He Didn't Seem To Care - Part 2

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He Didn't Seem To Care - Part 2
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 4 - Safe at home.

What Joyce had said, made me feel a little better, but I was still shaking. Gary suggested we leave and stop by my apartment and let me get some clothes. I was thinking also about what Connie had said to Joyce about my moving in with them. That would take care of a lot of things; such as, not coming home to an empty house, not having to spend evenings alone watching television. In fact, when you have a few girls living together, there is bound to be things to do, places to go and people to see.

Joyce and Connie helped me find clothes to wear for a few days, when Connie screamed.

"Girl, I just simply love this dress," she stated, as she held it up to her in front of the mirror.

The dress she was so enamored with, was my deep burgundy, off-the-shoulder, semi formal. It had two sets of crinolines sewn in that made the skirt part fan out. The bodice was very form fitting, and with my C cup breast forms, the dress fit perfectly.

"Thank you, I got that for a party I went to last year. One of the girls said I looked like Mary, Queen of Scots just before she was guillotined." We giggled.

"If we ever have a party, or go to a party, you simply have to wear this."

"Connie, I could actually try it on now for you."

"Would you, please?"

"I will be right back."

"Jo, you can change in front of us. I'm sure Gary won't saunter in."

"Well, alright, I guess." Gary stayed in the living room with Jaime.

I got out of my tennis things, and had Connie help me with the dress. She zipped it up and fastened the little hook. Then before I "modeled" it, she called for Gary and Jaime to come and see the beauitful dress I had on. When Gary came in my bedroom, he let out a wolf whistle.

"Now, that is what a lady looks like." I smiled, blushing deeply.

"Jo, I love that blood red color," Jaime remarked, looking me up and down. "Whereever did you find something like this?"

"At Stohl's. I was invited to this party, so I was looking for something that was not only beautiful, but made me look as feminine as I could." Right then, Gary knocked on the door, and we told him to come in.

"'As feminine as I could?' Let me tell you Jo, you are as feminine as you can ever be, even in your tennis dress. Jo, I didn't fall in love with clothes. I fell in love with the person in those clothes."

I gave him the biggest hug I could, then he kissed me. I just laid my head on his chest, as he held me.

"Gary, Have I ever told you that I love you?"

"Not in the last hour, Jo."

"Well I do you know, love you that is." He lifted my head and we kissed.

"Hey you two, get a room. Anyway, get changed out of that dress in to something more comfortable. and we will have you look to see if we forgot anything." We shooed Gary back to the living, then I changed out of my dress for a pair of yellow boy cut shorts, and a light green cami. With my C cup breast forms, I really didn't need a separate bra, because the cami had what is called a shelf bra sewn in. I looked at my suitcase, then at the box we had put my pictures in, and I said we didn't forget anything for now.

"We didn't forget anything, Joyce. But I have been thinking though. Connie said something about me moving in, and I do think that is a good idea. OMG!..."

"What?" Connie asked, a little surprised.

"I forgot to ask Hal if I could have Saturday off so I can come to your Tupperware party, Joyce."

"It's alright, Jo. You can ask him tomorrow after you have settled down a bit."

We took my suitcase and box out to the car, and made sure it was placed in the trunk so the box wouldn't tip over. You know, they say that a house is not a home, unless there is love. I could see that when we got everything I owned over to Connie and Joyce's, that there would be love. I didn't have to worry about furniture, except what was in my bedroom, because the living room and kitchen furniture came with the apartment.

Just before Gary got in the car, a man came up to us. He was tall, maybe six foot, clean shaven, and had a brief case with him.

"Excuse me folks. I'm looking for Jo, she's supposed to live in this building."

We all looked at each other, and then Gary asked the man who he was.

"Oh! I'm Matthew Connors, I am Don Sinclair's attorney."

"Does anyone here know who Jo is?" Gary asked winking at us, without Mr. Connors seeing it.

We all said we didn't. "I don't live here, I'm just helping a friend to the airport with her things so she can catch her flight."

"I see. May I have your names, please, so I can write down who I talked to?"

"Sir, we are in a hurry. Good day." Gary got in the car, and drove away. I looked in the vanity mirror on the passenger visor, and saw he was writing down the license number.

"Gary, he wrote down the license number."

"That's ok, because if he harrasses me, I will have him arrested. So Don's last name is Sinclair. I had only been around him for maybe a week, and he never said what his last name was. Mine is Buford."

