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Princess Eriana leads her troops down to the Valley floor
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The Saga of the Warrior Princess
Part 3 of 3 – Phase 2
by Diana Ouida Wonder
The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended.
This story is copyright © 2015 Di Wonder. All rights reserved.
It uses some of the associated characters and situations that arise from the world called ‘Anmar’ created by Penny Lane, whose stories
are also copyright © 2010 - 2018 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.
3 – Phase 2
Report number: FDC 1175-02-118, FMC 1175-02-236
The actions performed by the Palarandi 'Einnland' Regiment (PER) during the period from 30th Marash until 3rd Femurin, in the year 1175 since the Great Flood.
In particular the second phase of this operation, from the 1st until the 3rd Femurin, and the involvement of forces from both the Ferenis Defence Council and the Forguland Military Command.
This report focusses more on the PER activities, other reports pertain to the actions of forces from Forguland and Ferenis.
Their Honours
the Marshal Zetan, Commander, Ferenis Defence Council,
the Major General Gwilli, Director, Forguland Military Command
Prepared by:
Captain Forbarin, Ferenis Defence Council,
Captain Dooeen, Forguland Military Command
Date: 5th Femurin, in the year 1175 since the Great Flood
Page 1
A) Personnel
The 20 troops of the PER, all oathsworn to King Robanar of Palarand, were as follows:
- Captain Eriana, Her Royal Highness, Princess of Einnland
- Tenant Lars, Einnlander in origin
Guardsmen (all Einnlanders in origin):
- Dakig
- Eirik
- Fritjof
- Gylfi
- Jerk
- Kammon
- Lukku
- Maarku
- Matz
- Radwan
- Ragnar
- Sten
- Stine
- Tor
- Torvin
- Vynil
Guardswomen (both Palarandis):
Special mention should be made of the very valuable contribution made by FMC Quadrant Subrish for helping Captain Eriana define her plans. He, and others captured in the original loss of the fortress, were too weakened by their incarceration to take an overly active role in the PER attack on the wharves, but allowed the PER to do their job knowing the fort behind them would not fall easily.
B) Background information pertaining
The PER cross-country journey in winter conditions to their attack point is covered in the associated reports FDC 1175-02-054, and FMC 1175-02-061.
The plans of the fortress, belonging to Forguland, atop Boldan's Rock can be found in the archives.
The fall of both this fortress and the Feren territory of the littoral strip to the north of the River Sirrel to Yodan forces is described in reports FDC 1174-05-787 to 811 inclusive and FMC 1174-05-689 to 701 inclusive, and others referenced by these reports.
The fort was a necessary capture as far as Yod was concerned to ensure a lack of interference in Yodan plans for the development of the littoral. With the fort in their hands, the Yodans could relax in the certain knowledge that they would not be attacked from that direction; this enabled them to concentrate their forces and their efforts on the littoral strip.
Yod developed the captured littoral strip as a wharf/dock complex for advanced waterbourne communications downstream, saving as much as two days voyage time upriver, and a day downriver, from their capital.
Certain forces were observed to depart these facilities at various times in the months intervening, and there is reason to believe that these forces were bound for the invasion, and subsequent retention, of Joth. Information received also suggests that some of these forces actually invaded Palarand in an unsuccessful sortie at the end of Bretherin, beginning of Zuberak, 1174.
It was estimated that Yod had a force of between five and six hundred holding the entire littoral area. Yodans appear to have considered themselves safe from the river side and concentrated some three hundred plus of their forces at newly erected earthworks and defence lines at the west/south-west end of the littoral. They also employed some further estimated six hundred troops to maintain their passage across Feren territory, this task made easier by the judicious use of the river Fer for more than half the distance from Yod to the littoral in question.
No official maps exist of the alterations made by Yodan forces to that part of Ferenis, but a sketch map drawn afterwards by our forces is appended in the last section of this introduction.
The works thrown up by Yodan forces are being repaired and modified for our use against any further incursion. A separate report (or reports) of this shall be raised at a later date. (Insert report number(s) here)
C) The PER mission
was originally just to take the fort after approaching overland, the Einnlander troops being particularly suited for this task, being used to traversing mountainous and/or snowy regions in their part of the south Palumaks.
