Sad news out of Massachusetts this morning Miss Trans American founder has been murdered by her husband.
I added that it was her husband that was the murderer because it apparently was misconstrued by some that this a hate crime. It may be just domestic violence and not a hate crime but this is still a significant loss for the transgender community.
I had such high hopes for 2018, this is sad news for the transgender community.
sadly a life cut short
Miss Trans America founder’s husband charged with her murder
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I agree
She was indeed, a trans-woman and was murdered. These appear to be two unrelated facts. I mourn the death of anyone whose life was cut short by violence, however this seems to be a domestic dispute gone bad, rather than a trans-phobic attack. Sadly, domestic violence is even more prolific in our country than trans-phobic violence.
That said, this is indeed a tragic turn of events.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I added that it was her husband that was the murderer because it apparently was misconstrued by some that this a hate crime. It may be just domestic violence and not a hate crime but this is still a significant loss for the transgender community
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Even if “just” DV
Still shocking, horrid, sickening.
When I first read the new
When I first read the new reports I thought this has to be an L&O episode not real life