"Do you have a middle name, sir knight?"

"No, my sweet princess, but there is something I need to know about you."

"Like what, sir knight?"

"What is your last name?"

"My name sir knight is Joanne Jenkins, and I am just a poor old country girl from the sticks."

I think if Gary wasn't driving, he would have taken me in his arms and kissed me. His soft kisses were passionate, and they made me melt in his arms.

"Sir knight, sweet princess?" Connie mused. "Girl, we are going to have to have a serious talk.

There was one thing, though. Gary never placed his hands below my hips, even when we were alone, like last night when he drove me home. There are men, and then there are men. Gary came in the last category, because he was a gentleman. So, I guess you could actually say that I am a female female, which for those who don't understand, means I am the ultimate woman, who enjoys being a woman. With Gary, I can even be that woman more so, because he accepts me as I am.

Of course, there may come a day when Gary will want to do something more than just kiss me, but I am ready for that. Whatever it would be, it really didn't bother me, because a woman does anything within reason for, and with, her partner. I sat back, knowing I was safe with friends, and when that attorney had the police check on Gary's license number, they would find his address, not mine.

When we got to Connie and Joyce's, they had a spot in the back of the house, away from the prying eyes of the street to park visitor's cars. It looked like you could park three cars there. The garage was for Connie's and Joyce's cars. We took my suitcase and box in the house, and I marveled at how well the house was kept. It had mock wood grain tile in the kitchen, hardwood floors in the living and dining rooms. There was also a sun porch too. Connie took me to my room, and it was beautiful.

It had a double canopy bed, white lace curtains, a six drawer dresser, and a vanity (dressing table for those not familiar with them).

"This is your room. We kept it as a guest room for our lady friends. Do you like it?"

"Oh, Connie, it's gorgeous."

"I'm glad you like it. Now, we need to talk."

"What about?"

"You know what about, girlfriend. The boy/girl thing; the birds and the bees; what is proper etiquette for a lady when she is with a man."

"But, I know all about that."

"Maybe so, but you need a refresher course. You have strong, romantic feelings for Gary...right?"


"And he has strong, romantic feelings for you...right?"

"Well, so far, yes."

"Jo, consider this for a moment. If Gary wanted to take you to bed and have sex with you, how would you react?"

"Like any other woman would, Connie. Whatever he wants to do, I am ready for."

"Are you sure?"

"Connie, if it were legal, right now, and he asked me to marry him, I would say yes."

"So then your feelings for him are that serious, then?"


"I just wanted to know. You know we have only known each other a day, and already you are my little sister. I don't want to see you hurt, either physically or emotionally. Let's go back down and join the others."

"Thank you, Connie," I said, smiling.

When we got back to the living room, Joyce was already setting up the Monopoly game. I got the thimble. We had a lot of fun for a few hours before it was time for all of us to go to bed. I had to work in the morning. I took a nice shower, and the got in my coral, satin nightgown, with the spaghetti straps, and got in bed. I was out like a light.

When I went to bed, my covers were perfect. They were tucked in on all sides, except the side I get in on. But when I woke up, I was rolled up in not only the blankets, but also my sheets. It was like I was trapped in a cocoon.

"I need a little help here, guys."

Gary came in, and after he saw my predicament, he laughed.

"Sweet princess, how did you manage to yourself all twisted up like that?"

"I have no idea sir knight, but I need to use the facilities." He unwrapped me, and I ran for the bathroom. I just made it. When I came back, he had already left. I got out my clothes for work, and decided on a nice, relaxing bubble bath. A soft lilac scent is what I was thinking, so I got my lilac bubble bath, and poured in a capful.

I sat in the tub, just thinking about Gary and what a wonderful, whirlwind time we have had, so far. I was thinking that maybe tonight after work, I might just spend a night at his place. I was thinking about it last night, but I ended up at Joyce and Connie's. That's not a bad thing, but a guy and a girl can't have any real privacy in a shared home. After I had soaked long enough, I made sure I was clean, and patted myself dry.

The clothes I had for today was a black, A-line skirt, a cream v-top with lace in the "V". My lingerie was lilac everything, with as much lace as I could find. My stockings were tan, stay up nylons, and my shoes were simple black pumps with two inch heels. I put my hair in a sort of silk spun look, with just a couple of tendrils loose that came close the the outer edge of my eyes. My makeup was simple, yet daring. I had taken a little lilac eye shadow and blended that with a soft cream color. The effect was stunning. It looked like my eyelids were floating. With my lilac eye liner and mascara finishing the makeup, I got completely dressed. When I stood and looked at my reflection in the mirror, even I was stunned. Who is that beautiful creature staring back at me?