Once the fort had been taken, Captain Eriana, in consultation with FMC Quadrant Subrish, took the bold step to create a second phase to their mission, namely to attack the enemy wharf/dock area.
A fully detailed report of the successful capture of the fort in what is now referred to as Phase 1 of this mission can be found in the reports FDC 1175-02-106, or FMC 1175-02-222.
D) Sketch map of the relevant area (not to scale)
PER successes in Phase 1 had been astounding. The 20 warriors had been responsible for removing ninety-four of the enemy with no losses to themselves, and no serious wounds. Thus the dock/wharf defenders were severely depleted, without them even knowing it.
These remarkable results were achieved, in Captain Eriana's words, “by splitting the enemy into manageable groups.”
The same tactics were applied to the second Phase of their actions, although the field was of a very different nature.
PER forces descended from the fort loosely disguised as the returning Yodan supply train. Despite being mounted differently (the PER use modern Palarandi saddles on their frayen – see report insert report number here) and having empty wagons, the Yodan forces near the foot of the road to the fort were still surprised to be attacked. Their forces in the dock area were reduced as the normal complement was used for troop rotation amongst the fort defenders. A normal complement of some one hundred and fifty to two hundred troops had been reduced by the PER successes in the fort. The remaining Yodan troop dispersals had been keenly observed from above by Captian Eriana and FMC Quadrant Subrish.
FMC Quadrant Subrish signalled our forces from the fort, by flying the Forguland flag upside down. This message, however, was not noticed by any of the FMC forces on our side of the river until a bell or more had passed. By then, of course, FMC forces in Forguland had been keenly observing the fighting that was taking place down on the valley floor, and thus refrained from looking at the fort. Once signals had been established, and allied forces had been informed of the plans of those across the river, then responsive plans were set in train for support troops to be sent at first light on the morrow.
Upon reaching the valley floor, the leading five PER riders and the five wagons turned right and headed westwards towards the majority of the Yodan dispositions. They had with them four other warriors riding apparently as wagon guards, which helped to allay any Yodan suspicions.
Meanwhile the final six mounted PER Guardsmen, under the command of Tenant Lars, rode eastwards from the road to almost the eastern extremity. There they called a conference of Yodan troops who were still unsuspecting, believing these troops to be new Yodan arrivals. From the base of the road to the eastern extremity there were thirty-nine Yodan troops (figures calculated after the event). Sixteen of these joined in the so-called conference. The PER guardsmen then revealed their true colours and, in a short engagement, killed the Yodan forces there, surprise allowing them to kill six of the troops before any retaliation. They then split into pairs and hunted down the rest of the Yodan troops that were between them and the other PER party, these enemies being scattered relatively far apart.
Yod had a small number (eight by later count) of enslaved dock labourers in this part of the dock complex who took their chance to escape their slavery when they saw what was happening. Two Yodan troops were killed by these men and three others severely injured.
The remaining eighteen Yodans were killed by the PER party as they were hunted down with no time to gather together. PER Guardsman Radwan was wounded in these skirmishes, but was not fully incapacitated until another wound later in the desperate fighting at the defence lines. Another four dockworkers were released. They were asked if they would be prepared to do some work for the PER and all were indeed keen to do anything that might damage Yodan forces or their plans.
On orders from Tenant Lars, the dockworkers began to tear down some of the wharves, gathering heavy timbers for the construction of defensive fortifications, and rendering the wharves as impossible or difficult landing places. They also fired some ships and sunk some others where they were. One workable wharf was left intact as a means of receiving any reinforcements that might be sent across the river from Forguland. FMC Quadrant Subrish, observing from the fort above, conveyed this information to our troops here in Forguland.
This six-man troop under Tenant Lars, then continued westwards, mopping up any other Yodan troops that had been by-passed by the first troop under Captain Eriana. This accounted for a further nine. A further six dockworkers were released. These PER troop activities accounted for forty eight of the enemy, a significantly large proportion of the available Yodan forces.
