It's been 5 months since I posted? How times flies when you're NOT having fun. This flood repair stuff is getting VERY old. To get a quality contractor means getting your name on a wait list and then trying to be patient. Add in that the mold and dust and normal allergens have my sinuses messed up, and it gets even more un-fun. I'm on my sixth or seventh course of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections. But today we got cabinets! It is making progress slowly, so that's a bit encouraging.
I have 2 non-Whateley stories in work - one will be a novel-length, and I'm debating publishing that for money to help with Harvey rebuild expenses. The other is one I'm trying to tell as the transcript of a 'human interest' story on a show like 60 minutes or such. The working title is "Tri-ing Times" - and it's relating to the first confirmed case of Tri-ism - a fully-functional hermaphroditic mutation to the genetic code (that's of unknown origin). People are carriers, but a few end up as Tri, and the news story is about her life, upbringing, conflicts, etc, including background snippet interviews with scientists and crackpots and religious leaders about what caused Tri and what it means to humanity. I hope it comes off as well as I envision it. But with all the stuff going on, writing is very, very slow.
I had something nagging me for quite a while. I don't know if it's protest or hidden curiosity or what, but I decided to not cut my hair until my house is whole again. It's getting rather long. What I've always wondered is if anyone who's gender-curious has ever had a temporary feminine hairstyle just to see what it looks like on them. I saw a youtube clip where a guy tried 5 feminine hairstyles, and that kind of made me wonder. If anyone has done it, I'd like to know about the experience. I MIGHT try it. Maybe. Or not. I'm just not sure right now. (Part of the uncertainty is relating to my fatigue and meds, no doubt.)
Anyway, enough rambling for the evening.
You are long overdue for
You are long overdue for selling stories, if it brings you money for necessary repairs then even more reason to do it.
Your tri idea is an intriguing one, especially if you include background interviews about the history of the situation from both sides of the story. It's a lot of wiggle room but it's something that is not typical and can be immensely entertaining.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Hair today, gone tomorrow ( hopefully)
Once the house is complete, and you decide to cut the hair, if it is long enough, consider donating it to a charity like Locks for love, or similar, I have done that in the past and it ends up going for a good cause.
Grow it out
Your hair that is, if you get it long enough you can donate it to someplace that makes wigs for cancer patients if you decide to cut it later!
I don't know if it counts for your question
I used to have trans friendly hairdresser (she had a trans SO) who would do my hair in styles that certainly pushed the boundaries. I wore it collar length and had the back permed. It wasn't truly feminine, but it certainly wasn't masculine.
Right now, I have hair past my shoulders and wear it in a high ponytail. When I say high, I mean at the crown of my head. I often do something with it, such as put a ponytail holder in it, or gather the sides with a small barrette that doesn't stand out against my hair.
I don't get any comments on it except from my wife. My high ponytail is my standard, however, I don't put the ponytail holder on for work or church.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann