Shadowsblade: Pixie partner

Shadowsblade comes back and A pixie is made happy in this one!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

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Saturday, March 10 7:05 am
Doyle medical center--intensive care center

My eyes scrape open in pain, to see a blurry sight before me and when they clear up a little better. I notice a small form sitting on my rising and falling chest, "Hey little one? What happened?" I croak out very tired and in deep pain from my wounds.

Violet's small face shoots up, to gaze at me and she starts to cry to me, "You got hurt again and it's my fault!"

"No," I groan again, to her small tear covered face, "it's not. You tried to warn me. I should have bonded with you weeks ago and this would not have happened...I am sorry. I wanted to save you from any pain, that I sent to you via that deeper link. Then if I died, the pain of that would have crushed you," I gasp out to her from my talking too much.

"But!" she cries again to me.

One of my fingers goes to lift her chin, so I can see her face better, "When I get out of here and feel better. We are bonding as I should have done that first week, then you will understand me better and I you, my little one," I groan out.

Now she looks a lot more cheery to me and smiles, "I would like that! Then I will have done what no others have done in a many millennia!" she grins to me.

While I am trying to coax Violet into feeling better, Dr. Tenent has slipped into my room and is looking over my chart via a data pad she snatched off the wall. "Well you're up Rohanna, Glad to see that."

"Me too, what hit me? All of it is foggy after lunch?"

What Aung tells me? Is someone ran a incredibly rare blade, through ya! That only kills Elves. This blade was so rare, even she has seen only one of them?"

"Was the blade black and had a large black gem on the end of the hilt?" I cough to her slightly.

"Why yes? Do you know that blade?"

"Ilythiiri elggur!" I hiss out in anger.

"What?" she questions me, walking over to me to sit on my bedside.

"Drow killer...The most depraved evil blades made."

"I am sure they are! That blade almost killed you. If Caitlin was not here to disarm it" She glances down from my face, "you would be dead."

"Duul'sso," I mumble back to her, mentally correcting her last word.

"What was that?" she asked me again, with her stretching to get closer to hear me better.

" was nothing. Just me being, mad is all."

"Well let me go get those waiting to see you."

"Ma'am? What day is it? I lost track?"

"Only Saturday, why?"

"Darn! I missed costume class. I wanted that one, for the time to work on my armor!"

She chuckles at me "There will be hundreds of Saturdays to come! So wait a week?"

Once out the doors of my room, she waves to Sara sitting on a sofa at the halls end. When Sara sees that wave, she jumps off the sofa in joy and smacks a sleeping set of elves on the other end to wake them.

"Ro...she is up! Get up you two!" she shouts at both and runs off.

Tenent stops the speeding teen lust demon, at the door to my room with a gentle hand to her shoulder "She was hurt very bad, again. Give her time before ya smother with love?...Hummm?"

"Got it doc!" she sings.

When Sara runs into the room, I smile at her "How's things?" I wink to her, "So anyone get the number off that truck?"

"No one caught her, yet!" Sara growls if in promise to me to do just that, "But how are you?" she asks me, just as she sits on my bedside.

"Fine, for the most part"

When she leans over to try and give me a hug, but I grunt in pain and the sound startles her back away from me "Sorry!...jeeesh your still hurt?"

"Yep, have to get out to the Grove and do this healing right, I guess?"

As Dr. Tenent was letting Nikki and Gwen in my room, she heard my groan pain and started to chastise Sara for it "I told you, be gentle with her!"

"But Ro," Sara questions Tenent, "she normally heals much faster than this?"

"Yes she heals fast...but this time she was injured by a blade made to kill her race. That cold iron, it literally 'cooked' her from the inside out!"

"Did anyone save that thing for me?" I interrupt her.

"Why would you even want such an evil thing!" Aung's regal demeanor asks me from Nikki's body.

"Might make a great souvenir? Or I might need it someday, to kill an evil Sidhe. Like the Bastard!" my head swims, deep within the beautiful thoughts of ramming that blade into him or it, in my revenge!

"That can wait for later," Sara insists to me, "But how are really feeling, please tell me?"

"It hurts when I move too my chest?" I give in too her.

Sara lifts up my top to show me, the a most nasty scar that is just starting to heal over and change back to my normal skin color from the gray-whiteness it has now. "Wow! I got messed up! It may take a few days, to heal a wound that nasty!"

"Yes it will," the doc insists to me, "And I suggest that you don't even move for at least a day! Unless you can get your friends from the Grove to float you VERY gently over to there?"

"I guess I am waiting then? Most of them can't come this far out, unless they have a connection to out here?"

"Well then...till Sunday night at least. For Monday I will write you a note for missing class and maybe Tuesday?"

Missing class!" I whine to her, "I like class!"

"First I ever heard of a student that liked going to class?" she jest with me "But you have to wait for basic MID test anyway."


"You had a small burnout and it's warranted after one."

"SHIT! again!" I whine out to her once more, "I did two of them as it was!"

"And now it will be three!" she laughs at me.

"Fine, fine, fine!" I repeat mad at all this "I can't argue with the government!" Then shake my head and try to slam a fist to my bedding in anger.

"No you can't...but I'll leave you girls alone for now?"

After Ophelia has left the room and Gwen goes to check the door for us. Gwen gives us a thumbs up from the door and Nikki pulls out her charm. She sets it on my bedside table and we each touch the privacy ward in turn, to activate its magic on each of us.

When that is done, Sara does not even wait a second "WHO did this!" she growls at the room.

"My best guess?" I start to say.

"Go ahead...please?" she urges me.

"Who ever tried to kill us both in Boston. No one else is that stupid or desperate to try to kill in this school, as the repercussions I have been told are great?"

"This academy is not that well protected Rohanna," Nikki admits and I am sure Aung is agreeing with that statement too.

"But in the long run, doing such a deed on this campus will get you killed, sooner or I not correct?" I ask.

"Your right on that! Even the MCO will chase someone on that!" Gwen states the facts in her opinion.

"Well," Sara growls out again, "I will find out who did this."

"And what, Get expelled? Prove to the nut jobs like Reverend Englund, that you are a threat to humans at large? What Sara...tell me?" I demand of her.

"Fine, we will try a softer approach than?"

"That is the best idea, sneaking up on a target is far better!" I grin from experience.

Just as I am about to suggest more, the door pops open and Everheart walks in "Nice to find all of you in the same room! Now I don't have to look for each of you?"

"Sam, what do you want?" Sara asks in a very short sounding voice, to the second in charge of security at Whateley just coming into the room.

"What I want is who did this found, but for now and to get that ball rolling? I need to know...did any of you recognize the attacker?"

I laugh all little and start coughing again, "My back was kind of'am?"

"I know, how about the rest of you?"

"I was too worried about Ro," Gwen states.

"Me too," Nikki adds in to that, "But all I did see was a blur that looked like a girl?"

"I was not there or there would be a body for ya SAM!" Sara more than threatens.

Sam spots Violet, as she sits on one of my many monitors that show my health, "So small one, did you see anything?"

Violet very calmly raises her tiny hand and gives Everheart the 'finger' then goes back to her semi sulking.

As Everheart points a finger at Violet, she asks me "Why did she do that?"

"Apparently she does not like you right now?"

"Why, ask her for me?"

"Sil'iluuth? ele xun dos jous Everheart folt phlith?"
(Violet? why do you show Everheart such hate?)

When Violet answers me, she jumps to her feet and pounds her spear into the plastic case below her in anger "Dos hojjau ulu sslig'ne dosst flas'tlu'gu'ane!" She then points and yells at Everheart. (You failed to protect your charge!)

Nikki and I both laugh at what violet just said, as we are the only ones in the room who understand Drow.

"What?" Everheart questions me yet again.

"She thinks, you did not do your job?"

"I was not there," Everheart questions Violet's logic.

"Doesn't matter to her, it's your job to protect the whole school and you failed...Simple black and white...We don't do grays...ever!" I explain to her and as I do. Violet bangs that spear loudly once more, to prove her point.

"Okay...okay. I understand, but since you have to stay here for a day or better. I am posting a set of guards on your room incase this assassin comes back."

"I would prefer my own, as frankly Everheart? Yours have shown to me more than once, that they can be bribed?"


"YES!...REALLY!" Sara shouts out, "You know, heck we all do, that third squad is the payola squad!"

"You think they had something to do with this Sara?"

I jump in before Sara can even speak, "I do! Someone told the outside world, not only when we were all leaving to Boston. BUT to what shopping center! Great Gaea! You list that as a question, 'where we are going to'? That we have to fill out, to get permission to go off campus! What a way to lay a trap for us! By making it easy for anyone to jump us out there!"

"Okay, I will look into keeping that info accessible, by only the top of the department from now on?"

"Fine by me," Sara adds back.

"But what guards are you talking about Ro? I really don't want, two dozen Pixies all flying about here." Everheart, she states flatly to me and thinks back to what she heard from her staff, that three did that one morning here.

"I will only need two...two Nymphs that are aligned to me. One of water and one of fire."

"What does 'aligned' mean?" she questions my words.

Aung answers for me "Aligned in Rohanna's case? It means swore to obey her till death, I am sure, just as she was in her past life?" she nods to me the question.

"Yes, both are more than 'bound' to me and do not question my orders."

"I am not so sure of this, but I can see that your trusting my personnel is very limited now after this little incident."

"Fine, I will call them and show you both now?"

"That makes sense, to do that while I am here and I can see what they are?"

"Gwen? can you go get me a candle or something that small that has flame about that same size?"

After she runs off out the door, I turn to Sara next. ", can you get me a bowl of water from the bath?"

"Got it."

Once both come back, I have Sara set the bowl on the floor next to my beds edge and the now lit candle beside it. When I see it's all done, I reach out to the Grove and call both to me.

Suddenly the bowl of water rocks back and forth, then flows upward into a tall tower of water and it flattens out a little to more person in size. Now Joan my bound Nymph, She walks out of the new virtual door of water, still in her base form of that element. She looks like to all around the room, to be a clear statue of the liquid from the bowl, then flows back to a human shape and kneels by the bed silently waiting.

Then with my calling to her, the candles flame grows larger and larger. When it nears the size of a person, Everheart and the other girls stand well back, but note nearly no heat flows off the large flames.

Kenna is the next to arrive via her base element of fire and comes stepping out of the door of flames. She then stands in the room, just a human size body of flame and a very sexy looking female one!

She takes a knee by her sister, after her flames die down till she appears as a human and both say in unison to me "Udos inbal doer 'zil quarthen udossta jabbress, vel'bol zhah dosst veein?"
(We have come as ordered our mistress, what is your bidding?)

"You can speak english in front of the others here. But you both now know Drow?"

Joan speaks for both, as she should being the 'oldest' now "Yes my mistress, we both do. I gained the language quickly over the last week and Kenna seems almost born to it!" she boasts for her new sister.

"Nice and done well. Anything else?"

"Our studies in magic, are going well in the opinion of our matrons? The other things you asked us to both study, also are going very their opinions," she glances up at me for acceptance of that statement, "my mistress."

I give her no signs, that I even care that she is doing the JOB that I ordered her and her sister to do!

"The reason for you being called here, is that I need to be guarded after someone attacked me and I recover. The human guards of the school are not one hundred percent trustworthy...except this one here," I wave over to Everheart, to point her out better to both of them, "She is one of the trusted leaders, anything she tells you is true and should be taken as so!" I ordered both of them.

"Yes mistress, we do your bidding," they say back to me in unison.

"Stand and make sure that your powers that compel others, they are held in check."

Both stand up at my call and now anyone in the room, can see that the only thing covering them is see-thru gossamer cloth and beneath it. Both show the most beautiful of female bodies most will ever see.

"Well Everheart? Do they make your muster of approval?"

"Humm I don't know?" she wonders out loud while she walks around, studying both of them "Will they obey you? As I remember Violet getting a little out of hand!"

When violet hears that small insult, she sticks her tongue out at Everheart the next time Sam glances her way. The rest of us in the room giggle at the sight. In my heart, I love Violet that I said to myself more than once, "she has the fire of life in her!"

"These two will do what I ask to the letter...even die. If I so ask them," I inform Everheart.

"Well then fine for now, if it lets you rest better. I will let them stay, but if they get out of hand, they leave...agreed?"

"Agreed...if they disobey me, they will leave," I make a promise that fits my mood and my own goals better!

"I am off, as I am sure you need your rest Rohanna?"

"Yes I do, so girls? I will see you later...Gaea I am tired now," I say in a now fading voice.

"We will leave you here in Ophelia's fine hands, as both Gwen and I have to study for tomorrow's classes" Nikki laughs at me trying hard to keep the air of the room light. I can tell, she is upset at seeing someone close to her hurt yet again.

Sara smiles to both of them, "I am staying, I hope I can Ro?" she asks me.

"Of love," I yawn out in my tiredness to Sara, "I would like that and bye Gwen...Nikki. Don't worry I am in safe hands now," I wave bye to them, as they get-up to leave.

Both wave bye to me, as they walk out the door and once they are gone. Sara slides a large chair over next to my bed, even though she wants to crawl into mine and hug me all day. She settles for that spot and holds my now outstretched hand.

I wave a hand to both my bidden Nymphs and they understand the order without a word.

Joan takes a place next to the bath, where her power over the water within that small bathroom is stronger and changes her body to a solid unmoving ice statue.

Kenna goes to stand next to the door, as the rooms first guardian and changes to a statue of smooth black stone to wait for any of my needs.

My sleep comes easily, after the room is quiet and Sara helps me best in that sleep. By keeping the darkest of my dreams from my mind, a hard sacrifice on her part, but one she makes willingly.

During the day and long night, a few nurses come to check on the room and even Dr. Tenent joins them a few times. All of them were told of my plans for guards, but actually coming into the room and finding two statues of women following your every move with creepy glowing eyes of red or blue. That does not bode well for their slumber the next night.

With the coming of morning, I awake to lots of great pain in my chest. I can feel those bones healing up deep in there and my lungs are working hard on coughing up some of that burnt blood from my wounds.

As I cough a fit again, Sara woke to help me lean up and a nurse had to come into the room to assist her. When I am done with most of that terrible coughing, I have to smile at Sara because of her staying with me.

"Love...please go to class, you don't need more trouble because of this. Go please? I am fine and by noontime I shall go to the Grove and heal much better out there."

She leaves my room reluctantly at my request, with a smile to me and goes to her classes.

Long about noontime, I lifted myself out of that bed and dressed in hospital scrubs, as my regular clothes were a mess! When I was finally dressed, a nurse pushed me in a wheelchair along the hallway towards the main doors and both of my Nymphs kept watch over the path for me.

"Well I sent that ruined outfit of yours over to Rodger's Boutique, she will clean and fix it all good as new for ya," Dr. Tenent told me at the doors exiting Doyle.

"I did not know she did that, ma'am?"

"Yes, you pay real good money for her outfits and she backs them no matter what!"

"That's nice to know?" I nod too her, "But I am off to the Grove for now."

