Fodder for interesting tales

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For the nine to five people who go home after work turn on the TV or video games and zone out until bedtime. For those who go to parties each weekend thinking they have it made.

I suggest you DO NOT read further unless you can put this in the 'don't believe it', 'conspiracy theory' or just 'insane ramblings' categories.

Sadly most people focus on one thing they have been led to believe is wrong with why their life isn't better. Hitler convinced the Germans Jews were everyone's nemesis. In modern day society many point at the Democrats, 'vote them out' and we will be a better nation. Of course the opposite mantra is espoused by others as they point at Republicans and chant the same thing. Little do most understand our system has degraded into good cop bad cop and both parties are the same thing different name. Each claiming give us the majority in government and we will make your life better. And the masses buy into the mind games believing fervently their choice of party brand will be the best. Sadly the only change is the name GOP or DEM and the New World Order keeps creeping deeper into everyone's life with new laws, new rules promising to make it better for everyone as more freedom is lost to those who strive for only one thing. The servitude (total control) of the masses.

Few know and most will vehemently deny virtually every single war was instigated and financed by the elite of the world to strengthen the indebtedness and their hold over the masses. Of course each war has or had grand propaganda push to encourage the masses the cause is just. For Freedom, to Liberate the (any name here), To Bring Democracy to the Masses, to Stop (the current evil socialism, communism, etc)

Remember this if you remember nothing else, the victors get to write the history. The same way Constantine had the Holy Bible written. Believe what you wish, your historical past is nothing like what the history books tell you it is. No one has ever been charged a dime for what I see when I touch them. I can't pull the pictures out of my mind and show them what I am seeing. A curse or a blessing, I have seen pictures when I touch someone as long as I remember. For a long time I thought this was normal. Foolish me! Reincarnation, multiple lives? Believe don't believe makes no difference. To me they are as real as this world is to you because I see them. Yeah, it helps to be insane. I'm living proof of that. Don't ask me about the future. Not my thing. I'm not a prophet. Your guess is probably a whole lot more accurate than anything I could think of.

Enough of my mad ramblings. Here is a tiny morsel for you to chew on. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg of those controlling your lives.

Secret societies have been in existence all throughout history. Elites, crazed by power and money, band together to exert maximum control over the masses.

Rothschild: ‘New World Order’ Will Be In Place By 2018

Filter, filter, filter some more. There are so many lies out there, false propaganda, conspiracy theorist, false prophets, and other bunk I have no idea how anyone can possibly exit the maze built to feed the masses.Keep in mind I may be one of those sewing distrust and confusion instead of posting this for fodder for the story writer's imagination or possibly not imaginative story.

Hugs kids, have fun with life and don't take it too seriously. It's only temporary at best.



joannebarbarella's picture

This is supposed to be a "friendly" site. It will be interesting to see which you delete first, Barbie Lee's blog or my comment.
She has a point, but conspiracy theories do not stand against the power of money and influence wielded by less than % 0.1 of the world's rich.

Further quality journalism from that site

"Google engineer building robot god to rule over mankind"
"Hillary Clintom received five million roubles to out gay congressman"
"Jay Z caught shapeshifting to a reptilian on United Airlines flight to LAX"
"Real life mermaid filmed being pulled out of lake"
"Government caught spraying synthetic DNA to mutate humans"

Those are just the barking ones, but other stories are dangerous. There are some against vaccination, a whole series about how every Democratic politician imaginable is under FBI investigation, and then there is the profoundly dangerous stuff:
"Global Warming Hoax Was Costing US Taxpayers $4.7 Billion Per Year"

Barbie, I think you need to perform a major readjustment of your BS filter.

Not sure what you're getting at?

This appears (at least to me) to be nothing more than barbie posting some ideas and links to hopefully inspire other writers into creating stories. Similar to how Dan Brown used conspiracies surrounding the Knights Templar and the Illuminati in his books.

Conspiracies are fun to play with in a story. And of course most conspiracies don't hold water if looked at closely, but that doesn't stop the conspiracy theories. My grandfather was adamant that the moon landing was a hoax filmed in Hollywood. One of my favorites is the one about the moon ringing like a bell which proves it was created by ancient aliens and not a natural formation. Another one that I get a good laugh from is how the photographs taken on the moon were "Doctored" to keep the public from seeing the ancient ruins of glass domes in the background of the photographs.

