So Much Good Stuff

A word from our sponsor:

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You know, I haven't been able to keep up with reading all the postings on BC for over two years. So Much Good Stuff. I want to say thanks to everyone who posts stories, makes comments, blogs or helps me out with tech knowhow, front page assistance or freelance editing.

It just keeps getting better.

Take care all of you, hugs,


Thank You Erin for Creating This Place

I completely agree that there is "So Much Good Stuff" in this environment that you have created from the stories, to the comments, to the discussions, to the support for each other, to the friendships that are developed.

A thanks also goes to the creators of the Summer Romance Contest (primarily Sephrena, I guess, as she is funding it) as it seems to have inspired many of the authors to new creative heights. As you said there's just "So Much Good Stuff". I'm having a hard time picking a single one to vote for.

thank you Erin

thank you Erin for creating this place with so much good stuff, and my attempts at being good stuff. It it wasn't for this place, I wouldn't know what to do with what I write. Thank you Erin

All because of you!

TBC is a remarkable website where we can shine, blunder and whimper all at once into one huge pot luck reading orgy.

¡Gracias a Erin - para todo!

marie c.

marie c.

I wish I were better at expressinig myself.

Usually when I wake up, I check the site. When I get home from work, and I've done
the needed sillyness, I check the site. When I find a story here, one of the special
ones that moves me, I carry it inside me evermore. When I post a story, even though I've
tried to go away and come back a day later, I check every hour to wonder at the responses.
When I read the responses I've received, usually over and over, they change me. They not
only want me to be a better writer, but they make me more proud to be the person that I am,
and more hopeful for the person I try to be.

...and all I can think to say is:

"No. Thank you, Erin."

Sarah Lynn Morgan

expressinig myself ????

You type almost as bad as I do, Sarah, but you tell great stories.

Thank you Erin, and your small band of *techno-elves* for providing a place for all of us nerds, um I mean interesting people to share our thoughts and whimseys.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

If it weren't for you and this place...

... I don't think I'd be writing at all right now.

So, thanks!

I find it impossible to keep up even with the stuff I *know* I want to read, and there are so many authors that I haven't yet sampled. Nice to know that there is always more.

That goes for me too :)

Thanks Erin.

You've put up with my chucking my toys out of my pram on a couple of occasions and for that I will be eternally grateful.

I never expected to be writing TG stories, no scratch that, I never expected to be writing stories and if it weren't for the continued feedback from this place, I don't know as I would be.

BIG, BIG thanks followed by BIG, BIG hugs


I don't just look it, I really AM that bad . . .

Writing - if it were not for BC?

Me? Not likely... I know I'm not up to the quality of many of the writers here, but I still enjoy the writing VERY MUCH. I don't know how to thank you enough (other than making hatbox donations periodically).

Annette MacGregor

As a new kid on the block

I would love to say a huge thanks too. It's such a warm friendly environment here that makes me want to be a better writer. Thanks so much Erin.

Thanks to you Erin!

KristineRead's picture

For creating a place that is nurturing, and positive, and for insisting it stay that way!

I haven't been visible for long, but I can tell you I would not have started to try again, if it were not for this site.

Thanks to you!