Meanwhile, the larger troop under Captain Eriana, had first advanced to the narrowest gap between the water and the valley wall, establishing a nominal line at that point. Spotting only a handful of the enemy nearby, she despatched four troops, led by Guardsman Gylfi to kill or incapacitate them before returning to the line where the five wagons were turned over onto their sides, and some wheels removed to render them immobile. This created a first defensive line, cunningly crafted so that any attacking forces would concentrate at a certain apparent weak point, enabling the defenders to pick them off as they tried to get past the barricade.
Another troop of four was then despatched to mop up any Yodans they had by-passed, joining with Tenant Lars relatively soon.
Thus were another eleven of the enemy removed, making fifty nine in total. Five more dockworkers were freed making an extra force of twenty three which Captain Eriana was prompt to employ.
Yodan forces to the west of this first defensive line were alerted by now, but were far too scattered to form an immediate counter-attack. A messenger could be seen speeding away to the west/south-west.
This gave Captain Eriana, as she had planned, about one further bell of daylight to commence building more solid defences. She had foreseen this and the wagons had been partially loaded with some of the basic requirements. She had planned to use material gathered from breaking up the wharves as well. The majority of this work was done by the larger Einnlander men – Tenant Lars, Fritjof, and Tor providing the greatest service. The dockworkers were pleased to give assistance having been given the option of helping, or simply retiring up to the fort.
At the same time, urgent messages were sent from the FMC to the FDC to alert them to these events and to raise their standards of readiness. It became obvious to observers that the Yodans would have to regain the fort as a priority if they were to retain the use of the littoral. The key to Yod's ambitions downvalley was to have this advanced base, particularly now their Joth stronghold had fallen. And the key to this base was the control of the fort above.
Thus it seemed obvious that the Yodans would have to deplete their resources at the west/south-western end of their holdings, in order to remove these attackers. This reduction in defenders at that location would give Feren forces an opportunity to attack somewhere near that end of the Yodan lines. Indeed, any Feren movement would also reduce the numbers the Yodans could send to try to remove the PER. Thus it was deemed imperative that, at the very least, a strong show of Feren forces should be made to the Yodans in the littoral.
Meanwhile, orders were issued to have a force prepared to cross the river and to render aid to the PER, raised mainly from Forguland forces, but also with a troop raised from Feren forces visiting Forguland for more formal alliance discussions. Time was obviously an important factor. See reports FMC-1175-02-230 and 231.
A first detachment of Yodan reinforcements, numbering an estimated fifty troops, arrived at the PER area of activity just half a bell before dark, and they pressed forward a hasty and ill-planned attack which was held at the line of the overturned wagons. However, Yodan commanders were able to ascertain the strength of the forces opposing them and knew therefore that it was only a matter of time in the morning. They issued orders to make sporadic raids throughout the night, to weary those opposing them. This tactic was partially successful, since the PER had to remain alert throughout those long hours. However, the PER had planned their time well, building through the night their rearward defence lines.
These were so constructed as to be two roughly parallel stout fences, which had to have gates in each, for the PER to use when retiring. The gates were made such that they were as far opposed as possible, one on the waterside, one on the hillside. This created what Captain Eriana hoped would be killing grounds between the walls, and so these proved to be, but not as much as had been hoped.
Captain Eriana reports that, due to the unexpected and very welcome assistance of the released dockworkers, her men (and women) were each able to get at least three hours of sleep during the night.
The Yodan worrying tactics were hindered by the employment by the PER defenders of some so-called ‘Beam Lanterns’ which illuminated most of the area in front of the barricades sufficiently for the defenders to be able to shoot crossbow bolts accurately.
Hidden in the barricade were also two captured Yodan guns which were fired, on separate occasions, with devastating effect at the attackers. They had been lashed to the wagons and primed, awaiting only the touch of a flame or lighted spill.
It was therefore the attackers who came off worst during the night. After the battle, it was estimated that the PER took nineteen Yodans during the night. Most in front of the barricade, but some also by a daring two-man raid to capture a further gun. Guardsmen Gylfi and Dakig, went forward silently and achieved their objective without being seen, most Yodan eyes being concentrated on the lights and the barricade.
