Assuming I havent driven away any fans I had with delays and short chapters, I'm afraid I have to tell those people that at the moment, my writing has slowed to a crawl, and as a result I cant say when then next chapter of Branded will be out. I'm going to try my best to have it ready before the new year, that's as good as I can do right now.
Writing Crawl
I'm afraid that that's the story of my writing life. Most of the time it's a crawl. (Sometimes, the words come to me and I manage to write at a decent pace.) Well, as they say, creativity has to be exercised.
-- Daphne Xu
I have this problem too. And
I have this problem too. And am currently having it with Tommy. I was a little concerned about publishing it without it being complete. Something I've never done before. I'm a slow writer, so I can't write a chapter a day or sometimes a week for that matter. But I figured with 37 chapters done that I could stay ahead of the game. And so far I have, with 42 chapters now finished and 24 published. I'm working on Chapter 43 and stuck. My muse is taking a snooze,
One thing I've found that sometimes gives my muse a kick in the bum is to reread one of my old stories. And I'm doing that right now. Give it a try. It might help.
The opposite...
Sometimes I find it funny that the opposite is true for me.
I have too many muses and they all want me to write different stories.
Sometimes I wish I could shove off some of my muses to fellow writers.
I don't know what is better or worse: a single reluctant muse or a dozen overeager ones.
Re: The opposite...
As I said in my reply to Dot, I'm stalled right now, partly physical issues, partly lack of interest or lack of insane muse appearances.
However, there have been times where the muse was striking hard and fast, and I put out pieces like a high speed locomotive.
I'm not sure which is better or worse, honestly. At the moment, I wouldn't mind if the muse popped in for a visit with an idea.
Writing proceeding at a crawl:
I know about this at the moment, I haven't written anything for nearly three weeks, largely due to moderate up to nasty migraines that have been plaguing me most of that time. I'm not sure if it's the temperatures shifting to winter ones or not, but it's annoying.
I was writing a piece for the Xmas contest here, had about 6k words written and lost it because I hadn't followed my darn instincts, which were telling me to copy and paste what I had into Open Office. I didn't, and the story was gone as if it had never been there. *sigh*
I haven't really felt like writing since then, so I haven't. Maybe the muse will strike soon, who knows?
Do it when you can, Dot, and if it isn't ready by the new year, well, we'll be waiting until you post it, whenever that may happen.
I know the feeling Dot
Ever since the back surgery I was force to have done three years ago now? I have struggled to get myself back into the writing groove I once had. It seemed the harder I tried to force myself to write the less I actually wrote.
One thing I have discovered over these past three years is don't try to force your muse to write something it is not willing to work on. Rather than that sit down and let the creativity flow where it wants to go.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
I have to watch what I say in here.
I made two comments here earlier, one a reply to Dot's OP and the second a reply to a comment.
In both of those comments, I uttered thoughts about the muse striking again, one of them with a '"who knows"? attitude.
Well, to put it bluntly, the muse lit a fire under me about an hour ago and I'm sitting here figuring out how to write the new story. LMAO
Methinks my muse somehow sneaks onto the system here. Either that, or she sneaks looks over my shoulder when I write. Evil muse! LOL