"Rohanna? Please...are you sure of this? You can wait here in Doyle longer if you want to?"

"You know and have seen it. I heal much better out there deep within the Grove?"

"Yes, but I want you back before tonight for a quick look-see and a quick MID test."

My head lowers at thinking of that again, Gaea I am hating all this prodding!

Tenent can easily see, that I am upset at more exams and she goes to comfort me "Hey...this one exam it will be real short, unless we find something? Then we have to test for that?" she tells me in a cheery voice, to get me feeling better.

"I understand ma'am. I will be back soon."

After I get pushed outside of Doyle in the wheelchair, I stand up with a little assistance from my two bound companions and port off to the Grove. With even more help from them, I make an unsteady walk to the warm spring pools, to get undressed and settled into one for the other Nymphs to attend to my healing to begin their work.

When a few hours have passed and the healers have done their best on me for now. I get up in somewhat less pain and move over to the large stump to eat a small meal of the fruits of this Grove has to offer me.

One of the matrons, as she serves me another small plate and she warns me "Guardian? Please take your time healing. That vicious weapon did much damage and the regular healing I can do for you, is not near enough. These wounds you have, they will take time to heal."

"Thank you for your best, I have to go. The humans of this new world, they do not let me rest."

"Maybe you should ignore them and just stay here?"

"No I can't. This one attack showed me for sure, that we are all vulnerable. The weapon was only used by the GOO. So some human out there, hunts us all and in time. A hundred years, a thousand maybe? They will come here, if we hide now and kill us all."

After I stand, my armor comes out instead of me redressing in the ER scrubs and I walk out to the campus again. My first stop, doc Tenent as promised.

When Tenent finishes scanning me, she smiles at the sight. "Humm all is great in there! Well healed and like I said. If you ever bottle what is out there, I am out of a job!" she laughs a little to me.

"Ya I'll look into that?" I jest her back.

"Any pain?" she asks while my armor comes back onto me with a silent pop.

"A little when I bend down low and when I cough?"

"That's to be expected with a injury that large to the muscles and your ribs. Just take it working out till Friday for you! Doc's orders!"

"Yes ma'am. I will obey."

"Now git! You have an appointment upstairs for that MID test, but it should not take too long? Then tomorrow you have one with Doc Bellows too?"

At her insistence, I go up and get that test done. When I get out of there a few hours later, I have two things in my mind. One my speed went up a notch, just barely noticeable. This was found in the renewed MID testing and I am so very hungry, Time to go eat!


Monday, March 12 6:05 pm
Crystal hall

With a tray piled high with food, I am looking for a spot to sit and eat. My neck cranes to see if anyone is up a level above me, where the Poe crowd goes and when I am about to go up there via the stairs.

A boy that looks all the part of a true Werewolf, he is walking toward me with two others by his side. One I have seen before, you can't miss that kid with my nose. Gaea that kid reeks! The other? I don't know him. But what grabs my eye is, All three of them wear a 'UV' band, in another color from what mine is?

The large wolf kid, purposely bumps into me at the stairs and slaps my tray from my hands. "Watch it fairy!" he shouts loudly to me.

All I do in reply is stand there, close my eyes and breath slowly. 'I so want to tear him apart...but I can't?' So I mumble to him, "Sorry to get in your way."

"You bet you are...lesbo chic!" he barks back at me, with a grin covering his face.

I stoop down to gather my fallen tray and he tries to give me a new shove from my side. With a quick sidestep, I am up and out of the way of his meager try.

But my Violet, she is more than mad at his act on me and she flies toward his face. Her nasty spear comes out and I just know her intent is on revenge.

"No Violet, come back here now!" I order her.

She stops her flight, just at his face and sulks on her way back to me.

The wolf boy starts to raise a hand, to swipe at her back, as she flies back to me and when I see that very stupid move on his part...I go more than nuts on him!

"You hit her and I will PAINT this very building's insides with your guts and blood!" I shout in warning to him of pain and death to come.

When the echo of that shouting of mine dies inside the building, I hear a lady shout at me from just behind me "ROHANNA!" and I look over my shoulder to see Circe staring angrily at me.

"Yes ma'am?" I sigh now caught.

"Please clean up that tray for me and get a new one for yourself. I will have a talk with this boy?"

"Yes ma'am." I surrender to her.

As I clean up that fallen tray of mine and go to get myself more food to replace it.

Circe pulls the three boys aside, far from prying eyes and ears "What are you nuts? All of you?" she questions the logic of the three.

"She threatened me!"

"Miss Leigh does not do threats, if you had hit her Pixie. She would have killed you...simple and for sure. You have no idea the tie those two have, she would kill for her Pixie or die? And the Pixie the same for her!"

"So what! That little fly was going at my face!"

"No she was not! Miss Leigh called her back, before she even got close. SO try to explain this mess you almost made, to someone who did not watch you start it! I watched all of it and I am not going to let you bait her into hurting you!"

The wolf boy shakes his head to Circe.

"I know what you're thinking Bloodwolf, you actually think because you're big and bad. You can take her? Jade a little girl, she nearly killed you last term and she was untrained!"

"She surprised me and had help!"

"Fine then, let me show you what you're up against and before you go after her?"


"Follow me...NOW!" Circe orders all three of them.

All three follow the head teacher of the magic department, up a level and she spots me sitting with Gwen, as she runs me over her class notes on the classes I missed today.

Circe stops at my table and clears her throat to me to get my attention, "Miss Leigh?"

"Yes Ma'am?" I say, as I stand up for her.

"Miss Leigh, I want to stop a fight before it happens. Please show Bloodwolf your armor...that special set you showed me, please?"

"Yes ma'am, as you wish?" My voice mumbles out in my not even liking this idea.

When my lighter armor flashes over to my heaviest, The wolf boy cringes back from it and I smell just a little fear on him....'so you are a true Were! And you fear Mithril!' are my thoughts on his sudden fear of me.

"See Bloodwolf? Miss Leigh has armor, that you can't even touch without you getting burnt!" Circe tells the boy.

"Then add this?" I almost giggle to him and one of my Mithril blades comes siding out into my hand, then shakes it's sharp point at his face in a warning of pain to come.

"Put that away Miss Leigh! NOW!" Circe barks, only once at me.

"Yes ma'am, sorry?" I relent my teasing the boy with my blade and it fades from view.

"So, both of you, is this all settled then?" she questions us both, as her hands go to her hips in a most motherly way?...but MAD mother way!

"Up to him ma'am, my tray of diner. It did not commit suicide by itself?"

"Yes I saw that, Bloodwolf since you started all of this. Please take this warning and please stop. Before this gets of out hand?" she asks him and at the same time warns him.

Then Circe turns her anger on me once again "Miss Leigh, no retaliation for today's little spat, please?"

"I had not planned on any of that. BUT if he hurts one of mine. I will come for him," I warn both of them.

Circe's hand comes up quickly to my face, palm flat to me in warning of 'stop that' "Miss Leigh, enough of that," then she glares back at the boy, "This is over before it begins, got it?"

"Yes" he growls to us both reluctantly.

"Yes, what?" she corrects him, with a firm voice of demanding his manners be far better than they are now!


"Better, now!" she warns again, then nods back to me, "Miss Leigh, you can go back to your meal?"

"Thank you ma'am." I nod to her and she leaves with the boys in tow.


Just an hour later

I am porting over to Poe, to shower up and maybe catch up on a few class notes with Gwen or Nikki?

As I enter the building at the front door, Gwen was waiting for me, laying in wait too strike! She grabs my arm quickly and starts dragging me toward the sunroom "What...what!" I shriek at her over and over all the way down the hallway, as I am being dragged!

Once fully dragged into the room. Jade shoves a small carrot cake into my hands. On top of it, is one lit candle and she yells with the others in the room "Happy one month!"


"One month!" she sings out to me her joy, "You made it one month after your change!"

"Why all this?" I question the group in my confusion, at all this celebrating over one month of being the 'new' me?

"Because, we have to celebrate the small steps once and awhile!" someone yells at me from across the room.

"Awww guys?" I start crying...why...heck if I know?

"Hey be happy!" Sara whispers into my ear, with her sudden appearance just behind me.

"Okay? But this cake is so small?" I stare down at the small cake in my hands, "How can I slice it this much? So all of you get a slice?"

"That one is all yours GIRL...we all know how much a Drow can eat, besides we have our own!" Toni shouts at me and then points a spread of food resting on a small table at the rooms edge.

Nikki comes at me with a fork in a hand raised in a threatening manner? Then jams it into the cake like a murder victim and takes out a hunk of it. "EAT!" she shouts at me, while shoving that hunk into my mouth.

After I swallow that large bite, and smiling at Nikki for it. I cut off a slice for Violet to enjoy and set her a place on a shelf to eat in peace. Now that she is set, I wander about the room looking at everyone having fun.

As I wander about the room, Ayla taps my shoulder to get my attention from the small party all around me "Hey try this candy my sister sent me, it's super rare and VERY good!"

I take a offered chocolate candy from the box of them and unwrap it as I stand there. Once I pop it into my mouth...Gaea! the taste is heavenly! "WOW Ayla! This is good! I have never tasted something so sweet!"

"Yep it's a secret blend of several types of rare cocoa beans, from the jungles of South America and others."

"I love it, can I have another?" I ask her quickly, now that I am totally hooked on them!

"Sure, I got a few boxes, just incase?" she winks at me.

Another candy gets popped into my mouth and the 'heavenly' taste keeps going. Then I roam around the room even more. As I wander around the room, I notice that I feel great! All warm suddenly from within...a very nice warm!

I notice that, My hearts are both beating hard in sync and my breath is getting deeper? 'why is that?' I wonder to myself, but don't seem to care as much as I should?

When I spot Hank or is it Lancer? What ever is that darn name of his is? 'I think a little in a fog?' I just have to walk over and talk to him 'Gaea he looks! And that Doogie standing next to him TOO!' I smile at the thoughts.

"Hey Hank!" I almost shout at him, when I get close to him...almost too close! "Why don't we go talk some in my room?" I say in a very flirtatious tone to him.

Hank looks over Rohanna standing RIGHT next to him, standing real close? A usually calm and collected Drow is her normal self. What he sees now, is a girl that seems to be asking him out? Flirting...too? Then add that strange pink-purple glow is in her eyes? That glow only seems to happen for Sara or Roz? Not any guys so far, that he has seen yet?

"I don't think that is a good idea Ro? I have a girl?" he shrugs to me.

"So? Have two?" I insist to him.

"What?" he asks and his whole face questions me, with its sudden change to one of surprise.

"Have two? or if you want to...bring Doogie along?" I make a grab at him too "He is good looking too?"

"Are you okay?"

"I am great! Never felt better! COME on let's go?" My voice sings to him, As I tug on him harder to move and get closer to him at the same time.

"Are you...purring at me?" he asks while hearing a new sound coming from me, a deep rumble. That is not unlike a large cat and one he can feel too! Now that I am wrapped around his arm and leaning into his side VERY close indeed!

"And you don't like my purring? Perhaps you prefer the rougher growl?" and I let out a deep almost threatening one, that makes him step back a little at the sound.

"I think, it's a no for tonight," he tells me softly.

"Shoot, party pooper!" I yelp at him and I spin to face Doogie instead, "Well how about you then?"

Doogie looks at me, more than stunned at the question and notes the small body sway I have now. That 'sway' is new to his medical mind and makes him think? But he knows by reading my alcohol or drug on the planet could even 'dent' me? Or make me 'stoned' in anyway he knows of?

"You okay Rohanna?" he asks me in his 'medical' person voice.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I am great, Never been better!"

"Ahh you do know I swing for the other team?"

"Well then, try an at bat with a Drow and I may change that team for ya!"

"No thanks Rohanna?"

"Well shit! I know a girl upstairs who wants me? Or a nice lust demon that never turns me down!" I bark at no one in particular and walk off in search of more of Ayla's candy!

In a few seconds, I have found my intended prey and pounce again on the small box of chocolates! My hand quickly grabs three more of the small delicious morsels! AND I pop one into my mouth and savor that taste, as it melts!

Doogie takes it upon himself to go and find Sara and Nikki. Once he does, he interrupts their conversation over magic with a strange question "Did you both notice Rohanna? She seems out of it and more than a little 'flirty?'.."

"What was that?" Sara laughs to him and near madness of his statement.

"Ya what are you saying Doogie?" Nikki asks confused by the same question.

"She seems 'off' to me?" he puts out his hand between them all and shakes it to indicate imbalance "Her eyes have a strange pink-purple glow and she is acting real weird?"

"Weird how?" Sara asks him in a tone, that shows her now rising concern.

"She tried to pickup on me and Hank?" he whispers to them, then adds, "And she is kind of 'swaying' like she is goofy?"

"This I have to see child!" Aung states to them both and they walk off in search of me.

Just as they spot me across the room, that second candy. Has found it's way into my mouth and I am sucking on that delicious thing for all it's got. As I try to walk or stumble my way across the sunroom, to get up stairs to Roz's room and have fun with her.

I stumble suddenly off my feet and fall on my butt, "Whoops!" I shout out and start giggling like mad at my falling down.

Gwen who happens to be standing there, just stares down at me sitting on the floor and my strange act of giggling like mad, "Rohanna? Crap!...your shit faced!"

"No way!" I laugh up at her from my butt and that strange idea of her's, "I don't get drunk! There is no Elvin bandy here? I could go get some of mine and let's see?" I ponder that new idea now.

All three of them now stand over me, as I try to get up and fail once trying? When I try again and nearly fail. Sara finally takes my arm and pulls me to my feet, when she sees that I can't get up anymore.

"Thanks Sara...ohh there ya are!" I state as if I just noticed she was there, "Lets go have some fun! Maybe grab Roz too?

Both of Sara's eyebrows go up, when she stares at Nikki in surprise, "She is toasted! What makes a Drow 'bent' or 'stoned' Aung?"

"I have no idea what could? She nearly drank that dragon's blood the other week, that alone should have killed her?"

I try to hand my last candy to Sara and get her to eat it, "Try this! It's great!" I offer it to her with a shaky hand.

Nikki takes it instead from me, "Where did this come from?"

"Ayla...and I like it! It tastes real good!" I say with a cheesy grin on my face.

"Did you start feeling 'real good' after having some of that?"

"Ya...I guess? But let's go have fun?" I purr at Sara, then make a grab at her chest, "I always love these things...mine aren't that big...yet? But maybe soon?" I ponder and make a grab at mine again to compare the size difference.

"Ayla! come here!" Nikki yells in a way out to the room, that everyone knows something is wrong.

Ayla runs over to them all, from her room just down the hallway "What?" She asks just getting there.

"Where in the heck did this chocolate come from?" Sara asks next and shows a piece to her.

"It's some uber rare blend, my sister found on her travels in Europe and it's mostly made of very rare beans from the South American jungles, why?" Ayla questions the demon girl.

"THAT!" Aunghadhail shouts back at her, while pointing right at me, "You found by accident, the only thing that makes her goofy? AS You kids say?"