However, a further hundred and fifty troops had advanced under cover of darkness and in the morning, as soon as the light permitted, a full scale attack was launched.
The barricade withstood the first thrust, but it was being slowly pressed apart by the weight of numbers.
In hindsight, it may be said that Captain Eriana delayed a few moments too long at this first, and temporary defence line, for the barricade was sundered almost before she had time to mount her frayen and speed away from the Yodans, following all her colleagues, whom she had sent on ahead. When approaching the first set of double defence lines, her frayen stumbled on the uneven ground and the beast broke a leg, throwing her rider to the ground. Ten of the faster Yodan soldiers bayed in triumph and ran swiftly in an attempt to reach her, when Guardsman Gylfi returned to stand with her. The two met the charge alone, but three more PER guardsmen, the Tenant Lars with Stine and Maarku, raced to join them and they managed to retreat in good order, suffering some cuts, killing six of the attackers, who were surprised by thrown short spears and even an axe.
The PER group only just managed to slam the gate in the defence wall before the Yodans arrived. Several firebrands were then thrown by the defenders down onto the prepared ground outside the outer wall where lines of burnable material, doused in flammable oils, immediately caught alight. The prevailing wind carried the choking fumes from the burning rubbish into the faces of the Yodans. This delayed their ability to form up into a cohesive attacking force.
At this point, Guardsman Gylfi was noticeable by his ferocity and daring. The PER had built a small stand so that defenders could shoot down on attackers and be able to duck behind wooden protection. Other members of their troop were picking off Yodans who tried to force their way round the ends of the walls. Gylfi was the last defender to abandon that place, and he cut the supporting ropes so that the stand collapsed into the area between the walls making the footing even more uneven and difficult to pass. He was joined by one other guardsman down there on the floor and the two raced towards the hillside end just as the attackers broke down the gate and poured into the space between.
Guardsmen Gylfi and Sten turned to face the attackers and with skill and determination added to the difficult ground by dropping several Yodans to the floor. There was no room for the attackers to flank these determined defenders and the defenders were basically in control, even though hard pressed. The Yodans could not bring more than three men at any one time to bear upon the defenders.
At the moment that the two were about to escape through the next door, a Yodan crossbowman killed Sten with a shot that penetrated his eye. Gylfi, grabbed his dead colleague and dragged him through that next gate, shouting at his colleagues to fire the next embedded captured gun even before he was clear of the field of destruction. He timed it to perfection and the blast from the gun killed or wounded all twenty-three Yodans crowded in the narrow space, and raised great fear amongst the attacking squads. The walls did not allow the projectiles to escape and thus the destructive power was increased.
By now, it had been estimated that our own troops should be landing to give assistance. However, there had been a delay. File Leader Spayter was immediately relieved of his duties and is, at the time of writing, awaiting a court martial. (Refer to the separate report, insert report number here). Instead of several ships, only one detachment of FMC troops made it across the river at this time, and they landed at the prepared wharf at the eastern extremity, as far from the fighting as it was possible to be.
Meanwhile, at the west/south-western end of the littoral, the Feren forces assigned to test the Yodan defences at their earthworks end had in the dark missed the lane they were supposed to use, and were now mired in boggy ground. (See report insert report number here)
So it was that the PER gave once more a stalwart defence before using their frayen to fall back more swiftly than their attackers could, to their next defence works – which was their last. They had by now reduced the Yodan forces by more than fifty, for just the one loss to themselves. But the fierce fighting had left several others damaged, and none unscathed, and they were wearying, some quite rapidly – particularly the women who were from now on kept mainly in the rear, guarding against flanking movements from the waterside.
During the previous night, the PER forces had also had built a further pair of defence lines which were plainly visible to all, to prevent any Yodan landing on that part of the shore from being able to make an easy advance. Captain Eriana had taken a huge gamble. She trusted that the taking of her other defence lines would be so costly, the Yodans would try to avoid them if possible. This third pair of defence lines were in actual fact completely unmanned, except for a few dockworkers who had elected to stay rather than retreat up the hill to the relative safety of the fort. Prisoners taken after the battle reported that her gamble had indeed paid off, and the Yodans feared to try a landing there, which could have led to a catastrophic outflanking.
