I know how every single one of us rarely have enough time in the day to get what needs to be done. I know most of you all have heard the term, 'burning the candle at both ends' but lately it feels like I've a candle in each hand and both of the ends are burning... I've been pretty open about my job (aircraft mechanic), and that I have two of my daughters with me now. The job along along with single parenting duties were taxing enough, giving me very little time to write. Now it seems that my wonderful daughters have gotten me roped into yet more... They both have joined the fast pitch softball league at their school which ultimately means that I'VE joined the softball team as well. While not official, I've gotten pulled in to help with practices and on the weekends I now host a run and cardio stuff, with throwing and catching practice... Not sure how long my 45 year old body will hold up to trying to keep up with teenagers but I guess we will have to see. Of course you can imagine the looks I get with half a dozen girls working out in the park with a giant trans chick like myself... I do laugh at them a lot though lol.
I love my girls, even though they can be heathens at times (I know they got it honestly at least) so I've become committed to the team. Hopefully I can get my time better organized, and I can return to writing more. The next chapter of The Guardians has taken me about two weeks to get typed up, and I'm not finished with it yet. I apologize to those who got started reading it, and wanted you to know I'm not giving up or anything, its just not enough time left in my day to write much. I'm still writing though so please bear with me.
Hoping you all are doing well,
Much peace and love y'all.
Becca C.
Paying my respect...
Sounds you indeed have all your hands full.
Hope it gets better.
It reminds me a bit of my mother who was a teacher, handling the household and me and my brother, and that all while being a perfectionist.
She did a good job, alright, but I think she did not ask for help, enough.
Now that I am grown up I wish she had communicated more how much of a burden all those tasks were and had roped us in more in helping her with housework, at least. It would have helped us grow up and be more self-reliant, something that I still lack, today.
Not that it's any of my business, but I wonder if it makes any difference to the situation that you're trans? Are your daughters from your male life or have you adopted? I'm trans myself and don't have children - thought of adoption but never considered it seriously.
They’re mine.
I have three daughters from my old life/previous marriage, and the past two years I’ve fought and gained custody of my oldest two. They accepted and wanted to live with me so, here we are.
I’m lucky I guess, the girls help out around the house and even cook sometimes. They are 18 and 17, so fully able to help out.
To be honest, had it not been for them.. I probably wouldn’t have survived my gender battle a few years ago... Thanks to their support though, I’m still here. Least I can do is help them through softball lol.
Becca C.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
Silver lining?
Thanks for being so open.
Can it be a silver lining if it's retrospective? Anyway, that was my initial reaction I had to your response.
Since they are old enough I think they'll understand that you give your best but maybe you don't have the time or energy to be there, every single time :)