Well, today has not been a very good day for me.
First, I had a serious PTSD moment trying to get into the shower this morning, and it took me till almost noon to get calmed down enough to be able to actually get clean.
then, I had a bit of a breakdown at the unemployment office, and started crying.
On the plus side, they did tell me to expect a phone call on the status of my claim before the end of next week.
I'm ... gonna go to my blanket fort now ...
Have some love
We'll be there for you when you are under the blankets, and when you peek back out too <3
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Try a pint of ice cream or
Try sucking your thumb too, used to work better than drugs for me.
Big Hugs,
Glass half full
I had a shitty day today here (troubles at work) too. When this happens I find that it can help to spend some time thinking about the good things that happened and not thr bad ones.
BC wasn't offline when I needed it; my sick day let me get another chapter written to River; I had a really great lunch; etc. Things like that.