Ayla turns to see me pawing at Sara, a lust demon! And I am winning! When I finally notice Ayla standing there with us, I just have to ask her, "Hey join us in my room, it will be fun!" I giggle to her and go back to my pawing at Sara.

"No in the same room with a drugged Drow and a lust demon? Nope I like my sanity!"

"Coward!" I say to her with a sloppy smile on my face.

Ayla shakes her head at the whole strange thing "Who would have thought that a simple candy, would make a Drow that can drink poison on her cornflakes. Act like this?"

Aunghadhail sees a growing issue in this "Children come closer to me and listen to me. Please, none of you say or tell anyone of this!" she insists.

"Why Aung?" Jade asks the queen.

"Why child? Because if that simple candy can be combined with yet another drug? It can be made to kill Rohanna! Understand my issue now?"

"Yes Aung...we do" most of the room says in turn to her.

"Well I guess, I will take 'miss grabby hands' back to her room and put her to bed then?" Sara states next to Nikki, while keeping me at bay, with her many tentacles.

" sex with her, she is not in her right mind!" Nikki's eyes narrow in warning the lust demon.

"What me! roofie a girl to have my way with her! I do have morals...low...but morals! Anyway I love a challenge like this!"

"What challenge is that?" Nikki scowls next at her "If I can ask?"

"Me 'NOT' having my way with her and avoiding her advances!"

Soon enough, Sara drags me to my room and when I finally become aware what she is doing! My clothes vanish off me as I hit the door "Well come in and lets have fun!" I purr back at her.

Sara shakes her head at me and 'facepalms' in defeat "This if going to be a long night!" and she slams the door shut.


Tuesday, March 13 6:15 am
Poe cottage--my room

I sit up suddenly in my bed and find Sara next to me? And my head is pounding like a drum at a parade! "What happened last night?" I groan out.

Sara, does not move at all. she just lays there like a slug and is all curled up in my sheets. When I give her a firm shove and she wakes with some more of my prodding. I ask her again "What happened last night?"

She smiles up at me, from her laying postion, "Nothing really? Sex wise that is!" She now pouts her disappointment of that at me.

"So what are you doing here. I can't remember anything past my dinner? And a cake?" I question even more, with a fog covering over the nights events in my head and a growing thumping of pain on top of that.

"Well Ayla? She gave ya a candy and that simple chocolate? It seems is your bane in the world. It drugged ya, then made you stoned and horny as all heck!"

"What!" I shriek out at her.

"Yep! It did! You tried to pickup on Hank and Doogie. Then finally me and Ayla?"

"Ohh my! Gaea I am so embarrassed!" I scream and pull the sheets over my head again.

"It's alright? None of them took ya up on the offer?" she smiles at me.

"What ever, but I did do it!" I mumble from beneath the sheets.

"But what hurt me the most was?" she admits to me "I had to tie you up all night in my tentacles! Or I am sure you would have run off and found someone!"

"AWWW fuck!"

"Nope we did not do that last my great pain! Gods it was hard for me not to take advantage of ya! All your pawing at me and saying fun stuff!"

"Sorry?" I mumble again and I pound at my bed in anger.

"It's okay? And then fun at the same time! I thought you had finally lost it, when you asked where Peeper was roomed at?"

"I did!" I suddenly shoot up in bed, as I shout out at her.

"Yep...ya did and it was funny!" she laughs back at me, barely able to stop.

I collapse back to the bed in defeat "So Ayla got rid of that candy?"

"I am not sure if she did? I did order pound boxes of it last night though? For later research?" she smiles evilly at me, her new intent.

"Why would you do that?"

"You know why?" she grins even more evilly at me, "besides trying out that candy, under controlled conditions? It might be fun?"

"Fun for you? But I blacked out! I don't remember a thing!" I warn her.

"Hummm? How about we try small bits, till we find a bad issue?"

"What? You're still insisting on this?"

"Ya, think of this as drinking? You did that in your past lives? Did you not?"

"Yes, and since you put it that way? Now it does sound kind of fun to me!"

"Yep, now I have to make sure that you don't get away from me and go bone Peeper!"

I shiver at the thoughts of being with Peeper in that way "If I do get away from you! I will curse you!"

"I am sure you will and I will curse myself, for letting THAT happen to a lover of mine!"

"Well I had better get up and get ready for the day!"

"Yep, but remember? Tenent has you on a very limited leash, so no class for you and you have to go see Bellows today?"

"Shoot! When is that pain scheduled for?"

"8 am?"

"So?" I grin to her "We have time till I have to go?"

"Yes we do, but I have to take it easy on ya. As I just know you're still hurting!"

Over an hour later after we had some fun, I walk back into my room from getting showered up and find that Sara is still in my room? And laying on my bed too!

"Why are you" I ask her, as I toss a wet towel into my bin of laundry.

"I wanted to make sure you're all good?" she winks at me, "Can't I do that?"

"But don't you have class too?"

"Yes, but I have a more independent schedule than you do, I can skip some classes once and a while," she grins up at me, while rolling over onto her side.

"That must be real nice to have?" I say to her, as I pull out today's underwear and start to put it on.

Sara, gets up from her laying there on my bed and tempting me again. To help me into my top, then brushes out my long hair for me, while I grab a bottle of nail polish and start to put it on.

"Love this long hair, but it does take time out of the day to brush it?" she asks.

"Yes, it does? I find that time is great for calming myself for the day to come, that small task and the time it takes."

"Humm, now I can see why the long hair. It makes more sense now!"

After she is done for me, I stand and my armor pops onto my body. I give it a few adjustments and go to hug her before I go.

Sara stops me, and then studies me rather strangely "Why the armor?"

"I just feel like wearing it?"

"But you have so many nice things to wear now? Why wear, what you wore for so many years back then? It makes no sense to do that now?"

I sigh back to her, after I give her a shrug "I have no idea, this just 'felt' better today for some reason?"

"Well off ya go! Tell Bellows for me, that I found some more of your loose screws last night!" She smiles at me, then wraps a deep hug and kiss on me.

"I think telling him of my candy addiction is a bad thing?" I question her logic.

"Ya, but such fun to see what those limits are!" she warns me and gives me the littlest evil smirk, "Now! git going!" Then she smacks my backside, as I get shoved out the door of my room.


Tuesday, March 13 8:00 am
Doyle med center

After I close the main offices door, I smile to Doogie, "Well how was my party last night?"

"Very fun, after you left!"

"Ohhh pooo! On ya!" I almost shout at him.

"So are you feeling, more like yourself?" he whispers to me.

"Yessssss, and don't you tell the doc! OR any doc about that...ever!"

"Never, my lips are sealed. Doctor-patient privilege!" then he waves at the door for me, "the doc is waiting for ya, go on in?"

After I go into Bellows office, I close the door behind me slowly as I greet him "Hi Doctor Bellows, I was told to come on in today?"

"Yes, Rohanna. You were, please have a seat?" he points at one of his large wingback chairs by his desk.

Before I go to sit, I just have an urge to go look out both of his windows and once that is done. That chair he pointed to, I move it to a better spot. One that I feel is more comfortable and go sit in it.

After I give Violet a wave to go perch herself, I ask Bellows softly "Why this visit...sir?"


My simple task of task of checking the room out, before I sat. It looked to him like this, rather than the simple thing it was in my mind.

Before he begins talking to Rohanna.

Doctor Bellows makes several notes, on what he just watched the Drow teen do when Rohanna entered the room.

After she closed the door behind her softly, she then locked it and checked it to be sure. Then walked slow measured steps, across the room. Like she was judging the distance to be sure, to each window in turn and checked each window to be sure it was locked.

What was a surprise to him at each window, was that she placed a very small spell on each and tested the glass to know it's strength with a small 'tap'? Next she paced the room off towards the set of chairs and moved the one farthest from the door. Over to the wall, with it's back at the wall. The other chair, was moved ever so slightly, to cover the door and give her something to 'duck' behind?

Next, as she sat down. She flicked her hand 'just so' and that Pixie of her's. Flew off and found a spot to cover her, from behind him! When that Pixie landed on her spot to perch, her wicked sharp spear came out.

This change in her, was alarming indeed to him.


"Well Rohanna? I called you in to have a regular chat and maybe? We can discuss if any of the attacks on you, have affected your well being or feeling of safely at Whatley?"


"So, do you feel safe here?"

"No," I say more than flatly.

"Alright? I can understand that?"

"Really...sir? You understand being a 'pin' cushion?"

"Please, I am trying to help you?"

"Hummm, okay? Then 'help' away?" I wave a dismissive hand at him.

"I understand you don't like coming here to see me, that is normal to most who do come here?"

"Yes, that I am sure of. But in my case, I do know I am 'nuts' and know exactly what is wrong with me."

"That 'thing' you can't talk about?"

All I can get out to him is a simple nod of my head, that's enough for his understanding.

"We will try and come back to that if we can? But let's work on that feeling safe issue?"

"So? I am not feeling safe here at all, anymore after this last issue?"

"Well lets us try and fix that, shall we?"

"Maybe, no on that? You're not a warrior and have no idea on how to fix it? So I guess we are done!"

After I am done barking at him, I spring to my feet and walk to his door at a quick pace. But Bellows stops me with a simple request "Please stop Rohanna? I am trying to help you?"

I stop at his door, with the knob in my hand "And what if I want to leave today?"

"Leave this office or the school?"

"The office, of course?"

"Please stay, you need this time with me today and if I have too? I will insist on you staying? You made a promise to Carson, to let me try and help you over this issue and many others?"

"That I did, but using it as a weapon? That is not a good idea on your part?"

"Please sit, as a friend with me and not as a patient?"

I sigh deeply back to him, "I will do it for you, only you because you asked me the way you should."

And I retake my seat, but not before checking the room again, with a quick glance as I sat!

"So, why the armor you're wearing today?"

"It felt, right, good to me and so I wore it?"

Bellows takes down some fast notes on his pad, then asks "Did you notice the way you walked into my office today? Was that planned, or you just being you?"

"No planning on my part? Everyone tells me I walk funny? Or look over a room more than once in my strange way?"

"Well I noticed a vast change this time, from your normal way of coming into my office?"

"Ya, doc? What?"

"You locked my door, checked the window locks, dropped a spell on each, and then moved both of my chairs to cover the room better, with your back at the wall? Then add Violet, she is behind me and her weapon is out?"

As he goes down that long list of what I just did, I go down my own list of why I did that!

Sara's little attack and what it showed me. I may have gotten over it, but it still was there? The Big Boston fight and how I was humans as a monster! Then the other Boston trip and it's issues with the same humans.

Next was Truck and his little spat, that I let get too far? One that almost killed me? Heck it did kill me! But what I saw there shocked me, I wanted to stay?

Now this week, with Aunghadhail and her experiments. That made me feel so used, and dirty! She violated the basic laws! But punishment will never come for her now?

Then the other days attack? I am sure that one is linked to Boston and that Reverend who chases after Sara, to kill her for being a GOO. And now that same mad man, he is chasing after me somehow?

I run my fingers through my hair nervously and stare at Bellows as I almost whisper back to him.

"So? I am not feeling safe here at all, not anymore after this last issue?" but my mind goes over that vast list of many issues of why this place is not safe, too many issues I just listed not a second ago to myself!

"Is there any idea that you have, that can help with that feeling of yours?"

"Leave and find a place where only us Sidhe live?" that is the only thing I can think of to fix this?

"I don't think that is possible or smart right now? To cut off a whole section of people from the rest?"

"Let's not go there, it's not a good place for someone to enter...that does not know what is coming?"

"What is coming then? Please tell me?"


"With what? War, with who?"

"Something so old, just looking at one would kill you. That is the only reason for me to be here?"

"So you are thinking about that 'I am weapon' issue again?"

"I am one...and" I try to tell him what Aunghadhail did to me, us but can't and that blasted book again, it stops me cold!

"We can help you past that feeling? Maybe you can try being a student first? I heard you taught the archery class very well, the students loved you!"

I grin at him "I know, I love that teaching and showing others new skills."

"We can try and get you more classes to help TA with?"

"I would like that a lot" then it hits me again. I am training others to kill, just like before?

When he sees or feels how suddenly sad I get, he asks me at a near whisper "What Rohanna, you were happy just a second ago? What changed?"

"I remembered why I trained others?" I sniff now, as my tears now fill my eyes, "I was training more weapons!"

"But here, you are not doing that? Archery class is more about the sport here, or the simple challenge it brings to most."

"I guess?" I say back to him, so not sure anymore what is real?

"Well it is? I have not heard of any archery powered students at this school this term? And if we do get one, that uses that power? We can have them train with others? Is that a good way to solve this?"

"Maybe, maybe...not? What if they die someday and what I might have taught them, could have saved them?" I worry on in my head, that future and the unknown past of my training others? Did I fail some students of mine way back then?

"Like you just said, maybe and we can never know the truth of then?"

"I want to go now, can I?" I beg him.

"Sure, why not? You gave me a good try today, so let's stop and pick this up tomorrow?" he suggests to me with a smile.

"Tomorrow?" my head tilts to him, as I question his statement, "I have classes tomorrow, one of them is teaching archery, if you keep letting me do that?"

"Okay then, let's do this after that one class. I will not take that from you, unless you want to stop it?"

"One class?" I question on more.

"Yes, one class. I am excusing you from the rest of them for the day and maybe Wednesday's classes too?"


He hands me a sheet of paper from his printer, "Please go and ask Sara for me? She may explain this better to you, than I can?"

I take the offered page and my power over reading fast goes to work. It drops it all into my mind in a second, but I don't understand any of it at all? And most of all, one word..... Hypervigilance?

"Are...are you going to send me back to ARK?" I have to ask him and see if he tells me the truth!

"Never! I will fight with all I have, to keep that from happening to you. That would be a death sentence, at best for you! I can't live with that outcome for you?"

"Thanks...sir. For telling me the truth?"

With a nod from him, I go to the door and leave. As I exit the outer office, I notice I am hungry and skipped breakfast today in my haste to get here. Or maybe, missed it because of Sara and that last fling!

When I get outside of Doyle, I port off to Crystal to fetch myself that missed breakfast. As I stand in line, my phone rings and I look to see who is calling me? A picture of a evilly grinning Sara, shows me who is there and I answer it fast!

"Where ya at? Bellows called me and told me you escaped!...Nutty Drow on the loose!" she giggles to me.

"I am filling that void, from last night?"

"Hummm?" she questions me, with sexy intent dripping on the very sound of her voice.

"Food, not that!" I shriek out.

"Ohhh I thought you found Peeper...and!"

"Yeeech! Now I am losing my appetite!" I pretend vomiting at the phone.

"I'll be right there!" she sings at me over the phone.

"Wait, I think we need to talk somewhere more personal? Bellows gave me a note to show you? I don't understand what it says, the words are none I have ever heard of?"

"Okay, he did call and tell me that. So wait there for me, grab a to-go box and we will eat out somewhere?"

