us what happened."

There was nothing plying the Sirrel that looked anything like the long-ships used by the Norse, so it was necessary for her to describe the Visund and how it sailed. The party were astonished to find that she had customarily sailed long distances on the open ocean in such a craft, and with what they considered to be a huge crew.

Once the groundwork had been laid, she told them of the encounter with the gogon. Wallesan and Maralin supplied additional detail as the tale unfolded.

"You have many injured, then," Jarwin commented. "Would it not serve you to stay here a day or two, that your crew might recover? The time could profitably be used in examining your ship for damage, I deem."

"It is a thought," she replied, "but there are reasons why we must travel as swiftly as we may to Joth, Your Grace. If our pilot is right, we should reach there late tomorrow, if the winds favor us."

"Aye," Wallesan agreed. "I have been absent from my lands for long enough and there are matters which require my urgent attention. Since Her Highness had expressed a desire to sail the Sirrel, I thought to combine two journeys into one and see parts of the Great Valley a traveler by road may never discover. It will only cost us a day longer than we would normally take by the trade road."

"An interesting thought, Your Grace, though I am not certain I would chance it in a vessel like that owned by Her Highness." At her look Jarwin waved a hand. "I do not doubt your abilities, Highness, but I prefer more comforts whenever I travel. If I were to venture thus, I would have a barge suitably fitted out."

Wallesan couldn't decide if he had just been insulted or not, but chose to let the matter slide.

"This is her ship, Your Grace, and I chose to sail in it with her. I can tell you that in a year or two, she will probably be in command of something far more luxurious, as befits her station."

At that moment another headache struck Ursula, a bad one. Everyone could see that the pain was affecting her and Horvik pulled a rope for assistance. Within a matter of moments the resident healer had been summoned, a middle aged woman with the inevitable basket of herbs and potions.

"Hanita, our guest suffers a severe headache. Have you something to ease her pain?"

"Surely, My Lord," the woman replied, lifting out a glass jar with familiar green contents. "If I may ask her what the problem is? Has she recently had a head injury?"

Wallesan indicated Maralin who replied, "Mistress, there is no injury but a mysterious ailment which I recently had myself. She has somehow lost her memory and she has headaches every half day or so. Each time she has a headache, a small part of her memory returns, but the pain is worse each time. I remember the green stuff from my own illness, Mistress, and it should suffice."

Hanita looked doubtful. "Master, are you sure that this is the same ailment? If this is some other head problem, the green potion may not be the right thing to give her."

Maralin nodded. "There were... other indications that this is the same ailment that I had, Mistress. You should have no fear that you will administer the wrong thing to her."

"As you wish, Master." She turned to Horvik. "With My Lord's permission?"

"Proceed, Hanita."

With the healer attending Ursula, Jarwin turned to Wallesan. "I notice that we have not spoken of this woman this evening, but earlier you implied that her own story was as interesting as that of Her Highness."

Balth! He noticed. Very well, the truth should be sufficient here... but not all of it, of course.

"That is true, Your Grace," Wallesan began reluctantly. "Mistress Ursula was discovered unconscious on a small island in the Sirrel, two days ago. We rescued her and immediately realized that she was suffering from the same ailment that Maralin had when we found him in Joth."

Jarwin's eyebrows raised. "When you found him, Your Grace?"

"Aye. It was the night of the Yod attack, you understand, he was discovered at the roadside near one of the gates, as the city was being evacuated. We presume that he fell from a wagon or carriage in the confusion."

"Oh, I see. A grim business, indeed, Your Grace, and we are relieved that you now have your lands back. Yet your man could have knocked his head as he fell, could he not? How then did you decide this was not an injury but something different?"

"We do not know, Your Grace, but that is what it looked like at first. It was only when he recovered his memory that the truth was discovered, that the headaches were related to the memory loss." Wallesan had an idea. "He began speaking in a strange tongue, one not known in Alaesia."

Jarwin waved a hand. "But how did you know it was a strange tongue, Your Grace, and not just some babble designed to confuse you, to permit him into your confidence?"

Despite his wariness, the Duke of Joth smiled. "Because it was the same tongue that Lady Garia learned at her mother's knee, Your Grace. It is no babble."

That effectively ended the interrogation, just as the healer stood up.

"Your Grace, My Lord, I would advise rest for this woman. Such a severe attack must surely strain the resources of any person."

Eriana spoke up. "Your Grace, My Lord, your healer is right. I fear that we all have had a hard day today and, by your leave, we women at least should retire now."

Horvik gestured. "Highness, I would not keep you from your bed, not after you have spent today grappling with a gogon of such a size. I'm sure that the men in your party will also desire their beds shortly."

Eriana rose and therefore so did everyone else. Bennet and Semma, after curtseys to their host, helped Ursula from the chamber. Eriana gave a small nod to Horvik.

"Thank you for your meal, My Lord, and for the excellent conversation afterward. We will see you again on the morrow."

