I have some Muslim background and regulary corespond with other women who live in various countries in the Middle east...Iraq, Morrocco, Saudi Arabia, and others. Suddenly, in the last two weeks, I have lost contact with all of them.
I first became aware of internet censorship when I went to Thailand. It seems that the Thai government, will not allow things like Youtube, and several others to be seen in their country.
I fear that part of the reason for the loss of contact with my friends is that in Iran, Iraq, and KSA, there has been a huge crack down on gay activity. One journalist recently wrote an article stating that Islam agravates gay activity because of the strict segregation between men and women.
I am really concerned for my friends; all genetic women, because of the posibility of their contact with me could be a big problem for them. I feel so bad.
Hope not
The best you can hope for, I suppose, is that their network is being blocked from accessing sites outside the home country. Then this would be untargeted.
The worst? That's unthinkable!
Can you have somebody with a "neutral" ISP try to contact them? Like a Dutch, or Swiss, or Canadian, or something like that? Might give you a handle on what the problem is.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
No one has volunteered to do that.
But if someone from England, or somewhere did...
Actually, "I" could be the target, as hilarious as that sounds, I have Muslim "leanings", I freqently bitch about Bush, I am critical of the Iraq war, and VERY critical of Vietnam, which was going on when I was serving.
Who knows maybe some employee of a government agency just has it out for radical T girls. :)
getting around blockers
Their is an easy way to get around the blockers which these companies do not monitor against. I would suggets they go through an anonymous http redirect website which will get around the block software. Their is plenty of them because I use them them to access the bbc sites which are restricted to the uk only. I will gather a list and send them to you when I get chance.
Jenna from FL
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
I hope that I am smart enough
Oh thank you so much, and I do hope that I can comprehend what you are going to send me. I really love the computer and internet but I am no IT person at all.
Part of the secret
Well, I think I may have part of the answer to the Internet problem here. Apparently the Feds raided an Iranian Releif agency here in Portland this week. It's called "Child Foundation" and all their computers were confiscated. So, if they are running around doing that right about 6 blocks from my apartment, maybe they are doing actual Internet Censorship on a scale only I can imagine in my little paranoid mind.
About 3 years ago, when I was still attending the Masjid as a Muslimah, they were gathering money to contribute to building schools in Afganistan. I remember wondering if the money was going where they said at the time.
I am pretty certain about my contacts in the ME, and I don't have money so I know that I am of little use to any evil intent. The present day situation makes it very difficult for a charitable organization to make any headway.