A Friend in Need's Chapter 21 is coming, I promise

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Salut Tout Le Monde!

Just letting everyone know that I got hit with bad allergies a couple of weeks ago just as I was publishing Chapter 20.

I was sneezing a lot and coughing. I had horribly itchy eyes and a runny nose that was demanding constant attention, even when heavily medicated with Claritin D or whatever decongestant I was using at the time. It was far worse than having a cold because I had no fever and I was active. It really threw a monkey wrench into my writing because I couldn't sit down at the compute for any length of time at all.

So, I couldn't touch a keyboard worth a darn until this last Monday when everything magically cleared up. My guess is that whatever hit me has bloomed and gone away.

I found myself tonight finishing up Chapter 21 and wanting to do it right. I don't want to rush it. There is some dialogue I need to weave carefully in order to develop better the next four chapters.

I am very happy with Samantha's development and where she is headed. But, I am also wanting to work on Doug and Mary. Cat is going to be playing a bigger role soon. Tommy is going to be a catalyst in a good way. And, I have a few more characters that are going to wander back in with surprising results that are comedy gold.

Things are going to get a little chaotic around the Miller household. Just in time for them to forget about changing Samantha back into Samuel.

Depending on my impulse control ( what is that, again? Oh yes, that is what happens when I go off the reservation and do a rewrite and have to work back to the final chapter. Yeah. Oh, did I mention the characters give me wicked tangents. ).

I figure that Chapter 28 will be 'Nothing Really Matters.' The end is already written. Unless something happens along the way to delay that chapter. Well, that is my present thought. Two months ago, Chapter 17 was supposed to be the final chapter. A month ago, it was going to be Chapter 24 ... I think you get the idea.

Not to worry, I do have several stories bouncing around my head for my next test of my writing skill.

And, I really don't like dark stories. I love stories that make me want to cry, laugh, giggle, and go aaaahhhhhh.

So, figure that Chapter 21 will appear sometime during Mother's Day. Hey, it just hit me. Mother Miller is playing a huge roll in this chapter.

Anyway, to all you Mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day. I miss mine terribly.




Glad you are better

Take your time and get it right. I am a firm believer in quality over quantity.