Back in the area of the battle being fought so ferociously, the shore had been protected by sunken blockships and torn wharves, so any attempt at a landing would result in only a few scattered troops being able to make ground, which would be of no great military use. Thus the full Yodan fury was directed at the third defence line, the second parallel one.
This had been prepared with more care and with several traps, it being the one furthest away from the enemy during the night. Again the enemy were led onto the traps, and several pits, with sharpened stakes at the bottom, had been dug, with a thin cover placed over them. After two of these had been discovered by the Yodans, at a cost of nine of their men, then the Yodans avoided the lighter coloured patches of ground, which made it more difficult for them to form up together to attack, and furthermore meant they were bunched together in areas to which the defenders knew the exact range. Again, several casualties amongst the attackers came about because of this. The Yodans roared in anger when they discovered that not every light coloured patch of ground was in fact a trap. Only one other had in actuality been so prepared.
The full fury of the attack was then turned upon the defensive walls, and much fierce fighting took place before the inevitable advantage of numbers began to count significantly. Several defenders were injured by crossbow bolts and they were all being ever more frequently exposed to such weapons.
Again, the attackers managed eventually to breach the outer wall of the defence pair. Again Guardsman Gylfi, this time with two others, Vynil and Matz, fought hard and desperately within the space between the palings. The bodies of the attackers they fell piled up, making the footing for further attackers ever more treacherous and awkward. Again a pre-positioned captured gun took great toll, once the three warriors removed themselves from the enclosed area.
This time however, the defenders didn’t need to make it to the obvious gate, which was in fact not a gate at all, it having been shored up as soon as the PER and their frayen had passed through as they retired to this defensive position. When the moment came, at a shouted command, the embattled defenders dropped to the ground and simply rolled through prepared flaps which were hammered shut as soon as they had been used, the people doing the securing being pre-positioned for just that purpose. Stout metal poles were slammed into the ground to prevent the flaps from operating again.
Now most of the defence was down to the men at the hillside end, who were shooting crossbow bolts into the flanks of the attackers. Sheer weight of attacking numbers began to tell however. And the Yodans were tearing down the outer wall to give them space to manoeuvre, using some of the wood to fill the spiked traps.
Such was the fury and determination of the Yodans to take these walls and the last defensive line that they could see, that they had no troops in the area behind the attackers, the area that had already been fought over. This enabled the combined ships of our forces to land unopposed just west of the original line of defence. Captain Gotahol is to be commended for spotting that opportunity and acting upon it. Our second and third ships managed to be beached up there, along with one filled with Feren troops who had been with us over there in Forguland.
Guardsman Gylfi had by this time joined the most active area and was defending feverishly the end of the wall from Yodans trying to get round the flanks.
He saw the Yodans bring up a squad of gunners, with the obvious intention of trying to concentrate these guns on a part of the final wall in an attempt to blast a hole through it. He grabbed one of the two remaining primed but unfired captured guns, snatched up a lightspill and slid on his bottom down the hillside into the pile of bodies at the foot. Bringing the heavy gun into place, he raised it up and balanced it on his knees as he lit the fuse. There was a pause before it fired and the enemy gun squad was literally blown away by the projectiles that emerged with such great force. Gylfi was driven backwards by the forces from the gun, he having no firm footing. He slid, still on his backside, across the bloody ground until his back collided with the wall.
Once the smoke had cleared, it could be seen that the Yodans had been thrown into confusion; for Guardsman Gylfi’s blast had not only removed the gunners but had also killed or severely wounded the Yodan officers, who had been gathered together directing the gunners.
It was at this moment that our forces arrived on the scene, from both directions, and the Yodans broke, many of the common soldiery surrendering immediately.
Captain Eriana later explained that she had been on the point of ordering her men to mount up and ride up to the fort, to hold off the Yodans there, when the end came so suddenly.
The final counts showed that the PER had been responsible in total for the deaths or capture of two hundred and thirty three of the enemy, for the loss of two of their number. Two men were gravely wounded and three severely wounded. All members were suffering from cuts and bruises.