After I grabbed a small bag full of to-go boxes, just filled with food. Sara came rushing into Crystal and up to me "Well lets go!" she beams at me.

"Where too?" I question her.

"That small hill where Sam set-up that range to shoot from? I saw she added a nice group of benches and a great table that looks like a rock?"

With a touch and a small thought on my part. We are there, that bag of food gets dropped on to the table and as I go to sit. Sara asks me "That note, I want to read it while you eat some?"

I hand it to her, as I start on the first box of food. While I eat, she paces the stone table all around me, reading that note and as she does. Sara sounds out "Hummm?" or "Okay?" once and awhile. That sound from her bothers me greatly, as I can't read her body language to tell if that is good or bad for me!

As that first box of food is finished off, I just have to ask her. It's killing me! "What!" I shout at her, "what is it?"

"This basically says to me and I agree with Al...ahh Bellows. You are having issues with being hurt so much, so now you are overreacting too much?"

"What does that mean?" I squint to her.

"That armor you're wearing, you checking locks and sometimes more than once. Resetting a chair, so your back is against the wall?" she waves her hand all around us "Even out here, I am sure that you're feeling out to the winds or the plants? To see, who maybe around us now?"

"So? I do that, what is the issue with it?"

"You did not do it last week?" she states to me and the worry shows in her voice to me now.

I look back over the week in my head. She is right, I did not do that last week? I used to in the far past, as everything was out to kill me? But not now!

"What gets me, is why you're acting this way? I know you got messed up a bit this month?" she questions herself "the change, dealing with Aung suddenly. My attack, and I hope you are past that?" she grins at me.

"Yes love...we are far past that!"

"So that leaves, Boston and the maybe of who did that?" When she says that, I look away suddenly and she catches that move of mine.

"Then Truck and his group? I know that shook you up badly, but you can kill them all at anytime! You let them beat!" she almost cries for my pain "To show that blasted Carson you can control yourself!"

"I am trying, I did let them go too far? That TK guy got me off guard with that attack of his?"

"Okay, one day he will get his!" she shakes a fist at nothing and crumples that paper a little more, "But then add, this last sword deal, then maybe Aunghadhail and that issue with Caitlin you both will not talk about?"

I nod as best I can to her, on that issue of Caitlin and Artificers.

"So there is nothing else? All of that is bad, but nothing else to add?"

I look away from her new stare, or I might lie to her with my very eyes!

"DARN IT! there it is, there is something else! Tell me!" she demands from me, just after she spots my glancing away from her.

"No," I say at the woods beyond us, that I now stare at.

"Please tell me?" she pleads to me now and grabs onto one of my hands.

"No, last time I did. You got lost in yourself and hurt me. That might not happen this time, you hurting me? But you getting lost, that might still happen?"

"I will not get lost?" she gives me a very questioning look to the strangeness of my answer, "Whatever that really means?"

"LOST! As in, do something stupid and get sent away from here or worse!"

"Me?" she questions my logic.

"Yes you!"

"Tell me what this is? Or I can not fix it, or avoid it?"

"I have someone working on it, for us both?"

"Ohhhh you do! That can be only one person...or THING!" she shouts out, now mad as she can get and the shadows grow in size around her in her anger.

Suddenly, with her great speed. Sara grabs on my arm, 'actually' she latches on to me! Then drags me off at great speed to Poe and her basement room. She blows us both into her already open door and then slams it closed.

Next, She shouts out at the pentagram on the floor, "DADDY! Get here right now! I demand answers for this...thing you did! Or are hiding from me!"

While she stands there waiting and she is very angry at the world. She places me on her bed and grabs a soda for me, "Here, have this for now? I have a father to hurt a little!"

As usual, a dark circle of shadows forms on one wall and a tall man wearing an faultless white suit walks out of it. "Good day Rohanna? I hope your classes are doing well?" He greets me, when he exits.

"They are Gothmog...sir? I am finding out so much now and showing some of the other kids what I know of archery?"

"Good to hear that! Did you need anything?" he grins at me.

"Not that I know of?"

"Good please call on me, if I can help out with anything?"

Sara's tapping foot, now gets his attention "Well my pumpkin? What is this call for, if not for Rohanna and her well being?"

"IT IS DADDY! You hid things from me! What are they?"

"What are you talking about, Sara...dear?" he grins to her.

"Something happened this month and that is affecting Rohanna's balance in life. Doc Bellows is calling it Hypervigilance syndrome," she tells him rather flatly, with very little in the way of respect to him.

"I see? Well we can not have that. I am dealing with that issue and now! I will speed up my dealing with that and put much more effort into it's resolution!"

"Tell me daddy!" she demands again.

"No, I promised not too involve you in this."

Sara glares at me sipping on my soda, while sitting on the bed, "You asked him to leave me out of what Rohanna?"

"This, last time I got hurt. This time, I want it handled differently?"

"We are both past Please tell me or let daddy tell me?"

I shake my head, just a little to them both.

"DARN it! Please?"

"See what I mean, you get lost in it?"

Her dad laughs at her, as he watches us both talk "The Drow is right, this one is a smart one! She does know our kind very well indeed! The younger ones of our race, like you my dear? They do get fixated and get as she says 'lost' to the subject in their anger."

"DAD! You are not helping me here! Rohanna needs help, or this will get worse?" Sara snarls at her father now.

"I am helping her and will now double or better my current efforts to do so?"

"See, all is love?"

"No it's not, how can I help out if I do not know what is wrong. If this 'unknown' passes right before me now, I will miss it and you will get hurt for it?" she pleads with me.

Gothmog winks at me "She is correct on that logic? But it is still your choice, to do as you wish on this?"

After several minutes thinking and my frustration growing with every one of those seconds. I give into the logic of her's "Okay, tell her everything Gothmog. Sara is right on that logic...simple black and white. Her not knowing can get us both hurt?"

Gothmog, he nods his understanding of my wishes to me and runs down the whole incident in his strange language to Sara in mere seconds. When he is finished, she looks at me and is very upset at it all.

"So Reverend Englund is at it again?" she questions both of us.

"I don't think so? I questioned him days ago and he seemed to know nothing of this attacks on us both?"

"You did?" Both of them say almost in unison to me.

"Yes, he seemed to believe me, a little bit?"

"I have to wonder why he would do that now?"

"Maybe he understands, that I" my head tilts in the old thoughts of back then, "a hunter of the GOO. If I don't see you...Sara, as a threat? Then you are not one?"

"So all of this, so far is this new Roberts guy?" Sara asks us both.

"That is what the last assassins in Boston told me?" Gothmog tells his child.

"Yes, that leader of that small group of three and the sniper, they both ousted him," I add my knowledge to the subject.

"But daddy? You said you talked to only two?" then she turns to glare me, still sitting on her bed "What or who is the third one Rohanna?" she now asks me.

"There were three of them, in that team of snipers. One shooter, a leader and some get-away driver" I sigh a little to her, as I look down to the floor in apprehension, "I killed the last one, by snapping his neck."

"YOU WHAT?" she asks in shock of my act.

"I killed him and it felt rather good to me at the time. Crushing that life from some," I nearly spit the next word out to her in my anger "HUMAN! That was trying to kill us both, for only the want of money!"

"Damn it! Why did you do that, was it that damned Drow part of you again?"

"Yes and don't disrespect a whole part of me! That 'Drow' is me, a very large part of what I am now!" I shout back at Sara.

Sara lowers her voice, to just above a whisper to me "I am sorry, I forget sometimes what it might be like to have two halves and having both parts fighting in your head like that?"

Gothmog, cuts the sudden silence of the room with his next bit of information "Just so you both know this? When I found a hidden meeting place of this cabal? One that they had just left hours before and burned down after their leaving. My personal, they found. No felt, the presence of Mythos in the room and it was a very slight one?"

"That would make the sword that got SHOVED through Rohanna make more sense?" Sara tells him, then looks at me for answers.

"Yes, that would make sense to me? That blade was rare in ancient times, I only ever saw two of them in all my time? We all thought, at the time. The blades were made by Mythos magic and used by their assassins on my kind."

"Well that changes things, now doesn't it!" Sara quips in now.

"Yes it does," Gothmog tones out slowly to me, "But which one of my kind, would have allied themselves with a human priest, that chases one of us?"

"I am sure the human knows nothing of what he is dealing with, or is being controlled by that GOO your team felt?" I suggest.

"But who of us, would come after me?" Sara asks her father.

"Not you, they want me and killing you is a way to that goal. Then add, I am sure this being, wants you out of the way and add to that....your dad?"

"Who would want that!" She shakes her head at the idea and paces the room in thought, "None of my family want me that dead! My uncle, maybe?"

"There is only one, that gains from all three of us dying and that now includes Nikki too!"

"Who is that?" Sara questions me, but I can tell her dad...he knows who I am talking about.

"The Bastard, the one who is solely responsible for my life being ruined!"

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"Rohanna is correct, my daughter. That is the only one, who can even hold these cards in the game being played now?"

"This is his first move, or one of the first moves?"

"I am sure also," Gothmog adds to my theory.

"Well, how about the both of you figure this out? As I have no idea what is out beyond the campus grounds and I have no real contacts out there to use."

After I finish that short statement, I start walking to the door to leave both of them.

"Where are you going Rohanna?" Sara asks me , just as she notices me at the door.

"I am going to go do something I should have done weeks ago, for someone very important to me. I will see you later tonight, perhaps dinner time?"

"Fine, I will meet you in crystal for dinner and call me for a time to be there please?"

"Yes, I will and now I am off!" and out the door I go, to leave the two GOO to figure out how to end this mess, or at the least get me and Sara off that target list.


Tuesday, March 13 11:05 am
Poe cottage basement, Sara's door

I wave to Violet, who was waiting in the hallway for my exit "Hey my little one, let's be going? We have something very important to do today!" I grin at her.

"What is that?" her tiny voice asks me, from just landing on my shoulder.

"The most important thing in the world, to both of us right now!" I smile to her now and with a thought we port to the Groves outer trail.

"We are!" she squeals in joy to me.

"Yes we are, I wanted to save you from some of my pain. The pain I have in those old memories, but my doing that. It hurt you even more? So today, we will do what I should have done weeks ago!"

She hugs my neck, as tight as she can muster "Please I want this so bad!"

Once we both walk into the Grove's center. I spot Aunghadhail off to one side, she is sitting on a large stone and writing in a spellbook is my guess.

"So you are here now, even in the daytime?" I ask the old Fae Queen.

"Yes I am, Warrior. I want this task done as fast, as I can get it finished."

"Let me guess, You are writing even more spellbooks for all the Sidhe to use?"

"For all, for you, for Nikki? Then I am adding to that with my take on past history?"

I walk slowly to her, as we both talk and now stand over her. I tap on that book she now writes in, sitting on her lap, "So, is the way to get that CURSED book of command off me in this?"

Aung sighs back to me, "No that knowledge is not in this tome, I wrote all about how to do that several weeks ago. It has been placed in a safe spot and will be shown to you soon enough. Or I will show you it, when I feel you are better able to cope with this new world without the book's Geas on you?"

"So your opinion is what is binding me now, not the book's?"

"I know you want total freedom from that Geas and the binding? But you need more time to balance this new life before that freedom comes. If you go too fast in this, it will hurt you or others you care for and lastly maybe cause your death?" Aung tells me, while not even having the courage to look me in the face.

"I hope your right and DO the right thing!"

"I will," she says rather flatly to me, that regal demeanor of her's shows once again.

"Aung, Can you please stand for me?"

"Yes I can, why Rohanna?"

"For this" I state to her as she stands up, then I yell out at the Grove "I claim aggrieved status and want to punish the bad manners Aunghadhail had with me this week?"

~"GRANTED"~ the Grove's winds cry out to us both.

"What?" Aunghadhail suddenly questions me in her confusion at my request and even more on it being honored!

Now my right hand raises fast and strikes her across the left side of her face even faster. The fierce blow, cases her to sway and falter, but not fall. She stands back up to me fully, as her fists both ball up in anger and a spell is being called by her via a small whisper of her's.

"THAT was for calling me a 'servant!' You will never call me that again, you are no longer a Queen to anyone! You're the one who offered to call me 'sister' and with that one word 'servant'!" I yell at her "you left all that goodwill behind!"

"I should!...." she trails off the threat, as I step up to her closer, far too close for her to act and she knows it!

"You should what!" I demand from her, just inches from her face, "Rebuild that bridge of goodwill by actions and keep helping me with learning something that might save us Sidhe someday? Something that might even save Nikki herself?"

"You are right? I should have never said that, it was said in anger and then I made it worse by adding that command from your book to that?" She yields up an apology to me.

"Ohh yes you did, you stepped over a huge line there and I almost thought to hurt Nikki for it! I would have hurt an innocent because of your actions" I shout at her now and give her pause.

"I am sorry, both to you and Nikki. I made a large mistake."

"I understand what you were after, I may have needed that harsh shove to come to realize, that evil act you did! It was back then, not in this now I stand in? And I can't do anything about it, but deal with it inside myself as best I can?"

"Yes I hope you will come to find, a better balance soon and can I help with regaining that balance in some small way?"

"Yes you can, please tell Sara what you did to me with Artificers? Then she will know and that knowledge will help her, to help me past this dark place in my mind?"

"I will do so tonight with Sara, you are right and you need her full help."

"Thanks for that, I needed to hear that you do care?"

"I do" she says to me, but I feel a veil of something else behind those few words.


After I nod to Aung, I walk off far deeper into the Grove and search out for one of the Nymph matrons. When I find one, I ask her where a good place to lay a spell circle would be here and she leads me off to such a spot. The one she leads me to, was far better than I hoped to ever get.

As this one had at least three large ley lines under it! Then add to that, a very large and utterly flat surface to make that circle upon it. This was a real gem of a find.

With a smooth motion I pull my large bronze colored box from nothing and then unlock it. Once the top of it slides clear, a small box is pulled from within it, by my almost shaking hands.

A box that held lots of importance to me and held some sadness within it too?

This box is gently laid on a nearby rock, with the honor and care it deserves. Then I grab a small kit for making casting circles form that box and I close my larger box back up.

When that box of mine fades away, I go back to that smaller box and wave Violet over to me "Come my little one, this is important to you," I beckon to her.

When she flies over to me, My hand lays on the boxes top and I think of a little saying of honor to it and it's past owner. Then I open the box's top to her "This was the box that my very first Pixie owned, all that she was is in here and no other Pixie has ever looked in here," I more than choke up, my eyes fill with tears at the memories and nearly cry to her.

On the boxes top is one layer of silk, with a long lost Pixie family crest embroidered on it and below it is folded leather. This leather, is a full size leather set of armor, one that is far too large for a Pixie to ever use.

As I pull that out of the box and lay it on that silk cloth. Violet looks at me strangely and asks me "How did she use that, it's so big?"

"Magic of course?" I smile at her.