The men all bowed as Eriana followed the others out of the door. When it had closed, Jarwin said, "Your Grace, it seems to me that there is a mystery here, one that has barely been explained. Still, Mistress Ursula seems unwell, does she not? Should your party remain here tomorrow, perhaps, to permit her time to recover?"

"Your Grace, we are only a day away from Joth and, as I explained, there will be much for me to do when I return to my mansion. I cannot delay even by so much as a day, unless it is unavoidable."

"But then, surely you may leave Mistress Ursula here in complete safety and travel onward yourself, if your needs are so urgent. I will give you my oath that she will be well looked after here and, once she is well again, I will send her on to you with a strong escort."

"Your Grace, I have already given her my oath to take her to Joth, before the symptoms worsen. Besides, Mistress Ursula will receive the best care that we may provide since we have healers who have dealt with this ailment before."

Jarwin bowed defeat. "As you desire, Your Grace. I only thought it appropriate to make such an offer to a woman who appears in some distress."

"And we thank you for it, Your Grace. Now, with your permission, perhaps we should also retire. It has been a long day."

"Of course. A man will knock at your doors a half-bell before we usually break our fast. Will that be sufficient warning for you?"

"I would think so, Your Grace. Until tomorrow, then."

Lars followed the servant along the corridor towards his own chamber. It was dim, lit only by night lanterns, but sufficient for someone who had learned to navigate the jumble of Embrikt's palace in the dark. In his chamber, the man lit two lanterns, one on the table and a smaller one on the night stand.

"Is there anything you desire, Master, before I go?"

"No. Thank you. I sleep now."

He closed the door behind the servant and surveyed the small chamber, shrugging. There was little he could do now, but at least the Princess had been warned. He walked over and picked up his duffel, frowning as the floorboards moved. In the dim light, some boards seemed a lighter color than others, and he remembered that their host had said that the building had been occasionally flooded. If so, then of course the flooring would require repairs.

Frowning again, he turned and inspected the floor more thoroughly. There were other replacement boards, but those were scattered randomly about the chamber. When he put his foot on them they didn't move. Returning to the group under the window, Lars pulled out his knife and squatted down, paying more attention now to what he was seeing. Finding what he expected, he straightened with a grim expression. He returned the knife to its sheath, then picked up his belongings and padded noiselessly to the door.

The four women were in Eriana's sleeping chamber, Bennet unlacing Eriana while Semma did the same for Ursula.

"Hist! Did you hear something?"

They all stopped moving and listened.

"Aye! Someone knocks at the door, I deem. Bennet, softly, now. Ladies, keep your voices down."

The others crowded at the bedroom door as Bennet went over to investigate. The tapping was soft, rhythmic but somehow irregular. She turned to look at Eriana, who smiled.

"Aye. Let him in, quickly."

Lars came in with his naked sword ready in one hand, his duffel slung diagonally across his back and out of the way should he need to fight. Eriana's eyebrows went right up as he spoke.

"Bennet, close door, please. Highness, you are all in danger."

Eriana came close to him as Bennet shut and locked the door. "You spoke of danger earlier, but I forgot. Jarwin sounded pleasant enough to me, is he really as bad as Holgar?"

Lars switched languages. «Highness, Duke Wallesan told us that he is well known among all these countries for his insatiable ways. No-one can prevent him doing whatever he wants because his brother is the ruler of these lands. Lady Garia stopped him eventually, which is why he limps now.»

Eriana smirked. «Good for her! If he had tried anything with me I would have done the same, I think. The girls seem taken with him but for some reason I did not find him so attractive as they. What is the problem, then? Surely we are safe enough until breakfast, now that you have warned us?»

«Not so, Highness. Let me show you. You see the planks of the floor? Horvik told us earlier that though the house is built on slightly higher land it is occasionally flooded. Thus the need to repair the floor from time to time.»

«Of course! It is an old house, even the palace has repairs in places, it is what anyone would expect.»

«But look here, Highness.»

Lars examined the flooring and then went into the dressing room. He bent down to a repaired patch under the window, pulling out his knife as he did so. He put the tip into an end crack between two lengths of wood and levered. The whole section came up about half a finger's width and then stopped.

«Some of these are formed into a kind of hatch, Highness, and I believe that they are bolted from below, which is why they will not lift any further. Even if you guard the doors, I do not believe that you will be safe here.»

Eriana was surprised but not shocked. Old houses often had secret entrances and passages. «Your advice?»

«I think we can block most of these with furniture, Highness. It will mean a small change in the sleeping arrangements, but it will still be better than that island.»

Her gaze was intense. «Agreed. We will do that.»

There was a hatch in the dressing room and another in the sitting room, together with one in the servant's dressing room. Eriana supposed that was to permit someone to emerge at night and get into the suite without disturbing the sleepers before they were ready. She explained that quietly to the others while Lars went through all of the linked rooms, making sure that nothing else had been missed. The others were suitably shocked.

"I had heard tales of Jarwin in the palace, Highness," Bennet whispered, "but once I met him I thought the tales to be wild exaggerations. Do you tell us we are really in danger?"