These enemy losses meant that the wharf area and the fort were freed from Yodan rule, and that the Ferens could retake their littoral from the western/south-western end, as described in a separate report (number to be inserted here).
a) Linked reports:
a1) FDC reports:
FDC 1174-05-787
FDC 1174-05-788
FDC 1174-05-789
FDC 1174-05-790
FDC 1174-05-791
FDC 1174-05-792
FDC 1174-05-793
FDC 1174-05-794
FDC 1175-02-054
FDC 1175-02-106
Marshal Zetan finished reading his copy, not bothering with the details of links to other reports and so on. He quietly closed the page and sighed as he looked up, his mind filling in the detailed coloured picture of the actuality of the events from the descriptions he had just read. He could see that Major General Gwilli would soon finish his own copy, so he sighed again and leant back, stretching his arms and loosening his back. The two commanders had become close since the Yodan activities had enforced a higher level of cooperation between the Military Commands of the two nations.
Gwilli soon closed his version, and also stretched.
“These reports are so dry, aren’t they? I deem though that future readers would be better without the blood and gore and stench,” said the commander of the Ferenis Defence Council.
“You have the right of it, dear Zetan, but this, I must suggest, this is one of the more remarkable military reports I have ever read,” replied the Forguland Director of their Military Command.
Both men were dressed in their most formal uniforms, for they were to be seen standing together at the next formal event they would attend, in less than half a bell.
After standing up, stretching arms out and tugging jackets and the like, whilst being attended to by their manservants, the conversation resumed.
“Tell me Gwilli, what was the business with that what’s his name – Spayter, the File Leader going to be court-martialled? I venture to suggest that it must have been quite a serious matter?”
“Harrumph! Blithering idiot. Men were fighting and dying over here, but he delayed the sailing of the reinforcements because he insisted his File polish their boots. Nearly caused a disaster that man, insisting that his men must look their best for a joint operation. While others were dying for his freedom. I deem the PER would have suffered grievous losses had we been even a moment later in arriving at the scene. We could, nay should, have been there at least half a bell and more earlier.” The disparagement in the Major General's voice bordered on disgust.
“It seems you have the problem of people being promoted beyond their level of competence as well as we do. I shall think on a solution to it. Now, back to these Einnlanders. Are you happy to let our healers carry on treating them up at the fort? Those five PER people need the best care as quickly as possible, I deem, and our healers have been involved with them throughout their treatment. I wish not to suggest that YOUR healers are in any way inferior …..”
“Aye! Think not of it. Most definitely. 'Twould be folly to change now. Those two who are gravely wounded, er.. let me think …”
“Radwan and Kammon?”
“That’s the chaps. I fear your healers hold little hope, but the other three that the healers call merely ‘severely wounded’, they are likely to pull through apparently, one perchance without a limb though.”
“We are extremely grateful to these Einnlanders, of course, they have done a magnificent job. Strange chaps though they are; those beards and furs. Still, we’d best get ready for the ceremonial pyre soon. I have my speeches ready,” he patted his breast pocket, “and I need to check that the carriage we are donating to Her Highness Captain Eriana ... hmmph, I wish I knew how properly to address her … now, where was I? Oh yes, the carriage. I trust it is ready and all that. The PER lot have easily sufficient frayen to pull that and the wagons we shall give them, hopefully thus providing them a more comfortable journey back to Palarand.”
“Aye, we offered to send an escort with them but they just laughed, quite scornfully actually. Said something like: ‘Twenty of us killed ten or eleven times that many Yodans, do you seriously think that the thirteen of us left who can bear arms won’t be able to deal with a few bandits?’... But on the subject of the pyre, I hear that several of the captured Yodan soldiers have requested to be allowed to attend, to pay respects to a great fighter, even though an enemy.”
“That is true. A hand have been selected from some twenty or so who applied. They both fear and respect the Einnlanders and it speaks volumes that even their enemies wish to pay their respects. Did I hear a rumour though that the Einnlanders tortured some women?”
