I was greatly surprised to see Daniel Craig in an add for women's rights. http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/03/07/daniel-craig-dresses-in-...
It was my intention when I transitioned to learn to be a proper woman, and I foolishly thought that I already was. It was in my nature after all. Silly me. After 6 years I must conclude that I have not gotten it, and may never entirely get it. My experience living with two other women for the last several months has been quite helpful, in not only teaching me the way of a woman, but it has also underlined the fact that I may never entirely understand.
Both my "women" (LOL) are so far ahead of me in experience that I often feel silly. They often say things like. "welcome to our world" or at other times just smile and mercifully say nothing when I protest at the latest bit of bullshit I have experienced as a woman. The information in Mr Craigs little clip is quite shocking to me and this time stops just short of humiliating me as I now realise that it is not that I am inadequate but that I have learned something.
Did you know that women do 2/3 of the work in the world? I can now easily see it, especially among married couples. And it has become clear to me that there is a great deal to learn, because I am not the sort of woman to exchange my men's clothing for women's and suddenly I am woman. I now see that there is just so much more to learn; how to shop for groceries, how to keep the kitchen properly organised, how to not attract undue attention of the men, how to look at another woman, how to chat with them in public, oh there are just so many things that I will never get because while I may feel myself to be a woman, I will never remember exactly where things are in the store, when exactly we last had Pizza, the vitamin and calory content of hundreds of foods, and so many other things that genetic women just take in stride.
All I can do is try.
Much peace
Daniel Graig
For another site of James Bond in Drag for Women's Day: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110307/ap_en_ot/eu_britain_dani... Richard
I think you forget Khadijah
There isn't a right way to be a woman...there are billions on the planet and each one is her own self. Some are butch, some are girly, some are inside of a man (like me)...like so many flowers, you are your own woman :)
You can't be wrong when there is no one way that is right
They say I am more girly than them!
Well, you are right Frank. Both my roomates, genetically XX, chide me now and then about being more feminine than them on many issues; my color sense, my sense of propriety, my motherlyness and other things. My male is deeply in the back ground but can be forced to surface if the circumstances require it. I usually feel deeply offended when I do it.
:) Much peace
Being a woman is also a state of mind.
I had a horrible shock in my real life test when I understood that men automatically thought I didn't understand things other than taking care of kids and keeping house.
No matter how girly we are, that kind of thing is a shock to the system. I got the impression that I'd suddenly become a second class citizen and it hurt and made me angry.
So I understand what you're saying here.
Just keep at it.
oh, but they fix flat tyres, and lift things :)
I am different than an xx in that I already did that shit, and while I am quite pleased to let them do their little boy male things, I just giggle inside. Many of us t folk have jumped into tunnels with hand grenades, shot men at a mile, worked in live electical panels, and made a motor cycle slideways on purpose. I just feel great compassion for xx women because they will never feel that smug compassion. Though I will never feel the birth of my own babies.
I remember you telling me that.
Some people are just assholes, male and female. It doesn't help that the stupid males of our society are enabled by our Patriarchy, tolerated more in a certain sense of stupidity then women are. On the other hand, I don't like how general stupidity is tolerated more of women then men. Like if a man said stupid things they would be more lambasted. Look at Dr.Laura. If said person were a man do you think they'd really see work in talk again, no matter if they framed it not as badly as the aforementioned person?
Anyway, not all men are idiots. Oh, and this is to everyone, we all have a male and female side, it's called "The Balance" or Yin and Yang if you prefer. That's my belief at least. There's at least one Daoist on these boards who knows what I'm saying. ;-)