I went in the living room, and as soon as I entered, Gary whistled that famous wolf whistle of his.

"You sweet princess, are an objets d'art. You are so beautiful they should create a statue of you and show it off in the Louvre." Connie and Joyce were just sitting there with their mouths agape. "This calls for a special occasion."

"It certainly does," Joyce added. "Let me get my camera. OMG girl! You are so beautiful."

Connie found her voice after the initial shock wore off. "Girlfriend, I am so jealous. How did you get your makeup like that?"

"Oh, I just experimented here and there. I wanted a certain man to notice my eyes, instead of my breasts, but I won't tell on Gary." Connie and I giggled, while Gary gave a soft laugh.

"Sweet princess, I have been noticing your eyes, your breasts, your figure, your smile, the way your hips sway, and the one foot in front of the other walk that you do. What I am trying to say is, wow, you are a knockout."

"Why thank you, sir knight, I'm sure." I went over to him, and we kissed for what seemed an eternity, until I heard the sound of a camera and saw the flash go off.

"Gotcha!" Joyce said, smiling like the cat who ate the canary. "Now, I need to get one of Jo Alone, and then one with her and Gary, then one with all of us."

She shot the whole roll of film, as she had us do different things in different parts of the house. When she had used up all of the film on that roll, she told us that we should go out tonight and have fun. Remember the last time I went out and had fun, I met this handsome guy who has given me no reason to doubt that his intentions are anything but honorable.

"That sounds good, Connie. But where should we go?"

Chapter 5 - Painting the town a bright ... color.

Gary gave me a ride to the store, and I had a fair morning. I took my lunch, and then in the afternoon, Mr. Connors decided to pay the store a visit. Something didn't seem right. Don did not know where I lived, or where I would be staying. Did Connie give Don her address? Not only that, but Don didn't know where I worked either. Or did he? I remember saying something to Gary about where I worked, maybe Don overheard me. Anyway, before I could go out in the store, Hal had intercepted him.

"Yes, sir, may I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Matthew Connors. I represent Donald Sinclair."

"I'm sorry, you're who and you represent who?"

"Donald Sinclair. I'm attorney Matthew Connors."

"I don't understand. What may I do for you?"

"Do you have a young woman working here by the name of Jo?"

"Jo? There is no one like that here."

"Don said she worked in a sporting goods store, but didn't say which one. Are you sure she doesn't work here? If you are not telling me, you could be in a lot of trouble."

"Get out of my store, before I have the police remove you."

"Good! I will stay right here."

Hal came in the back and saw me already on the phone to the police. I said we had a suspicious character hanging around the store, and refused to leave after being told by the owner to do so. Two officers showed up about an hour later. One officer was female, and the other was a sergeant who looked like he had been through world war three. He was tough and gnarled, but he spoke with a soft voice.

"What is going on?"

"Officer, this man comes in my store demanding to talk to one of my employees. He says he is an attorney and he represents a ... who did you say, again?"

"I represent Donald Sinclair. I'm attorney Matthew Connors."

"Yes, officer, then he tells me to call my employee out here or I could be in a lot of trouble."

"Mr. Matthews, you do not have that kind of authority. Were you told to leave this store?"

"Yes, but..."

"Then leave, or I will arrest you."

After Mr. Connors had left, Hal called me out from the back. The female officer asked me why I didn't want to talk to him, and I explained what Don had done when he came in the store. I told both officers that I will say what I have to say at Donald Sinclair's trial. They said to just stay away from Mr. Connors, and if he bothered me, just call and they will show him what harrassment really means. I giggled slightly, and then they left.

Gary showed up to take me home, but I was wary. I looked around as I left the store, and saw a strange car parked two spaces from the corner in the direction we were going to go. I told Gary to wait for the police, because a certain someone was parked down the block, waiting for us to pull out. I had given the police Mr. Connors license plate number, and they drove right up to the car. Gary and I walked over.

"Hello, officers. This man is harrassing me, and refuses to leave me alone. He says he is an attorney, and thinks that gives him a right to stalk me. Well Mr. Connors, you want a statement from me, and I will say what I have to say at Mr. Sinclair's trial. Now, either leave me alone, or I will have you in court defending a restraining order."

