Phishing Scams

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I've been getting phony emails purporting to be from Docusign asking for my signature on a document. Problem immediately is we don't use Docusign; although we do send out documents for signing, we use a different service.

Also, Docusign's place on the web is These emails come from a website that is NOT Docusign.

Beware. At least one of the one's I received claimed to be an attempt at a money transfer which, if I had opened it, would probably have turned out to be an attempt at getting my bank info.


Docusign on their own site has protocols to be sure that any document you get is genuinely from them. Check.



Thanks Erin

That is a new 'scam' to me. i.e. using a Document signing service rather than a Bank/Telco/retailer.

I'm sure that there will be more to come.

The worldwide RANSOMEWARE attack that is ongoing...

starts with a phishing email, with an attached PDF file.

Basic rules, if you receive a message with links, or attached documents that you are not expecting, even if it comes from someone you know, delete it without opening it.

Keep your machine and applications updated with security patches.

Keep your anti-virus products up to date.

Keep your data backed up and on a non-connected drive (USB stick). Google Drive, OneDrive and the like ARE NOT IMMUNE to this.

Learn the basics of Safe Hex, and practice them, and your data will survive.


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Whenever you receive something that has anything connect to it that might be "official" in nature, it's always a good idea to check the originating domain. If you even suspect it's not from the correct domain, move to the trash folder, and go immediately and delete it from there.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Pay close attention

The return email address on those will be missing the letter 'C' in the address - i.e. instead of

We've been getting several warnings about these where I work and they are making sure to point this out.

- Leona