I've just watched a superb video on a m2f conversion made for TV at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt_xjQ1gcy0
It not only covers the special effects conversion, which is beyond most of our pockets, but also the ways in which females move and behave differently to males. It's 22 mins long, and well worth a watch.
special effects were fascinating
The language barrier didn't help. The English subtitle at the bottom is grey on black and unreadable. Basically the movie is good as a silent film. Look for the visuals and what it takes for FX artists to bring their talents to the screen. This is what many actors and actresses go through to achieve those unbelievable characters. Guardians of the Galaxy, Wonder Woman, Avatar, Ghost Busters, and so many more.
Next time you read a story with the strange or beautiful characters this will help your imagination to fill in the voids.
appreciated the work these people did to present this
thanks for the heads up
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You can change the color and opacity of the captions in youtube by clicking on the options button. I like mine in yellow with a black outline and a transparent background.