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Next weekend I'll be going offline.
Until I can find an isp that isn't using a security nightmare single signon scheme for accessing services.
and ALL single signon services are a security nightmare, 1 database for criminals to target to gain massive amounts of data on everyone using it.
Facebook, Google, MS, yahoo accounts all fall into this classification.

and I doubt I'll be looking very hard for an isp


None of the above

Monique S's picture

Honey, none of the above are internet service providers. Yes, they provide services on the internet, but they are not ISPs. I am using Gandi as my ISP, i have my own email addresses there and my website, all fully under MY control. I really like Gandi a lot. It is a French company, you might know about the strict regulations for internet privacy in Europe.

There is no need to go offline.Firefox and others offer anonymous searching and stuff, clue yourself up. There are alternatives for ALL of them. Ubuntu is one for MS-Windows and OS X (Apple is one of the worst ones as well in their greed to own you).


P.S. I hate MS and facebook just as much, google I find tolerable by comparison. Amazon I would not touch with a barge pole.

Monique S

my current isp is switching

dawnfyre's picture

my current isp is switching to a single signon for all their services, april first.
that is why I'm closing down my service with them.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Single signon

I agree with you. But... I never use any of those quoted because they are not only a security nightmare but say you use Google then, they get to know every time you sign on to a site/service with them.
Are you really sure that at the ISP level they ALL make you use one of the sign on providers you mention?
If it is true then sorry but where you are sucks big time.

I am a social media/google refusenik so even on sites that accept Google/FaceBook etc there are alternatives.
Let me give you an example
You can logon with Facebook, Google or Twitter ids. I won't have anything to do with any of them so I use the 'Discus' login. The forums are managed by Discus. I never give real data for these sites anyway. I have a number of 'throwaway' email addresses. I use these for my logins.
The login to my ISP is totally separate from any of the other systems. As I have Fibre Broadband, the only time I present the username/password is when I reboot the router/modem about once a month.
If [insert country where you are] ISP's are tying logins to Google etc then sorry, they are stark raving mad and I understand your decision to go dark.

PS... What do you mean by 'Services'? Your use of it has confused me.

services use?

dawnfyre's picture

google allows other sites to use their login system, this makes the login system a service they offer. that is the core of the single signon concept.

even disqus is a single signon you know.

my current isp is switching to their own implementation of a single signon, they openly call it such.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


it is time to do everything via a VPN once you are signed on. Then the ISP can't track you and what you are doing.
Yes, I know that disqus is a SSO but I only use it on one site and from a different browser than all my other sites.
SSO's are a PITA but use a VPN and they (the gazillion of tracking companies) can't build up a picture of what, when and where you do stuff.

Back when I was working, we were issued with a company phone. some people used the phone for shall we say P**n and were called up on it. Thankfully, the Android OS used on the phone wasn't locked down so people installed their own VPN and carried on using the phone as before.
I know using a VPN is a pain in the posterior but it solves the tracking that your ISP will be doing. They'll be putting in Adverts before you know it and slowing your access down to sites that don't pay them a tithe but with a decent VPN, you are back in control.
Even my home broadband is setup to not use the ISP DNS or Google DNS (don't want to feed the dragon you know).
So far, if you search for the real me on Google, you get zip, nada, zilch and long may that remain.

With your ISP, their SSO is going to be used for what exactly? Apart from connecting your broadband/dialup to them what else do they provide that you use? It would be interesting to know what. Who is the ISP. Then others can be made aware of them and not use them..


it's shaw cable

dawnfyre's picture

and the sso is for account access, email access, shaw go wifi access. to start with.

here in vancouver shaw go wifi is all over the place as wifi access included with your internet service with shaw.
heck, bc marinas have shaw go wifi installed for clients to get online from their boats.

I'm just going to have to find a smaller isp that isn't going to go that route. lightspeed is one that may work.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.