We got a short game in Friday and I just finished the unedited draft of Chapter 11 of Twin Tails. It's up for preview on my patreon at the moment, should be here in a day or two. Just a planning session this time, a bit of character banter and defusing an angry mob of rich people. Was still fun.
There won't be a new Twin Tails for a while after that, our GM is visiting family and several of our players work retail. Christmas crunch time for all of us. In fact, I'll be missing all my RP games for the next while, so... Yay, more time for writing. I've got to come up with a scenario for City of Mists and get my Exalted 3e game up and running anyway, so more time for that too. Plus Christmas shopping.
I'm ruminating on a possible Sara story, not sure when I'll have something to show anyone but thoughts and story structure are bouncing around. Considering my current internal soundtrack for the story is 'Do You Feel It?' by Chaos Chaos, 'Isolated' by Chiasm, 'Roads' by Portishead and 'Acid Rain' by Lorn, our demon princess is in a bad way. Heck, I cried just coming up with the plot.
Ominous, moi?
Don't expect new Sara anytime soon, though.
Fate and the Iron Tiger has priority this Christmas. It's been way too long, time to put it to bed.
I would love to Patreon more exalted stories
Is it possible to specify it that way?
As in, only pay for any
As in, only pay for any Exalted fanfic I do? Well, there's two issues there. If I could, the only way to specifiy what you pay for is if I create a whole other Patreon page specifically for your interest. Otherwise, I charge for every 20,000 words of edited and finalized output across all of my original work. Note: I don't charge for fanfic unless I have the specific blessing of the creator, as I do for Twin Tails.
That's a big if, though, considering Exalted is White Wolf/Onyx Path's IP. I can't make money out of it because that'd infringe their copyright. I'm a huge Onyx Path fan, which is why I started doing fanfic work for it, so on multiple levels I don't want to infringe their copyright. If I do more Exalted fanfic, maybe stuff not just aimed at the community, and they like it maybe, just maybe, they might publish me. Other than that I don't see any way for me to make money out of their IP without getting fined or pissing them off, neither of which I want to do. I respect their work and their rights.
I think we should just send aykiko to deal with the rich people next time.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Exalted has me intrigued and curious,
I took a look at some web pages on the game. Geez, 1st and 2nd editions both have nearly three dozen rule books and guides.
I'm assuming 3e is a bit less complicated at this point?
Are there online character sheets somewhere that I could see? I might be interested in trying this out, but I want to be able to see something that would give me an idea as to how the characters are put together before I jump into the deep end of a game like this.
Your statement about the game doesn't specify whether it is being done as a tabletop or online. I would like to know, please.
If it would be easier for you, you can send me an answer in a PM.
3e is currently the core book
3e is currently the core book that describes Solars and some sketches of antagonists. This is a problem because the nature of the system is that each Exalted type needs its own book to describe. We don't have official rules for Dragonblooded, Lunars or any other Exalt type in 3e - Only Solars and Abyssals (and Abyssals only because their charms are just dark mirrors of Solar charms). There are precious few antagonists available for games unless you create them from the whole cloth or are really good at porting old charmsets. Fans have done quite a bit but their output isn't the best. The actual books are extremely slow to come out as well.
That being said, 3e is superior to 2e. 2e had plenty of problems and systems that didn't make sense, 3e cleaned everything up and is a superior system in just about every way. Yes, it's still complex.
You want to look for the website of the guy who does the best character sheets around: Mr. Gone. He started doing them for free, got popular for good reasons and now he makes most character sheets for Onyx Path.
Re: 3e is currently the core book
I was able to download Exalted 3e as a PDF, looking through the starting pages at the moment while doing other things.
I also looked at the character sheets that Mr. Gone produces, they look good.
My main question at the moment is how does one determine one's abilities, stats, etc.? Are there guidelines somewhere?
Last question: Your Exalted 3e game that you intend to run early in the new year, will that be tabletop or online?
It's online but if you're
It's online but if you're asking to join I'm afraid that my game has too many people already. I've had to turn away a few people already. ^.^j I hate to do it, though.
The rules are in the rulebook, though.
Free Sara!
It's about time!
BTW a member of my family is studying at the University of Otago in Dunedin. Should we warn her about the local water cults?