Sorry there's probably not going to be a new chapter this week.
This has been the week from hell for me. By far the worse week in my life, worse than last year when my dog died. So last Tuesday---as I'm sure some of you know from my blog---my aunt fell and hit her head. She was later unresponsive and sent to the hospital via Mercy Flight. I was later told that if she had a DNR, they probably wouldn't have even bothered with surgery. Right now she's currently in the ICU in a vegetative state. They're not even sure if she'll ever recover.
While all this was going on, the police grilled me for twenty minutes that money on my front yard, indicating heavily that I had something to do with the fall. I had to leave, locked out of my house for 12 hours, with my dog and my aunt's dogs inside. I went to my mother's, finally found out the reason I was locked out is that the police decided the place needed to be condemned. Which is what happened. Condemned because of sanitary conditions. My dog and I ended up at my mother's, which should have been fine. Except her landlord didn't want my dog there. At first I had until last Friday but my older brother convinced him to let stay until this Friday.
We also talked to the building inspector. He was in Boy Scout's with my brother and told us if we can clean the place up---get rid of the overwhelming odor---that we could move in there again. So that's what my brother and I have been doing all week. Its a slow process though and frankly I'm not too optimistic about our chances.
Add to that, I have Social Services being assholes with me and I just went to Mental Health as well.
So yeah, bad week for me :(
Sending you all the Love I can with positive vibe and Hugs.
Hop for the light at the end of the tunnel to come soon to you and your family.
Peace and Hugs tmf
Big hugs EOF
Big hugs
sending you lots of love and hugs
i hope things get better.
There IS a new chapter...
You are alive and working towards improving your situation. That is the single most important chapter right now. As much as I enjoy your writings, if I have a choice of you being stuck where you were last week and getting to read a new chapter or finding out that you are making some progress towards creating a stable environment for you and your four legged companion, then I choose your working on your situation.
It may be slow progress, but you are making progress. Get as much crap as possible out of the house. Sniff out the source of odors. If at all possible, open windows and let fresh air in. Put copious quantities of baking soda on surfaces and leave it for 24 hours before vacuuming it up to absorb odors (Costco and sells it in huge bags cheap).
If you are making progress you can stave off condemnation. It sounds like the building inspector will at least work with you. But just in case, you can work the system. There has to be at least a hearing before anything can be done. Hearings can be delayed and hearing findings can also be appealed so if it is possible to abate the odor problem, then you can work the system for time. Don't forget that the OWNER of the house has to be served and if that is your aunt, then there would have to be a named custodian or representative who would have to be served. Make the wheels of bureaucracy slow down to your benefit.
You are still in my prayers and I hope that things work out for the best.
Nevermind the chapter!
YOU are more important!
Abigail Drew.
Ozone generator can help with
Ozone generator can help with the odor. Also, if it has carpet, much is trapped in there. Use a carpet shampooer with Lysol concentrate (or in a pinch, bleach). That'll kill a lot of fungus, bacteria, and so forth.
Ozone generators can help - they're not a cure all, and they can be damaging over long periods, but is what hotels use after smokers. If there was a heavy smoker there, also wash the walls and ceiling.
I didn't know there was anywhere in English speaking countries where the _police_ could determine that some place needed to be condemned...
Good luck!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
well what can happen
If the Police call the city health inspector, building inspector, or county engineers office they can make a statement to the and that office issues the ruling based what the officer is seeing on the ground. You can request a reassessment by the engineer or inspector them selves, where they will have to send someone from there office,. If all else fails there is the courts.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Actually we already spoke to the building inspector. The house was condemned due to sanitary reasons and we were told as long as we cleaned it up and got rid of the "smell" then we could move back in there. Honestly so far I'm not very confident we can achieve that goal. Its not how my life is going. I don't get breaks or good luck :(.
once the animal waist is gone...
White vinegar, is the best thing I have ever found for removing smells from almost anything.
You just put it in a sprayer and the mist down all the surfaces that still have the smell, the acid in it will normally remove the smell and then you just need to wipe the surfaces down with a wet cloth to remove the vinegar after.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Some people have no luck
Just because you are the enemy of fun doesn't mean your life should be completely devoid of anything resembling it. That's just a cruel bit of irony, if you ask me.
If there's anything we can do
Hun I agree with everyone here and if you need anything at all don't hesitate to talk to us we love you
who cares about a chapter when you're getting your life back in order that's what really matters
All the love in the world
That's terrible, you are in
That's terrible, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a delightfully devious day,
I sincerely hope
You are able to re-inhabit your house and that your aunt makes a full recovery and send my best wishes.
I hope that this helps
For the smell try a ionizer. My daughter lived in a house that had had cat urine smell all over, teh rental company installed one and it took the smell out with in the week.
That's an ozone generator.
That's an ozone generator. it can help, yes.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It never rains but it pours......
I sincerely hope that you can sort this clusterf*** out, it sounds like you've had Hell itself land on top of you. I was happy to see a new chapter though, even if your life is miserable you might take some comfort in knowing that you have lots of people that care about you, that derive pleasure from your writing and value you as a human being. One of my favourite quotes is from The Crow" it can't rain all the time" , I pray that your sunny days are around the corner.
The Nature of Monkey is Irrepressible!