"Aye, Bennet. It seems that he has a serpent tongue made especially for women though," she frowned, "while good enough company, he did not seem to affect me the same way."

Semma, whispered, "I noticed that Maralin seemed to be listening attentively, though the other men were anxious for some reason. Now I know why."

"Maralin?" Eriana thought. "Aye, we all know what he was before he came to Anmar, perhaps there is still some woman inside of him, to be snared by the beast. Well, ladies, we are now warned, shall you defend your honor this night, should he creep upon us like some vermin?"

"Aye, Highness, we will do our duty, whoever he might be."


"It seems unnecessary to me, Highness, but I have sworn an oath and I know danger when I see it. You may rely on me. But what of Ursula? She knows nothing of the warrior's arts."

Eriana grimaced. "She is an innocent, we must protect her as we can. Ah, Lars, what news?"

"Those three, Highness, nothing else to find. We move tables onto hatches, move beds against doors. You all sleep in here, I sleep in servant's room tonight."


"If you have them, Highness."

Thinking that their night would be spent among friendly company, most had left the chests containing their weapons and armor on board the ship. However, all had brought long counter-knives as well as their customary shorter eating knives. They would have to do. Only Lars had brought his sword.

Quietly, the tables in the dressing rooms were shifted to stand on top of the hatches. In the sitting room, a settee was used while another was wedged against the entrance door. In the servants' bedroom, one bed was moved against the connecting door while another pushed against the door to the corridor.

Lars took an upright chair and set it against the window of the servants' bedroom, facing the door. He sat down with his sword across his lap.

"I sleep here. Good night, Highness."

Eriana put her hand on his shoulder before ushering the others out of the room and into her bedchamber. Each had brought their bedclothes and blankets, though the weather had been warm enough that the latter might not be needed.

Bennet whispered, "How shall we arrange ourselves, Highness? There is not really enough floor for three of us. We might trip over each other in the dark if something happens."

Semma added, "Highness? I know Lars will keep watch but should one of us keep watch in here as well?"

Eriana looked around the room thoughtfully. "You are right, we have not enough room... but the bed is big enough for two, I deem. There should be no need for another to stand watch, which will only make us all tired by break of day. Find space there and there, Ursula will sleep in the bed with me. She is the most important one to be protected this night."

They washed two by two, to ensure that somebody remained available to give the alarm if anything happened. Bennet and Semma arranged their blankets and settled down. Ursula turned to Eriana, a troubled look in her eyes.

"Highness, I do not like what is happening. I thought that I would be safe with you."

"In these lands, Ursula, no woman is safe, unless she has either the protection of a good man or she can defend her honor with her own weapons. Duke Wallesan is such a good man but we have been deliberately separated from him by the one called Jarwin, who seeks to conquer us as men always try to do. Tonight you shall sleep safely beside me, with Bennet and Semma at our feet and Lars ever alert with his sword. Come."

Once Ursula had made herself comfortable, Eriana blew out the lanterns and joined her, pulling up only one blanket to cover both. She lay in the almost-dark thinking about many things, including her own unexpected reaction to Jarwin and how that reflected her personality and her past actions.

* * *

The faint thumping woke Lars. The sound came from beneath the table in the servants' dressing room, the dressing table that covered the hidden hatch. It was dark and no other sound disturbed the silence.

He smiled.

After a while the sounds ceased and Lars padded into the sitting room, waiting for something to happen. This time, he heard the bolt being drawn and knew that somebody would pay for failing to keep it well greased. This hatch did not raise either, under the weight of the settee, so he gently opened the door to the main sleeping room.

Bennet was there with a long knife, which she lowered when she recognized Lars. He pointed to the dressing room and the two moved noiselessly past the other sleepers to enter. Here, the hatch was pushed up almost a thumb against the weight of the table before those underneath decided that they were wasting their time and lowered it again.

The two went back to the sitting room to wait, and it was not long before other noises were heard, this time from the servants' sleeping room. They moved in there to watch and noticed that the door to the corridor was slowly being forced open. Bennet placed her hand on Lars' arm to alert him and he tapped her hand to acknowledge it before waving her back with one hand and advancing his sword with the other.

An arm came through the narrow gap between door and frame, seeking to find out what prevented it opening. It found the bedstead and began to wriggle it slowly into the room, to permit the door to open further. Lars crept over to the door and pushed the point of his sword through the arm above the wrist, briefly pinning it to the door frame before pulling the sword back. There was a gasp and a muttered oath and the arm was rapidly withdrawn.

Lars leaned over and shut the door with a click. Bennet then helped him push the bed back into position. The two went back to the middle of the room.

"What do you want me to do?" she whispered. "Stay here?"

"They not use hatches," he whispered back. "Two doors to corridor, you watch this one, I go in there." He pointed to the sitting room. "Maybe they take hint."

* * *

Some time later Eriana briefly roused, to discover that she was spooning Ursula.

«Safest place for her to be,» she thought hazily before drifting back to sleep.

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