Devil dogs all over the world shed a tear

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Devil dogs all over the world shed a tear

We just lost our 'gunny'..... R. Lee Ermey

Semper Fi!


RIP Gunny

Tough as nails, but a heart of gold. His early 2000s History Channel shows brought him to a whole new level of public awareness. He was a true Marine but he wasn't so full of himself that he couldn't enjoy teaching others about the military from the people whose job it is to use the weapons and equipment he was featuring on his shows. He made soldiers, sailors, and airmen feel like brothers and sisters. He made history fun, and made heros of men and women whose jobs went unnoticed by the millions of viewers at home.

He's upstairs now destroying watermelons with Commandant Lejeune and Pappy Boyington as they watch over their boys and girls. He will be missed by all- veterans and civilians alike.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Semper Fi

I'm not a Marine, but Gunny Ermey showed us a lot of what he knew.

I can imagine that conversation

Between God and Death.

God hand Death a sheet of paper, "I need you to go collect this soul."

"Sure God," Death accepts the paper then reads it, "What the..." Death looks up to God, "You've got to be kidding, that man scares the shit out of me!"

"Don't be so dramatic, you've collected more difficult souls than his." God thought for a moment before continuing, "You still remember Atilla?"

Death shuddered at the memory, "Yeah, brought a whole new meaning to the saying, 'And the horse you rode in on.' "

"Ok so once you've collected the soul, "God explained, "I want you to take him directly to the gates of hell."

"WHAT?" Death gasped, then calmed himself, "Um God, not saying anything about your divine placement but you can't really want him there?"

"Oh no," God shook his head, "I only want him to see the gates of hell not enter them. Take Mr. Ermy straight to the pearly gates after that."

"God, I don't think scare tactics will work on Mr. Ermy."

"Oh no, you have it all wrong Death. " God chuckled, "When Satan sees you bringing Mr. Ermy his way, Satan will piss himself in fear!"

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Reminds me of a quote in a book...

MadTech01's picture

The quote was saying: Go ahead and try something Satan, the Pearly Gates of Heaven are guarded by United States F-ing Marines...
He will be missed indeed.
A funny fact he sad on his show was that he was not a Gunny Sargent when he left the Corp, He was promoted after retiring for his work on how the Marine Corp image was improved from his work in Hollywood.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Full Metal Jacket

Frank's picture

Am I the only one who watches the boot camp part, and skips the rest whenever the movie is on? He was just so good...



Not just marines will shed a tear.

Rebecca Jane's picture

This former sailor did as well... Fair winds and following seas Gunny... You will be missed. Semper Fi..

Becca C.

I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.

One Marine who will be missed

One Marine who will be missed by members of the U.S. Marines and all other Branches of the U.S. Military. Thanks for your years of service, Gunny, both in the Corps and after in TV and films. You did us all very proud by playing it always straight and true. Semper FI.
From a Retired AF SMSgt (1stSgt).

Semper Fi Gunny

Clear Skies and Tail Winds.


quis custodiet ipsos custodes

I always loved this line he

shadowsblade's picture

I always loved this line he did in Mississippi burning

"this state's as dry as a martini, and we've got the alcoholics to prove it. ""

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

Full Metal Jacket

I watched "Full Metal Jacket" tonight since he was in it. For those who have not seen it, I am going to use lots of spoilers.

Yes, he was in the movie, but was killed by a recruit early on. Oddly, there were no Hueys in it. Instead they used the jet turbine version of that fat old chopper that originally had a radial in it. (UH-34D) ? The DIs were wanna be type losers.

Really nutty acting. No drugs. Filmed in the UK. Hmmmm