My first blog post ... Yay?

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Blog About: 

Over the last weeks, I started to upload the stories that I previously posted on Fictionmania.
I hoped that I would get a little more feedback from the community.
I can honestly say that you readers on TBC surpassed my expectations.
For that I thank you.

About the past stories and the immediate future:
I currently have three complete stories yet to post here that are already up on FM.
"Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas", "Miss Apocalypse", and "What A Troublesome Ghost".
To be released in the coming days on an every other day schedule.
(I withhold "What The Time Traveler Fears" for now as it needs some rewriting. Not my finest work.)

So what is next?:
I plan to release my first serial! Yes, it is finally happening and it was sort of the reason for coming to TBC.
Correct me if I am wrong, but to me, it appears that TBC is a little more vocal on feedback. Especially for serials.
Don't let me down TBC community. I am counting on you.
The serial is called "The Lokian Way" and as the name suggests there will be a lot of hijinks.
Each part of the serial will describe one day in the life of the main protagonist.
The good news is that I already have about two weeks done. That is about 1/5 to 1/4 of the overall plot.
According to the writing program I use, the overall average reading time is already above four hours.
I plan to release two parts per week. Why this slow? I hope to incorporate feedback "on the fly".
So please be generous with your comments. I will release more details in a Foreword soon.

Some of you frequenting FM and TBC might have noticed that I skipped a story when uploading my work to TBC.
While uploading stories to TBC I took time to edit each of the stories. Trying to squash some mistakes I did when I first uploaded them.
Some stories got a little extra. Here a new word. There a new sentence.
"Strange Attraction" got a little more. So far two new extensive scenes. I also plan to do some rewriting of the last scene. The one where Serina confesses her love. Rereading it I found it rushed and not as fleshed out as I would have liked.
As soon as I am done I'll upload it here. Promise.

There is also "Last Regrets". My next installment in my "Undesirable Classes" universe. (The first story was "Natural Affection".)
I am in the next to last chapter and I hope to finish the story by end of september.
Pending some hunting for errors and mistakes I hope for an October release.
Not many test or beta readers have looked upon it.
So if you don't mind reading an unedited raw version and you are interested to give it a once over please write me a PM.

More blog entries?:
Well, I hope so. Depends on the feedback to this one I guess.
One thing I would like to do is to share some story ideas with you guys and gals.
And I have a lot. Like seriously a lot.
My "general" story ideas folder boasts 162 entries. And there are the many ideas I have for shared universes.
What I would like to do is to write down five story ideas (they are currently only in my shortened "remember-this-idea" form) and post them in a blog entry. Hoping that the TBC community will help me what to write next based on feedback.
So are you game? I hope so.

Wow that was a long first blog entry. Or I think it is.
Thanks for reading.




You are good writer with good story lines. Thank you for joining are family. Looking forward to many new stories, here's to a long career at Big Closet