While I don't believe either of these conspiracy theories, the muse within keeps whispering about Fictional stories where the theories pan out to be true.

The thing about good fiction is it needs to be based as close to reality as possible to make it as believable as possible. When you can weave a widely accepted but false fact into the plot of your story, you make it easier for the reader to suspend belief.

In one of my Enchanted Valley stories, a group of Aliens that live on earth sneak into Area 51 to remove or disable any device left on a crashed space ship that the US Army recovered from the Roswell crash. When asked, most people will agree that it's possible that the Army does have an alien ship at Area 51, so belief in the story is easy.

In the first link Barbie gave us, I found #7, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, quite interesting.
"Founded in the late 19th century, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was dedicated to the study of the occult, the paranormal, and metaphysics — and everything considered magical. The order, also known as the “Golden Dawn”, has been one of the single biggest influences on 20th century western occultism such as Wicca."

Even have an idea about how if the group was real and magic was also real and how they have been controlling and hiding magical artifacts, book, etc to keep them out of the hands of the average person and or governments. Maybe this group was key in causing Hitler to lose to war? Among other things they have used magic for to change the world?

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Belief Isn't Really the Point, I Think...

Note the title: Barb's presenting this as a story background. I suspect that some of the action writers here could make it work, though I'm not sure whether I'd want to read one. When you can blame everything that happens on a worldwide conspiracy and even negate events you've recounted, dismissing them as fakes brought on by the villains rewriting one's recollection of events, things become awfully arbitrary, IMO. That's especially true if the hero has supernatural powers, as one reading here would suggest.



we should remember Barbie's title ' Fodder for interesting tales'

I almost did a ROFL

(or was it a sense of deja-uv?) when I read your post.
I have an old, old (started in 2005 I think) story that was lining up to post here next year but I might just post it here tomorrow...
This story starts innocently enough but with a little magic thrown in, there could be a solution to this constant 'screwing up of the world' going on under our very noses if you read my story. Is the premise of my story possible? Not in the slightest but it would be nice if it was as I'm sure that the world would be a better place if it was.
Anything that gets us thinking objectively about the big picture is good in my eyes.
Treat anything that comes out of 99.99% Lawyers (unless you are paying the bill) mouths or wherever a Politician speaks from is in my eyes total codswallop (my real thoughts would rightly be censored). But they make themselves fair game for the satirists and writers who can show them up for what they are.

Don't be afraid to send them up and make them look like the fools that they surely are.

conspiracy theories, fantasies and stories.

Earlier this year, I read a non-tg story on another web-site.
It is a nice fantasy regarding fixing the country.
It is on a site that requires signing up to read the whole story, but the first few (5) chapters are available to read without signing up.

BTW another story by the same author is fun:

I read it at "stories on line" and since I can read the other chapters,(sign in via cookies?) I am guessing that "fine stories" is a related site, just without the erotic stuff. I have not gotten spammed from their site and there are no ads there, so I have no clue as to how they stay afloat.

Not all web sites are expensive

BarbieLee's picture

I have two web sites parked for less than eighty dollars each for ten years. When I had them active it was costing me less than fifty per year with a hefty flow through before I was hit for a higher rate. The only reason they aren't up is spammers were using them as a return address. I was getting hit for spamming the web and spreading virus. Not true but as long as I was ghosted as the return address I was guilty. Right? Those who clicked onto the spam got sent to a virus loading site which was hidden in the graphics. There is no fighting those operating overseas even when one can find them. I closed my sites and parked them before my name was totally ruined. Those who wanted to complain about my spamming received the dreaded 404 error. If they had any web programming knowledge at all they would realize what was going on.
I kind of find it fascinating to trip through the Way Back Machine every now and then to look at my old web pages. Not very high tech for today's markets.
Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Sort of TG story

British TV had a one-off comedy-drama series a couple of years ago, starring Martin Freeman and Rachael Stirling. In it, he has one of those convenient 'lightning strikes--body swap' moments with a very, very neat, feminine, married female advertising exec. He, on the other hand, is a hermit conspiracy theory nutter who lives on breakfast cereal and never washes.

Very unoriginally, it's called "Boy Meets Girl" and is on DVD.