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I hate being negative all the time. I've been pretty sick lately so I shut down for a while. I was at the PT(physical therapist today,She had me standing between parallel bars on both feet. I threw up later not a bad thing since every time I use new muscles differently it happens. She was working harder than I was try to keep my bad left leg straight,Not a major break through, but will take what comes my way. But for a short while before I abused their trash can(again)I was standing up and swaying between feet. Using my good arm (for balance and good leg to stand between the bars. First time I've been on both feet in literally years When I address my urinary infection causing a hell of a lot of pain I will be making serious progress.


PT is a pain ...


However, it is needed to get back on both feet. So, keep up the good work.

I hope it pays off for you in the near future.

Red MacDonald

Re: PT is a pain...

I have to agree with Red; inasmuch as it might be a right PITA, you need to do it to rebuild the muscles and other tissues.

Way back in the mid-'90s, I had to do several sessions of PT. I can't remember exactly why, but without those sessions, I could not have kept going from one day to the next. Those sessions pushed me to get back up and get moving, they helped a lot.

Keep doing it, Wendy, and eventually you'll be standing on both feet without feeling like falling over or tossing up your latest meal.

I may not be able to be physically present, but I'll be happy to stand in your cheering section here and give you an emotional boost!

Were my PT's not such nice people ...

Sara Selvig's picture

... I would have flung them against their walls and impaled them upon their instruments of torture ... happily and repeatedly!

Hang in there, and call on us if you run out of hugs.


Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.