Last of the Fey

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Denise Anesidora Trask, wrote the story, The Last of the Fey. It's titled Book One. I wish I had met this amazing woman. Sadly the best I can do is to make a donation in her name. Erin, I've tossed a few coins into the collection pot. Already headed to the pot.

Believe, don't believe, it makes no difference except to one's own perspective. And sometimes what one has experienced in this short life we call mortal. Seems as if most are too busy trying to survive and hanging onto life as long as they can to begin to understand. They are grasping for fool's gold, material things, and missing the real treasures. And no this conjecture isn't about faeries, or fairys, it's about seeing and experiencing things most mortals don't want to see because it doesn't fit into their reality.

Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.


Thanks, Barbie

erin's picture

Here's the link to Last of the Fey on Amazon.

It was Denise's last gift to BigCloset, the right to publish her work. Thanks, Denise.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I was lucky enough to call Denise friend.......

D. Eden's picture

And although we never met, we did carry on a lively conversation for several years.

She was a wonderful friend, a knowledgeable advisor, and a good confidant when I needed a shoulder to cry on. There are a few people that I can say that I truly owe my life to. Several of them comrades in arms from my time in service, and others comrades in arms from my life post service and in transition. Denise was one of the latter.

Although separated by many miles and more than a few years, we had much in common. We shared similar backgrounds, and quite often she was able to help me keep certain aspects of my past, present, and future lives in perspective. Without her wisdom and kind words, and even those that were not always so kind, I might not be here to write this today. Yeah, like any good mentor, she wasn’t afraid to give me a quick kick in the ass when she felt I needed it, lol.

I only wish that I had the priveledge of meeting her in person, and knowing her better and longer.

Her wonderful personality was exceeded only by her talent and her generosity. I would encourage anyone to read this story. It is one of my favorites, and I re-read it periodically. My only issue with this story is that there will never be a volume two.

Denise, I know you’re sitting at the bar at that big O club enjoying the company of old friends; save me a seat Hon, for I’ll be along soon enough.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


I got this a long time ago it is an excellent story.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Her ideas infiltrated the writing and movie industry.

We talked several times in messages, and I may have had her email. She was quite talented and a couple of her ideas showed up in mainstream movies. The winged guy in one of them was hers, though I do not know if the movie maker stole it or if that was part of a collective collaboration. Her and I had talked about the Last of the Fey being made as a movie, and she wanted to but felt it would be some time yet. Unfortunately, things happened that prevented that. I was sorry to hear of her passing.


Great story

For fantasy story lovers, it is well worth getting.