“Ah! That is indeed the rumour that is going about, but the truth is that one of those frightening guardswomen was married to our hero. When she saw the blood and brain matter oozing from the back of his head, she screamed and had to be held by two of them as she shrieked her grief. She fought and kicked all the way as they carried her back to the wagons they used to return up the hill to the fort. She eventually collapsed sobbing when they got her there. So it was no torture, although they did manhandle her and prevent her doing whatever it was she wanted to do. To us men, of course, it seems a total over-reaction on her part, which is perchance an argument against women in the soldiery. Maybe it was the wrong time for her, if you see what I mean.”
“I can but feel for the poor lass! But she will, in the future, be able to be proud of Guardsman Gylfi – a true hero. We have determined that the entire length of the littoral shall hereafter be named ‘Gylfi’s Rest’, that his deeds be never forgotten. It is doubly sad that he was killed in the end by a wall he helped build.”
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Too Short!
An excellent short story that could have been lengthened. In any case, Einnlanders to the wedding!
Side Stories
Very few are worthy but both "Somewhere Else Entirely" Side Stories make the whole world live.
Thank you.
Both side stories?
Actually, there are more than two side stories, even including this one.
There is Julina of Blackstone, which tells what happens after Garia leaves Blackstone the first time.
Then there's Alibi Omnino (Somewhere Else Entirely in Latin!) which seeks to describe the beginnings of Blackstone.
Finally, there is Armsman of Joth, which tells of what happened after the Yodans took the city of Joth.
I also have another side story in preparation, but that won't appear until after I have concluded the main epic.
I see why the narrator changed for part three
Sad for those Einnlanders who died.
Happy most survived.
A short, dry report but an honest one. Been learning from Garia's suggestion of the debriefing I see.
Hum as to the court-martial... jail or better yet make him a non-com grunt again.
Does Parland have an equiv of the Victoria Cross or Medal of Honor?
Our dead hero deserves it.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Really Well Done
Thanks for putting detail and a human face on this part of the SEE storyline.
A sad ending to this very well written side story to SEE.
It was so sad to read about Gyifi'f heroic death and the terrible heart break and anguish his death caused his soulmate, Heldra. But such are the fortunes of war. The ending really drives home the grim fact and reality that good people loose their lives in war. I cried as I read the finial paragraphs of this story. I can hope that poor Heldra might have at least been given the gift of a love child from Gyifi. This story was very well written and I look forward to reading your future writings, Di.
Tamara Jeanne
Love the dismissive atttitude of the Marshall
The women is grief stricken and all the can say is that women don't belong on the battlefield.
Talk about worthless shits who don't deserve the help they get, disparaging other people's forces.
Oh and the incompetence of the Ferenis and Forguland
forces. They want you to believe they came in at the end to save the day whereas their forces would have been annihilated with any contact with Yodan forces other than sneaking up on them from the rear.
These two generals are asses.
These two generals are asses. They besmerch a woman Armsman, by alluding to her as being in her time of the month; one who had fought with complete valor as did all the Einnlanders, and with no help from the two forces the generals command. Why wouldn't Heldra go a "wee bit crazy", not only from grief, but just because of the battle that had been roaring around her when she found out "the love of her life" Gylfi had been killed? If it had been the other way around, I am sure these two "fine gentlemen" would no doubt something very similar if female relative or wife or mother had died in the battle they both had been fighting in.
I do hope this information is sent to the King, Keren and Garia ASAP. The two generals need to remember this statement, as guns get to be more and more prevalent on Anmar. "I have PMS and I have a gun". That should wake them all up, the sexist pigs. Janice Lynn
I can easily accept serious injury but not his death. POUT AND FROWN
This mini series should have ended with their return to Palarand.
The writing is excellent and the story is pretty much ready to publish as is. Please write more!
Funny, I felt...
The same way. I don't think he should have died. I'm kinda upset at that!
Those two "leaders"
Apparently those two "Sh** For Brains" leaders (?) have never heard of the term "berserker" before. It is not uncommon among combat troops, even the men you tw*ts. There are even great acts of heroism by those that lost so much that their only desire is to go out and kill the people responsible. And that isn't limited to the enemies. If a leader of their own troops is thought to have stupidly wasted the lives of their troops it is quite likely there will be a 'death in the family'. The idea behind 'fragging' didn't first occur in Vietnam.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb