No Chapter :(

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Sorry there's probably not going to be a new chapter this week.

This has been the week from hell for me. By far the worse week in my life, worse than last year when my dog died. So last Tuesday---as I'm sure some of you know from my blog---my aunt fell and hit her head. She was later unresponsive and sent to the hospital via Mercy Flight. I was later told that if she had a DNR, they probably wouldn't have even bothered with surgery. Right now she's currently in the ICU in a vegetative state. They're not even sure if she'll ever recover.

While all this was going on, the police grilled me for twenty minutes that money on my front yard, indicating heavily that I had something to do with the fall. I had to leave, locked out of my house for 12 hours, with my dog and my aunt's dogs inside. I went to my mother's, finally found out the reason I was locked out is that the police decided the place needed to be condemned. Which is what happened. Condemned because of sanitary conditions. My dog and I ended up at my mother's, which should have been fine. Except her landlord didn't want my dog there. At first I had until last Friday but my older brother convinced him to let stay until this Friday.

We also talked to the building inspector. He was in Boy Scout's with my brother and told us if we can clean the place up---get rid of the overwhelming odor---that we could move in there again. So that's what my brother and I have been doing all week. Its a slow process though and frankly I'm not too optimistic about our chances.

Add to that, I have Social Services being assholes with me and I just went to Mental Health as well.

So yeah, bad week for me :(

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