The next item pulled out, is a book bound in a fine skin of a magical beast that only this Pixie knew? She never told me, then add to that. This was her family's book, it contains her diary and that long family history she had. Along with I am sure of, many of her personal spells.

"This Violet, is yours now. It was her diary, spell book and family history. It's up to you to read it and tell others what's inside this, in a teaching circle one day?"

"What was her name?"

"Khemir, because of the white color her hair had and how hard she fought for me!"

"That was her given name, so what will mine be?"

"I will still call you Violet, as I love that name on you. But your honor name between us, will be 'Tagnik'zun xukuth' As no other heart beats stronger, more loyal or with such fire as a dragon's does! All that is in you, my small one." (dragon's heart)

"I love that name!" she shouts up at me and her pride shows it.

Then I pull a small roll of leather out of the box and lay it on the silk next. I open the roll's leather strap holding it closed and when it is opened. The roll shows a set of spears for Pixies, with each one inside it's own small slot "This was her's too" I begin "It's all yours now, to bring new honor with them and to them!"

Violet sings out happily to the Grove and the world "I will, I will!"

My hand slides down the armors side and it splits open with it's passing. Then I find at the armors inside, just at the center of the back. A small flap and under it when lifted, is a small metal tag that is part of the leather.

"What color would you like to see accent your new armor and as if I did not already know that choice little one?!" I nod to her.

"Violet of course!" she winks at me.

I finger a magic pattern on that small metal tab, when done it's runes glow with Violet fire and a very small box the size of a Pixie hand is lit by them on the tag.

"Place your right hand, your heart hand, in that box and think of that violet color you want to see? Then say "Usst!" with feeling and this armor will be yours from now on." (Mine)

I watch on as she does what I said, when she is done. The armor's runes all embroidered on it's surface glow and the base color changes from a gray. To a very dark violet, with bright violet accents in the runes and sleeves.

When the glow from the runes finally died down, the whole suit of armor shrank down to Violet's exact size. She gasped at the magic happening before her, once it was done matching her smaller size. She picked it up, then hugged the armor close to her chest and looked up at me.

"This is mine now?" she asked me reluctantly.

"Yes, it is yours for all time. May it guard you in your life!"

"What next?" she asks me, with a look of uncertainness on her small face and in her voice.

"Put it on, then we can bond with it's help better and easier?"

Her old armor flies off her, as fast as she can pull it from her body and then she slides the new armor on to her body. As it goes sliding onto her back, her wings vanish, for but a second and reappear when she is done closing the suit. Just as good magic armor should do, it lets you get into it with little fuss and great speed!

"All done! How do I look?"

"Beautiful! My little one," I say proudly to her.

She leaps into the air and flies all around me like a creature gone mad! "Wow!" she shouts out, "this armor fits so well, I don't even feel it! And am I flying faster now?" she questions me as she spins about me, at nearly a blur.

"Yes you are, that is part of the magic and I will explain all of that later on! But now, land for me and think of the word "Jatha'la" (big)

She goes to land on my shoulder, but I shoo her off and point at the nearby rock "Over there, please? You will understand better when this happens?"

"What happens?" she questions my words.

"Just think that word for me, when you land? Please."

When violet lands on that rock, she makes a comical effort at showing me, she is thinking of that one word and to her utter shock. She grew to my size, well a little shorter?

At five foot-three, Is my guess?

Violet spins all about in shock and looks over her shoulder at the fact her wings vanished. Then she glares at me "Where are my wings?"

A Fae as big as you, it really can't fly too well and losing them, it helps you blend better with us 'elves'?" I tell her the facts of the suits magic on her.

"Can I go back?" she asks in shock, that maybe this is permanent?

I laugh at her fear "Of course you can! Just think 'Inlul' and all will return to normal."

"Wow! This is neat" she shrieks out and hugs me.

I hug her back, in full size for the first time "Yes it is!"

"How long does this last?" she asks me, after she lets me go and starts comparing her new size to all the things around her in glee!

"Well it lasts in the Grove, as long as you want it too? In the real world, it lasts but one hour a day and must recharge off the magic of the world for a full day, to regain that hour back."

After I explain the spell more to her, her sister Lilac shows up and stares at her in shock when she notices the elf standing there is her sister! "What happened to you!" she shouts in her surprise.

"Magic and now I am the BIG sister for little BUG!" and Violet makes a playful swipe at her flying sister in fun.

"Okay you two, please none of that now!" I shout at both of them, before this gets out of hand and off track!

"I will get you later!" Lilac warns Violet.

"No you won't!" she fires back and they start squaring up again.

"Now Lilac? I have something to do with Violet right now and it's very important. So please go and we can do this later?"

"Siyo, ussta Jabbress?" she nods to me and flies off.
(Yes, my Mistress)

After I grab that casting kit from off the rock and open it. I start making a circle, to cast this binding spell in with poured Mithril power and that is mixed with other ingredients only I know about.

"Violet?" I start to explain to her, "This circle is for us to use to make a binding spell inside of, once it is done. We both enter, then say a magic spell I will give you the words to and then exchange our blood via a slice to each of our right hands."

"I understand this, I was told some of this via the elders and some ancient tomes they have."

"So you know the words to use?"


"Repeat them for me now?"

She does as asked and repeats the spell for me, very well indeed. When she is done, I nod to her "Perfect, they showed you the right spell and that shows me they trust you!"

When I get all the circle finally drawn onto the flat surface and checked to be sure I am right with a few small spells. I go to kneel at its center and beckon to Violet to kneel facing me.

My harvester or Athame some call it, comes out and I cut my right hand. "This is going to hurt?" I say to Violet.

"A small cut I can take!" she boasts.

"No the cut is nothing, you're going to share and know all my pain and I yours. That is the real pain part!"

She nods to me and offers her hand to me, to then slice and we grasp hands together.

"Now say that spell" I ask her and we both start saying it together....word for word.

When the spell reaches its end, the runes about us in the circle are glowing fiercely and we can feel the magic working on its path. Our very souls are about to touch and I go to hug her close to me with my free left arm. Violet does the same to me and we pull as close as we can to one another.

"This is going to hurt you, I wanted to save you from this. But you wish to be with me, like my other Pixies were in the past and I love you for that bravery."

Then the glow hits a spike and flows to our hugging bodies and flows right through them. Both Fae souls touch for but a second!

Next A cry of pain comes from Violet, when the Fae minds behind those souls, it joins fully and I cry in joy now at seeing the world she has seen.

As her head rests on my shoulder and mine on her's. Violet's tears flow off her face, as her body shakes and her voice mumbles in pain to me.

"Gaea, what great pain you have been through!" she gasps out, then cries even harder into my shoulder and the armor covering it. As my life of memories flows into her.

"I know," I cry also, but I am crying in joy at seeing her life and world of being a Pixie! With all the fun and joy of growing up as one so loved by those around her.

When the spell has done it's job of pain and joy to us both. We fall hugging each other close to the smooth stone circle's center and lay there holding one another for over three hours.

As I get finally up and pull her up with me. I sniff to her, "Thanks for being so brave and doing this. The life you have lived is so full of joy!"

"I am not brave, you are for waking up each day and pressing on no matter what! Even with all that behind you, but remember most of all my new sister. That pain was then, live for the now and remember that love and joy you had in those days as a human. I saw them all, the joy they had in them and you need to pull them closer to you, they can help you!"

"I will try, all I can do is try."

As we both leave that circle of fading magic, Violet and I glance at one another now and smile. We can hear each other's very thoughts now, joined now to hear one another when we want to or close out the other if we want to?

But for now, our very thoughts flow back and forth. When they do, we both have to giggle out at one another "Hungry?" we both say at the same time.

We both nod to each other and laugh even harder.

After a short walk to the Grove's edge, I port us both to Crystal and we walk in. As Violet goes over the vast trays of food in the service line and picks out what she wants to eat. As she is busy, I remember something and I dial up Sara's phone.

"Hey, my love. We are eating, come on over and I have a surprise to show ya?"

"On my way and what did you do?" Sara questions me on the phone.

"Ohhh nothing bad! Just get over here and we can eat?"

"BYE!" and the phone clicks silent.

With my phone back in it's pocket, I turn back to the line and find a shock! Violet has FIVE, very large cups of Cocoa on her tray and a set of hot fudge sundaes! The only real food on her tray, is a small salad!

"You are going to be bouncing off the walls with all that in ya!" I warn her.

"Yes!" she squeals to me, "I want all this! Now, as this time I can try you do!"

"Fine with me, it's your stomach?" I warn her and shake my head at the same time.

At the lines end, I slide my card in the pay slot at the resister and tell the cashier. That Violet is my guest for the day and her food is on my monthly guest pass. The lady nods back to me "Fine, but should she eat like that?"

"Violet is good, she will learn what is good or not? You have to live the rules, not just hear them?"

The lady nods back with a knowing smile to me. 'Yes' I am sure she is thinking, you have to get burned by a stove once and awhile to learn, to stay away from one.

When we both find a spot near the regular tables and start eating. Sara tramps up the stairs and plops next to me. She grins at me, then gives me a deep hug.

When she is done, she asks me when she glances at Violet "Who is the new elf?"

Violet mumbles through her eating that sundae "Not new, just bigger!" and smiles at Sara as she spoons a hunk of sundae, into her waiting mouth.

"What was that?" Sara asks me, more than confused.

"This is Violet, Sara?" I say simply to her and take a bite of my food.

"What? Violet is a Pixie! That is only about a foot tall, this Fae here is over five foot!"

"Still Violet, no matter the size."

"So let me guess? You gave her this new armor and there is a spell in it that does this?" she waves a hand over the now giant size Violet.


"Hummm how long does this last? Not permanent I hope!"

"We are not telling, but it can come in handy though!"

As Sara ponders that spell on Violet. Gwen comes upon to us, with her tray loaded down with dinner and Rhia is following with her. Both spot both us already there, then the 'new kid' next to us and come over to sit with our group.

"Hey you're new here?" Gwen states to Violet, as she sits at the table with us, "I am Gwen and this is Rhia. When did you get in Whateley?"

Violet giggles at her, while trying to eat, "Four weeks ago and I know you both!"

Gwen squints back at her and then studies her a for little while. Then notes the all messed up violet hair she has, the larger eyes, her longer ears of a Pixie, and her eating habits are the last clue!

"Violet!" she shouts out now, in her surprise "how did you get so big!"

"Rohanna, she gave me magic and this armor to do it! Gaea I love being this big, it's fun to be normal size in a human world!" she grins back to her.

Gwen yells at me, "You just know this is going to land you in trouble Rohanna?" as she 'facepalms' in her defeat.

"How is that? They have seen Violet when she was smaller, so what's the difference now?"

Sara winks at me now, with an evil thought "I wonder what a Pixie is like in bed?"

"Ahhh no corrupting Violet now Sara! Not a good idea to do that?"

"Awww shoot! No fun!" she pouts at me, but still has that evil grin at the same time.

"I should be enough for you, on most nights?" I glare at her, daring her to say 'other' than a yes!

A now very cornered Sara gives in to me ", you are!"

"Better!" I grin at the table in victory.

Unfortunately for Violet, our meal goes longer than an a hour and she shrinks back down to her normal size then pouts a little in it. Once we all finish, we leave off to class, for some of the kids at the table? Sara and I go back to Poe with Violet buzzing around us both like mad!

"I told you this would happen, look at you! You're acting like a nut Violet!"

All she did was buzz around in reply to me! "Weee, Weee!" she screamed in the air around us.


Friday, March 16 4:05 am
The access road around Whateley

I had just left Bree behind at her dorm, as she does not run nearly as far in the morning that I do. As my running takes me on the path nearest to the rear of Holbrook arena, I hear a faint sound? A sound that gets me worried a little, with a thought instead of a hand signal to Violet. She sped off from my shoulder, to go see what that is I am hearing now.

I feel so much better that we joined like a Drow and Pixie should...this deeply, now I have a friend to talk to in my head and in my very thoughts! Doing that act, has so relaxed me, then it's is far better than just talking to Bellows over the last few days and even he can see it.

One more meeting today early this morning with Bellows, and he might release me back to a full class schedule! The other kids wonder why I want one? But Sara, she understands that going to class, it fills my day and gives me something to do besides the 'drive' of mine to workout, or practice all day, in my burned in need to be ready for a fight.

Suddenly, a man jumps from the bush that I am just passing by. As he comes into my view he yells out at me "I am from....."

I send him flying back into the bush with a viscous round house kick to his chest, as I yell back to him, "I don't care where you're from...FUCK OFF!"

Then I hear a shriek of pain, not just any pain. But the pain only a Pixie can give a human come from where Violet went off too.

~"What as that Violet!"~ I ask her in my head.

~"Ohh nothing, just a stinky human, that I just found was stalking us both, in a bush over here!"~

Yet another scream in pain, breaks the quiet of the access road again and again from that direction.

~"Remember the rules, no killing!"~

~I know, I KNOW,"~ she sasses me back mentally.

The man I sent flying with that kick, finally stands from his trip back to the bush. He wheezes and gasps short of breath from the impact to his chest. But still makes a move to something in the small of his back.

My armor pops to cover me and I port behind him. When there, I spot the gun at his back that he was going for and grab the arm that was heading toward it.

I hiss at him, "Doing that was a mistake!" as I grab that free right arm of his and then snap that same arm nearly in two.

~"Violet this one has a gun, be careful!"~

~"I wish this one had one, then he might be a challenge to fight!"~ she boasts, then a scream of terror and pain comes from the bush she is in, as it shakes violently all about again from the fight of terror within it.

After I snatch the pistol off his belt, look it over quickly and I find in my opinion, it's a government issue piece of junk not even worth keeping!

I wrench him around by his jacket, to pull him up to my face when I growl at him, "If you're going to pull a pistol on me, PLEASE make it one I want to keep!"

Then I toss him by his jacket to the center of the trail several yards away, he lands with a large thud and tries to get back up to face me. When I see him rising up to fight me more, I make a show of destroying his gun. I toss his gun far into the air and wait for it to fall back down. When it comes down, my sword comes out and slices it neatly in half.

When he sees that move of mine, he falters and nearly falls back to the ground in fear.

I start stalking over to him, with the sword still out and my hand is spinning it wildly at him "You should have never come to this school with a gun. That gun tells me, you wanted to hurt or kill one of my new friends!"

He can see very clearly now, that this kid in front of him means to hurt or kill him! He starts to plead with her while trying to crawl away "Hey I did not come here to hurt anyone!" he shouts at her, " Don't hurt me, PLEASE!"

"Then why the gun? You're no guard or a cop! SO why the gun?" I growl back to him.

Then I stand over him and think about what to do with him. 'This man should die, he came here with a gun and attacked me!' As I ponder that mental question of mine. One of the schools guard jeeps shows up and rolls to a stop next to me. A girl guard hops fast as she can out of it, shouting a warning to me to stop me from hurting the man, "NO Rohanna, he is a recruiter, not some assassin!"

"Well how was I supposed to know that!" I shout back at the female guard, who happens to be one of the staff that I have never met before this morning.

