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Well I feel I owe everyone an explanation for things happening or not over the last week or so.
If you recall my Mum passed back in June, it would've been her 80th birthday on Tuesday so we thought it timely to spread her ashes today. I've had to organise some odd stuff over the years but this was a difficult one. It was her wish to end things on the NYM, her favourite place, Wheeldale.
So Dad, my daughter, son in law and YT gathered at Pickering this morning. It may seem a bit weird but I rode my bike the 10 miles up onto the moor with Mum in my bag - a final bike ride to her final resting place. She would've loved it, it was a typical NYM day, windy with a mixture of sunshine and showers, we had the place to ourselves except the sheep.
And so I was tasked with spreading her ashes, her last journey completed.
I'd booked a table at the nearest hostelry so we headed there for lunch, each of us contemplating our own thoughts.
But then the mood was changed with the surprise announcement that i'm to be a Grandparent! My mother always said it was one out, one in - indeed my own grandmother passed shortly before No1 was born - she had so wished for this news but had given up on my daughter continuing the family line. As you might guess i'm over the moon, suddenly my life has renewed purpose.
So with all this stuff going on I hope you'll forgive my lack of posting today and the distraction that has delayed both the new Nena tale and the conclusion of Gaby book 21.
Things should get back to some sort of normality on Wednesday and i'll hopefully get past the lethargy and return to writing more drivel.
Well that's all folks
Congrats and no explanation needed
So enjoy the moment. I hope that your wishes for the new child come true.
Life comes first
You worry about us way too much! These are things that come first.
Hugs, Karen
We get
that your readership is important to you Mads. But we all without question understand that family comes first. North Yorkshire Moors is a beautiful area to rest in.
Wow - a grandsprog eh? That's a wonderful smack in the perspective.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Wonderful, a new bundle of joy
has entered life to help with the emotions of loss of Mum. Congratulations to you and daughter. It sounds like the bike ride was very meaningful for you too.
Sure if you wish but really, life is life it tends to take precedence over other things. Still, Céad Míle Fáilte, congratulations on the upcoming grandchild.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.