"You don't have to get nasty. I just wanted to ask you a few questions."

"You can ask me your questions in court. I am calling the district attorney's office and letting them know you use threats to try and talk to witnesses. But your client is a sleaze, and I wouldn't answer your questions, unless I am in court, and the district attorney already has me on his list. Now get away and stay away from me."

The officers gave him a ticket for stalking under color of authority, which means he used his office to try and threaten witnesses to talk to him, because he is an attorney. They advised me to take out a restraining order against Mr. Connors for stalking and harrassment anyway. Well, we all left, and Mr. Connors stayed parked at the curb. This was another crisis avoided. I will be very happy when Don is put in prison, where he belongs.

When Gary got me back to Connie and Joyce's house, I was a vervous wreck.

"OMG! Jo, why are you shaking? You look very pale."

"Connie, that lawyer came to the store, and he threatened Hal to let him talk to me. I was in the back, so I called the police, and they gave him a ticket and told him to leave. I need to call the district attorney's office and let them know this attorney is doing this."

"You go right ahead and call them. I will be right here beside you."

"Thank you, Connie.

When the lady answered the phone at the district attorney's office, I told her who I needed to speak to, but I was told he had already left for the day. I left a message that said what Mr. Connors was doing, and that I would be down at the courthouse signing a restraining order against him in the morning. I called Hal and told him I would be a little late and why. He said to take my time.

There aren't many bosses like Hal. He is a decent man, and he knows the value of treating the customer right, and his employees too. Of course, he and I were the only employees there, but he treated me well. With all that has gone on with Don, Hal said he can't wait to go to court and tell what this guy did, as well as his attorney.

Of course, if we hadn't met Don, I wouldn't have met Gary, maybe. Gary seemed to be respectful, and he had a really happy smile on his face, most of the time. He could be serious too, and he knew just how to make me calm. I had only known him now for two days, and it felt like I have known him all of my life. Connie was asking me if we should go out tonight and have a blast. I guess I wasn't paying too much attention to what she was saying, because she nudged me.

"Earth to Jo, come in Jo."

"What? Oh! I am so sorry Connie, I was far away."

"So I noticed. Would you like to go out tonight?"

"I don't know, Connie, I don't think I would be good company."

"Come on, girlfriend, you need to get out and forget about all this hassle. The reason people go out is to have fun, and laugh a bit. You need to let loose."

"Connie, I'm just too upset. I don't know if I would be good company."

"That is for us to decide. Tell you what we will do. We will get ourselves all dolled up and paint the town the brightest color we can. But definitely not blue."


"No excuses, girlfriend."

"I guess I could go out for a bit. Connie, why do men like Don and Mr. Connors think they have to treat others like dirt?"

"Because girlfriend, if they don't they feel they aren't in control. See there are some men that have no respect for children, because they are too young. Some men have no respect for women, because we are weaker than they are. Don and Mr. Connors are some of those men."

"I guess. I still don't understand why they have to be that way, though."

"None of us do, girlfriend, but men will be men."

"Alright Connie, I will go out. Maybe I can have a little fun."

"Then let's get ready."

Connie decided to be the mother leading her charge to who-knows-where. She took me in the bathroom, and started running a rose scented bubble bath.

"Now, kiddo, get out of those clothes and in to the tub. Make yourself smell like a rose bush."

After the tub was filled, I did just that. I sat there letting the suds take me away to whatever fantasy land there is. What was nice and I didn't give it a second thought was, that I didn't once think about Don and that awful attorney of his.

After my bath, I got out, emptied the tub, and went back to my room to get dressed. On my bed was a light rose colored, knee length, wrap dress that was mostly chiffon with a surplice bodice. The lingerie that Connie laid out was just simply divine. It was the same color as the dress. After I had my bra, panties and slip on, I sat down to do my makeup. I was wearing a soft colored dress, so my makeup should be soft too. I put on a soft brown eye liner, followed by a blended eye shadow to give it a nice soft rose color, then put on my mascara, and brushed on a dual foundation face powder. I stepped in to my dress, and was just about to zip it up, when Connie snuck up behind me. I screamed as I jumped, and then we both giggled.

"Well girlfriend, feel better?"

"Yes, a little."

"Let's get your hair done. I have just the style that will knock Gary off his feet."

She proceeded to take my small barettes and clip them here and there, and then small comb clip to the body of the hair. She zipped my dress and fastened the hook, and then looked at me from the front, the back, and both sides.