As another guard comes over from the jeep to help him up, then aid him with his injured arm. My eyes never leave the mess of human that I tossed onto the trail, as he treats him. The girl guard I was talking to, she walks toward me and then stops when she notes the small fact my blade is still out at the ready. Then add to that, my face is still giving her the 'stink eye'!

"Hey we have it all in control now, calm down please?" she asks me.

"Not yet, go grab the other moron from that bush!" I shout and point my blade at the still shaking bush for her.

Then bush yelps out in a tiny voice, "Move silly human!" and one human scream later. A man stumbles out of the bush, with a very mad Pixie at his back and he shouts back at her, "Hey stop that!" In reply Violet pokes him with the spear again, with a cute, but evil smile covering her small face.

Yet another jeep arrives full of guards and Everheart hops out of this one onto the road near me smiling, as one of the guards grabs that man I pointed out from the bush and starts dragging him over to our small group. He does not seem to want to come over to us, but Violet is still poking him from time to time, to keep him moving and that seems to work well!

Everheart just has to smile at me, then chuckle at the whole thing that my Violet is doing to the poor man. "Ro, please call Violet off him. He has paid enough for this little spat in pain by now."

"Yes ma'am," I yelp back to her and then wave Violet to me, "Come little one, this is no longer our fight."

Everhart gives me a small nod of her thanks and asks me in a more normal voice...of asking, not demanding that I do, "Please stay, I might need you here?"

"Yes, ma'am. I will stay."

Everheart crosses her arms, to show she does not care for the man who jumped at me at all "Well Mike, what was all this about?" she asks the man, who's arm I just broke.

"DAMN it SAM! What was this all about!" the man shouts furiously at her and leans toward her in his fog of rage.

My blade whips to his neck, as I bark at him, "RESPECT HUMAN! Her name to you is, Everheart, Admiral or finally Ma'am! You are in no position to be angry or make demands here!"

"Ro, please. I have this guy, he is no threat. Then I have to ask, can you heal him up?"

"No I can't. I was never taught that skill. I just break-em, I don't fix-em!" I snicker back to her and my blade leaves his neck with a small spin, just as she asked me.

"But Mike, why are you here. I know you have a pass to be on campus here. But jumping out like this at some of the kids here, that is a bad idea and you should know that?"

"I know, I know," he gripes a little to Sam, "I made a request to talk to her this week and was denied by the medical department?"

"Well Mike, THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT!" Everheart hollers at the man, "Darn it, Mike, Rohanna...Miss Leigh," she sighs out to him "she is a bit jumpy this week for reasons I will not tell you about. That's why, YOU MORON, that request of yours was denied! Then add," She reaches over to me and fingers my 'UV' armband, "There is a reason for our kids wearing these! OR did you not read the memo?"

"Yes Sam," when he says that, my fierce stare gets him to correct it fast "Everhart!" he now gulps at her and me, "I messed up. I just wanted first shot at recruiting her?"

"To join what?" I inquire, as he has more than peaked my curiosity in this.

"We want to ask you to join the CIA, when you graduate and maybe do a internship during summer?"

"FUCK WHAT!" I bellow at him, "Join those who chased one of my kind, only weeks ago, NEVER! You will need to stand on lots of peace making promises, to gain my attention back in a good way!"

"We chased an elf? I never heard of that?"

"NOT ELF!" I hiss at him, "SIDHE! Use the right name for my kind, when you talk to me! Then add to that? One hand does not know what or whom, the other offends! How can I work with or FOR, such a messed up part of this nation?"

"She has ya there Mike, I have it seen myself. The 'G' giving weapons to rebels and paying the army of that same country to fight them!" she laughs out at him.

"Well Miss Leigh," he gives the respect I demanded, "I have to make the offer?"

"Then call my guardian and he will ask me or not? This creeping around and jumping at me," I glare at him menacingly, "Will end badly for you?"

"Mike, just don't bother this student again, got it?"

"But, Everheart?" he pleads with her.

"I know, you work on cash bounties for this type of work. But this student does not care for your style of work and if you offend her badly? I might not see you again?" she nods to him.


"You know what I mean, don't you Mike?" Everheart says to him, in a style that she suspects the reason why Mike did not hear of an Elf being chased by his CIA. Was it was 'swept' under a rug by those far above him. Then add she suspects, that I have killed more than those four men, from Boston's fight since I got here.

"I get it Everheart. I will clear this through her guardian?" he nods to her. Then Everheart winks back to him an understanding of a sort.

"But Miss Leigh, can I ask, so I can get a ball rolling?" he tries to shrug to me, "What you might want?"

"What I want?" I ponder the thought almost comically, with my tongue stuck out playing with a sharp fang of mine "What I want? My wants you can't give me, I don't need money? And what I really want from you, would take an act by the President and congress, plus the Senate?"

Everheart is the first to ask me, "What could that be?"

"We Sidhe...Fae, we want our own lands. Just like the Native Americans now have. Full independence of law, we can take care of our own and will never need your 'tax money' to live by."

"Woof that's one tall order!" Mike gasps out.

"It will take time, many years. But I have thousands of them to wait?" I tell both and walk off to get back to my running.

"Everheart, was she serious?" Mike asks, as he watches me run off.

"Yes, when it comes to discussing her kind, that student is no child and she knows what she wants."

"That idea is a very hard one to even start?"

"Mike, think about it. Give the Fae creatures a home here in America? Them with all that they know how to do, all that magic, all that forbidden knowledge here? Not in someone's else's hands?"

"They can't be that powerful?" he questions her, "If they were, why did they die off?"

"The whole planet was shattered by one of them to save it," she shakes her head, to him "Mike go read a book on this, I am not exaggerating and that student. Rohanna, her memories are of that time. That is why she is so good at fighting, thousands of years of training everyday!"


"Yes Mike, I have seen what she can do?" Everheart thinks of the little she has seen done by me this last month "Think of me, after ten thousand years and what kind of crazy I could do as a SEAL!"


Friday, March 16 9:05 am
Doyle med center

After I got cleaned up for the day and dressed in normal street clothes. A visit to Doc Tenent is first on the days long list of things to do.

With her visit done, all she noted to me, is that I take it easy for a few more days. Till the pain, that I still had in my chest, when I bent over was all gone. She also noted my lungs seem fully healed and both hearts! Good thing too, it was starting to worry me a little, with all the damage that was done and then add all the foul coughing I was just doing.

I stride into Bellows office and this time unlike on Tuesday. I only move the one chair I sit in, it's back is still at a wall. But I did not check the whole room out, before I took a place in one of the chairs by his desk.

"Good morning Rohanna?" Bellows asks me, in calming voice while stuffing his pipe like he always does. I do really love the smell of the tobacco he uses, but this one is new today and a real nice smelling one.

"So far. Maybe it will get even better, if you clear me for my classes?" I question him, then add, "New tobacco today?" I ask while he starts puffing away.

"Yes it is, like this one do you?" he asks me and I nod to him, "Good, then. I plan to release you to a full class schedule today? Unless that little surprise this morning on your fitness run, it set you back?"

"Nope, that was some moron that needed correcting and maybe he will do some work for me?"

"On what, if I can ask?"

"I put difficult task before him for my service to the CIA, maybe?"

"Hummm, yes and what was that?"

"Land for just us Fae creatures, as payment for my service."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, separating humans and Fae like that?"

"Yes, I have seen your fellow unenlightened humans hate for us. So why stay with those who want us dead?"

"Rohanna, please before you condemn us all? Go out more and see if all humans think that way?"

"So far, it's either try and kill me. OR fuck me for fun?"

Bellows actually has to chuckle at that, "Rohanna, see in your own words. Some of us humans love the Fae!"

"I am not a 'thing' to be used like that! I am not a 'Jobe' elf!" I bark out at him, offended to say the least!

"I know, I know she, made a mistake and that sexual urge of his, it lead him to think like that. I am trying to help her with that?"

"You have a long battle on your hands with that one!"

He laughs at my logic, "Yes I do, a very long fight!"

"But, back to the talk we have. Did Tenent clear you for class?"

"Yes she did, I am to come back and see her. If my slight chest pain, it gets worse or goes on for longer than next week?"



Friday, March 16 10:00 am
Kirby Hall--Grimes Class

I glide into class, with a fresh printout of Bellows saying to the staff. That I am good for a full day of classes in my backpack! Gaea I feel good now, all is well in the world!

"Hey Gwen!" I sing to her, "They let me off on parole!"

"Ohh shoot!" she plays at banging on the table in feigned anger, "I voted for interment for the duration of the month! My grade curve sucks and I need less students in this class to make it better?"

"Okay then? We can fix that! I will just fail this class then," I jest to her.

"Naww I can cope with ya in class," she waves me off in a funny manner.

As we all chat at the table, Mrs. Grimes comes into the class and is leading a new student in. When I spot her, the new student, "Who is that!" I ask Gwen quickly, as the new kid is a dark gray skinned Drow of a sort?

"That is Jobe's clone or Belphoebe."

"Humm a want-to-be Drow?" I hiss out in warning and my showing fangs tell of my deep anger to all.

"Hey Ro, just remember she was made into this or born? She did not make this choice?" Gwen informs me of her issues again.

"Yes, another innocent and a child. Fine I will leave this one alone. Unless she goes against us?"

As Grimes comes to her podium with the Drow right next to her, I just can see the scowl of hate coming off Nikki, as she makes the class notes ready for the day at the front of class.

"Class!' Grimes states out to us, "This is Belphoebe Blackadar-Wilkins and she is new with us today. Most of you know her history and those who don't among you? Please ask me or someone who knows the real truth?"

The dark gray skinned Drow Grimes just introduced to the class, waves to us all and squeaks out, "Hi all."

Grimes stares at our table of only Sidhe and asks us all "Normally I would just seat her at a table with a open seat? But can my coven of Sidhe, open an extra chair to Belphoebe?"

Gwen stands up to answer her, but still glances back to me and rest of us. Gwen sees me as defacto leader of the Sidhe, when Fey or Aung is not around to vote.

My scowl back, is her answer to that question...'no' it says in no uncertain terms given!

"Mrs. Grimes, can I talk with my group?"

"Why yes dear, please do so?"

Gwen spins around to me, then yelps to me and the table of us four, "Why?"

I toss a privacy spell to the ceiling and once it wraps it's spell around us all. I began my reasons to them all, "Well I am not so sure I want to help teach someone, who will not appreciate what I have to offer! This kid will just go back to her 'daddy' or 'mommy' and forget all we do show her on being a FELLOW Sidhe. Back to being a spoiled rich brat, A fake royal want-to-be!"

"Humm I see your point?" Gwen now adds.

"But you have to try?" Bree speaks up next, from across the table.

"And give ammo to use against our kind for years, if this one goes down the road her grandfather has already laid?"

Bree leans back in her chair and sighs out at the thoughts, "Point taken, her family is crap, Or nuts at best!"

Rhia says the next thing to us all, pleading her case of need to us, "Well she is still a kid, nearly a baby? Get to her young and train her better than daddy will? She might end up a better person for it?"

With a sigh, I give in to the logic she gives me, "All I will ask from her, is a promise to try as best she can. Like I do anyone?"

Gwen twists back to Mrs. Grimes and her question as I wave the spell from existence, "Well Ma'am, we want Belphoebe to promise us, that she will give this her best! As we as a group, we don't have time to waste? Then add to that Rohanna, she has the group of us learning most of this class in Elvish and Belphoebe will have to keep up with the rest of us?"

"Thanks to you all, I know this was hard to ask for?" she gives us all a small nod of thanks, then she pulls Belphoebe aside to talk to her in private, "Well you heard them? This is your choice and they gave you terms with your going over there. But remember this, those Sidhe, know far more than I can ever teach you, about being one of their kind and will be your friends for some centuries to come?"

"I will go with them Mrs. Grimes?"

"Okay dear, go tell them then?"

Belphoebe thinks to walk over to our table, but stops herself first and says to the whole class, "Gwen, Rohanna, Bree and Rhia I promise to try to be the best with your teaching me how to be a Sidhe in life and I will listen to all you show me?"

"Well we will try to teach you as best we can, as long as you stay with us?" Gwen makes a open promise to her.

"Tula sinome ar' istima a' be er en' lye nessa er!" I wave to her to come here, as I say it.

"I don't know what that was?" she asks me.

"Then come here, learn and what I said was, 'Come here and learn to be one of us young one!' Now come on over here and learn to speak it too?"

She grabs her book bag and runs over to our table. Along the way, she dragged a chair over to us all, "What was that language?" is her first question to us, when she got herself seated at the table.

"Elvish," I smile to her, "that is the language we try to speak at this table. The most we can for now?"


Friday, March 16 12:40 pm
Crystal Hall

As I am sitting and eating my fill, while studying a spell book. A girl I have never met sits down across from me and pulls out a small device. She sets it on the table between us and turns it on.

"Hi Rohanna, I am Jadis." she tells me, as I look up at her over my book.

"I have heard of you, just never met till now? So greetings to you." I say while turning a page in that book and not really giving her my full attention...yet? I do know, she is the cottage 'fixer' or person who gets things done, legally or not quite so legal there at Melville, the tower for rich brats on campus.

"Belphoebe told me, that you let her join your little group of elves?"

"Elves?" I question her, in a funny sounding voice "I have never seen any elves at this school and I certainly don't have class with a group of them. I do have magic class with a group of Sidhe though?" I play with her and her little insult made I am sure, by accident.

"Ohh ya Nikki and you call yourselves Sidhe. My mistake. But thanks for taking in Belphoebe into that group, she might grow up better with that exposure over time?"

"I hope so, I will try as best as she lets me? Please make sure she understands, that promise she made to try and learn to be one of us Sidhe. It is almost a mages contract in my mind?" I say to her, as I stop my reading and give her a more serious face.


"Yes, I could not ask such a new student to the magical arts to make one, but none the less. To me, it is a contract made."

"I will tell her and educate her on what one means soon."

"Good, I felt someone else should tell her that. Rather than me and have it mean less?"

"I am off," she states to me, then starts to get up and grabs that device from the tabletop, "But call on me for a favor? And remember I only do services, I don't make the choices behind them. If I don't do a service, someone else will?" Jadis thinks to her dealings with Jobe and that they might backfire on her, if she squeals to this Drow!

"Good day."


Friday, March 16 11:50 pm
Poe cottage, Sara's room

Both of us are laying in her huge bed, just covered in the silk sheets. Sara plays her fingers across my stomach and nibbles on my ear. Then whispers to me, "I have a very important question for you?"

After I roll over to look her better in the eyes, "What Sara, love?" I purr her.

"I have kept this important question from you, till I felt you were better off to listen to it. More balanced as you call it?" she smiles to me.

I feel what is 'question' is going to be in my heart and the pain of that thought grows with each second. So I roll to sitting up and my legs swing off the bed to the floor.

"Okay Sara, what is this question?" I ask while sitting up and starting to put my face in my hands in fear or dread of this coming question.

"I want to 'mark' you as one of my own, forever!" she sings in her growing joy to me.

"Tell me more of this please?" I utter back to her flatly, even though I know all of what it implies, this taking a 'mark' from a GOO!

"Well it's real simple. You promise yourself to me mind, body and soul forever. Then I mark you, then you."

Her words drone on with her hope weighing on each of them, yet to me. Each one to me, is a ton of dead weight added to my growing depression, that presses me down farther and farther.

"then you, and I are joined forever. I will be there for you in all things, as you will be for me. I may have others in my long life. But you already know of that! Our love will always be unique, and forever!" she ends, her asking me in a voice of coming joy for her.

All I can do is cry and cry hard! The tears flowing off me now, are some of the worst I have done this month since I changed!

"Are you crying in joy, love?" she asks me, as she rubs my back in support and love.

As I stand up, grab my clothes and that move shocks her so much, she gasps out from it.

I say to her, after I stand through my great sobs, "Nau, Usstan tlun naut cri'n wun lilbh'iahin. Dos joros whol folbol Usstan velendev inbal?"
(No I am not crying in joy. You ask for something I longer have?)

After I grab my things and walk to the short path to her door. Sara watches me in shock and then she cries to me her next question, "Please come sit, tell me what's wrong?"

"Over a month together, almost everyday. Then add all we did to that love, after that night you hurt me and you still don't know me one little bit? Am I that much of a puzzle to you?" and I start to walk out of her door, open it as Violet lands on my shoulder and she stares back at Sara in anger. I now vanish with a port, from the hallway as the door finally shuts behind me.

Sara yells out in her anger at the world, "SHIT!, SHIT!" repeatedly, as she slams a fist into her bed, "I goofed! SHIT!"

Now Sara tosses on her clothes as fast as she can and runs up to Rohanna's room. When the door opens all she hisses out is "Like I actually thought you would be here!" and rolls her eyes to the empty room, then slams the door shut.

After that, she runs down the hallway and up towards Roz's room just incase. But finds Roz along the way, she was watching a horror movie in the common room. So she spins on her heels, changes her path and back down to Nikki's room she goes in her quest.


I had ported off to that hidden range of Sam's and mine and slammed my pile of clothes on the table top. Then plopped onto the stone seat there and cried my eyes out for sometime, as I got dressed rather slowly.

When I got done, I ported once more. This port was more in anger, as I did not want to even talk to Sara yet or maybe for days?

This last port ended up with my me, in a spot I had only gone to once before. New York's central park, where I got those pretzels that one day for the other girls. I find a far off bench, way off from the established paths and sit under a dark tree...crying in that darkness.


Back at Poe

Sara, knocks on Nikki's door till someone answers it. A laughing Toni opens the door to the demon teen "Well what's up Sara?" she chuckles at something that she found funny a second ago, but now she sees the pain on Sara's face and stops.

"Nikki, please I need to talk to you and Aung badly. I goofed real bad!" the teen asks over Toni's shoulder to the Fae red head laughing on her bed.

Nikki and Aung both see the pain in Sara's face and that can be only one thing these days, "Did you hurt Rohanna again!" Nikki shouts in growing anger at the demon princess of lust.

"No nothing like," she gulps out, almost in tears herself at the thoughts of a few weeks past "last time? This time I have no idea what I did wrong?"

"Toni, can we have the room?" Nikki asks her hyper roommate.

"Pizza night, you're buying Sara?" Toni lays out her terms for the room and it's privacy.

"You got it," and the slim black teen leaves the room with a nod, to the teen demon.

"Well Sara, tell me what you did wrong tonight?"

"I asked Rohanna, the question! Then she ported off, crying like mad." Sara tells her, as she goes to sit on Nikki's bed beside her.

A very surprised Nikki stares back at Sara, then a more regal voice, asks now from the red headed teen, "You asked a Drow if she wants your mark, Sara?"

"Yes, I did. I thought she loved me enough for one?"

"Sara, did she say anything?"

"Something in Drow, then something about me not understanding her at all?"

"What did she say in Drow, as I am sure that was the more important part of what she did say to you?"

"Nau Usstan tlun naut cri'n wun lilbh'iahin. Dos joros whol folbol Usstan velendev inbal?" Sara repeats word for word, with no feeling of the words weight.

Aunghadhail just has to laugh at Sara's mistake, as she made a simple one and one that a complex 'being' like a GOO could never see coming at them.

"What you silly Fae!" Sara shouts at the teen, who is almost falling to her bed in laughter.

"Now, now Sara! She said...No I am not crying in joy. You ask for something I longer have?"

"What does that mean?" she shrugs back.

"She is a simple creature Sara, you have to remember that. She can never give you what you want, not with her past. But she can give you what she feels is closest to that?"

"What?" Sara asks again, as her great confusion at this grows by the second.

"Think over the last month, since you met her? Especially those first days? As I am sure if she did not say something regarding this question, in those first days with you, she would have left us all after your attack on her!"

"What am I looking for?" Sara shakes her head, not even understanding what Aunghadhail is looking for.

"A promise, a simple pledge back then, one she feels is very important. A simple creature like a Drow, the fewer the words, the vastly deeper the meaning!"

Sara thinks on for several minutes, her brain works on that question hard and since she can't forget anything she sees or hears. She finds it after a few minutes of deep thought, there on that first night when they both talked alone.

"SHIT! I missed that!" Sara yells and jumps up pounding a fist furiously into her own side.

"What Sara?"

"She said....'All that I am is yours forever....Sara my LOVE,' as she hugged me close that first night." Sara tells Nikki, in her shock of missing that simple thing and a very import on to her love!

"That's it, she knew that love for you that first day. A simple creature, SO simple. That she has confused you, a GOO to no end!" Aunghadhail and now Nikki both have to laugh at Sara.

"So what should I do then?"

"Go get cleaned up and wait in her room, the first place she will come back to in Whateley for sure!"


"Stay there, till she shows up and show her you care so much for her. That you will not leave the room. Say you are sorry all the time and tell her you are so confused. That you had to ask me to fix this? That may placate her a little in its humor, but do not mess this up! As if you do, she WILL hate you forever from this day on! Remember what I said about Drow's, They love forever or hate forever. This is the day where that may change and it will not change back!" Aunghadhail finally warns Sara of the importance of tonight.

"So I might get a mad Drow on my hands?"

"No, you will have a very lethal mad Drow. One that you owe more than one favor to, on your hands!"

"Ohh shit!" Sara shrieks out, as Sara's mind suddenly makes the connection, this might get really out of hand fast!

"Yes, this is a deep 'goof' on your part! Good luck!" the old Queen within Nikki, smiles back to her.


Saturday, March 17 1:55 am
NYC central park

I have been sitting on that bench in the dark shadows, crying for what seems hours. I can hear others walk by me, on the far off well lit path, but none come over to see me. Then I do hear four men, come toward me and they form a small circle around me. Like I am prey!

"Look what we have here Joey, a lonely girl!"

"Yep very lonely! Wanta date!" the one on my right asks with a laugh.

"Go way, boys!" I hiss at them, but don't look up, "this is not a good night to mess with me!"

"Ohh a tough chick!" the one on my left shouts out now.

"Very tough chick!" I yell back as I glare up at them and my long hair falls away to show my face fully to them, "ONE that wants to be left alone!"

"Shit a mutie bitch!" the one nearest me shouts now.

"Keep it up and I will wash my hands in your blood tonight!" I warn with my fangs showing and I want this fight to happen now, ohh so bad!

~"I am ready!"~
Violet sings in my head.

~"No this fun is all mine!"~ I demand of her and she stays hidden till I call on her.

"Guys!" the one nearest the path shouts at them all, "the cops are coming over here!"

"See ya later mutie bitch!" the leader of the goons barks out.

"Not if you like living, COWARD!" I shout back to his running backside.

With the boys now gone and with them my possibility of fun for the night. My head falls back down and that crying I was doing ohh so well begins again. 'Gaea I want so bad, to tear something apart! Too bad those mutant haters ran off so fast?'

Just as that one boy said, Two cops come running up to my spot in the dark and find me on that bench. The older one of the two asks me "You fine Miss?" and leans down to me, to get a bit closer.

The other puffs out of breath a little, while he stands back a little from us both, "Well Kelly we can run after them?"

"No Leon we have a kid here, that may need help first, running after the morons can wait!"

"Yep Kelly, always the white knight! Fine go ahead?"

"Miss, Can we help you?" The older one, 'Kelly is his name?' Now asks me.

"No, I am fine. Just sitting here dealing with," I sniff a little to him, as I cry, "my life."

"So those guys did nothing to ya?"

"Nope, nothing,"

"How old are you?" the old one asks me in a nice tone, giving me that fatherly sound too?

"Fifteen?" even I question that number, heck I don't know anymore? Fifteen, thirty, or forty thousand! Who knows anymore?

"Just ask her for ID Kelly and lets call a car to come get her? Then the station can call her parents," the younger one, tells his partner what should be done by the book is my best guess.

"Naww Leon, this kid does not need that. Lets just call the parents and have them come get her?"

"What ever, you know Kelly? Your brother should be the cop and you the priest in the family! Always with the 'let them off' stuff!"

"Can we call your parents for you?"

"Nope, both are dead. No one to really call, but my guardian and he will get real mad I bet!"

"Well in any case, can you get an ID out for us?"

I say "Yes" just as my face tilts up to both of them and my long hair swings free of my face with a swipe of my hand to it.

The one nearest me, the older of the two, he falters back a little at the sight of my face. The other cop, whips his gun clear of it's holster and starts to raise it in my direction.

"What the!" the younger one with the gun out, shouts out to me in his surprise at seeing me for what I am, "A mutant, you have to tell people that shit!"

"Shooting me with that," I growl a warning to him, "would be a 'very' bad idea!"

"Hey, Both of you calm down now!" the old cop orders both of us.

I just stare at the cop and that gun saying nothing. I should just port off and leave these two? But that thought is not in my mind at all for some reason.

The older one glances between us both and then yells at his partner when he spots him not backing down, just a little to ease the tension "Hey put it up Leo! She did not make a move on me?"

"Okay Kelly your call?" and he hangs the gun back up in it's holster, at the mans request.

"Okay, now can I see that ID Miss?" he asks me again, in that calm voice of his and takes a step closer to me.

"Okay, but when I get them. It looks a little weird to most, so no shooting...please?"

"Alright, you fairly warned us. So please?"

My hand waves at nothing and then the space to my storage opens just a slit. So I can grab that wallet of mine. When it comes out and they see it coming from nowhere.

The older one blinks to me, at the sight "Very interesting that is?"

"Yep that was, betcha she has a truck in that thing?" the other cop agrees and jests us both.

I have to giggle at him a little and the question as I admit to him, "Close, more like a small car and then there is my motorbike in there too?"

"Hey that's better now, a little laughter helps out" the older ones states, then takes a seat next to me.

Kelly hands his partner all three ID's I handed him after giving them a glance over. Leon looks at them all with his small flashlight closely and was about to scan one with a handheld computer, when Kelly stops him with a wave of his hand, "Hey Leo, lets keep this in house, none of the MCO crap tonight?"

"Yep I know, old habit. But let me check this one out my way? She is going to Whateley and that's pretty far off?" he looks at me and the ID in his hand once more, "So how did you get out to New York anyway?"

"I can teleport," Is all I say.

"Now that sounds interesting to me!" Kelly smiles at me.

"Kind of, sometimes others think I am a taxi or pizza girl?" I shrug to him.

He laughs hard at that one, but soon stops when my crying starts again. When I thought of who I ported with to Boston!...Sara and was that fun all gone now with her question to me?

"Hey Kelly I am going to check this girl out with my inside track, I'll be over there on the phone?" the younger one points at a nearby spot on the trail nearer a light.

"Gotcha, and tell the kid 'hi' for me?" Kelly ask, then Leon nods back to the request and walks off a few paces to pull out a cell phone.

Kelly puts a hand to my chin, as he asks me gently "Why all the tears?"

"You would never understand it all?"

"I am an old guy, I have seen some strange stuff on this beat? Try me!"

"My girl, she wants to take our relationship to the next level and with that, it will last forever! I can't do that, she just does not understand me! I can't give her what she already has from me in my own way?"

"Well it can't be that bad? A fling in high school, does not last forever? You might find someone else or she will and off ya go!"

"Maybe for a human, that is what happens? Us far long lived creatures, we can bond forever."

"Nothing is forever?"

"See what I mean, you have no idea here what I am talking about. I am talking real souls, with creatures that can really bond on that level for all time?"

"Creatures?" he questions me "I think you're an elf, Right? What is the other in your life?"

"I am elf, or really call me a Sidhe please? We live for thousands of years and take promises of this type VERY serous. She is a Mythos and can't die, she will live for millions of years. Get it a little better now?"

"Humm okay? Lets just make this simpler? Why did she offer this bond to you?"

"Love I think, I hope!" I start to cry again.

"What did she mess up on and got you all upset?"

"I offered what she wanted from me tonight, when we met on our first night and she forgot it!" I almost shout in anger that she did!

"Maybe she does not understand your type of offer?"

"She should!" I now shout out, in my growing anger at her.

"Some offers in the field of love go unnoticed till they're gone? So maybe tell her what you offered and point out the mistake to her?"

I shake my head at him and what he is saying "All that we have been though this month! And she still thought to ask for more?" I question him and most of all Sara!

"What else happened?"

"She hurt me in many ways? But I took her apology, that it was a accident and stayed with her out of that bond of love I already had with her!"

"She abused you?" he questions me with surprise showing on his face and showing his shock at the thought of someone staying after being hurt.

"No it was an accident, best not to be talked about?"

"Okay I understand it a little better now. But just talk to her for a little bit, an hour or so. then take a break and maybe take some time to do it again? Then make a decision on this question of her's?"

"I just don't know anymore? This is all new to me and really getting complicated!"

"That's just life in general?"

"Like I said before, you can't understand it all?"

"Well tell me more?"

"I did not always look like this? AND OR BUT I have the memories of living like this for a very long time!"

"You know, I have to ask you this? Does this feel like it's helping, talking with some random someone, so faraway from your little world?"

"Yahh kind of?"

"Here then, this is my brothers card to his church, "He hands me a bent and slightly torn card from his wallet "AND no I am not asking you to come on over and pray! Just go to talk and maybe call me, then we can talk more?" he takes it back for a second and he writes a number on the back too, his number and name.


While we were talking, Leon was on his phone

After his phone rings forever, a yawning and obviously mad kid comes on the line, "Uncle Leo? You do know it's TWO AM!"

"Yep little Tony, but I need some info on one of the students up there with you?"

"Someone in trouble?"

"Not yet?"

"Well shoot and remember there are eight hundred kids here? I might not know this one!"

"Well she gave me both ID's...MID and drivers license. I am sure that's a bad idea on somedays?"

"Ohh ya it is! But that name?"

"Rohanna Leigh and or Shadowsblade?"

"Ohh shoot a girl, tall dark elf! Kind of cute in a mean sexy way?" Tony questions his uncle in a way that sounds to the man, that he likes her?

"Yep, and it sounds like you have the 'hots' on this one....kiddo!"

The boys voice changes to one of uncertainty on the phone now, "Ya kind of, she is hot in that strange way?"

"I could see that? But do ya know this one?"

"Yep! she is a known one on campus, she has had some bad days here. Someone tried to kill her last week. Then add that Boston crap!"

"Okay, let me get this all down? Someone tried to kill her, someone on campus?"

"No some assassin type, they snuck on school grounds and rammed a sword all the way through her! It was bad, very bad. So I was told that is?"

"Well I am looking at her right now and she seems fine?"

"She should, those elves like her, they heal darn fast!"

"And that Boston bit you mentioned?"

"Ohh Boston! You did not hear that from me, make me a promise on this?"

"Ya got it kid, we are family!"

"Well that Boston thing a month back, when that Mall got all tore up and four terrorists died at the hands of some hero?"

"Ya I remember, no real video of it around?"

"That was no hero, that was her on a bad day! She got hurt, but still off-ed four guys, they call her the 'Elvin Cuisinart' around here and that name came into being? After she did a crazy run in the sims!"

"Ohhh so she is dangerous?" he questions his nephew and starts eyeballing the kid sitting next to his partner on the bench more in caution.

"Yep very dangerous, but she is not nuts. She is a good person, she will help when it's needed. She helps out with some of the kids, that can't get out their rooms and talks to them a lot."

"So a good kid?"

"Uncle Leo, no matter what others say. She did save a bunch of kids in Boston, she could have just left them all to die, she has the power to port to anywhere she wants too!"

"Got it now little Tony, so ya want me to hook ya up?" he almost laughs to his nephew.

"Uncle I don't think I have a chance with that, she hangs with chicks and one is," he hesitates to say it, "A lust demon, a real one and I am not joking here!"

"A Demon?" Leo questions the kid.

"In a way to say it? She is something real weird and a real old race of 'things?' is the only way to put it!"

"Is she evil?"

"Nope, just misunderstood is all, in my opinion of her."

"Well I'll let ya get back to bed and maybe work on that date for ya! AND Kelly says hi!"

"Ya, ya Uncle Leo. I'll hold my breath waiting! Night!" the kid shouts and hangs up.


The younger cop after he hangs up the phone and pockets it. Walks back to his partner on the bench "Well Kelly, the kid checks out with little Tony at her school?"

"Little Tony at my school?" I just have to ask him out of curiosity.

"Yep, I have a nephew at that school and he is a gadgeteer in the junior class, I think?"

"Never met him, I might have to though and thank him?"

"Ohhh he will like that, By the way? My nephew thinks your hot and who knows!"

"Not sure about that right now in my life?"

"Leo, the reason why she is here tonight, is a big lovers spat, so lets drop that for now?"

"Gottcha, but the boys name is Tony Garibaldi, he is in Melville?"

"Haa the rich kids dorm!" I almost laugh out.

"Really, never saw it? Now I gotta go and see it for myself!"

Kelly pats my back in friendly support "So you better now?"

"Ya a little better, I needed time to think and talking to you helped a lot!"

"Yep Kelly, you should be the priest and your brother the cop? Told ya!" Leo laughs at his partner.

"But do you feel good enough to go home now?" Kelly asks me again.

"Yes, I am better now. I will go and maybe talk with another friend for the day?"

"Good idea, off ya go then?" he urges me.

He gives me a gentleman's hand at standing up and I wave a little to him as I port away "Bye, cya and I will call later?" I tell him, as I vanish from sight.

After I port away, Leo looks at the spot I was just standing at in surprise, "Now that was neat, I would love to have that power!"

"Yep, that one would save on gas. Now lets get going and Leo? Please no write up on this one, she needs space?"

"Got it old man, so I guess you just added one more favor to your book for later maybe?"

"I am sure I did, in some way?"


Saturday, March 17 4:05 am
Poe cottage

As I port to my room, I can see as I come into being there. That Sara is sitting rather calmly on my other bed. When I land in my room, I keep my back is to her. As I shout at her in my deep anger, that she missed what I said to her that night and wants more from me.

"What do you want, did you not hear me? I don't have what you want anymore!"

"I am so sorry, I just did not know? I had to go ask Aunghadhail what you meant, she told me everything" Sara stops thinking of what to say, "Well most of it I guess now?"

"I told you I don't have anything to give ya, so go!"

"NO! I understand it now, your simple ways confused me to no end. I understand it all now, what you said. You're promise, I already have it and want to keep it!" she sighs out to me in caution, that I might say no, "If you let me?"

"Please let me think some?"

"I can wait here, or wherever you want me to? My life is on hold till this is over, that is how committed I am to you!"

"Please wait for me in your room?"

"I will" she says to me, as she stands up and tries to go hug me. But I pull away from her "Not now, not yet?" I sigh to her advances.

"Fine, I will be in my room waiting for your needs and decision?"

Once she is gone and my door closed. All I can muster is a fall to me bed and weep for hours. All I can think about, is she is the one who won't leave me, not by choice anyway? Then add to that thought, via all of Aunghadhail's destruction, there might not be another Drow, 'to be with' for decades, hundreds or maybe thousands of years!?


Saturday, March 17 7:40 am
Poe cottage

With some long thought on the matter, I come to the only end, that will resolve this and get up. Then change my clothes from the dirty one, afterward I grab one thing from a very special box in my dresser and go down stairs to Sara's room.

With only one knock on her door, I hear a whisper of "Come in Ro." and walk into her door. After I close it behind me, I find her sitting on her bed, in those very same clothes she wore waiting for me in my room.

My feet slide over to her desk, as I dread this choice, but it's the only one I think will do what she wants and I can live with.

"Come over here and sit please Sara?" I say while clearing the desk top of books and some school work.

After she sits for me, she smiles at me, "What is this?"

"This is the only thing that I can think of?" and I place a set of writing tools on the desk and then my Book of Command.

"Hey that is the book you wanted Aung to get rid of?"

"Yes, this is the same one, the only thing I can think of, that can give you what want?"

With a quick jab to one of my fingers, one of the writing quills draws some of my blood. I place one drop on the books main gem, at its center and the top cover opens to Sara.

This simple act of opening this book for others without orders to do so, only came this last four weeks, when the spell in it's own intelligence realized. That no one was left to give those orders and it released me to make this choice myself. NOT that I want to do this!

"Now when you want to, open this book and read it all. It will have very basic instructions in it and then you can read it all when you're done. From there on out...everything I am is yours," I shake in fear now, that she will do it and abuse this like so many others have in my life.

Sara's hand goes to the cover, then starts to lift it up to turn to the cover page. I have warn her once again, "Once you open this, there is no going back. You have to finish or there will be harsh issues?" My head shakes at the thoughts 'Issues I don't even know, as no one ever refused to finish this step!'

Sara looks up to me, to watch over my reaction and finds something she did not expect at all! While I stand there, more than wide eyed waiting for her to flip that last page to the instructions. She can see that I am scared, so scared I am shaking and trembling with fear.

Sara's hand stops and she goes to grab onto mine, "Hey what's the matter, don't you want this? Elder Gods you are scared of this book, you're shaking at it like a leaf in the winds!"

All I can do is look at her wild eyed, "Yes, but this will fix what I am and you will have what you want from me?"

"If this scares you? Then I don't want it!"

"But you asked for more than my simple promise, a creature like you wants more than my simple words and this is the way you can get me body and mind. My soul is not in this book and can't be given right now?"

"This is, or was made by Aunghadhail's people and she held it over you all, so it can't be good at all for you!"

"It is, what it is?" I shrug to her statement.

"Well be damned with this book, I am going up to Nikki and that old bitch Fairy, then make her take this off you now!"

Sara, then snatches the book from the table and rushes toward the door. I have to port in front of her, as she is so quick to stop her at the door and keep her from opening it.

"NO! You can do that." I hand slams the door shut, the inch she opened it, "If Aunghadhail read this book now via Nikki? She would go nuts, and try to kill me for sure! I did lots of bad, evil, things at others commands and they are all written in here as base orders, I had to follow! When she was alive, she could not read them, but after her death, she can via Nikki!"

"Well they can't be that bad?"

"Ohh yes they can! Aunghadhail would go nuts, with finding out what her sisters had me do?"

"What could you do, that would make her go nuts?"

"I....I..." Stutter out not being able to say, the books binding is far too strong! "I just can't say? But it's bad!"

"Fine I believe you, not because I know you can't lie? But because I love you!"

She hands me the book back and goes to hug me, "This book has to have someway of being removed from you? I will find it out soon!"

"So you're taking my promise then?"

"Ohh yes "she laughs at me, as she holds me even closer, "Yes I am! Aung told me the simpler the words the deeper the meaning to a Drow! So that one sentence and those few words is all I need from you!"

"Good to know? So we are all good now?"

"You have to ask!" and she yanks me to the bed to show me.


Saturday, March 17 8:00 am
South of Salem

Older unused and near abandoned church
that once was part of the underground railroad for slaves

A very mad and putout Assassin, enters the small complex via it's secret tunnels. As he passes the last door to enter and it's four guards with guns. He can only think of his failure!

'GOD I messed up, I missed killing a target. That darn dark elf lived! I rammed her through and the blade did it's job, but she did not die! They saved her, how could that blade fail? Then I tried to stay the next week and find a way to kill her, but all the time she had people watching her back! That darn little Pixie nearly saw me a dozen times! curse that little thing! Then add what in the heck, was that set of statues guarding her hospital room!? I could have had her there for sure, if not for them both!'

When he enters the last and biggest room, he sees a very mad priest circling around the large table there, "Well my failed assassin returns to me?" his now creepier voice begins.

"Yes I failed, the sword I was given? It's trap was defeated! Then add the security she has now is even tougher!"

"Humm my perfect sword was defeated? Or perhaps, you did not twist it enough in her back!" the priests cold voice calls to him.

Now the Assassin- shapeshifter can see the mans voice has changed in this last few weeks? That bothers him greatly! 'Then add he just said 'my'. Was not this blade from a unseen benefactor, not his own?'

"I hit my target, the blade failed to work fast enough to kill her, then add to that fact someone there knew how it worked and defeated it! So, you tell me how to end her and I will do it!"

"Well lets discuses this farther in my chambers, shall we?" the priest grins at him.

That grin is far to creepy for this man, but if he wants to get paid fully for all this work already done, he has to try what the man...Reverend Roberts suggests?

"Okay, I want to help, so lets talk a little before we go farther and involve the others in this?"

Roberts then waves the man to a small office and closes the door behind himself after his assassin is seated in the room.

"Well" Roberts says from the doorway, as he walks toward his desk and the other man, "This has certainly been messed up and I don't condone this failure of yours!"

"This was not failure? You did not have or give me enough information on the target as needed! So the target lived."

"Not my fault, I gave you more than enough tools!"

"Well if we or 'I' had known, that a person who could stop that blade was on campus! I could have waited to use it, till when she was 'off' campus?"

"Not an excuse in my opinion, you're a professional or so I was told?"

"Well if you don't have an idea to solve this issue? I will call this, what you are implying, then you can pay me my share and I will be off then!"

Roberts stands next to the man's chair and that unnerves him and he jumps to his feet yelling "What gives!"

"I think I shall retain your services for the loss of that valuable blade of mine and you shall join my team here!"

Roberts then makes a grab at the more than jumpy assassin and as he does. His face splits wide open at the mouth and shows a horror of teeth to the man now backing away from his coming attack!

The smell Roberts suddenly gives off, makes the assassin nearly vomit and backpedal across the room. As the assassin watches the Reverend's arm turn into a black dripping mess of corrupted flesh and who knows what! If he was not already used to the smell of death, he would be incapacitated by the foul odor that wafts off it!

"What in the heck are you!" he shouts at the human, now turned monster in the room with him.

"I am human...something far older than your pitiful race. Now join my side and fight for me!" and he slings a mass of black gunk at the assassin, it hits the wall when he dodges away from that with his power of speed. Now standing safely a few feet away, he watches as the black mass slides down the wall and creeps across the room toward him.

"Ohhhn Fuck this!" The assassin shouts out and pulls out a pistol. He fires it at Roberts, who when hit by it, yells in pain as the bullet burns him like fire!

Each gunshot wound in the monster that was Roberts, burns like fire in it and nasty smelling smoke from each wound starts to fill the room.

That gun the assassin had, was no normal gun and ammo. It was part of the tools he was given by Robert's to use on the Elf or the GOO creature she protected and its ammo was a alloy of Orichalcum and cold iron with magic enhancements on top of all that!

The man studies the gun in his hand and there is only one way that ammo would do this to a human! That human was corrupted by the Mythos or a Fae?

But no time to ponder that question! The black blob of flesh that was tossed at him, moves at speed to get at him. He spots that coming attack and moves toward the door, but Roberts or the monster of what Roberts was? Moves to cut him off from his escape!

"Get out of my way, what ever you are!" the assassin shouts at the monster, as he pumps another bullet into it!

"Join us and I promise you will live forever!" the black mass of flesh offers him.

"Fuck that!" he yells, then starts pumping more pistol rounds into the mass of horrific flesh and as the gun runs dry he makes his move.

The corrupted Roberts is hit several times and backs off from the vicious attack. That retreat, leaves the assassin room to move and he leaps at the door. He gets it scarcely open, when the monster starts it's attack again. The man sees that coming, slips outside and slams the door shut behind him. As he leans on that door, to keep that monster inside, he spots a tall file cabinet next to the door there and grabs the cabinet quickly to pull it over. When it falls down, it blocks the door fully and he reloads his now empty gun.

That weapon that he is reloadeding, is now coming into play. As two of the reverend's men try to attack him. He rams the magazine in the pistol hard, then lets the gun's slide go and he sends a shot at both of Robert's men and kills one out right, the other seeks cover for now.

"Time to get the FUCK out of here!" he shouts out and makes a dive for one of the entrances to the sewers below this building.

Hours later, the assassin is standing at the only light on the street he could find, a liquor store and it's group of men hovering outside. He pulls a 'burn phone' from his jacket and makes a call.

"Thanks for calling Sheepies pizza!" the phone shouts at his ear, in a teens voice.

"I need a pick-up, I got a bad order."

"What was the order?"

"My order number is Five dash, four dash, eight dash, four and I had a order for a single pizza with anchovies with a bonus?"

"Did the buyer drop the pizza?"

"Ohh ya dropped and burned it!"

"Handled, delivery is on the way to you and wait by door number five. That is all, have a nice night!"

The phone falls to the ground, after he pulls the battery and he stomps on it till the electronic guts fly out of the small phone! "Now!" he sighs out in the cold night air and pulls his jacket tighter to him "To get to door number five? That is going to be a long walk!" and he starts off down the dark road towards the center of town.


end till next time! more to come!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

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