Taking up drinking?

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So, I am thinking of taking up drinking on a limited basis.

I like yellow IPA Beer

I do not like Wine but once found 1972 Gewurztraminer to be pleasant.

The very few times I tried the hard stuff, Yukkk !!! Double Yuk. It tasted like cough syrup.

So, I like Licorice, and I like Molasses. Maybe something that is thick and nice and sweet and to be drank in a snifter? But not to get drunk on.

Finally decided that organized religion is for the simple, so just want to kill the pain a little. If someone wanted to bug me some ...?


Ah! You tried RELIGION. Never works...

What you need is faith in whatever higher power if most palatable. Religion is ALWAYS manmade rules trying to limit an unlimitable GOD which always leads to abuse and corruption. Faith is a person reaching for GOD in all it's glory. Try faith.

Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!

Jennifer Sue

Thank you.

I have no judgment for what others do, none whatsoever.

For me, there is God and Jesus. The rest is debatable. As soon as men start an organized religion, then come all the rules, judgement and damnation. satan mucks it up immediately.

I am thinking of the perfect church ...

AuPreviner's picture

I am thinking of starting an unorganized church.

The pastor will be Kay Aus. And it will closely resemble Legoland on the inside. That way, we can fall to pieces and easily be put back together.

Of course, once I show up, it won't be perfect anymore. I will find out that I am Duplo in a church of regular legos. It is always hard to fit in, you know.

BTW, I don't drink. But if I did, I would choose Guiness stout ale ( especially good in Welsh Rarebit ).

Have I mentioned that I am Irish. None of that crappy German or Dutch stuff. A liter of that stuff and you are off invading Russia for no good reason in the middle of a harsh winter. Well, German beer and/or champagne at least.


"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

perfect church?

Monique S's picture

As soon as you get more than one person there will always be at least two different opinions. So any gathering in the name of whatever will sure as hell produce dissent on one topic or the other, so the perfect church could always only have one follower.

As to the Guiness, well Theakston's Old Peculiar is a whole class above.

And there are some German and French wines, that will have none of the mentioned effects, well, at least I am still happily drinking them, while rooted in Brittany, France. Prost.

Monique S

It is ingrained in so many people...

...from the years of "religious education" that there cannot be faith without church/religion, and that there should be some kind of faith in everyone.
Both are not true.

Best beer is local beer.
Tried it in many places. Can't beat Taiwan Beer when in Taipei. And London Pride is my default choice for when in London (if there is no other interesting local brew).
In Ireland I prefer Kilkenny to Guinnes most days. But last visit was 4 years ago, and just 3 days...

Hi Gwen -

You know my take on religion it need hardly be repeated here again.

If you like liquorice then I would recommend a brand of tasty sweets called 'Basset's liquorice all-sorts.'. I don't know if they are available in the USA but they are good.

Skype-yer soon. xxx Bev.


Alcohol ...

Sara Selvig's picture

I agree that moderation is the key. One glass of wine (no more, no less) is believed to be the optimum daily amount for good health. As I consider it primarily medicinal, I stick to inexpensive grape table wine purchased in bulk, but I find it a bit harsh for my taste. However, mixing one ounce of grape juice to 7 ounces of wine provides a pleasant evening relaxer. A 5-liter "box" fits neatly in the fridge and lasts approximately a month and a bottle of grape juice lasts about 2 or 3 months.


Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.

Taking up drinking? The important bit first.

Ruddles County - People don't get aggressive drinking it as they go gently to sleep. So full of good things it is a meal in itself. Lighter than Draught Guinness (Dublin) Sorry, bottled is just not the same.

Re Religion: My father used to say that if he was going to subscribe to a religion , it would be Buddhism, as they are about the only religion that has not gone to war in their name.

Buddhists violently persecuting the Rohingya

"it would be Buddhism, as they are about the only religion that has not gone to war in their name."
But of course there is the whole thing in Myanmar with the Buddhist majority government violently persecuting the Rohingya Muslims, so that kind of takes the luster off.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Religion and adult beverage

Oh Gwen, I have just the thing ! I Love Black Chocolate Stout by Brooklyn Brewery. They say it's the legendary Russian Imperial Stout.
what ever it is, if you like chocolate, and stout, this is it. As far as religion goes, I think there is something out there, but not written down in a book by a committee.


Non traditional sourced IPA's

The problem I have with them is that they are usually brewed with lager yeast wheras the original IPA (India Pale Ale) that was given extra hops that would allow it to be shipped by sea from England to India without going off was brewed with Bitter Yeast.
Boring on beer over... :)

I'll be having a pint of Firebird 'Heritage' tonight.
For the cyclists amongst us, the brewery is less than 100m from the cycle path that follows the old Guildford to Shoreham railway. The Cafe next door also serves a delightful Cheese on Toast using Sussex Charmer Cheese.

Cheese on Toast and Beer! What more could you want eh?