"You look fabulous, girlfriend." When I looked at the back of my hair, it looked like I had a thick, sort of fanned out pony tail, and a butterfly clip above each ear at a back, upward angle. "Now, let's go and knock Gary's socks off."

We both went to the living room, and found Gary sitting there reading Woman's Day.

"Are you interested in makeup techniques, or ladies fashions, or how to sastisfy your husband in bed, Gary?" Poor Gary jumped, but when he saw me, he gave a long wolf whistle.

"I have to read something to keep up with you ladies. Sweet princess," he said, taking my hand and kissing it, "you look like a moonbeam shining down on me."

"Thank you, sir knight. Now, why don't you go and get in to something nice and then we can go and have dinner, and then go ... whereever."

He left to go and get changed, and was gone for about twenty minutes. When he came back, he was wearing a white, mock turtle neck sweater with a charcoal blazer, and charcoal grey dress pants. His shoes looked like they had just been polished, and his hair was immaculate. We hugged, kissed, hugged and kissed again. I was ready to go paint the town the brightest color I could.

"So, sweet princess, where do you think we should have dinner?"

"How about the Outback, sir knight. I hear they have very good food."

"The Outback it is, then. But, uhm, the Outback doesn't have a dance floor. Where should we go from there?"

"Where ever we can have fun, sir knight."

"Your wish is my command, sweet princess."

The evening started with the Outback. It is amazing how they can call the many dishes they have as being from Australia. Oh well, maybe if they had ever been there they would know the only true Australian food is Vegemite, made by Kraft, Australia. Oh well. Dinner was delicious. The roast beef was perfect, and the steamed veggies were mouth watering. By the time I was finished with the entrá¨e I was too full to have dessert.

Gary paid for all of us, and then we left to go to a quiet place and dance. Quiet was only as wish, because the next place we ended up at was really loud with music and dancing. We picked a table out of the way, and ordered our drinks. Then before our drinks came, Gary got me out on the dance floor. I wasn't familiar with the song the band was playing, but at least a person could dance to it.

We danced, until the band said they were going to play their final song for the night. They thanked us all for coming and wished us a safe drive home. There was a twenty four houro restaurant on the way home, so we stopped there for coffee.

"Well sweet princess, how did you enjoy being out and having fun?"

"I loved being out and having fun with my three best friends and my intended."

"Your in-what?"

"My intended." I moved in closer and put my head on his shoulder. "Gary, I know most men have a problem saying I love you, but let me start. I love you Gary Buford."

"I love you too, sweet princess, and I always will. I have only known you for a couple of days, but sometimes that is long enough if both hearts link together. I don't have a ring with me, but I hope you accept this until I can get you one tomorrow." He pulled the car over and parked. He tied a pink string around my ring finger. "There, that will remind me to get you the best ring I can." He kissed me and I swear I needed and oxygen tank just to breathe. When we came up for air, Gary started the car again, and drove us home.

When we got home, I felt really happy and relaxed, and the events of the day didn't seem all that bothersome anymore. I went straight to my room and got out my rose pengoir set, and went to take a nice, quick shower. Using my rose scent body wash, I washed quickly and then joined the others in the living room. I must have done something right, because Gary let out another wolf whistle.

"The more I see you sweet princess, the more in love with you I am."

"The more you say these sweet things to me, the more in love with you I am, sir knight."

I sat down next to Gary, and he wrapped me in his strong, masculine arms. I laid my head on his shoulder and just snuggled. I dreamed that Gary and I were dancing the night away along the river walk that was downtown. The river walk is a romantic place for lovers to enjoy the peace of the waves splashing against the flood wall. I heard a robin sing, and when I opened my eyes, I was in my own bed. OMG that man is such a dream.

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I Thought This Was Familiar

littlerocksilver's picture

I recognized the title immediately; however, for the first couple of paragraphs, the plot didn't come to mind. But suddenly the story was there for me. It just took a few hints. From that point I was with it. It all came back to me. There is a mystery, though. Who is 'he', and what didn't he care about?



Re: I Thought This Was Familiar

I believe the 'he' you're asking about is Gary. The 'what he didn't care about' bit would be that Joanne is transgender.

He Didn't Seem To Care - Part 2

Me, I am wondering if that lawyer was actually a goon hired to encourage her to drop the case, or if it really was a lawyer and needs to go before the Review Board for misconduct?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine